Chapter 0244
第0244章Runscome outto do?
跑出来干什么?„Halflover?”Lin Yiis somewhat speechless, loveralsohas50%?
“一半情人?”林逸有些无语,情人还有一半的么?„Yes, to the outsidedeclared,weare the loverrelate, butin fact, Ido not fulfill the duty of lover!” The Sun Jingyinodsaid: „Lateryouhadin front of the presentlyfriend of minebymyboyfriendstatus!”
“是啊,就是对外宣称,我们是情侣关系,但是实际上,我不履行情侣的义务!”孙静怡点头说道:“以后你就以我男朋友的身份出现在我的朋友面前了!”Lin Yidiscoveredwherefinallyoneselfwere swindled...... Thisbecomes, wantsmanygreatlybig! Not onlywantsfreeto helpSun Jingyistealmaterial, later must freedisguise asherboyfriend!林逸终于发现自己哪里上当了……这当上的,要多大有多大!不但要免费帮孙静怡偷资料,以后还得免费假扮她的男朋友!
Did thisbusinessalsoowe? But, thisis the custom and reward that set, whomalso has the resentmentresulted in?
这买卖也太亏了吧?可是,这是自己定下的规矩和酬劳,又怨得了谁呢?No wonder before , thought that somedo not suit, reallydoes not suitvery much!
怪不得自己之前就觉得有些不对劲儿,果然是很不对劲儿了!„Calculates that youruthless......”Lin Yido not wantto renege on a promise, hedid not have the rascaltothatdegree, had said the words, naturallymustkeep a promise: „But, opposite partythatBosshas handledthese manymatters, toletyou, whenhislover?”
“算你狠……”林逸也不想反悔,他还没无赖到那种程度,说过的话,自然要算数:“不过,对方那老板做了这么多的事情,就为了让你当他的情人?”„Does not believeyouto askhim, the people in industryknow that hehas the ideatome.”Sun Jingyisaid.
“不信你可以去问问他,业界内的人都知道他对我有想法。”孙静怡说道。„That doesn't Wu Chentianpursueyou? How don't youaskhimto solve?”Lin Yiasked. ThatWu Chentianis known asIronhand Wu, the handlasttime is very powerful, steals a material people should not be the issue.
“那个吴臣天不是追求你么?你怎么不找他去解决?”林逸问道。那个吴臣天号称吴铁手,手上功夫很是厉害,偷个资料应该不是什么问题。„Ido not want toomanyrelationswithhim, Ihad not felttohim.”Sun Jingyishook the head: „Do youwantto renege on a promise?”
“我不想和他扯上太多的关系,我对他没感觉。”孙静怡摇了摇头:“你是不是想反悔?”„No, the materialwhere, Imaketoyou.”Lin YisawSun Jingyinot to say the Wu Chentianmatter, had not asked.
“没有,资料在哪里,我给你弄来。”林逸见孙静怡不想多说吴臣天的事情,也就没有多问。„Materialinhisdwelling, webeginstonight.”Sun Jingyisaid.
“资料在他的住处,我们今晚就动手。”孙静怡说道。„Good, thenontonight.”Lin Yiis actually indifferent: „The reward of thathalflover, Ido not receive.”
“好,那就今晚吧。”林逸倒是无所谓:“那个一半情人的酬劳,我就不收了。”„Thatis not good!”Sun Jingyihas actually categorically rejected, shakes the headagain and again: „BeforeIhad saidwithyoumanytimes, youdetermined that gathers the opposite partyconditionshalfas the reward, yourextremelydefinitelyhas determined, does presentlyalsowantto renege on a promise?”
“那可不行!”孙静怡却断然拒绝了,连连摇头:“之前我已经和你说过很多次,你确定收取对方条件的一半作为酬劳,你十分肯定的确定了下来,现在还想要反悔?”„Do not be good?”Lin Yiforced smile.
“不要都不行?”林逸苦笑。„It is not good! It is not absolutely good!”Sun Jingyisaid: „Youhelpmework, Ipayyourreward, perfectly justified!”
“不行!绝对不行!”孙静怡道:“你帮我做事,我付你报酬,天经地义!”„Good......”Lin Yiis somewhat helpless, butseesis so dead, does not haveanymeans that Sun Jingyi said that after all before Lin Yi, trulycomplied.
“好吧……”林逸有些无奈,但是见孙静怡说的这么死,也没有任何办法,毕竟林逸之前确实答应了。Twopeoplewere speakingthissaying, actuallyseesonecrowd of Ruffianto run overtohere, Scarfacealso, runsto a personsaid: „Brother Guang, ishe, isthisboy, hereobstructsmeto collect the protection money, but alsohitsme!”
两个人正说这话,却见得一群混混向这边跑了过来,刀疤脸也在其中,边跑边对其中一个人说道:“光哥,就是他,就是这小子,在这里阻挠我收保护费,还打我!”Has saying that thisScarfaceimagination is very rich, sexually harassed the Sun Jingyiscandalto turnhimisLin Yiobstructshimto charge the protection money, deceivedhisBossto comehereevenShi.
不得不说,这刀疤脸的想象力还挺丰富,将他自己调戏孙静怡的丑事变成了是林逸阻挠他收取保护费,骗得他的老大来这里平事。Boss of thatbiggearsees clearly the person, immediately the complexionchanges, hurriesto remindLin YiandSun Jingyi: „little brother, youhurryto run, Brother ScarshoutedhisBoss, definitelywasteachesyour!”
那大排档的老板看清楚来人,顿时脸色一变,赶忙提醒林逸和孙静怡:“小兄弟,你赶紧跑吧,刀疤哥把他的老大喊来了,肯定是来教训你的!”„, Ihad not finished eating, theyare willingto cometo come.”Lin Yihas not caredslightly, mouthstillat a moderate paceis eating the hotstring.
“呵,我还没吃完呢,他们愿意来就来吧。”林逸丝毫没在意,嘴里仍然不紧不慢的吃着麻辣串。„!”Boss of hotstringsighed, have achievedto show extreme tolerancein any case, sincethispersondid not listen, did not have the means that hopes that Brother Guangcame, do not implicate themselvesto be good!
“诶!”麻辣串的老板叹了口气,反正自己已经做到仁至义尽了,这人既然不听,那自己也没有办法,希望光哥来了,不要牵连到自己才好!„Hey, theirpeopleare many, do youhave confidenceto level?”AlthoughSun JingyithinksLin Yiskillverypowerful, butdoublefistdifficultenemyfour, these manypeopleto look for troubleafter all, can Lin Yisolve?
“喂,他们人很多,你有把握摆平么?”孙静怡虽然觉得林逸身手很厉害,但是毕竟双拳难敌四手,这么多人来找麻烦,林逸到底能不能解决呢?„Are personmany?”Lin Yihas thrown downbamboo slip in hand, raised the head, was happy, unexpectedlyis an acquaintance! Butthisacquaintance, was clamoringat this moment!
“人很多么?”林逸丢下了手中的竹签子,一抬头,却乐了,居然是个熟人!而这个熟人,此刻却叫嚣着!„Whodaresto cause troublein the domain in North area? Didn't pay attention tomyBrother Guangface?”ScarfaceBosswaswalkedvery much, was shoutingto the biggear of hotstringin the boastingroared.
“谁敢在北区的地盘上闹事?是不是不把我光哥的面子放在眼里了?”刀疤脸的老大很是牛皮哄哄的走了过来,对着麻辣串的大排档里面喊道。„, Did wemeet?”Lin Yismiledlightly, looksto„Brother Guang”, „otherssaid that had a fracture for 100days, youwere not lying downat home, did youruncome out to turn into the disabled person?”
“呵,我们又见面了?”林逸淡淡一笑,看向了“光哥”,“人家都说伤筋动骨100天,你不在家里躺着,你跑出来想变成残废?”Brother GuangseesLin Yi, hiscomplexionimmediatelychanges! ThisBrother GuangnaturallyisRuffiangang leaderZou Ruoguang of North area, hehas not thought,couple days agoin the person who inhospitalbumped into, will bump intohere!光哥看到林逸,他的脸色顿时一变!这个光哥自然就是北区的混混头子邹若光,他怎么也没想到,前几天在医院里碰到的人,会在这里又碰到了!Inhospital, Lin Yi'sruthlessspicymakesZou Ruoguanghave a vivid memory! Thisboyisviolentis simply crazy, is oppressive the personto come, the winkingeye, ownwristwas not regardedbyhimis a toy, exchanging flattery and favorsbrokeseveral!
在医院里,林逸的狠辣可是让邹若光记忆犹新!这小子简直就是个暴力狂,虐起人来,根本不眨眼睛,自己的手腕被他当成是玩具了,拉拉扯扯的断了好几回!At this moment, the Zou Ruoguangcomplexionis very ugly, althoughhehasmanyunder the hand | subordinate, butactuallydoes not dareeasilygoes toLin Yi! Hiscourage is actually very small, hefearsoneselfonceeveryis not the Lin Yi'smatch, oneselftoday'sfateabsolutelybe more miserable than couple of days ago!
The previoustimeisto breakwrist, perhapsthistimebreaks the leg!
上次是断手腕,这次没准儿就是断腿了!„Ha...... Wasthiselder brother......”Zou Ruoguanghas hit, hedoes not dareto provokeLin Yitemporarily, does not wantto loseface, can only pretendwith the Lin Yiveryripeappearance: „Really wasfloodto/clashesDragon King Temple, the whole familydid not know the whole family! Scar, thiselder brotherwill definitely not be all rightto hinderyouto collect the protection money, youspeak the truth, what's the matter?”
“哈……是这位哥啊……”邹若光打了个哈哈,他暂时不敢招惹林逸,又不想丢了面子,只能装作和林逸很熟的样子:“真是大水冲了龙王庙,一家人不认识一家人了!刀疤,这位哥肯定不会没事儿妨碍你收保护费,你说实话,到底怎么回事儿?”Actually, Zou Ruoguang not clear does Scarfaceuse something as a pretext? Scarfaceunder the hand | subordinate, impossibleto be so loyaltoScarface, beforewhat happened, Zou Ruoguangalsoearlyhashearing!
其实,邹若光怎么不清楚刀疤脸是借题发挥?刀疤脸的手下,也不可能对刀疤脸那么忠心,之前发生了什么事情,邹若光也早有耳闻!As forknowing the situation is also overScarface, on the one handbecause ofno matter what, Scarfaceisownlil bro, over lil brobybully, oneselfthisbig browas naturally wanted!
至于知道了情况还为刀疤脸出头,一方面是因为不管怎么说,刀疤脸都是自己的小弟,小弟受欺负了,自己这个大哥自然要出头!Buton the other hand, isbecauseweekendtimeteachingonehas not daredto hit backbyLin Yi, heartinsideconstrains, thereforepreparesto teachotherpeople, vents anger, finally, bumped intoLin Yihere, Zou Ruoguanghas applaudedto fadesecretly!
而另一方面,也是因为周末的时候被林逸给教训了一顿又不敢还手,心里面压抑,所以才准备教训教训其他人,出出气,结果,在这里又碰上了林逸,邹若光暗叫好衰!Scarfacestares, does not haveto thinkownBossone, changed the attitude, immediatelyrealized the matteris not common! HecanbecomeBoss near food market, naturallyis not the fool!刀疤脸一愣,没想到自己老大一来,就改变了态度,顿时意识到事情不一般了!他能当上菜场附近的老大,自然不是笨蛋!Brother Guangcomestooneselfover, finallytogood of Lin Yimannerextremely, thismakesScarfacehaveone not goodpremonition! Is thispersonreally a ruthlessperson? To be respectfulincludingBoss?光哥是来给自己出头的,结果却对林逸态度十分的好,这让刀疤脸有一种不好的预感!难道,这人真的是个狠人?连老大都要恭敬有加?„Sorry, Brother Guang...... Was I have stirred up trouble, I was this...... The big browomansaidtwowords......”Scarfacedid not quibble, heknewthis time, Brother Guangmustoperatewithhim.
“对不起,光哥……是我惹事儿了,我就是和这位……大哥的女人说了两句话……”刀疤脸也不狡辩,他知道这时候,光哥要拿他开刀了。„!” A Zou Ruoguangclose tolong-handled fanin the past: „Lets you Chinese zither! Hasn't apologized?”
“啪!”邹若光一个巴掌扇了过去:“让你得瑟!还不道歉?”„Sorry!”ScarfaceveryagilegivesLin Yi and Sun Jingyiapology.
“对不起!”刀疤脸很利索的给林逸和孙静怡道歉。„Was good, do not develop, Ido not have the free timeto visityouto act in a play.”Lin Yisomeimpatientwaving of: „Boss, bill!”
“行了,别演了,我也没工夫看你们演戏。”林逸有些不耐烦的挥了挥手:“老板,买单!”Person who „this......”strings togetherBossto have the meaningful glancehot, saw that Zou Ruoguangdoes not dareto offendLin Yi, hisalsowheredaresto collect the Lin Yi'smoney? „Does not use, thisbrother, thisIinvited, does not receive money......”
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