SBPE :: Volume #16

#7904: Chapter 7904

Once stops to shift, that courts death! 一旦停下来转向,那就是找死! First did not say that these 2000 mounts can take orders, even if can, when transferred, was still disorderly mess! 先不说这两千坐骑能不能听命,就算能,等转过去了,也是乱七八糟 Therefore commands the calm issue order, draws an arc before the army, circled curved, pursues to Liu Ziyu's latter team! 所以统领冷静的发布命令,带着前军同样划出一道弧线,绕了个弯,追向刘子瑜的后队! Then, when the reinforcements arrive, the two sides converging attack, Liu Ziyu is doomed dead! 然后,等援军一到,两边夹击,刘子瑜必死无疑! Commanding of mountain empire thought continually own dealing without flaw, is simply perfect! 山连帝国的统领觉得自己的应对毫无破绽,简直完美! How the opposite party see also on about 800 military, commands to look is very clear. 对方怎么看也就八百左右的兵力,统领看的很明白。 But commands the under the hand | subordinate actually 2000 cavalries, even if makes into the battle of attrition, finally definitely is still the person many side of wins! 而统领手下却有两千骑兵,就算打成消耗战,最后肯定也是人多的一方获胜! accelerate! Bites the enemy tail, our military must win!” 加速!咬住敌军尾巴,我军必胜!” Commanding of mountain empire felt continually own Zhi bead is grasping, raises the morale loudly: The officer who captures alive the enemy military officers rises first-level, enjoys the thousand gold (daughter)! Cuts enemy military officer severed head, rises half level, enjoys 500 golds!” 山连帝国的统领感觉自己智珠在握,大声鼓舞士气:“活捉敌军将领的官升一级,赏千金!斩下敌军将领首级者,升半级,赏500金!” Is commanding looks like, this is very rich enjoying standard, certainly can encourage the soldier to forge bravely ahead! 在统领看来,这已经是很丰厚的赏格了,一定能够激励士兵奋勇向前! Also truly, his soldier called the pats the horse to pursue crazily, however more overtook not to feel right...... 也确实,他身边的士兵都嗷嗷叫着拍马狂追,然而越追越觉得不对…… Does the distance of they and enemy, seem like rapidly is expanding? 他们与敌军的距离,似乎是在迅速扩大? What's the matter? Is it possible that what our is the mud place, causing the black spirit speed to run? 怎么回事?莫非我们脚下的是烂泥地,导致黑灵汗马的速度跑起不来? Also some really people take a look at the ground, but does not have the problem! 还真有人瞅了瞅地面,但是没毛病啊! Is the normal jungle grounds, road surface that black spirit excels, moreover the speed of horse is also very good, has displayed the quickest horse fast! 都是正常的丛林地面,正是黑灵汗马擅长的路面,而且马的速度也很好,已经发挥出最快的马速了! Mountain continually empire commands a face to compel ignorant, his plan is actually very good, doing to the plan might as well change quickly! 山连帝国的统领一脸懵逼,他的计划其实很好,奈何计划不如变化快! He has not thought that after he stimulates to movement black spirit full power, unexpectedly will unable to catch up with the opposite party! 他怎么也没想到,他全力催动黑灵汗马之后,居然会追不上对方! This was very awkward! 这就很尴尬了啊! The scene in imagination cannot appear, but the mountain empire's rear army were actually slaughtered by the enemy in the passive condition continually recklessly! 想象中的景象没能出现,而山连帝国的尾部军却在毫无抵抗的状态下被敌军肆意屠杀! Actually he does not know, their team of cavalries, the upfront and back is the same, having the resistance is also the same, these blade was killed, will not present the Second blade absolutely! 其实他不知道,他们这队骑兵,正面和背面都一样,有没有抵抗也一样,该一刀被杀的,绝对不会出现第二刀! Liu Ziyu's That side person snatches the head/number of people without enough time, who will make up the blade? 刘子瑜那边的人抢人头都来不及呢,谁会补刀? Shifts, long jab middle of the mill!” “转向,直击中路!” Commanding of mountain empire compelled a while continually ignorant, immediately responded, this way their 2000 people quick will die, must counter-attack! 山连帝国的统领懵逼了一会儿,马上反应过来,这样下去他们两千人很快就会死光了,必须得反击了! middle reaches the male cousin, how can our war hit?” “仲达表兄,我们这一战要怎么打呢?” Liu Ziyu is somewhat eager to try: Is in cousin personally me? Both of us on together!” 刘子瑜有些跃跃欲试:“是表哥亲自上还是我上?还是我们俩一起上!” Previous Lin Yi and lightning long-range raid war of selenium copper county country's, he cannot participate, only when has the soldier who listens to own health/guard battalion to be all right to boast understands 12, at heart therefore yearns. 上次林逸和硒铜郡国的闪电奔袭战,他没能参加,唯有事后听亲卫营的士兵没事吹牛时才了解一二,所以心里可是向往的很。 This is catching the opportunity finally, can fight side-by-side with Lin Yi! 这回总算是逮着机会,可以和林逸并肩作战了! Copes with a trivial mountain continually empire, the fan face and that's the end, but also with research strategy? This fights gives you to decide how you said hit, how we hit!” “对付一个区区的山连帝国,扇脸就是了,还用研究战略吗?这一战就交给你来决定,你说怎么打,我们就怎么打!” Lin Yi not cares a whoop, how to hit in any case wins, might as well be used to train to exercise Liu Ziyu! 林逸丝毫不在意,反正怎么打都是赢,不如用来培养锻炼一下刘子瑜! You do not need to be worried about disparate in troops quantity, although their are many, but has no use!” “你不用担心兵力数量上的悬殊,他们人数虽然多,但并没有什么用处!” Even if the opposite party 300,000 attack Lin Yi not to fear together, let alone presently then came 20,000, is what? 就算对方三十万一起出击林逸都不怕,何况现在这才来了两万,算个什么哦? Great talent tested in a small task! 牛刀小试而已! Liu Ziyu also felt oneself can try, has middle to reach the male cousin to back-up in the back in any case, that does him! 刘子瑜也觉得自己可以试试,反正有仲达表兄在背后撑着,那就干他! middle reaches the male cousin, lil bro thought that does not want the upfront impact quite good, after all that 30,000-40,000 slave army are the common people in Long Bang title kingdom, our goals, mainly place on the team of mountain continually empire!” “仲达表兄,小弟觉得还是不要正面冲击比较好,毕竟那30,000-40,000的奴隶军都是龙邦封号王国的百姓,我们的目标,主要还是放在山连帝国的队伍身上!” Liu Ziyu slightly hesitates, suggested: Now mountain empire imposing manner Zhengsheng, definitely cannot think continually our these 800 people of squads will have multi- powerful! Therefore I thought that can take this as the bait, directs come out them, slowly nibbles for the best plan!” 刘子瑜略一沉吟,建议道:“如今山连帝国气势正盛,肯定想不到我们这八百人的小队会有多厉害!所以我觉得可以以此为诱饵,将他们引出来,慢慢蚕食是为上策!” The Lin Yi's own health/guard camp population are few, so long as reveals the trail, the people in mountain empire can definitely come up continually the pursuit. 林逸的亲卫营人数少,所以只要露出踪迹,山连帝国的人肯定会上来追击。 In the opposite party eyes, 800 people are to deliver the vegetable/dish, where has the truth that does not pursue? 在对方眼里,八百人就是送菜的,哪有不追击的道理? However because these 800 people are the cavalries, therefore pursues even, the mountain empire will not make the slave army pursue, that cannot catch up. 不过因为这八百人都是骑兵,所以就算是追击,山连帝国也不会让奴隶军去追击,那根本也追不上。 To pursue the cavalry, must use mountain continually empire own cavalry. 想要追击骑兵,就必须动用山连帝国自己的骑兵。 The however 800 own health/guard battalion number looks that a little were truly few, this estimate can draw out 2,000-3,000 to ride the estimate already at the most. 不过八百亲卫营的数量看着确实有点少了,这一次估计能引出个2,000-3,000骑估计就已经顶天了。 Ok, that presses you to think does!” “可以,那就按你想的去做吧!” Lin Yi thought that Liu Ziyu's tactic is a little slightly dilatory, insufficiently nimble and efficient, perhaps will waste the quite much time. 林逸觉得刘子瑜的战术稍微有点拖沓,不够爽利,恐怕会浪费比较多的时间。 However the Lin Yi's goal is to exercise Liu Ziyu, so long as Liu Ziyu in general orientation did not have the issue, Lin Yi also along with him strategically. 但是林逸的目的是为了锻炼刘子瑜,所以只要刘子瑜在大方向的战略上没有问题,林逸也就随他去了。 Because Lin Yi must leave eventually, a pattern of Rombao empire was too small. 因为林逸终究是要离开的,一个龙邦帝国的格局还是太小了一些。 Therefore, makes Liu Ziyu grow as soon as possible, assuming sole responsibility for an important task is most important. 所以,尽快让刘子瑜成长起来,独当一面才是重中之重。 Song commanded!” “宋统领!” End in!” “末将在!” Song Shaopeng waits for orders in not far away, at this time hears Lin Yi to call, goes forward to bow to hold the fist in the other hand rapidly: „Does general have what instruction?” 宋少鹏就在不远处候命,此时听到林逸招呼,迅速上前躬身抱拳:“大帅有何吩咐?” This war hands over by General Liu is responsible for directing, you bring own health/guard camp plenary powers to obey General Liu's order.” “此战交由刘将军负责指挥,你带亲卫营全权听从刘将军的命令。” The issue of Lin Yi formal the order, Song Shaopeng bows to receive an order immediately. 林逸正式的发布了命令,宋少鹏立刻躬身领命。 In Liu Ziyu heart many are somewhat excited, this is own health/guard battalion who middle reaches the male cousin! 刘子瑜心中多少有些兴奋,这可是仲达表兄的亲卫营! Meritorious, that own health/guard battalion of prestige remoteness! 战功赫赫,威名远扬的那支亲卫营! He has not thought that oneself will have the opportunity to lead this own health/guard battalion to fight. 他从来没有想过,自己会有机会率领这支亲卫营去战斗。 But the presently opportunity in the front, the mood is hard to take excitedly. 现在机会就在面前,心情自是激动难耐。 Song commanded, please look after!” “宋统领,请多关照!” Liu Ziyu does not dare to neglect to Song Shaopeng, after all is middle reaches male cousin own health/guard battalion commanding, can be the trusted aide military officer absolutely. 刘子瑜对宋少鹏也不敢怠慢,毕竟是仲达表兄亲卫营的统领,绝对能算是心腹将领了。 General Liu is polite! Please order!” “刘将军客气!请下令!” Song Shaopeng is also respectable to Liu Ziyu, because Lin Yi trains Liu Ziyu's thoughts to be obvious. 宋少鹏对刘子瑜同样尊敬,因为林逸培养刘子瑜的心思昭然若揭。 But others the younger male cousin of general, the relations are unusual, let alone in Liu Ziyu status is also the Great General, military rank above Song Shaopeng. 人家可是大帅的表弟,关系非同一般,何况刘子瑜身份上也是大将军,军衔远在宋少鹏之上。 Therefore Lin Yi assigns Liu Ziyu to direct, Song Shaopeng has no discontented and objection. 所以林逸指定刘子瑜来指挥,宋少鹏没有任何不满和异议。 Good! Asked Song to command the entire army, we prepared to go to battle at any time!” “好!请宋统领整军,我们随时准备出战!” Yes!” “是!” Song Shaopeng slightly holds the fist in the other hand, immediately the right hand thumb and index finger place on the lip to whistle. 宋少鹏略一抱拳,随即右手拇指和食指放在嘴唇上打了个呼哨。 Then, eats the thing in the rest or is the soldier who is responsible for admonishing, after hearing, immediately reorganizes the equipment, rapid building up. 然后,无论是在休息还是吃东西或者是负责警戒的士兵,听到之后马上整理装备,迅速集结。 The however 67 breath time, everyone prepares, the row becomes the neat formation, Jingjing's waits for Lin Yi and Song Shaopeng to give orders. 不过六七个呼吸时间,所有人都准备完毕,列成整齐的队列,静静的等着林逸、宋少鹏发号施令。 The entire process is peaceful, even, the pointed weapons and mail-armor and helmet have almost not presented the hit. 整个过程安静无比,甚至,兵刃和甲胄都几乎没有出现过撞击。 General, General, own health/guard battalion assembles, please order!” “大帅,将军,亲卫营集结完毕,请下令!” Song Shaopeng turns around to hold the fist in the other hand, simultaneously reported to Lin Yi and Liu Ziyu. 宋少鹏转身抱拳,同时向林逸和刘子瑜报告。 Lin Yi gave the hand signal of invitation to Liu Ziyu. 林逸对刘子瑜做了个请的手势。 Liu Ziyu nods slightly, goes forward one step. 刘子瑜微微颔首,上前一步。 Own health/guard battalion brother, general Sima lends me own health/guard battalion command jurisdiction today temporarily, I am honored very much! That side is the 20,000 mountain continually empire elite army, we must tempt come out them, annihilates in turn! Everyone confident?” “诸位亲卫营的兄弟们,今天司马大帅将亲卫营的指挥权暂借给我,我很荣幸!那边是两万的山连帝国精锐大军,我们要将他们引诱出来,分批歼灭!大家有没有信心?”
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