SR :: Volume #9

#888: Slaughter Saint congress

"Ah...... ” Yan Kun called out pitifully, crashed directly from the sky, the whole body was the blood, he was horrible to look. “啊……”阎坤惨叫,从天空中直接坠落下去,满身是血,他惨不忍睹。 The clear black bamboo is similar to a javelin, puts on Yan Kunding, leading him to grip on spiritual mountain, result that mountain massif blasts out directly. 晶莹的紫竹如同一杆标枪般将,将阎坤钉穿,带着他噗的一声扎在一座灵山上,结果那座山体直接炸开。 This is not ordinary bamboo, lives in the chaos thunder storm edge, nine, grew for 90,000 years, had innate spirituality. 这可不是普通的竹子,生在混沌雷霆风暴的边缘,共有九节,已经生长90000年,有了一点先天灵性 It in holy artifact is top! 它在圣器中都是顶级的! ! 噗! Yan Kun wails, cannot withstand this murderous intention, his pierced back is disintegrating, is collapsing, finally fleshly body falls broken most. 阎坤哀嚎,根本承受不了这种杀机,他的被洞穿的后背在瓦解,在崩溃,最后噗的一声肉身碎掉大半。 He is Sub Saint is not fake, but cannot stand holy artifact the impact of treasure, making his soul light be damaged seriously, is annihilating, is collapsing. 他是亚圣不假,可是也禁受不起圣器中的瑰宝的冲击,让他的魂光都受损严重,在湮灭,在崩溃。 Whiz, Chu Feng dives, pulls out nine black bamboo, a foot treads on his remnant body, shakes the head to sigh: This was so-called antiquity Divine Son, dares with the Corpse Race powerhouse who Yaoyao gave it all? Not, I guessed really, in the past Yaoyao affirmed a palm of the hand clapped you!” 嗖的一声,楚风俯冲下来,将九节紫竹抽到手中,一脚踏在他的残躯上,摇头叹道:“这就是所谓上古神子,敢跟妖妖放手一搏的尸族强者?真不咋地,我猜测,当年妖妖肯定一巴掌就将你拍死了!” four directions is quiet, because the people had really been feared by his method, altogether four Sub Saint, three people have suffered extreme penalty, this Divine Son must end. 四野静悄悄,因为人们实在被他的手段惊住了,总共四位亚圣,三人已经伏诛,这位神子也要完了。 This Wu Lunhui seems like about young appearance, the small face is immature, may go against heaven's will. 这个吴轮回看起来不过十几岁的样子,小脸稚嫩,可太逆天了。 Naturally, he should be Chu Feng, the people think like this, even if like this he is about twenty years old, can slaughter Sub Saint? 当然,他应该就是楚风,人们一致这样认为,可即便这样他也不过二十几岁,就能屠杀亚圣了? Some people sighed, walks the evildoer/monstrous talent that to be too abnormal from Earth, this simply is Yaoyao second! 一些人感叹,从地球走出来的妖孽太变态,这简直是妖妖第二! Yan Kun complexion is red, in the past he was killed by Heaven's Chosen Son Yaoyao of Earth, now falls in an Earth lineage/vein hand, moreover is a young demon who the hooligan comes, finally actually neat kills him. 阎坤脸色通红,当年他就是被地球的天选之子妖妖击毙,现在又落在地球一脉的手里,而且是野路子出身的一个小魔头,结果却干净利落的将他干掉。 Although he lost the antiquity the memory, but already listened to others to narrate various passing, now is ashamed and resentful and angry. 他虽然失去上古的记忆,但是早已听别人讲述过各种过往,现在羞愤而又恼怒。 Discussed depending on the strength, he can fight dozens rounds with Chu Feng, but is frustrated today, like this was put to turn directly. 凭实力来论,他可以跟楚风交手数十回合,但是今天出师不利,直接就被这样放翻。 Your Corpse Race is very mean, wants to snatch my Wu Lunhui's dao companion, must go to Sub Immortal Clan to discuss marriage, thus humiliates me? Gives me dead!” Chu Feng shouted. “你们尸族很下作,想抢我吴轮回的道侣,要去亚仙族提亲,从而折辱我?给我去死!”楚风喝道。 Bang , he as soon as under foot treads, Yan Kuncai being split up! 砰的一声,他一脚踏下,将阎坤踩的四分五裂! It is not Yan Kun does not want to revolt, but is the black bamboo arrives on his back of the head, this is formidable holy artifact, has imprisoned him. 不是阎坤不想反抗,而是紫竹抵在他的后脑上,这是一件强大的圣器,已经禁锢了他。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng wields the black bamboo gently, a bo light sound, strangles to death his soul light thoroughly, destroy both body and soul. 同时,楚风轻轻挥动紫竹,啵的一声轻响,彻底将他的魂光绞杀,形神俱灭 Starts the take action fight from Chu Feng, finished to the present, but is matter suddenly, all ended, several Asian the soul flies away and scatters, affect greatly. 楚风开始出手战斗,到现在结束,不过是瞬息间的事,一切就终结了,几位亚魂飞魄散,影响巨大。 Today is really ashamed, was talked into morality reaching up to the clouds Samsara King, but, I have taken a life today, really should not.” Chu Feng is raising the black bamboo, sighs with emotion there. “今天真是惭愧,被人说成义薄云天轮回王,可是,我今天杀生了,真是不该啊。”楚风提着紫竹,在那里感慨。 People: Mmp!” 众人:“mmp!” You are not the first murder, the appearance that but also bemoaning the state of the universe . Moreover, whose knows you are not Great Demon Chu Feng, what also installs? 你又不是第一次杀人,还一副悲天悯人的样子,再者说,谁不知道你就是楚风大魔头,还装什么啊? Also thinks that you are really morality reaching up to the clouds, who early knows you were, as well as your essence! 还以为你真是义薄云天啊,早知道你是谁了,以及你的本质! Everybody, I really am Wu Lunhui, is not honest pure good Divine King Chu.” Chu Feng is rocking the black bamboo there, a very sincere appearance, explained. “各位,我真是吴轮回,不是敦厚纯善的楚神王。”楚风在那里晃动着紫竹,一份很诚恳的样子,进行解释。 „, But also installs, whose knows this black bamboo is not Chu Feng strikes to kill outside territory small Saint Luo Yong in Great Dream Pure Land obtained, your facial skin true thickness!” “切,还装,谁不知道这紫竹是楚风大梦净土击杀域外小圣罗雍所得,你脸皮真厚!” Some people muttered low voice, naturally, this is not the hostile forces, is partial in the neutrality, does not have what hostility, otherwise also really feared that Chu Feng straightens up. 有人小声咕哝,当然,这不是敌对势力,偏向于中立的,没有什么敌意,不然的话还真怕楚风拾掇。 After Chu Feng hears, the complexion broke down immediately, he noticed that these people use holy artifact, is suddenly excited, the took out golden purple bamboo, reveals the secret finally. 楚风闻听后,脸色当即就垮了,他看到那些人动用圣器,一时间过于激动,祭出紫金竹,结果露馅。 However, even if entire universe knows, his facial skin also equally thick not side, refuses stubbornly to acknowledge as before, said: This is honest pure good Divine King Chu lends me to use, can see, Chu Feng kindhearted with upholding justice!” 不过,哪怕全宇宙都知道了,他的脸皮也一样厚的没边,依旧死不承认,道:“这是敦厚纯善的楚神王借给我用的,从中也可以看出,楚风多么的仁厚与仗义!” Scratch! 擦! This is a character that all people want to scold, is not very concerned about face, has such boasts? 这是所有人都想骂的一个字,忒不要脸,有这么自夸的吗? Demon Chu Feng came, where, haha...... Really walks into a trap, kills it!” 楚风魔头来了,在哪里,哈哈……真是自投罗网,杀之!” At this moment, in the outer space hears the big laughter, vibrates this planet, extremely fast from the outside territory dive comes, to approach this giant city. 就在这时,外太空中传来大笑声,震动这颗星球,极速域外俯冲而来,接近这座巨型城池。 hēi hēi, he appeared finally, Corpse Race's Fellow Daoist you will not have solved, did not have any sound!” 嘿嘿,他终于出现了,尸族的各位道友你们不会已经解决了吧,都没什么动静了!” Selects take action slowly, making old man suffer him slowly, dares with my Spirit Race for the enemy, how could to make him die a natural death!” “慢点出手,让老夫来慢慢折磨他,敢与我灵族为敌,岂能让他善终!” outside territory, this is not 1-2 Sub Saint, but came seven all of a sudden, divides to belong to the different races. 域外,这可不是一两个亚圣,而是一下子来了七尊,分属于不同种族。 This is the allied armies, respectively came from: Deity Race, Xilin Clan, Netherworld Race, Spirit Race, Machine Race, Assassinating Vault of Heaven. 这是联军,分别来自:天神族西林族幽冥族灵族机械族刺天穹等。 Obviously, they have not made clear condition, after on Light Brain receives the news, with great speed catches up, wants to kill by mistreatment Chu Feng, at all not knows finally true result. 显然,他们还没有搞清楚状况,在光脑上接到消息后,就火速赶来,想要虐杀楚风,根本不知道最后真正的结果。 Before this, they in the universe, hide outside the outer space deep place, feared that Chu Feng comes to submerge flying immortal star from the starry sky quietly, outside the outer space waits to intercept him. 此前,他们都在宇宙中,躲在外太空深处,怕楚风来悄然从星空中潜入飞仙星,都在外太空等着截杀他。 After receiving news that Chu Feng makes an appearance, they start to leave, during this, has the time difference, their at all not knows present result. 接到楚风露面的消息后,他们就开始动身,这期间有个时间差,他们根本不知道眼下的结果。 What situation?” Deity Race's Sub Saint is at the scene frightened, he is very formidable, but also induces when high sky to does not suit, a terrified color. “什么情况?”天神族的亚圣当场惊悚,他很强大,还在高天上时就感应到不对劲,一副悚然之色。 Haha, stopped, Demon Chu Feng dares to submerge the flying immortal star unexpectedly, does the time of death arrived, what also wait for?” Machine Race Sub Saint laughs, flashing metallic luster. “哈哈,怎么停下了,楚风魔头居然敢潜入飞仙星,死期到了,还等什么?”机械族亚圣大笑,闪动金属光泽。 In universe Star Sea, had seethed with excitement at first. 宇宙星海中,起先已经沸腾。 Because, all people see the Wu Lunhui slaughter Saint, strikes to kill four big expert, none who does not shocks, the dumbfounded, entire starry sky was chaotic. 因为,所有人都看到吴轮回屠圣,击杀四大高手,莫不震撼,目瞪口呆,全星空都在乱了。 Has not seen such aggressive young people! 就没有见过这么生猛的年轻人! But now, across moving restlessly universe, after the people see the present live transmission, is at a loss for words, startled, pays silent tribute for Sub Saint that these catch up with newly one after another. 而现在,躁动的宇宙各地,当人们看到现在的直播后,又都张口结舌,相继愕然,为这些新赶来的亚圣默哀。 Is this courts death? 这是找死吗? Quick, they want to understand, these seven Sub Saint hurry along eagerly, surely does not have the time to look at the latest live transmission and news, therefore anything did not understand. 很快,他们想明白了,这七位亚圣急于赶路,肯定没有时间看最新的直播与消息,因此什么都不了解。 "Um? Sub Saint die aura! ” In the sky, seven Sub Saint do not realize finally right, the trim earth is silent, many Evolver with damn visits them. “嗯亚圣殒落的气息!”天空上,七位亚圣终于意识到不对,整片大地都寂静,很多进化者都跟见鬼似的的看着他们。 Meanwhile, they also see a beach another beach bloodstain, as well as residual energy fluctuation of Sub Saint. 同时,他们也看到一滩又一滩血迹,以及亚圣的残余能量波动。 Yan Kun, Corpse Race's several Fellow Daoist?” Xilin Clan Sub Saint is scared, the body the quit flying, then backed up, wants to leave this planet instantaneously. “阎坤呢,尸族的几位道友呢?”西林族亚圣发毛,身体已经停止飞行,接着又倒退,想要瞬间离开这颗星球 Since you so think of them, that reunites!” Of Chu Feng bang, passes through void, rushes to the vault of heaven, at this moment he is outspoken, activates Human King bloodline, grasps nine black bamboo, head float Soul Bell, must rumble to kill them. “既然你们如此想念他们,那就去团聚吧!”楚风轰的一声,贯穿虚空,冲上天穹,这一刻他毫无保留,激活人王血脉,手持九节紫竹,头上悬浮着魂钟,要轰杀他们。 After Human King Blood activation, his sending silk sends out the blue light, the whole person by one group of deep blue divine glow packages, especially was been dazzling and radiant. 人王血激活后,他的发丝都发出蓝光,整个人都被一团湛蓝神芒包裹,格外耀眼与璀璨。 Wu Lunhui, Demon Chu Feng!” Netherworld Race's Sub Saint yelled. 吴轮回,楚风魔头!”幽冥族的亚圣大叫。 They are shocked, is simply unbelievable, such young did Sub Saint, like this appear?! 他们震惊,简直难以置信,这么年轻的一位亚圣,就这样横空出世了?! This simply was antiquity Yaoyao second, has killed him, cannot to the opportunity that he grew, Fellow Daoists, we collaborated the slaughter demon!” “这简直是上古妖妖第二,杀了他,绝不能给他成长起来的机会,诸位道友,我们联手屠魔!” Right, strangles the talent, hoodwinks the public, so-called Earth evil remnants also wants to grow, is impossible!” “对,扼杀天才,只手遮天,所谓的地球余孽还想成长起来,不可能!” Some people shouted. 一些人纷纷喝道。 However, pleasant to hear that on the mouth said that however the practical actions of their body actually clearly are similar, almost all people in flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, want to run away. 然而,嘴上说的好听,但是他们的身体的实际行动却截然相仿,几乎所有人都在飞天遁地,想要逃走。 This old fogy one by one skidding, fears death one by one, had discovered that the Corpse Race's four Sub Saint tragic deaths here, their anything understood, this demon is too flagitious, cannot resist with all one's strength. 这种老家伙一个比一个滑溜,一个比一个怕死,已经发现尸族的四位亚圣惨死在这里,他们什么都明白了,这魔头太凶残,不可力敌。 Like this voice wants other to go forward, in the hindrance a hindrance, wins the time of escaping for oneself. 这样发声不过是想让其他人上前,阻上一阻,为自己争取逃脱的时间。 Buzz! 嗡! Similar to is chasing the electricity, Chu Feng turns into together the blue light, latter sends first, interrupts the road ahead, first got down the extreme methods to the Xilin Clan person, the black bamboo wheel moved, humming sound the sound was deafening, trim world in big change. 如同在逐电,楚风化成一道蓝光,后发先至,截断前路,首先就对西林族的人下了死手,紫竹轮动开来,嗡嗡声震耳欲聋,整片天地都在剧震 After Human King blood activation, the blue Sacred Territory terrifying, suppresses here all, the Xilin Clan Sub Saint at the scene complexion changed, exhausts ability the resistance. 人王血液激活后,蓝色圣域恐怖,压制这里的一切,西林族亚圣当场脸色就变了,竭尽所能对抗。 But, is very pitiful, another six people charge into the outer space immediately, nobody helps him. 可是,很可悲,另外六人顿时冲向外太空,没有一个人帮他。 !” “噗!” In the end, Xilin Clan Sub Saint few, was hit to explode by Chu Feng, turns into blood rain. 到头来,西林族亚圣没几下而已,就被楚风生生打爆,化成一片血雨。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng vanishes, chases down, strikes Deity Race's Sub Saint horizontally, in the meantime, he washes one's hands, shoots Vajra Cutter instant, exhausts full power. 楚风消失,追杀下去,横击天神族的亚圣,同时,他抖手间,将金刚琢刹那掷出,用尽全力。 In addition, starry sky Origin Gold bracelet , the super revolving, is firing into one of them. 此外,还有星空母金手环,也高速旋转着,冲向其中一人。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Also in same carves, his soul light eruption, the outer space sweeps away outside, uses Light of Yin-Yang, this is some divine technique in Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique. 也在同一刻,他的魂光爆发,在外太空横扫,动用阴阳之光,这是七宝妙术中的部分神术 Puff! 噗噗! Two bracelet both hit the target, puts on two Sub Saint bang, the blood scatters, but two people have not died. 两枚手环都击中目标,将两位亚圣轰穿,血液四溅,但是两人没有死。 Light of Yin-Yang also directly blocks several people, enabling it to flee. 阴阳之光也直接拦住几人,使之不能走脱。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Meanwhile, blocked Deity Race Sub Saint called out pitifully, in Chu Feng went crazy in attack, is been broken by exploding that black bamboo pulled out, tragic death outside outer space. 与此同时,被拦住的天神族亚圣惨叫,在楚风发狂般的进攻中,被那紫竹抽的爆碎,惨死在外太空。 Everybody, goes to hell to reunite!” Chu Feng murderous aura is steaming, in the outer space slaughters outside. “各位,下地狱去团聚吧!”楚风杀气腾腾,在外太空中大开杀戒。 Kills!” The remaining five people tremble, unexpectedly is unable to run away, this liao is too flagitious, can only brace oneself with him goes all out. “杀!”剩下的五人震颤,居然无法逃走,此獠太凶残,只能硬着头皮跟他拼命。 Very regrettable, this is the lopsided slaughter, Great Demon Chu Feng, once after the promote step succeeded, always sweeps away the match in same Realm, was difficult the anti- hand. 很遗憾,这是一面倒的屠杀,楚风大魔头一旦晋阶成功后,在同境界中一向是横扫对手,难有抗手。 Sub Saint Dominion is immeasurably deep, but Chu Feng is fleshly body Sanctification, what walks is to the strong road, in addition the Human King Blood addition, sufficiently runs amuck in Star Sea, same step undefeated. 亚圣领域深不可测,可楚风肉身成圣,走的是至强之路,再加上人王血加成,足以横行星海中,同阶不败。 In the end the so-called slaughter demon, so-called collaboration, becomes a tragedy, directly becomes the slaughter Saint congress. 到头来所谓的屠魔,所谓的联手,成为一场悲剧,直接成为屠圣大会。 This is 11 Sub Saint, all by a Chu Feng person killing, had not run away! 这可是11位亚圣,全被楚风一个人给杀了,没有逃走一个! Recently for serveral days, these ethnic groups have been provoking, threatened that made Great Demon Chu Feng carry a rod and ask for punishment, including discussed marriage this damaging to incur to Sub Immortal Clan to cause, wants to compel him to come out, finally themselves all extinguished. 最近这些天,这些族群一直在挑衅,扬言让楚风大魔头负荆请罪,连向亚仙族提亲这种损招都使出来了,想逼他出来,结果他们自身全灭。 This moment Star Sea thorough ebullition! 这一刻的星海彻底沸腾! Hey, I really am Wu Lunhui, this bamboo is brother Chu Feng lends me to use!” Chu Feng grumble there, but also was explaining. “喂,我真是吴轮回,这根竹子是楚风兄借给我用的!”楚风在那里磨叽,还在解释呢。 shit! 玛德! The people of flying immortal star want to shout 'motherfucker', the person killed off by you, Sub Saint by your slaughter 11, but can also not be concerned about face? Opens the eye to talk nonsense. 飞仙星的人都想骂娘,人都被你杀光了,亚圣都被你屠了11尊,还能再不要脸点吗?睁着眼睛说瞎话。 At this time, had the strong Great Saint aura to reappear, rules the flying immortal star. 这时,有强大圣者气息浮现,君临飞仙星。 "Um, comes a head?! ” Chu Feng is narrowing the eye, must kill thorough. “嗯,又来一头?!”楚风眯缝着眼睛,要杀个彻底。 „The Chu Feng little friend, do not misunderstand!” In the sky, some people shout. 楚风小友,不要误会!”天空中,有人喊道。 I am Wu Lunhui!” Chu Feng emphasized. “我是吴轮回!”楚风强调。 Right, you are Wu Lunhui, I spoke incorrectly.” This is a benign countenance old man, more looks at Chu Feng is the affection, but also sighed finally, said: Must really be Wu Lunhui, was not Chu Feng is good.” “对,你是吴轮回,我说错了。”这是一位慈眉善目的老者,越看楚风越是喜爱,只是最后又叹气,道:“要真是吴轮回,不是楚风就好了。” Chu Feng rolls the eyes, this old fogy is the same with him, this not thorough conceals? 楚风翻白眼,这老家伙怎么跟他一样,这样不彻底的掩饰好吗? “Wú, I am Sub Immortal Clan's Sub Saint, coming this to announce, Corpse Race wait/etc. want to come my clan to discuss marriage unexpectedly, bright knows Zhexian has chosen dao companion also so, this is to the provocation of my clan, which dares to talk nonsense again, be careful my Sub Immortal Clan dispatches troops, kills to visit to put to death it! ” “唔,我是亚仙族的亚圣,来此宣告,尸族等居然想来我族提亲,明知道谪仙已经选择道侣还如此,这是对我族的挑衅,哪个再敢胡言乱语,当心我亚仙族发兵,杀上门去诛杀之!” After old man such opens the mouth, immediately lets people startled heavy, Sub Immortal Clan is really aggressive and self-confident, in the meantime, did this start to protect the son-in-law?! 老者这样开口后,顿时让人们惊的不轻,亚仙族果然霸气与自信,同时,这就开始保护女婿了?! Chu Feng hearing this, is in a daze, was startled. 楚风闻言,也是发呆,吃了一惊。 Aperture that then he has not been hot-tempered shamelessly, said: Old gentleman, said was good, our heroes see slightly with, hurries to convene Sub Immortal Clan's expert to follow me, we kill to visit, extinguished them!” 然后他没羞没躁的开口,道:“老爷子,说的太好了,咱们英雄所见略同,赶紧召集亚仙族的高手跟我走,咱们一个一个杀上门去,都灭了他们!”
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