SBPE :: Volume #16

#7908: Committed suicide

Chapter 7919 第7919章 Committed suicide 都自杀了 However, has not heard Long Bang title kingdom so many expert, even if the mountain does not have so many expert the empire! 但是,从来没听说过龙邦封号王国有这么多的高手啊,哪怕是山连帝国也没有这么多的高手 Is less than 1000?!” “不到一千?!” Also after commanders of mountain empire listens, is to stare the big eye, whole face is incredible! 山连帝国的统帅听后也是瞪大眼睛,满脸的不可置信! If only such enemy, he makes about 100,000 armies be ready in full battle array, can somewhat make a fuss over a trifling matter? 如果只是这么点敌人,他让将近十万的大军严阵以待,会不会有些小题大做了? If spreads, said that he has 100,000 armies, actually feared does not arrive at only 1000 enemies, what face series soldier does he have to battle? 若是流传出去,说他坐拥十万大军,却怕了不到区区一千的敌军,他还有什么脸面统兵作战? What king is child doing? Can't such enemy, he be victorious? Unexpectedly returned the rout! This graceful must kill him!” “王童在搞什么?这么点敌军,他都打不过?居然还溃败了!本帅要杀了他!” This king child by Lin Yi First cavalry military officer who reduces the head, therefore mountain commander continually was doomed not to have the opportunity to kill him again, most looked to flog a corpse his corpse. 这个王童就是被林逸第一个砍掉脑袋的骑兵将领,所以山连的这个统帅注定是没机会再杀他了,最多就是把他的尸首找回来鞭尸。 This must look that then this commander can save the life under the Lin Yi's offensive! 这还要看接下来这统帅自己能不能在林逸的攻势下保住性命了! General, what to do our should presently? Can put our vanguards?” “大帅,我们现在该怎么办?要把我们的前锋放进来么?” Vice general some of nearby marshal are not quite definite. 边上元帅的副将有些不太确定。 Normally, the front has the words of routed troop, the taken shape defensive position cannot become less crowded, if the routed troop cannot in a timely manner shift from the flank bypasses, will face the attack of position. 正常情况下,前方有溃兵的话,已经成型的防守阵地是不能松动的,溃兵若是不能及时转向从侧方绕过,就会面临己方阵地的攻击。 Impact array, is an enemy! 冲击阵列者,就是敌军! Lin Yi has not killed too many cavalries, to drive away them attacks the array. 林逸之所以没有杀太多骑兵,就是为了驱赶他们去冲击阵列。 Before Liu Ziyu actually said right, 100,000 people were really many, 800 own health/guard camps were powerful, slaughtered so many people very much difficultly continually. 之前刘子瑜其实说的没错,十万人实在是太多了,八百亲卫营再强大,也很难持续屠杀这么多人。 Especially exhibits the defense lineup 100,000 armies, Lin Yi, even if can shake to shake to treat them with divine sense butchers the lamb, that must spend the time to bare their defenses to be good. 尤其是摆出防御阵型的十万大军,林逸即便能用神识震荡把他们都震成待宰羔羊,那也要花时间剥开他们的防御才行。 Therefore, Lin Yi chose used this move to rewind the bead curtain! 所以,林逸才选择了使用这一招倒卷珠帘! Has collapsed close to 5000 cavalry mentalities thoroughly, disregarded proceeds to clash in low spirits. 接近五千的骑兵心态已经彻底崩溃,不管不顾的闷头往前冲。 What if they are pursuing behind is several tens of thousands armies, the mountain empire's command will order continually absolutely in them before, uses an arrow salvo, regards the enemy to kill them completely. 如果他们身后追着的是数万大军,山连帝国的统帅绝对会下令在他们靠近之前,就用箭阵齐射,将他们当成敌军全部干掉。 However, behind them is also less than 1000 people, in addition do these routed troops also 6000 people, fear the wool egg? 但是,他们后面也才不到一千人,加上这些溃兵也才六千人不到,怕个毛蛋? Nonsense! That is the elite cavalry of our military, lineup dispersing, puts them to come, two wing alerts, prepare to outflank at any time!” “废话!那都是我军的精锐骑兵,阵型散开,放他们进来,两翼戒备,随时准备包抄!” The mountain empire's command issued the order continually without hesitation. 山连帝国的统帅毫不犹豫的下达了命令。 Because Lin Yi's own health/guard battalion 800 people, he impossible because this only 800 people, first kill the 4,000-5,000 elite cavalries. 因为林逸的亲卫营才八百人,他不可能因为这区区八百人,就先干掉自家4,000-5,000精锐骑兵。 Moreover in his opinion, the defense lineup dispersed also indifferently, but here 100,000 armies, 800 people clash, a water drop fell into the rivers and streams probably, what spray can raise? 而且在他看来,防御阵型散开了也无所谓,这里可是有十万大军,八百人冲进来,就好像一滴水掉进了江河之中,能掀起什么浪花? Lin Yi silent smiling, oneself want is this effect! 林逸无声的笑了笑,自己要的就是这个效果! The defense lineup of mountain empire removed a shield wall and spear/gun continually, the preparation makes way the middle channel, passes for the cavalry team. 山连帝国的防御阵型撤下了盾墙和枪阵,准备让开中间通道,供骑兵队伍通过。 But Lin Yi, waited is this opportunity! 林逸,等的就是这个机会! divine sense shakes the silent eruption, a mountain empire soldier head severe pain that these have not evacuated, the consciousness fell into a blank continually. 神识震荡无声无息的爆发,那些还没撤离的山连帝国士兵脑袋一阵剧痛,意识陷入了一片空白之中。 Although without continuing how long, quick on recover soberly, but at this time, they had avoided without enough time! 虽然没有持续多久,很快就恢复了清醒,可这个时候,他们已经来不及避开了! The crazy retreating cavalry does not have the shield wall and a spear/gun stop, was holding up the butcher knife in hand to the original fellow officer neatly. 疯狂的溃退骑兵没有盾墙和枪阵的阻拦,齐刷刷对着原先的同袍举起了手中的屠刀。 Because these people do not have the making way channel, hindering them to escape the line that! 因为这些人没有让开通道,妨碍了他们逃跑的线路! Back that devil common own health/guard camp team closely is pursuing them, they do not dare to stay. 背后那恶魔一般的亲卫营队伍紧紧追着他们,他们一刻都不敢停留下来。 At this time, who also had free time to gather one team, walked the channel of middle get out of the way? 这时候,谁还有空去汇聚到一队,走中间闪开的通道? The mountain empire soldiers who compel innumerably ignorant have not made clear the condition continually, was cut the head by the past fellow officer directly. 无数懵逼的山连帝国士兵还没搞清楚状况,就直接被昔日的同袍斩下了头颅。 The confusion produces in the flash suddenly, and spreads at the speed like lightning. 混乱在一瞬间陡然产生,并以闪电般的速度扩散出去。 Even if elite, is unable to prevent the scared spread! 哪怕是精锐,也无法阻挡恐慌的蔓延! Rewinds the terrifying place of bead curtain, after lies in taking shape chaotic, like making a snowman generally gets bigger and bigger, until not having situation that may stop! 倒卷珠帘的恐怖之处,就在于混乱成型之后,会如同滚雪球一般越滚越大,直至无可阻拦的地步! Kills!” “杀!” Lin Yi loudly shouts, cuts about the saber to wield cuts to divide to cut, cut to kill 45 mountain continually empire soldiers continuously, then with pro- health/guard camp direct impact mountain continually empire commanders in position. 林逸大喝一声,斩马刀左右挥斩劈砍,连续斩杀了四五个山连帝国士兵,然后带着亲卫营直冲山连帝国统帅所在位置。 Hits the man, captures the ringleader first! 射人先射马,擒贼先擒王! So long as handled this army's command, the collapse of opposite party will not have the opportunity of recalling again! 只要搞定了这支大军的统帅,对方的崩溃将再无挽回的机会! Kills! Kill! Kills!” “杀!杀!杀!” The pro- health/guard battalion soldier follows close on oneself commands behind, on the look and face filled frantically. 亲卫营士兵紧跟在自家统帅身后,眼神和脸上都充满了狂热。 Really, only then follows general Sima to charge, matter that most one's blood bubbles up to the brim! 果然,只有跟着司马大帅冲锋,才是最热血沸腾的事情! 800 people of troops just like a black sharp sword, no hindering broke out heavy/thick army, no one can resist all the way. 八百人的骑兵队宛如一支黑色的利剑,毫无阻滞的劈开了厚重的军阵,一路上没有任何人能够抵挡。 In a flash, Lin Yi has the person to kill the mountain continually empire commander near. 转瞬之间,林逸就已经带人杀到了山连帝国统帅近前。 Side this person also 2000 sharpest own health/guard protections, these soldiers establish completely, has not gone haywire, still maintained the sufficient battle efficiency. 此人身边还有两千最精锐的亲卫保护,这些士兵编制完整,没有陷入混乱之中,依然保持了足够的战斗力。 Kills!” “杀!” Lin Yi still has not said anything, kills the character fully to show all. 林逸依然没有多说什么,一个杀字足以说明一切。 Therefore, these elite displays their reserved battle efficiencies radically without enough time, was shaken by wave of divine sense is perplexed directly, then did not have then! 于是,这些精锐根本来不及发挥他们保留的战斗力,就被一波神识震荡直接打蒙,然后就没有然后了! Lin Yi own health/guard battalion, cuts the person speed to praise to the heavens simply, 2000 elite together with they are protecting the commander in chief, even resists has not made come out with enough time, was slaughtered. 林逸这边的亲卫营,砍人速度简直叹为观止,两千精锐连同他们保护着的主帅,连抵抗都没来得及做出来,就被屠戮一空。 Lin Yi has not stayed , to continue to rush ahead with own health/guard battalion everywhere, chaotic limitless expansion. 林逸没有停留,带着亲卫营继续到处冲杀,将混乱无限扩大。 The routed troops are getting more and more, to compete for opportunity of escape, who they could not have attended to the side are, anyone who prevented the running away road, massacres completely! 溃兵越来越多,为了争夺逃命的机会,他们已经顾不上身边是什么人了,凡是阻挡了逃路的人,全部杀掉! 100,000 armies, ended! 十万大军,完了! Before 800 own health/guard camp killing people actually did not have , when Liu Ziyu leads many of killing. 八百亲卫营这次杀的人其实还没有之前刘子瑜带队时杀的多。 That time wiped out the 20,000 mountain continually empire soldier, but this time, dies the enemy directly in own health/guard battalion hand, it is estimated that only has more than 10,000 point. 那次是全歼了两万山连帝国士兵,而这一次,直接死在亲卫营手里的敌军,估计只有一万多点。 But the casualty figure of mountain empire, is actually rising dramatically at a terrifying speed continually. 但山连帝国的伤亡数字,却在以一个恐怖的速度飙升着。 About a half hour, in 100,000 armies is also living not the injured population, less than 10,000! 半个小时左右的时间里,十万大军中还活着并没有受伤的人数,不足一万! No, exactly said that only then 5000, but said less than 10,000 also right! 不,确切的说,只有五千,不过说不足一万也没错! However, these also contained the escape number of opposite party. 不过,这其中还包含了对方的逃亡数量。 Because 800 own health/guard battalion population was really few, without the means conducted to surround to wipe out, therefore there is a fish slip through of escape is also unavoidable. 因为八百亲卫营的人数实在是太少了一些,没办法进行包围全歼,所以有逃亡的漏网之鱼也在所难免。 This some people about 2,000-3,000, but compared with 100,000 armies, this person is also a drop in the bucket! 这部分人大约有2,000-3,000左右,不过和十万大军相比,这点人也就是九牛一毛! middle reaches the male cousin, did these 100,000 armies, commit suicide like this?” “仲达表兄,这十万大军,就这样自杀了?” The war has come to an end, a sigh of Liu Ziyu face exclamation. 战争已经接近尾声,刘子瑜一脸惊叹的感叹。 At this time he and Lin Yi are settling down on a gentle slope, looks at the distant place still the chaotic mountain continually empire army. 此时他和林逸正驻足在一处缓坡上,看着远处依然混乱的山连帝国大军。 Has nothing strangely, once the confusion forms, does not want to stop can stop! 100,000 armies, mutual understanding how many can have? We cut to kill in these low level military officer, no one can restrain the soldier to end the confusion.” “没什么可奇怪的,混乱一旦形成,就不是想停就能停下的了!十万大军,互相认识的能有多少?我们斩杀了那些中低级将领,就更没人能约束士兵结束混乱。” Shakes the head, Lin Yi feared the shoulder that pats Liu Ziyu, said: „Before child fine jade you, actually has not spoken incorrectly, our 800 people, want to kill 100,000 armies, our person estimates will escape the strength tired!” 摇了摇头,林逸怕了拍刘子瑜的肩膀,道:“子瑜你之前其实没说错,我们八百人,想要杀完十万大军,我们的人估计会累脱力!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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