SBPE :: Volume #16

#7903: Chapter 7903

Support? 支援? Does not fear the opposite party to support, feared that the opposite party escapes! 不怕对方支援,就怕对方逃跑! presently only has Wuli Road, that escapes cannot escape! 现在只有五里路,那逃跑也逃不掉! Lin Yi's divine sense has been paying attention to Liu Ziyu, hears Song Shaopeng's words, nods secretly! 林逸的神识一直都在注意着刘子瑜这边,听到宋少鹏的话,也是暗自点头! Own health/guard battalion, wanted is this aggression! 亲卫营,要的就是这种霸气! Army attacks!” “全军出击!” Liu Ziyu rubbish, takes the lead to pull out the long blade to wield forward, hints to scout to guide, meets the approaching enemy the most left side cavalry team. 刘子瑜也不废话,率先抽出长刀向前一挥,示意斥候带路,去迎击最左边的一支骑兵队伍。 The speed that both sides march forward is not slow, feared that the opposite party ran, therefore quick on bitter experience. 双方行进的速度都不慢,都怕对方跑了,所以很快就遭遇了。 Liu Ziyu with own health/guard battalion, 800 cavalries fires into the opponent just like the black lightning generally, but cavalry discovery own health/guard battalion of mountain continually empire time, commanded obviously compelled ignorant! 刘子瑜带着亲卫营,八百骑兵宛如黑色闪电一般沖向对手,而山连帝国的骑兵发现亲卫营的时候,统领明显懵逼了一下! What situation does he a little wonder this is? 他有点纳闷这是个什么情况呢? Long Bang title country's of „do 800 armies scurry to clash to court death? 龙邦封号国的“八百大军”上赶着冲过来找死? This is unreasonable! 这不合理啊! However, in his hesitant flash, has made anything to respond without enough time! 但是,就在他犹豫的这一瞬间,已经来不及做出什么反应了! After Lin Yi strengthens the black spirit speed ultra-fast, in the running process, own health/guard Yingxian draws racing to launch on the horseback, after a wave of salvo, receives the long bow to change into the hand crossbow instantaneously. 林逸强化后的黑灵汗马速度超快,奔跑过程中,亲卫营先是在马背上开弓奔射,一波齐射之后,瞬间收起长弓换成手弩。 The hand crossbow of good string had lowered the angle slightly, a crossbow Mitsuya, pursued tightly after the arrow rain of ejection, intensive falling in enemy array. 早已上好弦的手弩略微放低了角度,一弩三矢,紧追在抛射的箭雨之后,密集的落在敌军阵列中。 The cavalries of mountain empire truly is the crack troops, stronger compared with the selenium copper county country on are too many, although was attacked suddenly, actually also not extremely flurried. 山连帝国的骑兵确实是精兵,比起硒铜郡国要强上太多,所以虽然遭受到突然的袭击,却也并没有太过慌乱。 The cavalries in most mountain empires held up the Jane/simple changing hands shield on arm continually, protects the strategic point. 大多数山连帝国的骑兵纷纷举起了手臂上的简易手盾,护住要害。 Then with the weapon in hand about dials, to attempt the knocking down bow arrow crossbow bolt. 然后用手中的兵器左右拨打,试图打落弓矢弩箭。 Also is secure. 还算是有恃无恐。 However the next quarter, they were really nervous! 然而下一刻,他们就真的慌了! Because they discovered with amazement, the soldier speed of Rombao is too fast, almost after is pursuing the bow arrow crossbow bolt, killed! 因为他们骇然发现,龙邦的士兵速度实在太快,几乎是追着弓矢弩箭之后就杀到了! No shouted angrily loudly, no shout of shouting oneself hoarse, the weapons in 800 own health/guard camp officers silent and firm holding up hands, cut into! 没有什么大声怒喝,也没有什么声嘶力竭的喊杀,八百亲卫营将士一个个都沉默而坚定的举起手中的武器,切入! The array cuts into the enemy formation, the weapon cuts into the enemy body. 阵列切入敌军队形,武器切入敌军身体。 In the wink of an eye, in the mountain continually empire cavalry formation were many several hundred headless corpses, the blood of splash blurred the eyes of their companion, has not actually affected the line of sight of slaughter slightly. 瞬息之间,山连帝国骑兵队列中就多了数百无头尸体,飞溅的鲜血模糊了他们同伴的双眼,却丝毫没有影响到屠杀者的视线。 Own health/guard battalion soldier does not care about these blood, is staring, look bright astonishment. 亲卫营的士兵根本不在乎那些鲜血,一个个瞪着眼睛,眼神亮的惊人。 killing aura that usually restrains erupts loudly, let alone slaughtered these soldiers, even the black spirit of mountain empire, was frightened by this rich killing aura flurried startled hiss. 平时收敛起来的杀气轰然爆发,别说是被屠杀的那些士兵了,即便是山连帝国的黑灵汗马,都被这浓郁的杀气吓的慌乱惊嘶。 Ten seconds! 十秒钟! The entire combat process continued merely for ten seconds! 整个战斗过程仅仅持续了十秒钟! army of mountain empire bored a hole through continually thoroughly, all cavalries all extinguish! 山连帝国的军阵被彻底凿穿,所有骑兵全灭! Own health/guard battalion soldier beheads 2.5 in average, but in fact charges before is much more this number that the person kills. 亲卫营的士兵人均斩首二点五个,可实际上冲锋在前的人杀的远远不止这个数。 The following person was complaining that the enemy were too few, has not been one's turn them to act. 后面的人都在抱怨敌军太少了,都没轮到他们出手。 The pro- health/guard battalion soldier who because, acts as a front arrow arrow, everyone at least killed over five enemies, causes to follow the pro- health/guard battalion soldier in back mostly only to fish to a head/number of people, even has not fished...... 因为,充当锋矢阵箭头的亲卫营士兵,每个人至少杀了五个以上的敌军,导致跟在后边的亲卫营士兵大多只捞到一个人头,甚至一个都没捞到…… Usually in the camp, some people mentioned that this is very unfair, wants the front person little to snatch several heads, then the front person liked saying that Father depending on the head/number of people that the skill snatched, front you wanted, to come! 平时在营地中的时候,有人提到这样很不公平,要前边的人少抢几个人头,然后前边的人就喜欢说老子凭本事抢的人头,你想要,来前边啊! A few words on thorough steamroll! 一句话就彻底碾压了! The front arrow arrow position, that is the strongest elite soldier, is no one can on! 锋矢阵的箭头位置,那都是最强的精锐士兵,可不是谁都能上的! The entire own health/guard battalion soldier, takes can enter the arrow position for the honor. 整个亲卫营的士兵,都以能进入箭头位置为荣。 But can go, naturally must show off to boast once for a while. 而能进去的,自然就要时不时的炫耀吹嘘一番。 Liu Ziyu leads kills to put on the enemy ranks the time, spirit somewhat absent-minded, did this kill 2000 enemies? 刘子瑜带队杀穿敌阵的时候,精神不由的有些恍惚,这就杀了两千敌军了? Does not defeat, does not rout, but is formal annihilating! 不是击败,也不是击溃,而是正儿八经的歼灭! That that does not keep! 一个不留的那种! But own health/guard camp battle loss? 而亲卫营这边的战损? Zero! 零! General Liu! Then what to do?” “刘将军!接下来怎么办?” Song Shaopeng side Liu Ziyu, shakes wrist, flung the blood pendant on long blade, the look had shifted to the direction of another cavalry. 宋少鹏就在刘子瑜身边,一抖手腕,甩去长刀上的血滴子,眼神已经转向了另外一支骑兵的方向。 Wuli Road, if not the middle has the trees and so on standard keeps off, the naked eye can see the opposite party. 五里路而已,若非中间有树木之类的格挡,肉眼就能看到对方了。 It is no doubt that Song Shaopeng's meaning, was immediately the long-range raid Second cavalry team! 不用说,宋少鹏的意思,是马上奔袭第二支骑兵队伍! Here killed, warmed up continually insufficiently, how can satisfy a craving? 这边的都杀完了,连热身都不够,怎能过瘾? He also really feared that Liu Ziyu wants their battlefield cleanup, draws in the spoils of war and so on. 他还真怕刘子瑜要他们打扫战场,收拢战利品之类。 However his worry was obviously unnecessary. 不过他的担心显然是多余了。 Liu Ziyu without delay, the long blade aims at the direction of another cavalry team: brother, continue along with this to flush!” 刘子瑜二话不说,长刀指向另外一支骑兵队伍的方向:“兄弟们,继续随本将沖!” Drinks!” “喝!” 800 pro- health/guard battalion soldier sent out neat big to drink finally, divulges warm-blooded in heart, the pointed weapons in hand lifted up high neatly, with Liu Ziyu's black spirit, full speed fired into another enemy. 八百亲卫营士兵终于发出了一声整齐的大喝,宣洩了一番心中的热血,手中的兵刃齐刷刷高举起来,跟着刘子瑜的黑灵汗马,全速沖向另外一支敌军。 As for behind battlefield, who cares? 至于身后的战场,谁在乎? Opposite party these black spirit have not actually been injured, mountain the empire soldier equipment, also is quite good, if collects, divides minutes to arm 2000 people of cavalry teams. 对方那些黑灵汗马其实都没受伤,还有山连帝国士兵身上的装备,也都相当不错,如果收集起来,分分钟就能武装出一支两千人的骑兵队伍。 But Liu Ziyu and the others look do not glance, if then has free time to tidy up actually again, had no free time to throw indifferently. 可刘子瑜等人都看不上眼,如果回头有空倒是可以再来收拾,没空扔了也无所谓。 Compared with forming a cavalry , to continue to annihilate a cavalry more interesting! 比起组建一支骑兵,还是继续歼灭一支骑兵更有意思! Wuli Road, regarding own health/guard battalion black spirit, actually is also a short distance charges. 五里路,对于亲卫营的黑灵汗马而言,其实也就是一个短距离冲锋而已。 Therefore in Liu Ziyu's eyes quick presented that mountain continually empire cavalry team situated in central position. 所以刘子瑜的眼中很快就出现了位于中部位置的那支山连帝国骑兵队伍。 But position that own health/guard battalion presents, in the side of mountain continually empire cavalry, this is a very suitable conventional sneak attack position. 而亲卫营出现的位置,是在山连帝国骑兵的侧面,这是一个非常适合常规偷袭的位置。 But regarding own health/guard camp, is actually not very good. 但对于亲卫营来说,却不是很好。 Because interrupts after the middle, own health/guard battalion must divide into two kills respectively to a direction, this was equal to being many a hands and feet, was really the waste time. 因为从中间截断之后,亲卫营就必须一分为二各自杀向一个方向,这就等于是多了一步手脚,实在是浪费时间。 Circuitous, cuts into from the rear area!” “迂迴,从后方切入!” Liu Ziyu gave up the advantage of flank surprise attack without hesitation, adjusted a direction with own health/guard battalion slightly, the team had drawn an elegant arc, killed to the enemy. 刘子瑜毫不犹豫的放弃了侧方突袭的优势,带着亲卫营稍稍调整了一个方向,队伍划过一个优美的弧线,杀向敌军后部。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” The cavalries in mountain empire suddenly discovered continually an enemy circled from behind, therefore is shouting loudly, while sent the contact signal! 山连帝国的骑兵突然发现有一支敌军从后面绕了过来,于是一边大声叫着,一边发出了联络讯号! Naturally, they have not known that another side companion had been all extinguished, even warns the signal not to send come out with enough time. 当然,他们还不知道另外一边的同伴已经被全灭了,甚至连警示讯号都没来得及发出来 Therefore, commanding of this mountain cavalry was also fantasizing continually can wipe out own health/guard battalion by own military, is alone a merit! 所以,这支山连骑兵的统领还幻想着能靠自己的兵力全歼亲卫营,独得一份功劳! Saw the person who Liu Ziyu wants to circle the surprise attack from behind, they transfer the team to take time, this will command will not even send the signal to convene the allied force. 要不是看到刘子瑜的人是想从后面绕过来突袭,他们调转队伍太费事,这统领甚至都不会发讯号召集友军。 Do not be chaotic! The first army turn to behind the pursuit enemy!” “不要乱!前军转向追击敌军后部!” Commanding of mountain continually empire is not the incompetent person, he knows that oneself lost offensive, if the latter army rotate the engagement, will make the army go haywire absolutely. 山连帝国的统领并非无能之辈,他知道自己失了先手,若是后军迴转接战,绝对会令全军陷入混乱。 The cavalries and person are different, what cavalry tone need is the time and space! 骑兵和人不一样,骑兵调头需要的是时间和空间!
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