SR :: Volume #10

#912: Bleeding Great Dream Pure Land

Chu Feng thought that a heat flow attacks whole body each inch flesh, wells up the head, making him tremble, anxiously with anger to trembling. 楚风觉得一股热流冲击全身每一寸血肉,涌上头部,让他颤栗,紧张与愤怒到发抖。 Chu Feng, should not be excited, this possibly is a snare, some people play a trick you to pass, must to your ambush!” 楚风,别激动,这可能是一个圈套,有人设局等你过去,要对你伏杀!” First, Young Lady Xi contacts with him, under fears him to impulse walks into a trap, she controls the flying saucer not to go far away, sees the explosion news in starry sky. 第一时间,少女曦就联系到他,怕他冲动之下自投罗网,她驾驭飞碟还没有远去呢,看到星空中的爆炸消息。 I have not started off, will look for you, lends my Heavenly Dao umbrella!” Chu Feng did a lot of talking, murderous aura that was hard to melt surges in the starry sky, he wishes one could to kill Great Dream Pure Land immediately. “我还没有上路,正要找你,借给我天道伞!”楚风磨牙,难以化解的杀气在星空中激荡,他恨不得立刻杀到大梦净土 Because, his knows Great Dream Pure Land affirmed that the matter, how otherwise may make this news spread. 因为,他知道大梦净土肯定出事儿了,不然的话怎么可能会让这种消息传出。 Meanwhile, his intermittent palpitation, unifies Qin Luoyin and words of Great Dream Pure Land old monster both sides, he trembles in the heart, has an ominous premonition. 同时,他阵阵心悸,结合秦珞音大梦净土老怪物双方的话语,他真的在心颤,有种不祥的预感。 At this moment, his innermost feelings anxious and worried, anger to the extreme. 这一刻,他内心焦虑、烦闷、愤怒到极点。 Buzz! 嗡! Almost is in a minute, a flying saucer arrives, the Heavenly Dao umbrella is bringing Primal Chaos Qi, is revolving the appearance, the landing in his hands. 几乎是片刻间,一架飞碟降临,天道伞带着混沌气,旋转着出现,降落在他的手中。 Exceedingly high wormhole!” Chu Feng bellows, first contacts with them with Light Brain, must kill starry sky another shore. “通天虫洞!”楚风大吼,第一时间用光脑联系他们,要杀到星空另一岸。 Cannot pass really like this, if the trap, this you didn't jump then?” Young Lady Xi advises. “真不能这样过去,万一是陷阱,这不就等你跳吗?”少女曦劝阻。 However, at this time superior grade wormhole opened, the exceedingly high company responded that was too rapid, first is Chu Feng constructs a channel. 然而,这时超级虫洞已经开启,通天公司反应太迅速了,第一时间就为楚风构建好一条通道。 Words that does not go, I will regret for a lifetime, deceived words, I will possibly regret for a while!” “不去的话,我会后悔一辈子,被骗的话,我可能会懊悔一时!” Chu Feng crashes in the wormhole directly, is duty-bound not to turn back, kills to Great Dream Pure Land there! 楚风直接冲进虫洞,义无反顾,杀向大梦净土那里! I shouted that old is black they!” Young Lady Xi shouts. “我去喊老黑他们!”少女曦喊道。 Does not want!” Chu Feng has not stopped, is accelerating to go far away, but spiritual fluctuation actually intense and serious spreading. “不要!”楚风没有停下,在加速远去,但是精神波动却强烈而郑重的传出。 I have the Heavenly Dao umbrella, may the bang kill including Saint, innate undefeated, only if the Shining Upon Heaven Grade powerhouse came, but if this grade of character arrives, even if old is black his gate to carry Cauldron of Monster Ancestor also to no help!” “我有天道伞,连圣人都可轰杀,先天不败,除非映照天级强者来了,可若是这等人物驾临,哪怕老黑他门拎着妖祖之鼎也于事无补!” Chu Feng warned, with. 楚风告诫,千万不要跟来。 Although he is filled with righteous indignation, but has not actually lost calmly, he is impossible to hurry to bring death, is impossible to make the enemy pleasant. 况且,他虽然怒火填膺,但是却没有失去冷静,他不可能赶着去送死,不可能让敌人如意。 Almost the flash, Chu Feng has rushed to the wormhole, appears in the Great Dream star outer space, moves sideways, he disappeared, bends down using the limit movement to the planet ground, very discrete is hiding the whereabouts. 几乎一瞬间,楚风就闯过虫洞,出现在大梦星外太空,一闪身,他就消失了,利用极限身法俯向星球地面,非常谨慎的藏匿着行踪。 Meanwhile, he opens Light Brain once more, looks at the relevant information, he must find out the newest situation, how. 与此同时,他再次开启光脑,看相关信息,他要了解最新情况,到底怎样了。 At this time, in the starry sky seethes with excitement, Dark Blood platform also Beast Source Platform has the massive pictures to be pasted, even there is a short video and music. 此时,星空中沸腾,无论是黑血平台还原兽平台都有大量的照片被贴出,甚至有短暂的影音等。 Once had the Great Dream Pure Land's person to pray for rescue, there is a catastrophe of disciple live transmission scene, left behind the last words, these materials were too bloody. 曾有大梦净土的人求救,也有弟子直播现场的大祸,留下遗言,这些资料太血腥了。 At this moment, the entire starry sky vibrates, many people tremble, this is Great Dream Pure Land, the to get close to first ten big super Evolutionary Civilization inheritance, encounter this massacre finally unexpectedly, some people visit to slaughter, the bang kills all resisters! 这一刻,全星空都震动,许多人都颤栗起来,这可是大梦净土啊,接近前十大的超级进化文明传承,结果竟遭遇这种惨案,有人上门屠戮,一路轰杀所有反抗者! After Chu Feng sees, the eye was red. 楚风看到后,眼睛都红了。 The entrance falls down, in the pure land bloodstained, the remnant of destroyed building, many people died, is the acquaintances, had seen, has the Golden Body level old monster, also there are elite juniors of younger generation, in the corpse on the ground pure land, sees all the way is the corpses. 山门倾塌,净土中血迹斑斑,断壁残垣,有很多人都死了,都是熟人,曾经见到过,有门中的金身级老怪物,也有年轻一代的精英子弟,伏尸净土中,一路上所见都是尸体。 Some this people brave death under the record, passes to Star Sea, whole world all obvious, naturally initiates dreadfully **. 这是有人冒死录制下的,传到星海中,举世皆可见,自然引发滔天**。 All people think knows, who is this does? Too brutal, is too fearful, is easily accomplished, this conquers by killing Great Dream Pure Land truly. 所有人都想知道,这到底是谁做的?太残酷,也太可怕,一路摧枯拉朽,这是真正血洗大梦净土 Even if Chu Feng killing intent is dreadful, angry blood ebullition, but forcefully is also restraining, has not erupted the proper fluctuation of energy ahead of time, he in extremely fast to get close to Great Dream Pure Land. 楚风哪怕杀意滔天,怒血沸腾,但也在强行克制,没有提前爆发出应有的能量波动,他在极速接近大梦净土 At this time, in starry sky, the Beast Source Platform also Dark Blood platform caught some following pictures, Great Dream Pure Land is conquered by killing, two big platforms have also been ready for any sacrifice, no longer had scruples anything, transferred Heavenly Eye, all of capture ground. 这时,星空中,无论是原兽平台黑血平台都捕捉到接下来的一些画面,大梦净土已被血洗,两大平台也豁出去了,不再顾忌什么,调动一颗又一颗天眼,捕捉地面的一切。 The people see, this is squad troops, the person are not really many, unexpectedly is also less than ten people, destroys Great Dream Pure Land, causes here loss of life, direct descendant, interior door, entrance door added light disciple to have over 100,000! 人们看到,这是一小队人马,人真的不算多,居然还不到十人,就生生摧毁大梦净土,导致这里生灵涂炭,嫡系、内门、外门等前后加起来光弟子就有100000以上! Now, all the way cut in two at the waist body, the head, the scarlet point, the corpse are innumerable, many people die with injustice unredressed. 现在,一路上都是被腰斩的躯体,还有头颅等,猩红点点,尸体无数,许多人死不瞑目。 This was too frigid, inherits solemnly over million years Dao Lineage, was this must be extinguished thoroughly? 这太惨烈了,堂堂传承数以百万年以上的道统,这是要被人彻底灭了? The void time of even if in very special period, in not having the Shining Upon All Heavens level giant assuming, lacks Saint this inside story, but, was slaughtered like this, shocks across Star Sea, this is the huge storm, is the shocking thunder, lets various clan have one's hair stand on end! 哪怕是在非常时期,在没有映照诸天级巨头坐镇的空虚期,也缺少圣人这种底蕴,但是,这样被人屠戮,还是震惊星海各地,这是天大的风暴,是惊世雷霆,让各族都毛骨悚然 Why, who does and other bloody matters, too burnt ruthlessly. 到底为什么,谁做下的这等血腥的事,太狠辣了。 Said that Chu Feng is Great Demon, but, his old enemy, these have extinguished Deity Race and Xilin Clan of Earth wait/etc., he has not been ruthless, lets off the populace. This less than ten people of teams, such exterminates an entire family to extinguish the faction, the vicious tendencies were too heavy.” “都说楚风大魔头,可是,他连宿敌、那些灭过地球的天神族西林族等,他都没有赶尽杀绝,放过大众。这不足十人的队伍,就这么灭门灭派,戾气太重了。” At this time, the people discovered terrified, the female was smiling to the lens, she was very beautiful, can be called enchantingly, but was also very fearful. 这时,人们悚然发现,有一个女子在对着镜头笑,她很美,称得上妖娆,但是也很可怕。 She beautiful red battlesuit, on both hands moistens the full bloodstain unexpectedly, has not cleaned, has not cleaned, the wild nature and evil intention that in addition on the face several wisps of blood marks, could not say were full. 她一身妖艳的红色战衣,双手上竟沾满血迹,都没有清洗,也没有擦拭,此外脸上也有几缕血纹,说不出的野性与恶意满满。 Who you are, why can extinguish my Great Dream Pure Land?” “你们到底是谁,为何要灭我大梦净土?” The pure land deep place, three Saint died two, is very miserable, a skeleton not saves, a head vanishes, soul light was extinguished kills. 净土深处,三位圣人已经死了两个,很惨,一个尸骨无存,一个头颅消失,连带魂光都被人灭杀。 Also remaining last old Saint, had cut in two at the waist, psychic energy is feeble, is not shortly good. 还剩下最后一个老圣人,也已被腰斩,精神能量衰弱,眼看也不行了。 “Wú, you think that we have a grudge, thought that inspiring kills the bureau, takes you as the point, then do the ambush four directions, tow a bigger bureau? You have thought that today comes, purely extinguishes you, must carry off breathing method of your clan. ” “唔,你以为我们有仇是吧,觉得引动杀局,以你们为点,然后伏杀四方,牵引出更大的局?你多想了,今天过来,就是纯粹的灭你们,要带走你族的呼吸法而已。” Finally, some people open the mouth, the spiritual fluctuation that a man spreads was very formidable, nearby mountain massif that shook is cracked, the rock tumbled, many spirit grass disruption. 终于,有人开口,一个男子传出的精神波动很强大,震的附近的山体都龟裂了,山石翻滚,许多灵草碎裂。 The distant place, universe deep place, on bright yellow bottle gourd, several men and women are standing shoulder to shoulder, was talking. 远方,宇宙深处,黄澄澄的葫芦上,几个男女并肩站着,也在对话。 Is very accidental, is very pleasantly surprised, this piece of universe has some of our World of the Living ancient and astonishing breathing method remnant, if only then we as soon as dials the troops to come, conquers by killing completely, carries off and that's the end. What a pity , to continue we to teach disciple, if extinguishes Buddha Race, to kill Dao Race wait/etc., World of the Living's Dao Race, Buddha Race and other estimates cannot look but not see.” “很意外,也很惊喜,这片宇宙有我们阳间一些古老而惊人的呼吸法的残篇,若是只有我们一拨人马过来,全部血洗,都带走就是了。可惜啊,不止我们一教弟子,若是灭佛族、杀道族等,阳间的道族佛族等估计不会视而不见。” "Um, fortunately, our first discovers Great Dream Pure Land, now hand/subordinate has gone well, this was World of the Living in years past the extremely magnificent Major Sect's highest inheritance, its destruction in historical period, did not need to be worried to annoy any karma, here, although was the remnant law, but also had extremely high research value. ” “嗯,还好,我们第一个发现大梦净土,现在手下已经得手,这可是阳间昔年极度辉煌的大教的最高传承,它覆灭于某一历史时期,不用担心惹出什么因果,这里的虽然是残法,但也有极高的研究价值。” "Um, is really the accident/surprise, a piece buries the post randomly, a stretch of putrefactive odor strong grave, has these unexpectedly pearl, we pick several as far as possible. ” “嗯,真是意外,一片乱葬岗,一片腐臭味浓重的坟地,居然有这些‘珍珠’,我们尽量捡上几颗。” Without a doubt, this is the root of Great Dream Pure Land disaster, if by World of the Dead universe person knows, knows this anger, is not this sorrowful. 毫无疑问,这就是大梦净土祸乱的根源,如果被阴间宇宙的人知道,也不知道该愤怒,还是该悲哀。 “Wú, the person who subdues from the chaos universe, is very easy-to-use, cannot think that such quickly completes the task. Big Heavenly Dog, Young Heavenly Dog, you search for in the starry sky carefully, looks World of the Living Artifact that we really want to obtain wait/etc., has the clue. ” “唔,从混沌宇宙收服的人,还是很好用的,想不到这么快就完成任务。大天狗,小天狗,你们在星空仔细搜寻,看一看我们真正想得到的阳间器物等,是否有线索。” On yellow skin bottle gourd, four men and women are very calm, told that two Divine Dog start to take action. 黄皮葫芦上,四名男女很淡定,吩咐两头神犬开始行动。 Collapses at the first blow, such Dao Lineage, such breathing method is useful.” In Great Dream Pure Land, that wears the red battlesuit beautiful female to mutter low voice. “不堪一击,这样的道统,这样的呼吸法有什么用。”大梦净土中,那个身穿红色战衣的妖艳女子小声咕哝着。 Does not want the multi- languages, since above has the instruction, we comply are, good of performance can go to World of the Living!” A middle-aged man said, his murderous aura is steaming, two Saint both are the homicides. “不要多语,既然上面有吩咐,我们照做就是,表现的好可以去阳间!”一个中年男子说道,他杀气腾腾,两位圣人都是他杀的。 Chu Feng came, crashes in Great Dream Pure Land, sends the silk to shine, is similar to burning down, the eye pupil anger opens the eyes, the place visited sees is the blood, the horizontal corpse are innumerable. 楚风来了,冲进大梦净土中,发丝都在发光,如同焚烧般,眼眸怒睁,所过之处见到的都是血,横尸无数。 Too frigid, even if he has experienced many fights, but does not have this personally has slaughtered, starry sky Knight that in the memory also only then sees when Moon chases down Earth lineage/vein women and children and old and weak, so is bloody and chilly fierce. 太惨烈了,哪怕他经历过很多战斗,但也没有这样亲手一个一个的屠戮过,记忆中也只有在月球上看到的星空骑士追杀地球一脉妇孺与老弱时,才这么血腥与凄烈。 "Um, we come from the chaos universe, seeks for the ancient book for some Sirs, had a liking for your Great Dream Pure Land's heart sutra, that is all, takes away today. ” Purple sends the youth opens the mouth, overlooks old Saint that cannot be falling to the ground. “嗯,我们来自混沌宇宙,为一些大人寻找典籍,看上你大梦净土的心法了,仅此而已,今天拿走。”一个紫发青年开口,俯视着倒地不起的老圣人 The old person cut in two at the waist, cannot fall to the ground, bloody. 老人被腰斩,倒地不起,血流如注。 He several times struggle, is unable to get up, the life aura deterioration, within the body has very fearsome energy to wreak havoc, destroys his vitality, suppresses his energy, his knows oneself was dying. 他几次挣扎,都无法起来,生命气息衰败,体内有十分可怖的能量在肆虐,破坏他的生机,压制他的能量,他知道自身要死了。 But, he is too not resigned, opens mouth to put out a big blood, purple was sent the youth air/Qi, what robber reason is this? Great Dream Pure Land is in their eyes insignificant, that is all can be extinguished? Can the deity be humiliated to extinguish? 可是,他太不甘心了,张嘴吐出一大口血,是被紫发青年气的,这是什么强盗理由?大梦净土在他们眼中无足轻重,仅此而已就要被灭?天神要被欺凌该灭吗? That purple sends the youth lightly to open the mouth, said: In addition, I come to here am also a little private grudges, my good friend, with for of Luo Yong chaos universe nine small Saints die your here, then we have to slaughter your this clan, the whole for his sacrificial offering, buries your entire Dao Lineage.” 那紫发青年又淡淡地开口,道:“此外,我来这里也是有点私怨,我的好友,同为混沌宇宙九位小圣之一的罗雍死在你们这里,那么我们只好屠戮你们这一族,整体为他祭祀,埋葬你们整个道统。” He said quite optional, does not treat as a matter, in the eye completely is heartless with indifferently, is speaking to the scarecrow likely, not having the equality to regard it. 他说的相当随意,不当做一回事,眼中尽是无情与漠然,像是在对稻草人说话,没有平等视之。 You......” the big mouth of Great Dream Pure Land's old Saint air/Qi coughs up blood. “你……”大梦净土的圣人气的大口咳血。 "Um, I am chaos universe small Saint military Chengtian, your Great Dream Pure Land I have not killed 10,000, has killed eight thousand disciple above, after getting down, told them, was I kills. ” “嗯,我是混沌宇宙的小圣武承天,你们大梦净土我没有杀10000,也杀了八千弟子以上,下去后告诉他们,是我杀的。” Purple sends youth military Chengtian to add lightly. 紫发青年武承天淡淡地补充道。 At this time, that wore red battlesuit, appears very beautiful young woman, has licked the red lip, said: Luo Yongxiong, you rests, I have revenged for you, appreciated you very much, my knows you to my intention, today I have also conquered by killing here all people for you!” 这时,那个身穿红色战衣、显得很妖艳的年轻女子,舔了舔红唇,道:“罗雍兄,你安息吧,我为你报仇了,原本很欣赏你,我也知道你对我的心意,今天我替你血洗了这里所有人!” She is smiling, is very sexy, but makes the person be scared. 她在笑,很性感,但却让人发毛。 Military Chengtian opens the mouth once more, said: Was right, Chu Feng, did you under this starry skies, see the massacre that here had? I must kill your wife Qin Luoyin, extinguishes your young child, what opinion do you have? Un, this in view of your killing bureau, purely do not kill them, after you see, has what feelings? Angry? But you cannot change anything, you dare to come, same kills including you!” 武承天再次开口,道:“对了,楚风,你在这片星空下,看到这里发生的惨案了吗?我要杀你妻子秦珞音,灭你幼子,你有什么意见吗?嗯,这不是针对你的杀局,就是纯粹要杀他们,你看到后有何感想?愤怒吗?但你改变不了什么,你敢过来,连你也一样杀!” “Wú, I hit a Great Dream Pure Land Holy Daughter palm, the bang have put on her body, she should die. ” At this time, red clothes female smiled, was very beautiful, said: Said, she was dying, but also is exhorting others do not contact with you, hopes to give you misconception, she is as before well, but also is really thinks of you. Chu Feng you did not obtain the news, I also very much want to kill you, hehe......” “唔,我打了大梦净土圣女一掌,轰穿她的身体,她应该死了吧。”这时,红衣女子微笑,很妖艳,道:“说起来,她都要死了,还在嘱咐别人不要联系你,希望给你错觉,她依旧安好,还真是为你着想啊。唔,楚风你得到消息了吗,我也很想杀你啊,呵呵……”
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