SBPE :: Volume #16

#10238: Chapter 10238

The time of speech, the strength of Gold Dragon wheel disk gathering has taken shape thoroughly, 50 Gold Dragon changed to huge dragon shape Gravestone to pound toward Lin Yi. 说话的工夫,金龙轮盘汇聚的力量已经彻底成型,五十条金龙化作一块巨大的龙形墓碑朝着林逸砸了下来。 The key is, the huge pressure of its bringing made Lin Yi let alone move aside, even minimum moving did not move. 关键是,其自带的庞大威压令林逸别说躲闪,甚至连最起码的动都动不了。 Only can look helplessly it blots out the sky to press. 只能眼睁睁看着它铺天盖地压下来。 Waiting for death. 等死。 Just sure-kill sword was your last chance, since gave you opportunity yourself to be useless, that could not blame others.” “刚刚的绝杀剑阵是你最后的机会,既然给你机会你自己不中用,那就怪不了别人了。” With Ao Taiwei the discrete personality in every way possible, even the fixed victory will still never let success go to the head before the enemy, but is saved from death today, settles down shortly, even he still covers the self-satisfied color difficultly. 以敖太微谨慎入微的性格,即便锁定胜局也从不会在敌人面前得意忘形,但是今天死里逃生,眼看尘埃落定,即便是他也难掩得意之色。 Near sea king you could rest assured that all your obsolete will look after quite, the position, your Jiange and your own health/guard battalion your new sword Saint, later are my South Sea royal family's it'ses in the bag. “近海王你放心,你的一切老朽都会好生照料,你的新任剑圣之位、你的剑阁、你的亲卫营,以后都是我南海王族的囊中之物。 Was right, the character like you definitely has many outstandingly beautiful female friends, obsolete, although has crossed the age of love affair, but obsolete descendants but are many, helping you share, the issue is not big. 哦对了,像你这样的人物肯定有不少绝色的红颜知己,老朽虽然已经过了风花雪月的年纪,但老朽的子孙可是不少,帮你分担一下,问题也不大。 My that grandson is good, near sea king do you feel? ” 我那太一孙儿就不错,近海王你觉得呢?” Finally, Lin Yi is actually the unexpected tranquility, instead is calm and composed even in press of work visits him: By this time unexpectedly still in giving on me the psychological warfare, whom old man your discrete really did not have, I later was really this/should study to you well study.” 结果,林逸却是出乎意料的平静,反而好整以暇的看着他:“到了这个时候居然还在给我上心理战,老头你这份谨慎也真是没谁了,我以后真是该好好向你学学。” Looks at his expression, Ao Taiwei the inexplicable heart one cold. 看他这副表情,敖太微莫名心头一凛。 The self-satisfaction is somewhat, but will not easily display come out by his city mansion, reason that deliberately treads the nose upper eyelid, wants to disturb the Lin Yi's mentality in this final moment. 得意是有几分,但以他的城府根本不会轻易表现出来,之所以刻意这么蹬鼻子上脸,就是想要在这最后关头干扰林逸的思路。 Regardless of which angle although from seems like what is done cannot be undone, Lin Yi strikes finally, since fell on his body, was impossible to have Gold Dragon Gravestone that the ample force shoulders to press at present again. 虽然无论从哪个角度看来都是木已成舟,林逸最后一击既然落在了他的身上,就绝不可能再有余力扛住眼前压下来的金龙墓碑 Theoretically, even Lin Yi condition just when peak, not slightly possible. 理论上,就算林逸状态正值巅峰,也没有丝毫可能。 But does not fear 10,000, fears the eventuality. 可是不怕一万,就怕万一。 One after another accident/surprise has frightened the trauma to come to him quickly, does not do everything possible to add on Insurance, Ao Taiwei really somewhat lacks self-confidence together at heart. 接二连三的意外都已经快给他吓出心理阴影来了,不想尽办法加上一道保险,敖太微实在是心里有些没底。 Does not matter what psychological warfare, you do not have the opportunity in any case, this enough.” “无所谓什么心理战,反正你已经没机会了,这就够了。” Ao Taiwei stretched one to get down the final assertion shamelessly: No one can shoulder the suppression of Gold Dragon Gravestone, this sea area, no one is good!” 敖太微绷着一张老脸下了最后的断言:“没人能扛住金龙墓碑的镇压,这个海域,谁也不行!” Lin Yi smiled: You should not think that just sure-kill sword went to you?” 林逸笑了:“你该不会以为刚刚的绝杀剑阵是冲着你去的吧?” Isn't?” “难道不是?” Ao Taiwei stares, a sure-kill sword such big battle formation, except for must draw him to make the pad back, but can also do? 敖太微一愣,绝杀剑阵这么大的阵势,除了是要拉他做垫背,还能是干嘛的? Lin Yi shrugs: „An age unrequited love was good to cut down, if I your such bad old codger make the pad back on drawing, I not, it is fortunate that dies?” 林逸耸了耸肩:“一把年纪就别那么自作多情了好伐,我要是就拉你这么个糟老头子做垫背的,我不得亏死?” At this time, Gold Dragon Gravestone has pressed slowly in the Lin Yi top of the head, Lin Yi entire was instantaneously crooked. 此时,金龙墓碑已经缓缓压在了林逸头顶,林逸整个头瞬间就歪了。 Ao Taiwei narrowed the eye: You do not draw make the pad back obsolete, wants to live on dishonorably inadequately? The young people really indulge in fantasy!” 敖太微眯了眯眼睛:“你不拉老朽做垫背,难道还想苟活不成?年轻人果然是异想天开!” However him the voice just fell, raises suddenly extremely scary sword air/Qi. 然而他这边话音刚刚落下,身后蓦然升起一股极度骇人的剑气。 Absolutely terrified! 毛骨悚然! Bountiful had goosebumps with Ao Taiwei the experience, turns the head to look at back this by ten great sword convergence, undistinguished appearance is actually passing the invisible sword air/Qi of unprecedented scary pressure, he stares dumbfounded at the scene. 饶是以敖太微的见识都不禁起了一身的鸡皮疙瘩,转头看着背后这道由十大名剑汇合而成,其貌不扬却透着前所未有骇人威压的无形剑气,他当场瞠目结舌。 „The rule of sword......” “剑之规则……” Just like stressed the come out fraud rule by Lin Yi before, at present the essence of rule of this invisible sword air/Qi sword has presently! 正如之前被林逸出来的欺诈规则,眼前这道无形剑气正是剑之规则的实质具现! Ao Taiwei surges immediately an extremely ominous premonition. 敖太微顿时涌起一股极度不祥的预感。 However without giving his any response time, the invisible sword air/Qi had then moved, he was penetrated from the body midpoint as the goal of bearing the brunt directly, cuts compared with must a moment ago the tiny bits. 然而没给他任何反应的时间,无形剑气便已动了起来,他作为首当其冲的目标直接就被从身体正中央穿透,切得比刚才还要更加稀碎。 This has not ended. 这还没完。 He is only the additional goal of invisible sword air/Qi, to this step, even if killed him not to help matters, after all Lin Yi may not have the idea to be buried along with the dead to such bad old codger. 他只是无形剑气的附带目标,到了这一步,就算杀了他也无济于事,毕竟林逸可没想法给这么一个糟老头子陪葬。 Gold Dragon Gravestone, is the real goal of invisible sword air/Qi. 金龙墓碑,才是无形剑气的真正目标。 Bang! 轰! The invisible sword air/Qi runs upon Gold Dragon Gravestone that moment, is not only the Lin Yi's under foot, the entire Jiange and even entire South Sea earth movement the mountains shook, countless people and sea beasts are panic, terrified. 无形剑气撞上金龙墓碑的那一刻,不仅是林逸的脚下,整个剑阁乃至整个南海都地动山摇,无数人和海兽惊慌失措,惶惶不安。 But this, but also is only the former play of invisible sword air/Qi and Gold Dragon Gravestone to bang. 而这,还只是无形剑气与金龙墓碑对轰的前戏。 The former is the rule of sword has presently, the latter is the dragon clan rule has presently, did not say exaggeratingly, had surpassed Lin Yi and Ao Taiwei the level to this step showdown completely, they are the sponsors, but is actually not the leader by far. 前者是剑之规则的具现,后者是龙族规则的具现,毫不夸张的说,到了这一步的对决已经完全超出了林逸和敖太微的层次,他们是发起者,但却远远算不上主导者。 The previous Gold Dragon wheel disk, is presently Gold Dragon Gravestone, does not listen to Ao Taiwei directing. 无论是之前的金龙轮盘,还是现在的金龙墓碑,都不听敖太微的使唤。 Reviews Lin Yi, although he receives the new sword Saint of rule of acknowledgment sword, but presently he also cannot control the present invisible sword air/Qi. 反观林逸这边,他虽然已是受到剑之规则承认的新任剑圣,可现在的他也同样驾驭不了眼前的无形剑气。 However the good news is Lin Yi, although control, but in his new World some people can control. 不过好消息是林逸自己虽然驾驭不了,但他新世界内有人能够驾驭得了。 Sword son looked your.” “剑儿子看你的了。” Lin Yi orders, the invisible sword air/Qi blooms suddenly the infinite ray, this will be sword son will integrate result. 林逸一声令下,无形剑气蓦然绽放出无限光芒,这是剑儿子将自身融入到了其中的结果。 Said one, although being together time was still short, but this sword son has been brainwashed now dumbfounded by Jiang Xiaoshang, why basically Lin Yi made him give to do, moreover does not bring to be loaf, is intimate with son to be free from worry ready ready. 多说一句,虽然相处时间尚短,但这剑儿子如今已被姜小尚洗脑得一愣一愣的了,基本上林逸让他干啥就给干啥,而且一点都不带偷懒的,妥妥比亲儿子都省心。 Just can also refuse to compromise mutually, then after having the sword son in addition held, Gold Dragon Gravestone finally thoroughly cannot withstand the impact of invisible sword air/Qi, was cut two sections directly around the middle! 刚刚还能相互僵持,这下有了剑儿子的加持之后,金龙墓碑终于彻底顶不住无形剑气的冲击,直接被拦腰斩成了两截! With a loud sound, two sections of Gravestone collapse loudly, becomes the dragon clan regular strength of disorderly not being able to withstand on the disintegration, dissipates in Heaven and Earth quickly. 伴随着一声巨响,两截墓碑轰然倒塌,紧接着就崩碎成为杂乱不堪的龙族规则力量,很快消散于天地之间。 Gaze that shocks under a distant place numerous Jiange disciple, Lin Yi put out a hand to hold just the neck that was folded by Gold Dragon Gravestone pressure, with the bystander same from muddy dust come out. 在远处一众剑阁弟子震撼的注视之下,林逸伸手扶了扶刚刚被金龙墓碑压折的脖子,跟个没事人一样从浑浊尘埃中走了出来 An audience deathly stillness. 全场一片死寂。 Since that moment of although from just the Gold Dragon wheel disk presenting, the people have not been able to find out by secret inquiry inside concrete situation, but at least 90% people, have tacitly approved are Ao Tai smile final. 虽然从刚刚金龙轮盘出现的那一刻起,众人就已无法探知里面的具体情形,但至少90%的人,都已经默认是敖太微笑到最后了。 After all in their cognition, is in the mainstream cognition of entire sea area, near sea king Lin Yi turns over to strongly, but is unable to place on a par with Ao Taiwei this type of recognized top strength benchmark. 毕竟无论是在他们认知中,还是在整个海域的主流认知中,近海王林逸强归强,但还是无法跟敖太微这种公认的顶层战力标杆相提并论的。 Let alone, the Gold Dragon wheel disk obviously is Ao Taiwei the writing skill, a Lin Yi falling into a trap weak trend side, overturns with what? 何况,金龙轮盘明显是敖太微的手笔,林逸一个落入陷阱的弱势方,拿什么翻盘? The result is booing, the Gold Dragon wheel disk collapsed, Ao Taiwei the simple people did not have, reviews Lin Yi actually to return safe and sound. 结果倒好,金龙轮盘崩了,敖太微干脆人都没了,反观林逸却毫发无损。 Where does this make one reason things out? 这让人哪说理去? The people are only shocking, another side permits Tai looks this whole person collapsed directly. 众人还只是震惊,另一边许太一看着这一幕整个人都直接崩溃了。 His distress at this moment, was looked after obviously well by health/guard Yuer, although is also hanging the final one breath, may illuminate this trend to get down just like to refusing stubbornly far. 此刻的他一身狼狈,显然是被卫雨儿照顾得不错,虽说还吊着最后一口气,可照这个趋势下去俨然已是离死不远。 He was also counting on after Ao Taiwei solves Lin Yi, can set aside the hand to solve front insane woman, kills cannot think, oneself Old Ancestor sect walks also early! 他本来还指望着敖太微解决掉林逸之后,能腾出手来解决掉面前的疯女人,打死也想不到,自家老祖宗走得比自己还早!
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