SBPE :: Volume #16

#7909: Giving a name character

Chapter 7920 第7920章 Giving a name character 起个名字 „The tactical rules to rewinding the bead curtain, attacks hostile position, takes advantage of opportunity to cut to kill the military officer to create the confusion, once the situation became, all falls into enemy to be able the intelligence to be chaotic, all attention place to escape on.” “以倒卷珠帘的战法,来冲击敌军阵地,顺势斩杀将领制造混乱,一旦大势成了,所有身陷其中的敌军都会神智混乱,所有的注意力都放在逃跑上。” At that time, 100,000 armies no longer were a whole, but was 100,000 loses the sane individual, in their eyes only then oneself, any prevented even approaches oneself person, was the enemies! In order to obtain the security sense, they can only kill off to be possible to threaten oneself person!” “那个时候,十万大军不再是一个整体,而是十万个失去理智的个体,他们的眼中只有自己,任何阻挡甚至是靠近自己的人,都是敌人!为了获得安全感,他们只能杀光身边所有有可能威胁到自己的人!” Listens to Lin Yi's to illustrate, Liu Ziyu terrified and is startled. 听着林逸的解说,刘子瑜悚然而惊。 He is not does not know that rewinds bead curtain tactical rules, does not have carefully thorough has pondered, profound meaning that inside this tactical rules includes. 他不是不知道倒卷珠帘这个战法,却没有仔细深入的去思考过,这个战法内里所含有的深意。 Said is straightforwarder, this is actually wise psychological tactical rules, but is not the casual any people can handle. 说的更直白一些,这其实是一种高明的心理战法,但也不是随便什么人都能玩得转的。 Without the Lin Yi like this invincible commander, with an own health/guard battalion such invincible cavalry team, let alone made chaotic, First wave head confrontation time, it is estimated that by bead curtain tearing into shreds, but also what discussed that what rewound the bead curtain? 没有林逸这样的无敌统帅,带着亲卫营这样一支无敌的骑兵队伍,那别说制造混乱了,第一波正面交锋的时候,估计就会被珠帘给撕碎了,还何谈什么倒卷珠帘? To understand these, Liu Ziyu and Song Shaopeng and the others, even more admire regarding the Lin Yi's respect, the river is continuous. 想明白这些,刘子瑜以及宋少鹏等人,对于林逸的崇敬越发高山仰止,大河连绵。 General! That side hits was similar!” “大帅!那边打的差不多了!” Song Shaopeng looked at a regiment of distant place, in the surface revealed sneering that contemptuously disdained: Also thinks that the mountain has multi- powerful elite of empire, before the general, the range chicken earthenware dog is not even! Now under kills one another, has only been left over 35,000!” 宋少鹏看了一眼远处的战团,面上露出轻蔑不屑的冷笑:“还以为山连帝国的精锐有多厉害,在大帅面前,连土鸡瓦狗都算不上!如今自相残杀之下,已经只剩下三五千了!” middle reaches the male cousin, do we also want to kill one?” “仲达表兄,我们还要去杀一回么?” Flexure scratched the head, Liu Ziyu does not want to pursue, because this opponent massacred will not have any sense of achievement. 挠了挠头,刘子瑜心里并不想去追击了,因为这种对手杀掉了也不会有任何成就感。 No need, these remaining human body strength had almost reached the limit, mentality also collapse was similar, even if lives, later is still very difficulty to become the elite soldier again.” “不必,这些剩下的人体力差不多已经到了极限,心态也崩溃的差不多了,即便活下来,以后也很难再成为精锐的士兵。” Swung waving the hand, Lin Yi said with a smile: Keeps them to go back, to become famous for us, does not have nothing well!” 摇了摇手,林逸笑道:“留着他们回去,替我们扬名,也没什么不好!” Just like Lin Yi said that these also living the person, has really wielded does not begin the weapon, could not start to walk the both legs that again escaped, collapsing that can only be incapable on the ground, desperate looks at the sky, made an effort to pant for breath is waiting for the slaughtered destiny. 正如林逸所言,这些还活着的人,已经实在挥不动手中的武器,也再迈不开逃跑的双腿,只能无力的瘫倒在地上,绝望的看着天空,用力喘息着等待被人屠杀的命运。 However no one begins to them again, any person of dropping down, obtained the precious rest and respite opportunity. 然而没人再对他们动手,凡是倒下的人,都获得了宝贵的休息和喘息之机。 Mental recover of their hysterical/frenzy is slowly normal, after their recover some physical strengths, stands to take a broad view to look in all directions, was almost insane! 他们狂乱的心智慢慢恢复正常,等他们恢复了一些体力后,站起来放眼四顾,差点又疯了! Seeing institute , is completely the corpses. 入目所及,全部都是尸体。 The blood flows on the ground, collects the dark red brook that Jucheng winds, that is true rivers of blood! 鲜血流淌在地上,汇聚成蜿蜒的暗红色溪流,那是真正的血流成河! Has not managed them again, Lin Yi goes far away with own health/guard camp rapidly. 没再管他们,林逸带着亲卫营迅速远去。 But the person who these live, truly quickly disseminates the Lin Yi this own health/guard battalion fame. 而这些活下来的人,确实将林逸这个亲卫营的名气迅速传播出去。 The quick, entire mountain goes on a punitive expedition against in the empire the allied armies of Long Bang title kingdom, is spreading such a to mysteriously appear and disappear everywhere, invincible terrifying cavalry team. 很快,整个山连帝国征伐龙邦封号王国的联军之中,到处都在流传这样一支神出鬼没,战无不胜的恐怖骑兵队伍。 But Lin Yi attacks in all directions with own health/guard battalion, the size fight has every day, made their Legend directly is similar to inserts the wing generally rapid proliferation! 林逸带着亲卫营四处出击,大小战斗每天都有,直接令他们的传说更是如同插上翅膀一般飞速扩散! Blood spirit! 血幽灵! This is the mountain continually empire to the Lin Yi own health/guard battalion name. 这是山连帝国对林逸亲卫营的称呼。 Represents the Lin Yi's own health/guard camp to mysteriously appear and disappear like the spirit generally, is hard to seek the trail. 意指林逸的亲卫营如同幽灵一般神出鬼没,难觅踪迹。 The appearance, will carry off the life of large quantities of mountain continually empire soldier each time, leaves behind a battle scene. 每次出现,都会带走大批山连帝国士兵的性命,留下一片尸山血海。 „, These fellows of mountain empire, including having ability of nickname is so weak! Any blood spirit, is quite coarse!” “嘁,山连帝国的那些家伙,连起个外号的能力都这么弱!什么血幽灵,好难听!” Heard this title, Liu Ziyu cannot bear start to whisper: Wanted me saying that giving a name ability of General to spend Daqiang was good, should call the Yuzhou (Universe) invincible fast runner camp!” 听说了这个封号,刘子瑜忍不住开始嘀咕:“要我说,费大强将军的起名能力就是好,应该叫宇宙无敌飞毛腿营!” What blood spirit, damn?! 什么血幽灵,见鬼了吧?! !” “噗!” Listens, Song Shaopeng cannot bear cover mouth titter! 听罢,宋少鹏忍不住捂嘴偷笑! In Song Shaopeng, is own health/guard battalion is quite of pleasant to hear, they are own health/guard battalion of general, does not need any other designations. 在宋少鹏心里,还是亲卫营比较好听,他们就是大帅的亲卫营,不需要任何其他的番号。 Child fine jade, the blood spirit does not have nothing well, so long as can deter the enemy, even achieved the goal!” “子瑜,血幽灵也没什么不好,只要能震慑敌军,就算是达成目标了!” Covers the forehead, Lin Yi smiles bitterly immediately, name that to spend Daqiang that fellow has fortunately? 一捂额头,林逸顿时苦笑,费大强那家伙起的名还好? This special, fast runner! 这特么的,飞毛腿! One hear with the beforehand thigh, the big foot is related! 一听就和之前的大腿,大脚丫子有关! Good...... middle reaches the male cousin you to feel on the line!” “好吧……仲达表兄你觉得好就行!” Liu Ziyu shrugs, no matter. 刘子瑜耸耸肩,也无所谓。 He felt completely, own own health/guard battalion should give a name by one of us, the enemy gets up what's the matter! 他完全就是觉得,自家的亲卫营就应该由自家人起名,敌人起的算怎么回事儿啊! Ok, prepared to battle!” “行了,都准备好作战!” The big hand wields, Lin Yi hinted to the distant place. 大手一挥,林逸向远方示意了一下。 Liu Ziyu follows the direction to look at the past immediately, suddenly saw that a cavalry team had presently in the vision. 刘子瑜立刻顺着方向看过去,忽然看到一支骑兵队伍出现在了视线范围内。 Calculates the quantity, approximately also more than 1000 point. 只是算算数量,大约也就一千多点。 Immediately, Liu Ziyu a little shuts out, such person, the stops up gap between teeth is insufficient! 顿时,刘子瑜有点嫌弃,才这么点人,塞牙缝都不够啊! This cavalry team, should be the bait!” “这支骑兵队伍,应该是诱饵!” Before spoke time, Lin Yi's divine sense has discovered them. 之前说话的时候,林逸的神识就已经发现了他们。 divine sense extends again, by a not far away mountain road, truly ambushed almost about the 20,000 mountain continually empire soldier. 神识再延伸出去,在不远处一处山道两旁,确实埋伏了差不多两万左右的山连帝国士兵。 In order to cope with the blood spirit in their mouth, the soldier who this mountain the empire sends out excels at the ambush combat that. 为了对付他们口中的血幽灵,这次山连帝国派出的都是擅长埋伏作战的士兵。 Bait? How does middle reach the male cousin to see this is the bait?” “诱饵?仲达表兄怎么看出这是诱饵的?” The spirit shakes, Liu Ziyu starts to seek for advice immediately modestly. 精神一震,刘子瑜立刻开始虚心求教。 Because, looked at the past from the presently position, can only see clearly the quantity of that cavalry team indistinctly, in addition and had no incorrect place. 因为,从现在的位置看过去,只能隐约看清那支骑兵队伍的数量,除此之外并没有任何不对的地方。 Naturally, Liu Ziyu will not suspect absolutely Lin Yi's any a few words, said is the bait, that definitely was the bait! 当然,刘子瑜绝对不会怀疑林逸的任何一句话,说是诱饵,那就肯定是诱饵了! I have not looked at come out, guesses!” “我没看出来,就是猜的!” Laughs, Lin Yi holds up to cut the saber to extend forward: Army charge! Even bait how? We swallowed the bait to say again!” 哈哈一笑,林逸举起斩马刀向前一伸:“全军冲锋!就算是诱饵又如何?我们吞下诱饵再说!” Kills!” “杀!” Own health/guard battalion shouts out with one voice, flushed like the flying arrow with their commands. 亲卫营齐声呼喝,跟着他们的统帅如离弦之箭般冲了出去。 Lin Yi only needs such simple a few words, can make them one's blood bubbles up to the brim, is willing to follow going through fire or water! 林逸只需要这样简单的一句话,就能令他们热血沸腾,愿意追随着赴汤蹈火! That troop noticed that Lin Yi own health/guard Yingchong comes, immediately exudes one to shout, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform transfers the wharf to escape. 那支骑兵队看到林逸亲卫营冲过来,顿时发出一声大喊,齐齐调转马头逃命。 Blood spirit! Was the blood spirit comes!” “血幽灵!是血幽灵来了!” Run!” “快跑啊!” ...... …… They truly are the baits right, but they actually do not want to meet the blood spirit. 他们确实是诱饵没错,但他们心里其实是不想遇到血幽灵的。 The front is so long, possible First Year some that perhaps the allied force meets? 战线这么长,或许友军遇到的可能性更高一些呢? Waits really to see that the blood spirit appears, they do not need to pretend to be afraid feign the defeat to work as the bait, but is really afraid, real rout! 等真的看到血幽灵出现,他们根本不用装做害怕佯败当诱饵,而是真的害怕,真的溃败了! both sides have not contacted, this cavalry team on rout. 双方都还没有接触,这支骑兵队伍就溃败了。 Before the blood spirit prominence said, no one believes radically, but presently said, no one will find it strange. 在血幽灵声名鹊起之前说出去,根本没人相信,可现在说出去,却没人会觉得奇怪。 If there is a mountain team continually to face the blood spirit from time to time the undefeated, that is the matter that is worth the strange exclamation! 若是有山连的队伍能在面对血幽灵时而不败,那才是值得奇怪惊叹的事情呢! Because, mountain empire by presently, a successful battle has not hit. 因为,山连帝国到现在为止,一场胜仗都没打过。 Even, even the member of blood spirit had not been withered by them. 甚至,连血幽灵的一个成员都没被他们干死过。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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