SS :: Volume #12

#134: Decisive battle insect sovereign

Newest website: Nearby the tunnel access, is filling the iron grey thick fog. 最新网址:隧道入口附近,弥漫着灰白色浓雾。 The mist of fluttering, is actually comprised of billions of small poisonous insects, is gnawing to nip the golden light membrane crazily, as if one flock of ants eat the food cheese. 飘荡的雾气,其实是由数以亿计微小的毒虫组成,正在疯狂啃咬金色光膜,仿佛一群蚂蚁啃食奶酪。 The mist deep place, visibles faintly a huge and fierce form, is returning in tunnel access pai, seems exceptionally anxious. 雾气深处,隐约可见一尊庞大而狰狞的身影,正在隧道入口徘回,显得异常焦躁。 Soars before the transmission, has added holds various good gain magic arts, including tertiary specifically is used for the method of impediment demon insect- spirit body guard and expelling worm ring and against living creature guard/shield. 高飞在传送之前,就已经加持好各种增益法术,包括三重专门用来阻隔魔虫的手段-“灵体卫士”、“驱虫指环”和“防活物护罩”。 Facts showed, his protection is necessary. 事实证明,他的防备很有必要。 Soars has not gone out of transmission, alarmed the insect fog of in the air dissemination, immediately surrounds. 高飞还没走出传送阵,就惊动了空中弥散的虫雾,立刻包围上来。 Knot that three colors vary, will soar to cover, prevents the insect fog to approach. 三圈色彩各异的结界,将高飞笼罩,阻挡虫雾靠近。 Meanwhile, after expansion extremely effect spirit body guard who” the ultra demon strengthens twinkle golden light, starts to strangle to death the small poisonous insect. 与此同时,经过超魔强化的“扩展强极效灵体卫士”闪烁金光,开始绞杀微小的毒虫。 The thick fog deep place, Abaddon perceived that the poisonous insect death, turned head to look. 浓雾深处,亚巴顿觉察到毒虫死亡,扭头望了过来。 The vision like eight blood red lightnings, the penetration insect fog, focuses on soaring. 目光如同八道血红的闪电,穿透虫雾,聚焦在高飞身上。 Soaring the fine hair but is actually immediately vertical, seemed resisted the throat by the invisible sharp blade! 高飞顿时汗毛倒竖,仿佛被无形的利刃抵住喉咙! Is good because of mind barrier prompt display function, suppresses to follow frightened spiritual energy that” the insect sovereign line of sight raids. 好在“心灵屏障”及时发挥作用,压制住伴随虫皇视线袭来的“恐惧灵气”。 Soars to put out the one breath, the nervousness has alleviated. 高飞吐出一口气,紧张的情绪有所缓解。 The look of insect sovereign is even more swift and fierce, walks slowly from the thick fog deep place. 虫皇的眼神愈发凌厉,缓缓从浓雾深处走来。 As his form is getting more and more near, soars held dense fog sight and true knowledge technique eyes, finally sees clearly the true colors of insect sovereign. 随着他的身影越来越近,高飞加持了“迷雾视域”和“真知术”的双眼,终于看清虫皇的真面目。 Abaddon under insect fog encirclement, is a length of body about 60 meters scorpion shape giant beast, the terminal segment of chelicera scorpion tail is impressively complete, the back covers the smooth hard elytrum, the head is looking like the spider, the ring shooting eight gigantic ape red eyes pupils, are gazing at him wickedly. 虫雾环绕下的亚巴顿,赫然是一只体长将近六十米的蝎形巨兽,螯钳蝎尾俱全,背部覆盖着光滑坚硬的鞘翅,头颅则酷似蜘蛛,环形排列着八颗硕大的猩红眼眸,正在恶狠狠的注视着他。 ! 啪! Soared to hit a sound to refer. 高飞打了个响指。 Instantaneous time static! 瞬发“时间静止”! The air stagnates! 空气为之一滞! However almost at the same time, on the insect sovereign flood aliquation level blood-color radiance, counter-balanced time unexpectedly static, acts is hindered. 然而几乎就在同一时间,虫皇身上泛起层层血色光华,竟然抵消了“时间静止”,行动不受丝毫妨碍。 This is so-called myth counterattacking? 这就是所谓的“神话反制”? Soars sighs secretly. 高飞暗自叹息。 Sure enough, trying our luck is useless. 果不其然,心存侥幸是没有用的。 For today's this war, soared to prepare more than 50 tactical plan. 为了今天这一战,高飞准备了不下五十套战术方案。 Under the most ideal condition, time static anchorage Abaddon a half minute, then he can install underground the nuclear bomb calmly, like coped with gluttony nest mother some time ago, the insect sovereign who will be insufferably arrogant explodes goes to the western heaven. 在最理想的状况下,“时间静止”定住亚巴顿半分钟,然后他就可以从容埋设核弹,就像不久前对付饕餮巢母那样,将不可一世的虫皇炸上西天。 Prevents this set of tactical establish biggest barrier, is Abaddon myth counterattacking. 阻止这套战术成立的最大障碍,就是亚巴顿的“神话反制”。 Reason that soars must attempt, mainly thought that time static is not the direct role on Abaddon, belongs to gain buff to self-acceleration essentially, is not necessarily able counterattacking of triggering opposite party. 高飞之所以还是要尝试一下,主要是觉得“时间静止”并非直接作用在亚巴顿身上,本质上属于一种对施法者自身加速的增益buff,未必就会触发对方的反制。 The result demonstrates that Abaddon conceives compared with him more vigilant. 结果表明亚巴顿比他设想中的更机警。 Even if soars is instantaneous, was still seen through the magic arts configuration by his one eyes, starts myth counterattacking without hesitation, strangles the crisis in the middle of the seed. 即便高飞是瞬发施法,也被他一眼看穿了法术构型,不假思索开启“神话反制”,把危机扼杀在萌芽当中。 „When stops demolition the tactic is invalid, but soars does not have the harvest. “时停爆破”的战术行不通,但是高飞也并非全无收获。 Now when he will dare bold conclusion, Abaddon not will stop the magic. 现在他敢大胆的断定,亚巴顿不会时停魔法。 Otherwise the insect sovereign when success counterattacking stops, should take advantage of opportunity starts stops, in that case, oneself was very passive. 否则虫皇在成功反制时停之后,就应该顺势发动时停,那样一来,自己这边就很被动了。 When Abaddon not stopped, soars had the energy at heart slightly. 亚巴顿不会时停,高飞心里就稍微有了底气。 This weaponry, has hits!! 这场仗,有得打!! Abaddon had not detected, does not care about the mentality of front that young people to change. 亚巴顿没有发觉,也不在乎前面那个年轻人的心态变化。 If time static useful, initially Burns will easily be beaten by him, gives up? 假如“时间静止”有用,当初拜恩斯又怎么会被他轻松击败,俯首称臣? Human! Died or submitted to me, two roads yourself elected!” “人类!死亡或者臣服于我,两条路你自己选!” The insect sovereign eyes pupil glitters, to soaring to issue the combative open arms command through the telepathy. 虫皇眼眸闪烁,通过心灵感应向高飞发出杀气腾腾的招降令。 He can look, this young people strength is good, at least is accurate legendary, is suiting replaces died in battle Burns, fills a position of own vice general. 他看得出来,这个年轻人实力不错,起码是一个准传奇施法者,正适合顶替已经战死的拜恩斯,充任自己的副将。 Places usually, the arrogant insect sovereign cannot have a liking for human low organism! 放在平时,高傲的虫皇根本看不上人类这种低等生物! Helpless the situation is urgent now, is shorthanded, therefore relaxes specially gathers the standard of talent. 无奈如今形势紧迫,手下缺兵少将,所以才特别放宽招揽人才的标准。 Only pitifully, opposite that human boy is actually unappreciative, disregards his gathering, but also in selfish. 只可惜,对面那个人类小子竟然不识抬举,无视他的招揽,还在自顾自的施法。 Sure!” “sure!” Soars in a soft voice twittering, summon storm. 高飞轻声呢喃,呼唤风暴。 The thick tornado column rises straight from the ground together, surrounds he in the middle of the eye of wind. 一道粗大的龙卷风柱拔地而起,将他自身环绕在风眼当中。 The insect group that all around swoops, is inhaled the storm immediately , to continue to be strangled to death by the air current. 四周飞扑上来的虫群,立刻被吸入暴风,持续受到气流绞杀。 Insect group storm is constituted by billions of poisonous insects, however alone the size of each poisonous insect, with seeking house mosquito black fly not different, each individual, the life value lowers alone pitifully. “虫群风暴”由数以亿计的毒虫构成,然而单独每一只毒虫的尺寸,都与寻常蚊蚋无异,单独每一只个体,生命值低得可怜。 These small poisonous insects receive effect time delay tornado technique to coerce extremely, in addition spirit body guard and expelling worm protective charm joint steamroll, died in an instant a big piece. 这些小小的毒虫受到“强极效延时旋风术”裹挟,再加上“灵体卫士”与“驱虫护符”联合碾压,转眼间就死掉一大片。 The Abaddon vision transfers coldly, opens the mouth blowout blasphemes the language of god! 亚巴顿目光转冷,张口喷出“渎神之语”! Axan!” “axan!” rune/symbol writing who innumerable contain the evil filthy charm, spout from the insect sovereign train tunnel throat in the middle, like the jet black mighty current, toward sweeps across in all directions! 无数蕴含邪秽魔力的符文,自虫皇火车隧道般的喉咙当中喷涌出来,如同漆黑的洪流,朝四面八方席卷! Soars is also in blasphemes the language of god in attack range. 高飞也处于“渎神之语”的打击范围之内。 Supernatural power of his very clear Abaddon above oneself, when blasphemes the language of god to conduct, only then dead end! 他很清楚亚巴顿的法力远在自己之上,等到“渎神之语”传导过来,只有死路一条! Is good because has the protection early, flashes reads instantaneous silent technique, opens an invisible deafen to tie, absorbed blasphemed the language of god the terrifying destructive power of implication. 好在早有防备,闪念之间瞬发“沉默术”,张开一圈无形的消音结界,吸收了“渎神之语”蕴含的恐怖破坏力。 In the Abaddon eye appears wipes the surprise. 亚巴顿眼中浮现一抹诧异。 The performance of soaring, is greatly more than he expected. 高飞的表现,大大超出他的意料。 The arrogant insect sovereign, realized finally this opponent is not simple, perhaps will make a big trouble to oneself. 傲慢的虫皇,终于意识到这个对手不简单,恐怕会给自己造成不小的麻烦。 In the middle of the tornado, soars to look keenly at Abaddon, in the hand is not idling, sends extremely effect expansion sword blade counterfort. 旋风当中,高飞紧盯亚巴顿,手上也不闲着,默发“强极效扩展剑刃护壁”。 Outside tornado, increases rapid revolving the sharp blade movie screen, further strengthens the insect disinfestation efficiency, does not dare to let off any insect of evading arrest. 在旋风之外,又增添一圈飞速旋转的利刃障壁,进一步强化杀虫效率,不敢放过任何一只漏网之虫。 If by some chance were moistened by the poisonous insect on the body, what kind of consequence can be? 万一被毒虫沾在身上,会是怎样的后果? Thinks this matter, the thigh of soaring does to hurt faintly! 一想到这件事,高飞的大腿就隐隐作疼! Initially Kou Na rescued his Gao little saying that promptly must reduce a leg, can prevent the poisonous insect in oneself crazy reproduction. 当初要不是寇娜及时施救他高某人少说也要砍掉一条腿,才能阻止毒虫在自己身上疯狂繁殖。 So thinking, to be soaring extracts together the astrolabe energy silently, opens death knell halo. 如此想着,高飞默默抽取一道星盘能量,开启“丧钟光环”。 Winter! 冬! Winter! 冬! The distant desolate ding, in the abyss sky reverberation, seems reminding people to attend the funeral quickly. 悠远苍凉的钟声,在深渊上空回荡,仿佛在提醒人们快来参加葬礼。 The astrolabe energy first transforms the strength of myth, then transforms the gloomy negative energy to fluctuate, like an undercurrent, spreads from soaring, proliferates the peripheral hundred meters space. 星盘能量先转化成神话之力,接着又转化成晦暗的负能量波动,如同一股暗潮,从高飞身上扩散出去,遍布周边百米空间。 Death knell halo it does not have the lethality, but can absorb in the radiation radius, the vitality that all dead within the body have not dissipated, why regardless of the opposite party dies. “丧钟光环”本身没有杀伤力,但是可以吸取辐射半径之内,所有死者体内尚未消散的生命力,无论对方因何而死。 Soaring all around, has massive poisonous insects kills every seconds by the tornado and force field sword blade. 高飞四周,每一秒钟都有大量的毒虫被旋风和力场剑刃杀死。 A faint trace vitality pulls out from the poisonous insect corpse, like the innumerable trickles, gathers on soaring. 一丝丝生命力从毒虫尸体当中抽离出来,如同无数涓涓细流,汇聚到高飞身上。
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