SBPE :: Volume #16

#10162: Chapter 10162

What a pity has not waited for his slightly self-satisfied, after seeing to spit the breath falls, Lin Yi unexpectedly perfect standing in same place, as if he was just not the second killed all spat the breath fatally, but breaks wind purely. 可惜还没等他稍微得意一下,就见吐息落下之后,林逸竟是完好无损的站在原地,仿佛他刚刚不是秒杀一切的致命吐息,而是纯粹放了个屁。 Except for dirty point smelly, without the least bit lethality. 除了脏点臭点,没有半点杀伤力可言。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Haughty Yuzhou (Universe) quick was at the scene insane, even if he so does not despair facing sea god clone, at this moment was actually starts a little to suspect the life. 宇宙当场都快疯了,哪怕面对海神分身他都没有这么绝望,此刻却是开始有点怀疑人生了。 He does not believe in evil doctrines, the innumerable dead spirits are wailing immediately turbulently, alternates the Lin Yi's body crazily, is seizing the Lin Yi's life strength wantonly. 他不信邪,无数亡灵当即哀嚎着汹涌而出,疯狂穿插林逸的身体,大肆攫取着林逸的生命力。 However what is strange, how regardless of the dead spirit seizes, Lin Yi does not have the least bit difference, even selects the minimum response not to have, his life strength emits continuously, not only has not reduced, instead also became richer. 然而吊诡的是,无论亡灵怎么攫取,林逸却始终没有半点异样,甚至连点起码的反应都没有,他的生命力源源不断冒出,非但没有减少,反而还变得更加丰沛了。 This, in haughty Yuzhou (Universe) heart that proud collapsed immediately thoroughly. 这一下,敖宇宙心中的那点自傲顿时彻底崩了。 He could not have completely understood Lin Yi thoroughly, only feels before the opposite party, thinks who are insufferably arrogant powerful, just like a clown. 他已经彻底看不透林逸了,只觉得在对方面前,自以为强大不可一世的自己,活脱脱就是个小丑。 Where are you sacred?” “你到底是何方神圣?” Haughty Yuzhou (Universe) again difficult asked this question. 宇宙再次艰难的问出了这个问题。 But compared a moment ago, the tone took obviously prudent and dreaded, even somewhat feared faintly. 只不过相比起刚才,语气带上了显而易见的慎重和忌惮,甚至隐隐还有几分恐惧。 Lin Yi said lightly: Where said no on sacred, but is average not wonderful cultivator.” 林逸淡淡道:“说不上何方神圣,不过是个平平无奇的修炼者罢了。” Average not wonderful......” “平平无奇……” Haughty Yuzhou (Universe) felt own IQ received the insult. 宇宙觉得自己智商受到了侮辱。 Lin Yi shrugs: What special words must speak only, but was you arrived at my domain, my domain naturally was I takes responsibility, this very reasonable right?” 林逸耸了耸肩:“唯一要说有什么特别的话,不过是你来到了我的地盘而已,我的地盘自然是我来做主喽,这很合理对吧?” Is reasonable your mother!” “合理你妈!” Haughty Yuzhou (Universe) subconscious crack cursed, but immediately terrified one startled, even if he extremely does not like to believe that but the words have strung together speaking of this all things. 宇宙下意识破口大骂,但随即悚然一惊,哪怕他万分不愿意相信,但话说到这一步所有事情都已经串起来了。 Sea god is clone only you makes the come out pretence? Is your goal, to lead to here to come me?” “海神分身只是伱弄出来的幌子?你的目的,就是要把我带到这里来?” Haughty Yuzhou (Universe) more wants to be the heart startled: „Are all these you make the come out bureau? In name you cope with that old cheat, actually your goal from the beginning is I, are all your layout?” 宇宙越想越是心惊:“这一切都是你弄出来的局?名义上你是对付那个老骗子,其实你的目标从一开始就是我,一切都是你的布局?” „......” “……” Was speechless this feedback to Lin Yi. 这回轮到林逸无语了。 Undeniably, haughty Yuzhou (Universe) truly is his important goal, compares Grandmaster don't who poisons people's minds, this is the big fish in his eye. 不可否认,敖宇宙确实是他的重要目标,相比起蛊惑人心的莫大师,这位才是他眼里的大鱼。 But must say that from the beginning is he in the layout, that really wants is too many, no matter what whose layout again how powerful, is absolutely impossible to control in this share, after all he is not gods. 但要说从一开始就是他在布局,那就真是想太多了,任谁布局再怎么厉害,也绝对不可能掌控到这个份上,毕竟他又不是神明。 Only can say, who has thought Dihua time, being better than the kings of West Sea cannot be unconventional. 只能说,谁都有思维迪化的时候,强如西海之王也不能免俗。 The haughty Yuzhou (Universe) mentality was very obvious had collapsed, was at the scene breathless, fiercely attacked toward Lin Yi crazily: No one can plan me to this situation, you are anything!” 宇宙心态很明显已经崩了,当场气急败坏,疯狂朝着林逸猛攻:“谁也不能算计我到这个地步,你算什么东西!” Finally by Lin Yi gently a slap, at the scene the entire dead spirit big dragon cranking up the powder, changed into pure Energy, integrates in new World. 结果被林逸轻轻一巴掌,当场将整个亡灵巨龙给拍成了粉末,化为一道道精纯的能量,融入新世界之中。 Haughty Yuzhou (Universe) gawked, then panic-stricken desire certainly. 宇宙愣了一下,而后惊骇欲绝。 This grade of method had exceeded his imagination completely, the gods who even if keeps aloof, cannot achieve this degree absolutely. 这等手段已经完全超出了他的想象,即便是高高在上的神明,也绝对做不到这个程度。 But, front Lin Yi achieved unexpectedly. 可是,面前的林逸居然做到了。 Until this moment, he realized finally truly, the Lin Yi so-called my domain I take responsibility am what meaning. 直到这一刻,他才终于真正意识到,林逸所谓的我的地盘我做主到底是个什么意思。 Lin Yi is indifferent, visits him saying: You are also in a personality the person, although the standpoint is different, but I am not repugnant, not Tathagata with me?” 林逸淡然束手,看着他道:“你也是个性情中人,虽然立场不同,但我并不讨厌,不如来跟我吧?” If although swallows haughty Yuzhou (Universe) such sea area top expert, makes up regarding new World absolutely greatly, but if can trade giving loyalty to of opposite party, to Lin Yi is actually a better result. 虽然如果吞下敖宇宙这么一位海域顶级高手,对于新世界来说绝对是大补,可如果能够换来对方的效忠,对林逸来说却是更好的结果。 After all at present the situation in the rapid change, his all sorts of plans must speed up, haughty Yuzhou (Universe) this type can take top expert of come out town/subdues field on hand desperately short of likely. 毕竟眼下形势在急剧变化,他的种种计划必须加快,手头急缺像敖宇宙这种能够拿出来镇场的顶级高手 However, haughty Yuzhou (Universe) looked that his seem like looking at retard: You have seen acting servilely, kneels in others King?” 然而,敖宇宙看他的眼神就像在看一个白痴:“你见过卑躬屈膝,跪在别人脚下的王者吗?” Lin Yi nods: Got it.” 林逸点点头:“明白了。” Said that no longer wastes the time, immediately actuates the World will, a palm cranks up the smashing the opposite party. 说完不再浪费时间,当即驱动世界意志,一掌将对方拍成粉碎。 West Sea King of solemn one generation of fierce and ambitiouses, including snort/hum snort/hum on one, was cancelled in the end without enough time at the scene final the existence trace in this world, his origin spirit was also swallowed by the World will cleanly. 堂堂一代枭雄的西海王者,到头来连哼都来不及哼上一声,当场就被抹去了在这个世上最后的存在痕迹,连带他的元神也都被世界意志吞得一干二净。 To a certain extent, this could also be the dust to turn over to the dust to turn over to the earth. 某种程度上,这也算得上是尘归尘土归土了。 New World starts again the accelerate evolution immediately. 世界当即开始再次加速演化。 However to presently this degree, is very in a short time difficult to present the qualitative change like before. 不过到了现在这种程度,短时间内却已很难出现像之前那样的质变了。 The amino acid member has appeared, then besides the environment that fermenting more suitable life to have, more further defining characteristics are the large-scale protein molecular, by that time, appears from life in the true sense is not far. 氨基酸分子已经出现,接下来除了酝酿更适合生命存在的环境之外,更进一步的标志性特征是大型蛋白质分子,到那时候,距离真正意义上的生命出现也就不远了。 Was good, before was two hundred Ten-thousand-year, presently had the great support of this my dear friend, it is estimated that can reduce 1/4.” “不错了,之前是两百万年,现在有了这位仁兄的大力支持,估计能缩短个四分之一。” Listened to Jiang Xiaoshang this saying, Lin Yi only to think a helplessness. 听着姜小尚这话,林逸只觉一阵无奈。 Two hundred Ten-thousand-year reduce 1/4, there are 150 ten Ten-thousand-year, simply. 两百万年缩短四分之一,还是有一百五十万年,简直了。 Trades five ten Ten-thousand-year with haughty Yuzhou (Universe), although said how cannot calculate to owe, may place urgently needed is the strength immediately, makes him quite be a pity. 用一个敖宇宙换五十万年,虽然说起来无论怎么样都不能算亏,可放在急需即战力的当下,还是让他颇为可惜。 After all his strength and new World depth connection, before new World has the symbolic change, his overall strength is very difficult to present qualitative change in the true sense. 毕竟他的实力与新世界深度关联,在新世界出现标志性变化之前,他的整体实力很难出现真正意义上的质变。 Only but if then can catch haughty Yuzhou (Universe) such prey again smoothly, otherwise wants to count on this, is really Yao Yao is indefinite. 可是接下来除非能够再次顺利捕获到敖宇宙这样的猎物,否则想要指望这个,实在是遥遥无期。 Slow aid will not help in an emergency. 远水解不了近渴啊。 Is good cannot be but actually absolutely does not have the least bit to harvest because of this Lin Yi, although the Yellow Step Initial Phase peak foundation boundary has not changed, but at least strengthened the dragon clan regular strength. 好在这次林逸倒也不能算是完全没有半点收获,黄阶初期巅峰尊者的基础境界虽然没有变化,但至少强化了龙族规则力量。 Dragon clan rule control, from beforehand 30%, promoted at one fell swoop 40%. 龙族规则掌控度,从之前的百分之三十,一举提升到了百分之四十。 At first sight the scope is not too big, but on the actual strength, this is a rare qualitative change. 乍看起来幅度不算太大,但就实际战力而言,这已经是一场难得的质变了。 If nothing else, the Lin Yi previous dragon clan rule can only be used for the oppressive vegetable/dish, meets haughty Yuzhou (Universe) this true sea area top expert, only then the share of bed sheet steamroll. 别的不说,林逸此前的龙族规则只能用来虐虐菜,遇上敖宇宙这种真正的海域顶级高手只有被单方面碾压的份。 But presently, although had been inferior in the lasting degree, but at least in the strength intensity, has the qualifications of directly contesting reluctantly. 现在,虽然在持久程度上还是有所不如,但至少在力量强度上,已经勉强有了正面过招的资格了。 Sleepy dragon Tai who the consciousness returns to the outside world. 意识回到外界的困龙台。 At this time although the people have not seen with one's own eyes the haughty Yuzhou (Universe) fate, has various guesses in secret, but basically recognized, this West Sea King is inauspicious. 此时众人虽然没有亲眼看到敖宇宙的下场,私底下有着各种猜测,不过基本还是认定,这位西海王者已经是凶多吉少了。 Really, sat youth induces anything in them, suddenly looked filled with grief, wept bitterly. 果然,坐在他们之中的一个青年似是感应到了什么,忽然面露悲怆,痛哭不已。 Lin Yi looks following the sound, in the mind also emits the information of this person. 林逸循声看去,脑海中随之冒出此人的信息。 Ao Huang, the haughty Yuzhou (Universe) first wife's eldest son, is ordered by the emperor personally West Sea crown prince, recognized West Sea successor. 敖荒,敖宇宙嫡长子,同时也是钦定的西海太子,公认的西海接班人。 Others guessed, but he has the solid induction with haughty Yuzhou (Universe), haughty Yuzhou (Universe) vanished from this side space a moment ago, but presently, was actually vanishes from this World truly thoroughly. 别人只是猜测,但他与敖宇宙之间却是有着实实在在的感应的,敖宇宙刚才只是从这方空间消失,但是现在,却是真正从这个世界彻底消失了。 In other words, haughty Yuzhou (Universe) did not have. 换句话说,敖宇宙没了。
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