SBPE :: Volume #16

#10163: Chapter 10163

As boiling many years of crown prince, Ao Huang at this moment did not have happy intent that the least bit boils finally raises one's head. 身为熬了多年的太子,此刻的敖荒却是没有半点终于熬出头的喜意。 It is not he and between haughty Yuzhou (Universe) has father and son how affectionate, but is the present West Sea situation is precarious, once lost the domineering suppression of haughty Yuzhou (Universe), he let alone stabilizes West Sea, can succeed to the throne smoothly is a huge unknown! 并不是他跟敖宇宙之间有多么父子情深,而是眼下的西海局势风雨飘摇,一旦失去了敖宇宙的强势镇压,他别说稳定西海,就连能不能顺利继位都是一个巨大的未知数! However, at the last moment he, only if resigned to give up all, otherwise also can only bracing oneself stand come out. 不过,事到临头他除非甘心放弃一切,否则也只能硬着头皮站出来 However has not waited for him to speak, on stage Lin Yi then light opens the mouth: Haughty Yuzhou (Universe) blasphemed the sea god Sir, at this moment had been executed by the god , if also had to refuse to accept, that was simple the same place.” 然而还没等他说话,台上林逸便已淡淡开口:“敖宇宙亵渎海神大人,此刻已被神诛,诸位如果还有不服的,那就干脆一起吧。” A few words press the audience to be speechless. 一句话压得全场无言。 How many deterrent forces Lin Yi oneself do not have to them as before, but sea god clone was solid, who knows that this goods can summon sea god clone to get down again? 林逸本人对他们来说依旧没多少威慑力,可刚才的海神分身却是实实在在的,谁知道这货会不会再召唤一个海神分身下来? Other not to mention, at least sea god Sir's favor to this goods, that are obvious to all, is completely own son treatment. 其他且不说,至少海神大人对这货的青睐,那是有目共睹的,完全就是亲儿子的待遇。 Under is in the glare of the public eye, over Ao Huang must clench teeth. 众目睽睽之下,敖荒只得咬牙出头。 Others can shrink, only he not, after all he, if shrank at this time, that following West Sea may really not his anything matter. 其他人都可以缩,唯独他不可以,毕竟他要是在这个时候缩了,那接下来西海可就真的没他什么事情了。 Big tone!” “好大的口气!” Although Ao Huang under the heart lacks self-confidence, the unruliness that but on the face that no one pays attention, has a haughty Yuzhou (Universe) three points of shadow actually. 敖荒虽然心下没底,但脸上那股谁都不放在眼里的桀骜,倒是有着敖宇宙三分影子。 You think that who you are? However resulted in a sea god Sir chapter of looking upon with favor lucky fellow by luck, now because of you, the sea god Sir being forced manslaughter 200,000 believers, dares to be here complacent unexpectedly, really acts recklessly!” “你以为你是谁?不过是侥幸得了海神大人一回垂青的幸运儿罢了,如今因为你,海神大人被迫误杀二十万信众,居然还敢在这里得意洋洋,真是不知死活!” The words exit|to speak, numerous influence big shot on the scene regards with a special fondness about it. 一番话出口,在场一众势力大佬不由纷纷对其另眼相看。 Lin Yi also looked at his one eyes. 连带林逸也都不由多看了他一眼。 This goods a little horizontal. 这货有点水平啊。 Oneself Father just did one with sea god clone obviously, finally actually held up the sea god flag to his here without hesitation, then threw on basin filthy water Lin Yi right in the face, took advantage of opportunity the relational peeling of Lin Yi and sea god. 明明自己老子刚跟海神分身干了一架,结果到他这里却还是毫不犹豫举起了海神的大旗,转而将一盆污水劈头盖脸泼到了林逸头上,顺势将林逸与海神的关系剥离。 Then if as expected, is one removes evil ministers from beside the throne inevitably. 接下来如果不出意外,必然就是一出清君侧。 Prominent is watertight. 突出一个滴水不漏。 The Lin Yi look visits him lightly: No wonder can emerge in haughty Yuzhou (Universe) over a hundred son, will truly speak very much, but you had words to speak incorrectly.” 林逸神色淡淡的看着他:“难怪能在敖宇宙上百个儿子中脱颖而出,确实很会说话,但是伱有句话说错了。” Ao Huang stares: What?” 敖荒一愣:“什么?” Lin Yi swept under a stage dense and numerous sea god believers of place, the tone had several points to play the flavor: They have not died.” 林逸扫了一眼台下密密麻麻倒了一地的海神信众,语气带着几分玩味道:“他们并没有死。” Ha?” “哈?” The haughty desolate does not believe. 敖荒根本不信。 Although his strength was far less than own father haughty Yuzhou (Universe), but the good and evil is also Yellow Step Mid Phase peak, how possibly to link one group of people are dies divides exactly clearly, really does not think his brain water penetration? 实力虽然远不如自己父亲宇宙,但好歹也是黄阶中期巅峰尊者,怎么可能连一群人是死是活都分不清楚,真以为他脑子进水么? Not is only he, on the reserved seats numerous influence big shot also extremely determined, this moment 200,000 believers had really lost the aura, minimum origin spirit fluctuated continually vanishes. 不仅是他,贵宾席上一众势力大佬也都十分确定,此刻二十万信众已是实实在在的失去了气息,连起码的元神波动都消失了。 If this places secular world, that is ready the proper cognitive death, did this also call not dead? 这要是放在世俗界,那就是妥妥的脑死亡,这还叫没有死? Ao Huang with looking at the retard look looks at Lin Yi: You really think that opened mouth depending on you can saying lives these 200,000 people? Ignorant can also have a minimum limit?” 敖荒用看白痴的眼神看着林逸:“你真以为凭你一张嘴就能把这二十万人给说活了?无知也要有个起码的限度吧?” Lin Yi nods: Said right.” 林逸点点头:“说得对。” Then sees under the stage this crowd dense and numerous corpse suddenly collective recover vitality. 然后就见台下这群密密麻麻的“尸体”忽然集体恢复了生机。 Although on faces is hanging the tears of blood, the aura after gets sick same dispirited unable to withstand greatly, but the blind person could still see even, they have lived. 虽然一个个脸上都挂着血泪,气息都跟大病一场后一样萎靡不堪,可是就算瞎子也看得到,他们已经活过来了。 Not only lived, but also crawled quickly, each other looked at each other in blank dismay, surprised uncertain. 不仅活过来了,而且还很快爬了起来,彼此面面相觑,惊疑不定。 Reason that because was controlled by the ideological steel seal, just experience to them, actually too many third dimensions, instead have not been more like make one quite to have the third dimension nightmare. 因为受思想钢印控制的缘故,刚刚的经历对他们来说,其实并没有太多真实感可言,反而更像是做了一场颇有真实感的噩梦。 Has enough 200,000 people to confirm mutually, if they live alone, will regard nightmare processing ready ready. 要不是有着足足二十万人可以相互验证,如果是他们自己独处,妥妥会当成噩梦处理。 On the reserved seats the haughty wild people collective compels ignorant. 贵宾席上敖荒众人集体懵逼。 Today although they do not have to mount the stage personally, but these personal hitting the face, made their cheeks painful. 今天他们这些人虽说没有亲自上台,但这一次次身临其境的打脸,着实令他们脸颊生疼。 Some people cannot bear blurt out: „Did deceased person well, how live suddenly?” 有人忍不住脱口而出:“好好的死人,怎么就突然活了呢?” This saying sound is not too big nor too small, was actually enlarged the audience by an invisible strength, the scene instantaneously was then peaceful. 这话声音不大不小,却被一道无形的力量放大到了全场,然后现场瞬间就安静了。 The sea god believers collective that 200,000 live looks to the reserved seats, the invisible anger also starts to ferment fast. 二十万活过来的海神信众集体看向贵宾席,无形的怒火随之开始快速酝酿。 Ao Huang stared this person of one ruthlessly, this, he is really the heart of homicide has. 敖荒狠狠瞪了此人一眼,这一下,他真是杀人的心都有。 What is the pig teammate? 什么叫猪队友? This special is the living pig teammate! 这特么就是活生生的猪队友! He spoke incorrectly the words, undertakes the popular anger is actually not he, but is the people on their all reserved seats, because the believers by under were regarded as a whole naturally. 他自己说错了话,承担众怒的却不是他自己一个人,而是他们所有贵宾席上的人,因为他们这些人天然就被底下的信众视为一个整体。 When high-rank does not start under when the person looks, then in the person eyes of these floors, that is not this high-rank has the issue in turn personally, but is all high-rank is not the person! 当一个上位者开始不把底下当人看,那么反过来在这些底层的人眼里,那就不是这一个上位者个人有问题,而是所有的上位者都不是人! Only these words, bound Ao Huangjiang are representing the attempt of just side extinguishing an insight. 只这一句话,就把敖荒将自己绑定在代表正义一方的尝试给灭了一个通透。 If he at this time said again anything for 200,000 believers voices and so on boast, that is not insulting everyone's IQ, but is insulting his own IQ. 他这时候要是再说什么替二十万信众发声之类的大话,那就不是在侮辱大家的智商,而是在侮辱他自己的智商了。 What a pity, at present is not the internal strife time. 可惜,眼下不是内讧的时候。 Ao Huang must stare this person of one ruthlessly, clenches teeth to look that said to Lin Yi: What sorcery regardless of you used, but you cannot change the truth forever, even if you can mislead everyone for a while, could not mislead everyone.” 敖荒只得狠狠瞪了此人一眼,咬牙看向林逸道:“无论你用了什么样的妖法,但你永远改变不了事实真相,就算你能蛊惑得了大家一时,也蛊惑不了大家一世。” Lin Yi looked by one compressed Grandmaster don't: This seems like the lines that I should say.” 林逸看了一眼旁边被压扁的莫大师:“这好像是我该说的台词。” The haughty desolate looks at each other with other numerous influence big shot, then sneers saying: You are so secure, thinks died my Royal Father no one to threaten with the sinister plot pit to obtain you?” 敖荒同其他一众势力大佬相视一眼,转而冷笑道:“你这么有恃无恐,是不是以为用奸计坑死了我父王就没人能威胁得到你了?” Lin Yi extremely honest nod: Right, I think.” 林逸十分坦诚的点点头:“没错,我就是这么想的。” A few words choke the haughty wild people to roll the eyes. 一句话噎得敖荒众人直翻白眼。 They have seen shameless, but jumps to their faces shameless, actually also is really first bumps into. 他们见过无耻的,但这么恬不知耻跳到他们脸上来的,却还真是头一回碰上。 Ao Huang clenches jaws: Rampant I saw a lot, what was so rampant like you was really rarely seen, was not excellent has the day to receive inexpensively, the rampant people did not have the good end.” 敖荒咬牙切齿:“嚣张的我见得多了,但是像你这么嚣张的真是不多见,不过人贱自有天收,嚣张的人都没有好下场。” Lin Yi deep is so: Your that Father is a living example.” 林逸深以为然:“你那老子就是个活生生的例子。” „......” “……” Ao Huang thought that chatted again, he estimated that really must spit blood, immediately laid cards on the table to say simply: Truth told you, before today , my Royal Father the secret had transferred my West Sea 70% elite encircled toward here, how today regardless of the result, you to have been doomed unable to escape!” 敖荒觉得再这么聊下去,他估计真得吐血,当即索性摊牌道:“实话跟你说了吧,今天之前我父王就已秘密调动了我西海70%的精锐往这边合围,今天无论结果如何,你早已注定插翅难逃!” Him finishes speaking, another one border and coastal does not have the Lin Yi own health/guard camp that day and the big python leads to set out neatly. 他这边话音刚落,另一边海无天和大蟒率领的林逸亲卫营齐刷刷起身。 Even if a few words did not say, the strong atmospheric field that type came from the trump card corps, has covered the audience instantaneously, oppresses in everyone top of the head. 哪怕一句话不说,那种来自于王牌战队的强大气场,瞬间就已笼罩全场,压迫在每一个人头顶。
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