SBPE :: Volume #1 神奇的任务

#245: You trouble too many

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Chapter 0245 第0245章 You trouble too many 你麻烦太多 „Am I like and him the person?” Lin Yi has referred to Scarface, some are not glad, when oneself eat meal does not give money, does not give some money also people to treat, the Overlord meal has not eaten. “我像是和他一样的人么?”林逸指了指刀疤脸,有些不乐意了,自己吃饭什么时候不给钱呀,不给钱也是有人请客,霸王餐可从来没吃过。 little brother you are not......” that Boss complexion stagnate certainly, has not thought that the flatter patted on something that gives one away, others did not miss this board, did not need itself to invite, somewhat was immediately awkward: Good, I calculate how much money......” 小兄弟你当然不是……”那老板脸色一滞,没想到马屁拍在马脚上了,人家根本不差这饭钱,不用自己请,顿时有些尴尬:“好的,那我算算多少钱……” Boss has not counted, has thought over directly bamboo slip child weight on the table, almost more than 100, therefore said: Calculates that 100 were good, odd change does not want, to receive 50.” 老板也没细数,直接掂量了一下桌子上的竹签子重量,差不多有100多只,于是说道:“算100好了,零头就不要,收50。” Takes out money.” Lin Yi looked at Sun Jingyi one, said. “掏钱吧。”林逸看了孙静怡一眼,说道。 Sun Jingyi was somewhat stunned, looks at a moment ago Lin Yi such, but also thinks that was Lin Yi must treat, finally to was spent by oneself finally? 孙静怡有些愕然,看刚才林逸那样子,还以为是林逸要请客呢,结果到最后让自己花钱? But that shop Boss does not know whether to laugh or cry, indeed isn't your bill? You also make your friend spend, does this exempt is not only good? 而那店老板也是哭笑不得,敢情不是你买单?那你还让你朋友多花钱,这免单还不好么? Sun Jingyi puts out wallet, extracted a 50 Yuan bank note to give shop Boss, stared Lin Yi one, then left the big gear with him. 孙静怡拿出钱包,抽出一张50元的票子递给了店老板,瞪了林逸一眼,然后和他一起离开了大排档。 The Scarface unstated criticism, this gigolo, come out acting cool also spends the money of woman secretly, really has suffices to be able, but at heart is also thinking, person who Boss Zou Ruoguang does not dare to offend, his where dares to offend? 刀疤脸暗自腹诽,这小白脸,出来装逼还花女人的钱,真是有够可以的了,不过也只是在心里想想,老大邹若光都不敢得罪的人,他哪里敢得罪? When Lin Yi walked, Zou Ruoguang was gloomy the face to look at Scarface one: Is you annoys the come out good matter! The mother, nearly enters hospital today!” 林逸走了,邹若光才阴沉着脸看了刀疤脸一眼:“都是你惹出来的好事儿!妈的,今天差点儿又进医院了!” How......” Scarface one startled, big bro not only does not dare to offend Lin Yi evidently, but also fears Lin Yi very much? Brother Guang, this boy very powerful?” “怎么了……”刀疤脸一惊,看样子自己大哥不但不敢得罪林逸,而且是很怕林逸啊?“光哥,这小子很厉害?” powerful? You looked how my hand does break?” Zou Ruoguang shook his two to entangle the hand of gauze: Is he breaks off to me! This lunatic can you stir up? Skill high oddness, many people are insufficient the families to hit!” 厉害?你看我的手是怎么断的?”邹若光晃了晃他那两只缠着纱布的手:“就是他给我掰断的!这种疯子你能惹起?身手高的离谱,有多少人都不够人家打!” „? Such powerful?” Scarface stares, was this Martial World expert in Legend? “啊?这么厉害?”刀疤脸一愣,难道这就是传说中的武林高手了? Hurries, left is here disgraceful!” Zou Ruoguang is somewhat agitated: Later the eye sees clearly, this type of hard stubble, few provokes!” “赶紧回去吧,别在这里丢人现眼了!”邹若光有些烦躁:“以后眼睛看清楚点儿,这种硬茬子,少去招惹!” Yes, Brother Guang!” Scarface is also very depressed, do I know this boy such powerful? If early knows, I am all right idly provokes him to do? Amn't I am sick? “是,光哥!”刀疤脸也很郁闷,我怎么知道这小子这么厉害?要是早知道,我没事儿闲的去招惹他干什么?我不是有病么? Femme fatale, early knows that does not sexually harass that Sun Jingyi, will not annoy these to trouble...... 诶,红颜祸水啊,早知道就不去调戏那孙静怡,也不会惹出这些麻烦了…… Boarded, some Sun Jingyi rebuking stared Lin Yi one: You do not pay a bill, Boss exempts the list, haven't you wanted?” 上了车,孙静怡有些嗔怪的瞪了林逸一眼:“你不付帐,老板免单,你还不愿意?” These small merchants, could not make how much money,” Lin Yi said: 50, are almost a cost.” “那些小商贩,赚不了多少钱的,”林逸道:“50块,差不多就是个成本。” Em?” Sun Jingyi stares slightly, before she had not thought that many, but presently hear of Lin Yi saying, indeed is this, if rich, who the big gear under hot sun will be busy? This made Sun Jingyi know Lin Yi actually again. “恩?”孙静怡微微一愣,之前她没有想那么多,不过现在林逸一说,也的确是这样,如果有钱,谁会在烈日下的大排档忙碌呢?这倒是让孙静怡重新的认识了林逸 Actually, Lin Yi has thought Tang Yun, is not willing to occupy this to string together the Boss small advantage hot. 其实,林逸不过是想到了唐韵一家,不愿意占这麻辣串老板的便宜罢了。 However can be continued to collect the protection money as for him by Scarface, that is not Lin Yi can control, everyone not possibly has the life of everyone, Lin Yi to insert a bar horizontally. 但是至于他会不会被刀疤脸继续收保护费,那就不是林逸能管得了的了,每个人有每个人的生活,林逸不可能去横插一杠。 Where do you go to? Dear?” Sun Jingyi vehicle but actually come out, gentle looks to Lin Yi. “你去哪里?亲爱的?”孙静怡将车子倒了出来,温柔的看向林逸 Dear?” Lin Yi stares: Who did you and speak?” “亲爱的?”林逸一愣:“你和谁说话呢?” With you, your presently was my lover, although was only half, but can also such call you!” Sun Jingyi faint smile looks at Lin Yi: What's wrong, does Sister and Brother love make you very embarrassed?” “和你呀,你现在是我的情人了,虽然只是半个,但是也可以这么叫你呀!”孙静怡似笑非笑的看着林逸:“怎么,姐弟恋让你很难为情?” „......” Lin Yi is speechless, this little girl looks like very open, actually probably is not that a matter, what Mr. Company will otherwise not reject that but, how to look for? Looks own good bully? Thought won't oneself be what kind to her? “……”林逸无语,这妞看起来挺开放,其实好像不是那么回事儿,不然也不会拒绝那个什么公司老总了,不过,怎么就偏偏找上自己了?看自己好欺负?还是觉得自己不会对她怎么样? I told you, you were made to pay for one's evil doings here, if which day, I had the opposite effect!” Lin Yi warned Sun Jingyi one. “我告诉你,你是在这儿玩火自焚呢,万一哪天,我就弄假成真了!”林逸警告了孙静怡一句。 Good, big sister also thinks, we can excite the emotions in the course of time!” Sun Jingyi actually with a smile looks at Lin Yi, as if has not been serious with the Lin Yi's words. “好呀,姐姐也想,我们能不能日久生情呢!”孙静怡却笑吟吟的看着林逸,似乎根本没拿林逸的话当回事儿。 Sends me to the beforehand place.” Lin Yi flipped the eye, did not respond her. “送我去之前的地方。”林逸翻了翻眼睛,不搭理她了。 First High School?” Sun Jingyi actually somewhat felt strange: How did you also go to the place?” 第一高中?”孙静怡却是有些奇怪:“你怎么还去刚才的地方?” You asked that many doing anything?” Lin Yi knit the brows: You do not think that in the evening I did help you?” “你问那么多干什么?”林逸皱了皱眉:“你是不是不想晚上我帮你忙了?” „, I am your lover, your reward received, thinks that does not help not to help!” Sun Jingyi indifferent shrugging. “切,我已经是你的情人了,你报酬都收了,想不帮就不帮呀!”孙静怡无所谓的耸了耸肩。 In the evening goes to there to meet me again! After this matter completes, we two did not owe!” Lin Yi does not want too many relations with Sun Jingyi, although this woman beautiful, and has Tang Yun and Chu Mengyao and Chen Yushu no that mature makings, but in the intuition, Lin Yi thought that this woman is very troublesome! Has stained, oneself later will definitely trouble the matter to be unceasing. “晚上再去那里接我!这次事情做完之后,我们两不相欠了!”林逸不想和孙静怡扯上太多的关系,这女人虽然漂亮,而且有着唐韵楚梦瑶陈雨舒没有的那种成熟气质,但是直觉上,林逸就觉得这女人很麻烦!沾上了,自己以后肯定会麻烦事儿不断。 Today lets itself, when Rivers and Oceans Thief, will go to the homicide goods tomorrow? Thinks to have the possibility very much, can infer from that any Wu Chentian, the Sun Jingyi family background is not absolutely simple. 今天让自己当江洋大盗,明天是不是就去杀人越货了?想想很有可能,从那个什么吴臣天就能推断出,孙静怡的家世绝对不简单。 Otherwise cannot with that any Iron Hand Wu Family be the family friendship of many generations. Although does not know how Sun Jingyi does not draw support from family's influence solution present trouble, the matter that but this aristocratic family princess annoys is some troublesome matters, Lin Yi does not think absolutely the specialty gives her to solve troublesome. 不然也不能和那个什么铁手吴家是世交了。虽然不知道孙静怡怎么不借助家里的势力解决眼前的麻烦,但是这种世家公主惹出的事儿绝对都是一些麻烦事儿,林逸可不想专职给她解决麻烦。 Hey, can you like this? Doesn't want to take responsibility?” Sun Jingyi hear of Lin Yi said, actually a look of hidden bitterness looks at Lin Yi. “喂,你怎么能这样呀?不想负责任?”孙静怡林逸这么说,却一副幽怨的眼神看着林逸 lover, did not have a tenth wife, can therefore bid good-bye at any time.” Lin Yi light saying: presently I inform you, you had been flung by me, later you not.” 情人,还没成老婆,所以可以随时分手。”林逸淡淡的说道:“现在我通知你,你被我甩了,以后你就不是了。” „......” Sun Jingyi somewhat inconceivable looks at Lin Yi, oneself Older Sis Beauty's, places in front of him, his not touched and moved? The good and evil pursued own person also to line up, even if did not make his lover, false lover can also satisfy the vanity, a beautiful woman in the side, the association was envied. “……”孙静怡有些不可思议的看着林逸,自己一个大美女,放在他面前,他不动心?好歹追求自己的人也能排成队了,就算不是真做他的情人,假情人也可以满足一下虚荣心的,一个美女在身边,总会被人羡慕。 „Don't you have interest to big sister really?” Sun Jingyi cannot bear ask. “你真对姐姐没有兴趣?”孙静怡忍不住问道。 Has.” Lin Yi extremely agile simple saying. “有。”林逸十分利落干脆的说道。 „?” The Sun Jingyi itself thinks that Lin Yi definitely will say does not have, but has not thought Lin Yi said that has. This surprises her somewhat, some doubts: „Can you also fling me?” “啊?”孙静怡本以为林逸会肯定的说没有,但是没想到林逸说的却是有。这让她有些意外,又有些疑惑:“那你还要甩我?” Your trouble are too many, today lets me, when Rivers and Oceans Thief, will not necessarily do tomorrow, I do not have that many time.” Lin Yi does not have the interest to Sun Jingyi, that is not willing the energy. Sees the beautiful woman, he would being interested, for example Chu Mengyao, for example Chen Yushu...... Em, but under compares, must look at that this beautiful woman is troublesome, if like Song Lingshan...... Temporarily keeps at a respectful distance. “你的麻烦太多,今天让我当江洋大盗,明天不一定干什么,我没那么多时间。”林逸孙静怡没有兴趣,那是不肯能的。看到美女,他总会有兴趣,比如楚梦瑶,比如陈雨舒……恩,但是相比较之下,也要看这个美女麻烦不麻烦,要是像宋凌珊那样的……暂时还是敬而远之吧。
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