SR :: Volume #10

#911: Rivers and Mountains such as picture beautiful woman like picture

The day cries, perhaps said is phenomenon, leaves to stop along with Daoist Yun Tian. 天哭,或许说是异象,随着云天道长离开而停止。 Some people guessed, this is perhaps related with Daoist Yun Tian, is triggering Taboo, reveals Heavenly Mystery to be the result, the so-called day crying blood rain aims at him. 有人猜测,这或许跟云天道长有关,是触发禁忌、泄露天机所致,所谓的天哭血雨只是针对他。 In fact some people follow the Daoist Yun Tian discovery really so, his place visited, the blood rain non-stop, covers above him, scarlet, but to terrify person. 事实上有人一路跟随云天道长发现果然如此,他所过之处,血雨不停,笼罩在他头上,猩红而瘆人。 I have made a mistake, blunder blunder......” “我错了,大错大错……” Some people saw, Daoist Yun Tian was insane, yelled unceasingly, has hair dishevelled, the whole body is the bloodstain, vanishes in the starry sky. 有人看到,云天道长疯了,不断大叫,披头散发,满身都是血迹,在星空中消失。 Earth is thoroughly tranquil, various clan missions said goodbye to depart. 地球彻底宁静,各族使团告辞离去。 However, some people just started off, the person in Great Dream Pure Land visits, Qin Luoyin brought Little Daoist Priest to come. 不过,也有人刚上路,大梦净土中的人来拜访,秦珞音带着小道士来了。 At this time, Ouyang Feng appeared, indicated that must greet the sister-in-law and big nephew, finally was kicked aside by Chu Feng, what chaotic mixes!? 这个时候,欧阳风屁颠屁颠出现,表示要去迎接大嫂与大侄子,结果被楚风一脚踢开,掺什么乱!? Palatial Kunlun Mountain, is grand and vast, now the comprehensive recovery, on the standing erect clouds, mountain is Medicinal Herb, cloud and steam luxuriant glow, silver-colored waterfall hangs down, beautiful scene pleasant. 巍峨昆仑山,壮阔而浩瀚,如今全面复苏,矗立云端上,满山都是药草,云蒸霞蔚,银瀑垂挂,美景怡人。 Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox and Old Donkey they came, but, greeted, intimate teased Little Daoist Priest several, left, left the family of three private space. 大黑牛黄牛老驴他们来了,但是,也只是打招呼,亲热的逗弄小道士几句,就又离开了,留给一家三口私密空间。 Forcefully carried off by one group of people as for not willing Ouyang Feng, a lot of dirty trick nowhere put. 至于不甘心的欧阳风则被一群人强行拉走,一肚子坏水无处放。 Qin Luoyin wears the variegated color skirt, elegant, in the rosy cloud, catches holy radiance, on the pure white beautiful face is calm and gentle. 秦珞音穿着斑斓彩裙,雍容华贵,在云霞中,染上一层神圣光彩,洁白的玉容上从容而平和。 Her goddess model/pattern Neilian, but the graceful bearing won in the past. 她的女神范内敛,但风姿更胜往昔。 Little Daoist Priest changed, becomes tranquil, did not speak, the big eye was similar to the black gem, looked that anything was curious, when including staring at Chu Feng also so. 小道士变了,变得宁静,不怎么说话,大眼如同黑宝石般,看什么都好奇,包括盯着楚风时也如此。 In the embryo confuses! 胎中迷! He has not avoided eventually, even if in the end was born, finally loses, hands down to take three years, he forgets temporarily. 他终究没有躲避过,到头来哪怕出生了,最后还是迷失,相传要三年之久,他暂时遗忘过去。 Present he is quite normal, looks like a child, was not the past that evildoer/monstrous talent. 如今的他才算比较正常,更像一个孩童,不是以往那么妖孽。 Under Qin Luoyin hints, the Little Daoist Priest sweet opens the mouth, shouted the Chu Feng father, a face pure bright, was attractive and fine, pleasing. 秦珞音示意下,小道士甜甜的开口,喊楚风父亲,一脸的纯真灿烂,漂亮而精致,招人喜爱。 This pure smiling, can touch the will of the people, the Chu Feng's heart is touched, hugs him, always thought that looks like a normal child, changes to the kind father to hug him. 这种纯真的笑,更能打动人心,楚风的心被触动,将他抱起来,总觉得才更像一个正常的孩子,化作慈父抱着他。 Afterward, Chu Feng brings Qin Luoyin also to have Little Daoist Priest to sit on the green bamboo raft, across the sky, has glanced over famed scenery, watches the Earth beautiful scene. 随后,楚风带着秦珞音还有小道士坐在绿竹筏上,横空而过,浏览名山大川,观看地球美景。 Now Earth recovers comprehensively, the beautiful scene are innumerable, Soaring Dragon tiger's roar Dragon Tiger Mountain, waterfall ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Mt. Lushan, grand boundless Cloud Dream Great Lake...... 现在地球全面复苏,美景无数,龙腾虎啸的龙虎山,瀑布万丈的庐山,壮阔无边的云梦大泽…… This is the Yangtze River, a big dragon of deep sleep......” “这是长江,一条沉睡的大龙……” Chu Feng with a laugh, is holding Little Daoist Priest, introduced the beautiful scene for mother and child, directed Rivers and Mountains. 楚风笑呵呵,抱着小道士,一路为母子二人介绍美景,指点江山 The Yangtze River, the green is broad, compared with former not knows grand many times, after landform big change, its be continuous over 100,000 li (0.5 km). 长江,青碧而宽广,比之前也不知道壮阔多少倍,地貌大变后,它绵延100000里以上。 Yangtze River!” “长江!” Chu Wuhen is extending the small hand, babbles, makes the immature sound, in the eye is completely curious, looks at the mighty waves turbulent great river, the small face is ruddy, is very excited. 楚无痕伸着小手,牙牙学语般,发出稚嫩的声音,眼中满是好奇,看着波澜汹涌的大江,小脸红扑扑,很激动。 They sit on the green bamboo raft, goes downstream, finally entering the sea, in this period met certainly the unhappy scenery also directly to cross void, therefore the time of expenditure is not very long. 他们坐在绿竹筏上,一路顺流而下,最后入海,当然期间遇到不喜的景色也直接横渡虚空,因此花费的时间并不是很漫长。 Eastern Sea, Penglai, abbots and Yingzhou three immortal island people are frightened, learned that Chu Feng enters the sea, when to Eastern Sea comes, looking pale that they frighten. 东海,蓬莱、方丈、瀛洲三仙岛的人惊悚,得悉楚风一路入海,冲着东海而来时,他们都吓的面色苍白。 In fact, Chu Feng comes to three islands, the origin station mounts Penglai. 事实上,楚风就是冲着三岛而来,首站就登上蓬莱。 Pays a visit Divine King Chu!” “拜见楚神王!” Lands in the islands, Chu Feng sees to kneel down a person of place, the complexion indifferently, calmly is gazing at them. 登陆岛屿上,楚风看到跪下一地的人,脸色冷漠,静静地注视着他们。 Past we had eyes but failed to see, lard veiled heart, heinous crime, but, read, in I and other ancestors pledged to fight to the death to follow, the 90% people dead in battle in the share antiquity years, but also please give us means of livelihood!” “昔日我们有眼无珠,猪油蒙心,罪该万死,但是,念在我等祖上誓死追随、九成人都战死在上古年间的份上,还请给我们一条活路!” In the Penglai island one group of old men kneel on the ground, makes an effort to kotow, on the forehead full is the blood, even reveals white bones stubble. 蓬莱岛上一群老者跪在地上,用力叩首,额头上满是血,甚至露出白骨茬儿。 After Chu Feng silent moment, not being able to get down hand, thinks really the ancestors of these people are very indeed loyal, the death that dying, the wound wound, in the antiquity final decisive battle beyond gallant, many died in battle, his sigh. 楚风沉默片刻后,真的下不去手,想到这些人的祖上的确很忠诚,死的死,伤的伤,在上古最后的决战中忠勇阵外,多数都战死,他一声叹息。 You put best into it!” Chu Feng said, in the island going forward line, he catches up directly to the restricted area of Penglai island, watches the inheritance of this place. “你们好自为之!”楚风说罢,在岛上前行,他径直赶向蓬莱岛的禁地,去观看此地的传承。 One group of directors in Penglai islands such as the Mongolian pardon, are grateful, leads the way before, Chu Feng delays some time in this, after memorizing all scrip­tures, leaves. 蓬莱岛屿的一群主事者如蒙大赦,感恩戴德,在前引路,楚风在此耽搁一段时间,熟记所有经文后离开。 Then, he went to the abbot island, here runs into some acquaintances, is kneeling in this place. 接着,他又去了方丈岛,在这里遇到一些熟人,也都在跪在此地。 Chu Feng has also remitted them, making these people set out. 楚风也赦免了他们,让这些人起身。 clear Qi Princess is ashamed, lowers the head does not speak, initially the abbot island also once in private contacted Chu Feng, allowing him to participate to choose the son-in-law congress, but actually ahead of time decided but not yet announced that chooses the Deity Race's artificial son-in-law. 清琪公主羞愧,低头不语,当初方丈岛也曾私下联络楚风,让他来参加选婿大会,不过却提前内定,选择天神族的人为婿。 In the end, the status of that person surfaces, is only a day Divine Son subordinate, a retinue, once made in the abbot island the people stunned. 到头来,那个人的身份浮出水面,只是天神子的一个手下,一个仆从,曾让方丈岛上众人愕然。 Now looks back again, Chu Feng nearly destroys completely entire Deity Race, making in the islands the people shameful. 如今再回首,楚风将整个天神族都近乎灭掉,让岛屿上众人无地自容。 Chu Feng does not care, leading the wife and children also to pace back and forth in this islands half double-hour, glances through all ancient books, floating departs, afterward went to a Yingzhou island. 楚风不在意,带着妻儿在这座岛屿上也徘徊半个时辰,翻阅完所有典籍,飘然离去,随后又去了一趟瀛洲岛。 In Eastern Sea, female dragon appears, entertains the family of three. 东海,龙女出现,招待一家三口。 Then Chu Feng they go south, to Southern Sea, in this sea area, dozens black Flood Dragon Serpent was terrified, finally Southern Sea old dragon king, 1000-year-old black Flood Dragon Serpent cleaves the waves to come, worships to Chu Feng unceasingly, in the mouth entreated, asking him to let off Southern Sea Dragon Race. 接着楚风他们一路南下,到了南海,在这片海域中,数十条黑色蛟蛇惶恐,最终南海老龙王,一条1000多岁的黑色蛟蛇破浪而来,对楚风不断朝拜,口中哀求,请他放过南海龙族 In fact, Chu Feng does not want to kill him from the start, initially fought in three silent mountains with Southern Sea Black Dragon crown prince will cut to kill it from now on, he obtains the advantage to be many, although afterward Southern Sea Dragon Race asked him to trouble, but he has not suffered a loss. 事实上,楚风压根就没有想杀他,当初跟南海黑龙太子在三清山一战过后斩杀之,他得到好处很多,尽管后来南海龙族找他麻烦,但他没有吃亏。 „Was the Dragon Transformation fruit ripe?” Chu Feng asked that he saw, this old Flood Dragon Serpent changed, looked like the flood dragon more and more, but non- snake. 化龙果熟了吗?”楚风问道,他看出,这头老蛟蛇已经发生变化,越来越像蛟,而非蛇。 Was ripe!” Southern Sea old dragon brings to fear intent to reply, the hurrying life person picks the fruit. “熟了!”南海老龙带着惧意答道,慌忙命人采摘果实。 In the end, Chu Wuhen ate a golden yellow translucent fruit, the mouthful class juice, the family of three departed. 到头来,楚无痕吃了一颗金黄透亮的果实,满嘴流汁,一家三口离去。 Do not forget, later the Dragon Transformation fruit is after each time mature, delivers goes to Eastern Sea, to female dragon.” The Chu Feng's sound conveys from afar. “别忘了,以后每次化龙果成熟后都送些去东海,给龙女。”楚风的声音远远地传来。 Obeys the aim!” Southern Sea Dragon Race sees off. “遵旨!”南海龙族恭送。 In fact, Chu Feng has not gone far away, but enters the ocean deep place, looked that causes that magic cube that the Sea Race strength rises sharply, together clear metal body. 事实上,楚风并没有远去,而是进入大洋深处,去看导致海族实力大涨的那个魔方,一块晶莹的金属体。 In the past, this is descends from outside territory, pounded the seabed. 当年,这是从域外降落下来的,砸进海底。 In this magic cube, there is a female deep sleep. 在这魔方中,有一个女子沉睡。 Died?” “死了?” Chu Feng is surprised, many Sea Race accumulations here, trembling with fear told him, six months ago this female died. 楚风深感意外,很多海族聚集在这里,战战兢兢告诉他,半年前这个女子就死了。 In that clear magic cube, that grace and talent peerless female turned into a snow white skeleton bone now. 那晶莹的魔方内,那原本风华绝代的女子如今已经化成一具雪白的骷髅骨。 In fact, Sea Race once guessed, she possibly from the start is not lives, the previous biography law possibly is only the remnant soul makes it so. 事实上,海族一度猜测,她可能压根就不是活的,早先的传法可能只是残魂使然。 They want to open magic cube, but failed. 他们想开启魔方,但都失败了。 ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” Chu Feng using the golden purple bamboo, this breaks out metal magic cube, obviously its firm degree, in the end Yang Qi rich scary, making the trim sea area be boiled, Sea Race scatters in all directions to flee. 楚风利用紫金竹,这才劈开金属魔方,可见其坚固程度,到头来阳气浓郁的骇人,让整片海域被煮沸,海族四散奔逃。 Chu Feng lowers the head, is pressed the brow, here stands long time, buries with this female skeleton magic cube in the seabed finally. 楚风低头,蹙着眉头,在这里站立良久,最终将魔方与这女子骸骨埋在海底。 Returns to the sea level, Qin Luoyin with the Chu Feng light language, said: I come to here am want to remind you, the Daoist Yun Tian trigram shape passes the god, he said that must guard, I feared that you neglect.” 回到海面上,秦珞音楚风轻语,道:“我来这里是想提醒你,云天道长卦象通神,他所说一定要防范,我怕你疏忽。” Chu Feng hearing this is startled, then gently visits her. 楚风闻言一怔,而后柔和的看着她。 Obviously, she is paying attention to Kunlun Mountains, is paying attention to his all, Daoist Yun Tian deduces Heavenly Mystery, she immediately opens superior grade wormhole to come. 显然,她在关注昆仑,在关注他的一切,云天道长才推演出天机,她就立刻开启超级虫洞过来了。 Chu Feng said: Relax, I know in heart, this planet recovered, I thought that has completed certain missions, will go into seclusion. Also wants to tell you, recently was far away from the right and wrong, the stepping down unmanned place, dives to cultivate diligently, turns head I to look for you.” 楚风道:“放心吧,我心里有数,这颗星球已经复苏,我觉得已经完成某些使命,正要隐退呢。同时也想告诉你们,最近远离是非,退居无人地,努力潜修,回头我去找你们。” The Qin Luoyin gentle opens the mouth, said: "Um, you understood that the guard is good, Great Dream Pure Land has the escape route, has the place of living in seclusion, the elders has completed the plan, I went back first, the elder summons me to have the matter to consult. ” 秦珞音平和开口,道:“嗯,你懂得防范就好,大梦净土有后路,有隐居之地,长老们已经做好打算,我先回去了,长老召我有事相商。” Chu Feng nods, has not detained, delivers her to start off, and told him, the Earth matter looked for mother and child. 楚风点头,没有挽留,送她上路,并告诉他,地球事了就去找母子二人。 In fact, he believes, Great Dream Pure Land is quite safe, follows to be most dangerous in his side. 事实上,他认为,大梦净土较为安全,跟在他身边才最危险。 He delivers to the outer space personally, sees with own eyes them to enter superior grade wormhole, this felt relieved, looks silhouette that her clothes sleeve dances in the breeze is leading the young child, in the Chu Feng heart peaceful incomparable, suddenly really wants to retire, is far away from the dispute in light of this, no longer dyes with blood. 他亲自送到外太空,眼见她们进入超级虫洞,这才放心,看着她衣袂飘舞的身影带着幼子,楚风心中安宁无比,一时间真的想退隐了,就此远离纷争,不再染血 For a long time, he recovers, here was already silent, then he returns to return to Earth, first convenes Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, Ouyang Feng and other crowd of big monsters. 很长时间,他才回过神来,这里早已寂静,然后他返身回地球,第一时间召集大黑牛黄牛欧阳风等一群大妖。 The Chu Feng look is serious, said: „Before feeling of Yaoyao near departure, it seems like casually did not say that Old Daoist Priest practices divination that trigram very not to be likely unusual, we immediately leave Earth now, goes into seclusion, no matter the outside has anything, temporarily do not make an appearance.” 楚风神色严肃,道:“妖妖临离开前的感觉,看来不是随便说说,那个老道士占卜出那种卦象很不寻常,我们现在立刻离开地球,都隐退,不管外界发生什么,都暂时不要露面。” Earth recovers, is good to have the sense of achievement, finally we must leave now, is really regrettable.” Big Black Ox sighed. “地球才复苏啊,好有成就感,结果我们现在就要离开了,真是遗憾。”大黑牛叹道。 However, his knows is also important, without any hesitant, agreeing with Chu Feng's to advocate, takes the bull by the horns, after the people one discussed in private, on the same day after carrying on various arrangements, retreated. 但是,他也知道事关重大,没有任何犹豫,同意楚风的主张,当机立断,众人一番密议后,当日进行各种安排后就退走了。 These time lives in seclusion, cannot with the path that Heavenspan Worm-hole Company opens!” “这一次隐居,不能用通天虫洞公司开启的道路!” "Um, but must to use now, meets person! ” “嗯,不过现在还得要用,去接人!” Some Kunlun Mountains big monsters have not come back, but also in outside territory, including the Chu Feng's parents, previous Yaoyao has suggested that they have guarded. 有部分昆仑大妖没有回来,还在域外,包括楚风的父母,上一次妖妖建议过,他们就已经防备起来。 Walks, goes to converge with them, then we use the World of the Living spaceship shuttle of Young Lady Xi to be void, look for place of secret!” “走,去跟他们汇合,然后我们用少女曦阳间飞船穿梭虚空,找一处隐秘之地!” On the same day, Chu Feng picks own parents also to have other Kunlun Mountains big monster, in addition on the spaceship also has Lu Tong, female dragon, Clairvoyant, Ye Qingrou and the others. 当日,楚风接走自己的父母还有另外的昆仑大妖,此外飞船上也有陆通龙女千里眼叶轻柔等人。 Their shuttle Star Sea, believes firmly nobody to track unceasingly, finally chooses wild life planet, temporarily dwells, hidden. 他们不断穿梭星海,确信无人跟踪,最后选择一颗蛮荒生命星球,暂时栖居,隐藏起来。 Calculates the time, already past more than day. 算算时间,已经过去一天多。 Chu Feng makes Young Lady Xi send off him, is far away from this piece of Star Territory, then relates Heavenspan Worm-hole Company. 楚风少女曦将他送走,远离这片星域,然后这才联系通天虫洞公司 But, at this time, he unexpectedly received the Qin Luoyin's news: I and children are very safe, step down to secret stars that on Great Dream Pure Land controls, does not worry.” 可是,这时,他突然接到秦珞音的消息:“我与孩子都很安全,退居到大梦净土统驭的一颗秘密星辰上,勿念。” The time is not long, Chu Feng has not replied, receives the news: Great Dream Pure Land was attacked, but I am very safe, regardless has anything, do not believe, you hide, attention security!” 时间不长,楚风还没有回复呢,又接到消息:“大梦净土被人进攻,但我很安全,无论发生什么,你都不要相信,自己隐藏起来,注意安全!” In the Chu Feng heart sinks immediately, thump, what had!? 楚风心中顿时一沉,咯噔一下,发生了什么!? Avoids revealing the whereabouts, no longer relation, takes care!” Appears from Qin Luoyin's another news, is last. “避免泄露行踪,不再联系,保重!”来自秦珞音的又一条消息浮现,也是最后一则。 Then, Chu Feng receives a Great Dream Pure Land old monster the news, is very urgent, is bringing in a terrified way: Chu Feng, comes, to rescue Luoyin quickly, saves your child!” 接着,楚风接到大梦净土一位老怪物的消息,无比急迫,带着惶恐:“楚风,快来,救珞音,救你的孩子!” The flash, the Chu Feng scalp must blast out! 一刹那,楚风头皮都要炸开了! Almost is instantaneous, is similar to the explosion from the Great Dream Pure Land's assistance message, dense and numerous, gushes out unceasingly. 几乎是瞬间,来自大梦净土的求援信息如同爆炸般,密密麻麻,不断涌出。 Meanwhile, in the starry sky spreads the shocked news, Great Dream Pure Land is broken through, the rivers of blood, some people said that in the pure land all Golden Body above characters were killed, Holy Daughter Qin Luoyin also died in battle before the moment! 同时,星空中传来震撼性的消息,大梦净土被人攻破,血流成河,有人说净土中所有金身以上的人物都被杀死,圣女秦珞音亦在片刻前战死! In a twinkling, Chu Feng understood immediately, Great Dream Pure Land left the important matter, Qin Luoyin likely had the danger, she such said, such message, does not think he did violate the danger? 霎时间,楚风立刻明白了,大梦净土出大事了,秦珞音可能发生危险,她那样说,那样留言,是不想他犯险? The Chu Feng's eye was immediately red, angrily roars, the black hair is but actually vertical, murderous aura is dreadful. 楚风的眼睛当即就红了,一声怒吼,黑发倒竖,杀气滔天。
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