SBPE :: Volume #16

#10239: Chapter 10239

„!” “啊!” Ao Tai one sends out rending bellowing suddenly. 敖太一突然发出一声撕心裂肺的大吼。 Everyone thinks that he collapsed, finally is sudden a sword to drive back front health/guard Yuer, tumbles turns head to run directly, the solemn South Sea future successor, will highlight in an extremely difficult situation at this moment. 所有人都以为他崩溃了,结果突然一剑逼退面前的卫雨儿,连滚带爬直接扭头就跑,堂堂南海未来的接班人,此时此刻突出一个狼狈不堪。 image? 形象 The life was about not to have, what image but also wanted? 命都快没了,还要什么形象 health/guard Yuer raises the sword to pursue, finally when she soon catches up, Ao Tai a body one short sneaked in the seabed at the scene. 卫雨儿提剑去追,结果就在她快要追上之时,敖太一身子一矮当场钻进了海底。 Looks on the people collective to look at each other in blank dismay, escaped the technique to use come out continually, this was really compelled not to have idea. 旁观众人集体面面相觑,连遁地术都用出来了,这是真的被逼到没辙了啊。 health/guard Yuer knits the brows slightly, she is a purest swordsman, once drills into seabed strength to sell at a discount inevitably greatly, but when the time comes is not she chases down Ao Tai one, but waited to be instead killed by the opposite party. 卫雨儿微微皱眉,她是一个最纯粹的剑客,一旦钻入海底实力必然大打折扣,到时候可就不是她去追杀敖太一,而是等着被对方反杀了。 I come.” “我来吧。” The Lin Yi's sound resounds in her behind, next quarter actually already presently front beyond ten li (0.5 km). 林逸的声音在她身后响起,下一刻却已出现在前方十里之外。 Although in Lin Yi's all sorts of methods, will not be timid and hesitant to the seabed, but he do not follow to drill the place together the meaning, but after locked a position, the sword air/Qi inserts without hesitation directly together. 虽然以林逸的种种手段,即便到了海底下也不会束手束脚,不过他并没有要跟着一起钻地的意思,而是锁定了一处位置之后,毫不犹豫直接一道剑气插下。 Oh......” “唉……” The seabed splits instantaneously, under also resounds helpless light to sigh. 海底瞬间裂开,底下随之响起一声无奈的轻叹。 Maps the Lin Yi view is actually not Ao Tai one, had been cut to kill by the rule of sword impressively unexpectedly, theoretically should die Ao Taiwei who cannot die again! 映入林逸眼帘的却不是敖太一,赫然竟是已经被剑之规则斩杀,理论上应该死得不能再死的敖太微! Lin Yi occupies a commanding position Jingjing(quietly) to visit him: I am very surprised.” 林逸居高临下静静的看着他:“我很意外。” Ao Taiwei is pressing just the sword air/Qi by the scary wound that pierced, face forced smile raised the head: Your this may not seem like the accidental/surprised appearance.” 敖太微摁着身上被刚刚剑气洞穿的骇人伤口,一脸苦笑的抬头:“你这可不像是意外的样子。” Your such cheats Grandmaster, how possibly easily dead before me?” “你这么一个欺诈宗师,怎么可能那么轻易就死在我面前?” Lin Yi smiles: You can live, only by your self-recovery ability is not enough, drew support from the fraud rule inevitably, if I have not remembered incorrectly, the fraud rule has a very interesting basic principle, is undesirable that has happened more than three times.” 林逸笑了笑:“不过你能活下来,只靠你这点自愈能力是远远不够的,必然是借助了欺诈规则,而如果我没记错的话,欺诈规则有一条很有意思的基本原则,事不过三。” When is undesirable that has happened more than three times four characters to emit from his mouth, Ao Taiwei the complexion thoroughly changed. 当事不过三四个字从他嘴里冒出,敖太微的脸色彻底变了。 Evidently you know are really many.” “看样子你知道的还真不少。” He also wants to play with the scheme again, perhaps can also strive to a barely escaping with one's life opportunity, but said this moment of being undesirable that has happened more than three times in Lin Yi, was actually equivalent sentenced his final death penalty directly. 他本来还想再玩弄一下心计,说不定还能争取到一个死里求生的机会,可是在林逸说出事不过三的这一刻,却相当于直接宣判了他最后的死刑。 Lin Yi undulating say/way: Facing the same goal, can only cheat in a short time twice, Third time will expire, this is creates the world god to give the patch that the fraud rule overcomes personally.” 林逸澹澹道:“面对同一个目标,短时间内只能欺诈两次,第三次就会失效,这是创世神亲手给欺诈规则打下的补丁。” Without such limit, cheating the rule is almost the invincible rule, because it can cheat infinitely, no one is able to obtain the truth from its there. 如果没有这样的限制,欺诈规则几乎就是无敌的规则,因为它可以无限欺诈,谁也无法从它那里得到真相。 But this means that even these recognized first-level rules, including the time and space, must candidly admit defeat in its front. 而这就意味着,即便是那些公认的一级规则,包括时间和空间在内,在其面前都要甘拜下风。 That group of people who without the external force intervention, cheat most profit forever. 如果没有外力干预,骗子永远是最占便宜的那群人。 Your this does know?” “你连这个都知道?” Ao Taiwei the look thoroughly changed: Obsolete to clarify this back root, cost the Ten-thousand-year time to find traces reluctantly, your young fellow, that where from knew?” 敖太微的眼神彻底变了:“老朽为了弄清楚这背后的根源,耗费了足足万年时间才勉强找到一点蛛丝马迹,你一个毛头小子,从哪知道的这个?” Lin Yi crooked head: Naturally some people told me.” 林逸歪了歪脑袋:“当然是有人告诉我。” He said naturally was Jiang Xiaoshang, as in the world gods clone that was close to all knowing, Jiang Xiaoshang because, although dreaded that is dared to use ability by the reason that various God detected at will, but many things light/only explained by his knowledge reserve sufficiently. 他说的自然是姜小尚,作为天底下最接近全知的神明分身,姜小尚虽然因为忌惮被诸神察觉的缘故不敢随意动用能力,但许多事情光是靠他的知识储备就足以解答。 Ao Taiwei deeply looked at his one eyes, sighs: Really good, you have the honored person to assist, that honored person who actually cannot wait to hit obsolete.” 敖太微深深看了他一眼,叹了一口气:“真好啊,你有贵人相助,老朽却等不到命中的那个贵人。” The Lin Yi undulating shakes the head: You have been oneself grandson's honored person, doesn't need to think so many again?” 林逸澹澹摇头:“你已经做了自家孙子的贵人了,就没必要再想那么多了吧?” Was saying looked at some direction one. 说着看了某个方向一眼。 Ao Taiwei is the complexion changes: „, Since is destined this tribulation, obsolete also no longer used energy to struggle, come.” 敖太微又是脸色一变:“也罢,既然命中注定有此一劫,老朽也就不再费劲挣扎了,来吧。” Lin Yi meaningful shaking the head of: „ I have not really thought, like you feared is deathly afraid Old Fellow in bone, unexpectedly for he will be willing to crop up to bring death. 林逸意味深长的摇了摇头:“我是真的没有想到,像你这么怕死怕到骨子里的老家伙,居然会为了他甘愿冒头送死。 You should know, if you do not brave come out on own initiative, I want to ask come out you is not easy, your big probability can withdraw. ” 你应该知道,如果你不自己主动冒出来,我想要把你找出来可不容易,你大概率是能脱身的。” He knows that the opposite party after was penetrated by the invisible sword air/Qi has not died. 他知道对方在被无形剑气穿透之后并没有死。 But If nothing else, Ao Taiwei lives on dishonorably ability that or hides, ready ready is sea area First class/flow existences, without method of correspondence, even if traces also to look for a needle in a haystack by his strength. 可是别的不说,敖太微无论是苟活还是藏身的能力,妥妥都是海域第一流的存在,如果没有对应的法门,哪怕以他的实力追踪起来也是大海捞针。 He had prepared for a moment ago by psychology that the opposite party withdrew, but experimental making a move left behind Ao Tai one, has not thought that unexpectedly can fled Ao Taiwei compelling come out, was really unexpected. 刚才他都已经做好了被对方脱身的心理准备,只是尝试性的出手留下敖太一而已,没想到居然能把已经遁走的敖太微给逼出来,实在是出乎意料。 Knows certainly obsolete.” “老朽当然知道。” Ao Taiwei also has the absolute self-confidence in this point, for this, some many also regrets, but the double pupil was strengthened to substitute finally. 敖太微在这一点上也是有着绝对的自信,对此多少也有些悔意,不过双眸最终还是被坚定替代。 „ That moment of you raising one's head, obsolete has foreseen the sea area to welcome unprecedented new times, but likely the Tsukanaka bleached bone of obsolete this old time, being doomed is to be eliminated. “从你出头的那一刻开始,老朽就已预见海域将会迎来一个前所未有的新时代,而像老朽这种旧时代的冢中枯骨,注定是要被淘汰的。 Struggles with its futile effort, might as well leave behind a thing to the later generation , helping him gain a footing in the new times! ” 与其徒劳挣扎,不如给后人留下一点东西,助他在新时代占据一席之地!” Is good to come to understand.” “好觉悟。” Lin Yi nods, immediately no longer with the opposite party idle talk, offers a sacrifice to the ancient ten great swords without hesitation again. 林逸点点头,当即不再跟对方废话,毫不犹豫再次祭出上古十大名剑。 Ao Taiwei the heart jumps, clenches teeth to exhaust the last vitality to unify dragon armor, tries dead to ask to live, strives for that last possible vitality. 敖太微心头一跳,咬牙耗尽最后一点元气凝聚出一身龙甲,试图死里求活,争取那最后一丝可能的生机。 However he wants eventually. 然而他终究还是想多了。 In the face of Lin Yi's sure-kill sword, dragon armor of his formation cannot withstand reluctantly, merely after one breath, is torn to pieces, became the smashing by twisting of no suspense. 林逸的绝杀剑阵面前,他这勉强成型的龙甲根本承受不住,仅仅一息之后就已支离破碎,紧接着就被毫无悬念的绞成粉碎。 The distant place Jiange people look at this, holds breath collectively a cold air/Qi. 远处剑阁众人看着这一幕,集体倒吸一口冷气。 In them some people had seen Ye Qiyuan's original sure-kill sword, although is also murders resolute, but shows come out with Lin Yi at this moment compared actually obviously missed several points of malignant influences. 他们中有人曾经见过叶启元的原版绝杀剑阵,虽然也是杀伐果决,可是跟林逸此刻展现出来的相比却明显差了几分煞气。 Lin Yi's this edition of sure-kill sword, is sword, rather is a giant meat grinder! 林逸的这版绝杀剑阵,与其说是剑阵,倒不如说是一架巨大的绞肉机! Cannot support including dragon armor Ao Tai, the people suspected seriously let alone is other top strengths, even if trades to make that several illustrious ominous sea area ceilings, can move out is a huge unknown. 连一身龙甲的敖太微都撑不住,众人严重怀疑别说是其他的顶层战力,就算是换做那几位赫赫凶名的海域天花板,能不能全身而退都是一个巨大的未知数。 This has not calculated. 这还不算完。 Ao Taiwei was twisted the hashed meat, in people's eyes has died again cannot die, meaning that Lin Yi has not actually called a halt as before. 敖太微被生生绞成碎肉,在众人眼里已经死得不能再死,林逸却依旧没有停手的意思。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Lin Yi changes the demon god Chi You shape suddenly, the vibration detonation covers the audience. 林逸突然变身魔神蚩尤形态,震动爆轰笼罩全场。 Not is only Ao Taiwei the hashed meat, scene each stone each grain of sand has not let off, shakes the smashing completely, determined that is impossible to stay behind, even if a complete cell, this receives the hand finally. 不仅是敖太微的碎肉,现场每一块石头每一粒沙子都没有放过,全部震成粉碎,确定再也不可能留下哪怕一个完好的细胞,这才终于收手。 Although because of being undesirable that has happened more than three times principle, the opposite party is unable to use the fraud rule to practice trickery again, but has abnormal extremely self-recovery rebirth ability as before, as long as has the least bit to be lax slightly, perhaps will always be compelled to ascend by this is saved from death. 虽然因为事不过三原则,对方无法再使用欺诈规则瞒天过海,可依旧还是有着极其变态的自愈重生能力,但凡稍有半点松懈,说不定就会被这个老逼登死里逃生。
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