SR :: Volume #9

#887: Hits to explode is

Chu Feng naturally is having the anger, Corpse Race is so overbearing, previous time intercepts him not to calculate, now displaces Sub Immortal Clan to discuss marriage, the direct shame, wants to compel him to come out, that such as they hope! 楚风自然带着怒意,尸族这么霸道,上次截杀他还没算完,现在取而代之来亚仙族提亲,直接羞辱,想逼他出来,那就如他们愿! Divine Son of any antiquity golden period, hit to explode is! 什么上古黄金时期的神子,打爆就是! Therefore, he begins in flying immortal city directly, the pale golden palm blocks the sky, the bang pounds, covers the small half vault of heaven, is bringing the intense astral wind. 因此,他在飞仙城中直接动手,淡金色的手掌遮天蔽日,轰砸而下,覆盖小半边天穹,带着强烈的罡风。 Many people call out in alarm, many people on the ground, this kind of big hand fall weak, is similar to the dark green space crashes, lets thunder void, trembles fiercely. 许多人惊呼,更有不少人瘫软在地上,这样一只大手落下,如同苍宇坠落下来,让虚空轰鸣,剧烈颤栗。 who?” 什么人?” The Corpse Race's person has a fit of bad temper immediately, all take action, in the bang toward the sky goes, four war chariot spurts the thin dazzling light beam, is bringing Order rune. 尸族的人立时炸毛,全都出手,向着天空中轰去,四辆战车更是喷薄刺目的光束,带着秩序符文等。 However, this useless, person who these drive, guards of these accompanying, although the strength is very formidable, is not weak, but now the also suppressed dispirited all, the body creak makes noise, must bend down on the ground. 然而,这没用,那些驾车的人,那些随行的护卫,尽管实力都很强大,都不弱,可是现在也被压制的全都萎靡,身子咯吱咯吱作响,要伏在地上。 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… Then, the person of driving, these eagles regards to be very suspicious, very overbearing guard to disintegrate in an instant one after another, is split up, was killed a big piece by the second. 接着,刹那间而已,驾车的人,还有那些鹰视狼顾、很霸道的护卫相继解体,四分五裂,被秒杀一大片。 Many people explode directly broken, cannot bear this energy impact. 许多人直接爆碎,根本就承受不住这种能量冲击。 Draws back!” Some people live, are bellowing. “退!”还有一些人活着,在大吼。 This is not the strength that Evolver of their this level can cope with, only has Sub Saint to contend. 这不是他们这个层次的进化者所能对付的力量,唯有亚圣可以抗衡。 Some people tumble, the body trembles, escaped, rushes to the distant place. 部分人连滚带爬,躯体瑟瑟发抖,逃过一劫,闯向远处。 Also has Corpse Race's strongest Divine Son Yan Kun as for three Sub Saint, then take action, was impossible to flinch, was publicizing a moment ago still their prestige, now can avoid? 至于三位亚圣还有尸族的最强神子阎坤,则已经出手,不可能退缩,刚才还在宣扬他们的威名,现在怎能避开? However, next one struck was too fearful, Chu Feng got angry, stimulates to movement the exceptionally fearsome energy, wonderful technique heaven shaking! 然而,下一击太可怕了,楚风发怒,催动出异常可怖的能量,妙术惊天 That four war chariot blast out, four people dirty, three Sub Saint big mouths cough up blood, although is counter-attacking, the surges that but pulled out by the golden big palm of the hand exits. 那四辆战车炸开,四人都灰头土脸,其中三位亚圣大口咳血,虽然在反击,但被金色大巴掌抽的翻腾出去。 One of them was patted the underground deep place, leaves behind a human form big hole, has the stained bloodstain. 其中一人更是被拍进地下深处,留下一个人形大坑,有斑斑血迹。 But Divine Son Yan Kun who the prestige moved the antiquity was also very distressed, this towering palm, rumbled several hundred fragment its war chariot, during energy bursts, was similar to a small Sun blasts out. 而威名动上古的神子阎坤也很狼狈,这突兀的一掌,将其战车轰成数百片碎块,能量爆发间,如同一轮小太阳炸开。 His shaken tumbling, cracks-up beautiful spiritual mountain in city, this stops, on metal Full-Body Armor many split, has to lose the supernatural might spirit. 他被震的翻滚出去,撞碎城中的一座秀丽灵山,这才停下来,一身黑色金属甲胄上多处裂开,有失神武气概。 This stretch of region is noisy immediately! 这片地带顿时沸反盈天! This is Corpse Race, how many universe ranks in first, three Sub Saint arrive, added on an antiquity golden age again Divine Son, unexpectedly is been so distressed, coughing up blood of coughing up blood a person palm of the hand clapped, tumbling of tumbling, was this must go against heaven's will? 这可是尸族,宇宙排位前几名内,三位亚圣亲临,再加上一位上古黄金时代的神子,居然被人一巴掌拍的这么狼狈,咳血的咳血,翻滚的翻滚,这是要逆天吗? Which, rolls!” Corpse Race's Divine Son first to/clashes, he has not been wounded, fleshly body indeed formidable oddness. “哪个,滚出来!”尸族的神子第一个冲起来,他没有负伤,肉身的确强大的离谱。 Was brandished a palm of the hand in the presence of everyone but actually, making his complexion pale, an antiquity war, he by the Spiritual Will disintegration that Yaoyao killed, these time staged a comeback, lived to crawl from the netherworld, to vent anger, wants to look for Earth Evolver's to be troublesome. 当众被人一巴掌抡倒,让他脸色铁青,上古一战,他被妖妖杀的精神意志崩碎,这一次卷土重来,从冥土中活着爬出,就是为了出气,想找地球进化者的麻烦。 Where thinks, his first time appears in the face of the public, was knocked down a palm of the hand, harms his formidable image. 哪里想到,他第一次出现在公众面前,就被人一巴掌撂倒,有损他的强大形象。 Three Sub Saint also clash, stands separately is in the upper air, the each and every one complexion is ugly, even if already wiped the blood of corners of the mouth, is difficult to cover the distressed color, 三位亚圣也冲起,分别立身在高空中,一个个脸色非常难看,哪怕早已擦去嘴角的血,也难掩狼狈之色, Chu Feng sets out, directly the appearance that the appearance turns into youngster, is entering the scene by the Wu Lunhui's image, the color of face human and animals being harmless, arrives in the midair. 楚风起身,容貌直接化成少年的样子,以吴轮回的形象登场,一脸人畜无害之色,来到半空中。 Naturally is your Sir-- Wu Lunhui, arrives.” He from report name. “自然是你们的大爷——吴轮回,亲临。”他自报姓名。 The flying immortal city occupying land area length and breadth, including many mountain ranges, some famous mountains, rivers and cave mansion, expert of entire city is alarmed now. 飞仙城占地广袤,包括很多山脉在内,更有一些名山、大河与洞府等,现在全城的高手都被惊动。 Many people are speechless, isn't Wu Lunhui Chu Feng? 许多人无语,吴轮回不就是楚风吗? Also many people with hitting the chicken blood were excited, Wu Lunhui came, lively was then big. 也有很多人跟打了鸡血般兴奋,吴轮回来了,这下热闹大了。 Chu Feng, the demon, is you are sneak attacking me unexpectedly and others, you also dare to appear unexpectedly, wait to be put to death!” 楚风,魔头,竟然是你在偷袭我等,你居然还敢出现,等着被诛杀吧!” A Corpse Race's Sub Saint opens the mouth, complexion is indifferent, although was slapped, but now as before fearless. 尸族的一个亚圣开口,脸色冷漠,虽然被打了一巴掌,但是现在依旧无惧。 Naturally, his eyeground deep place full is shocking, this Wu Lunhui is Chu Feng are also many big age, promoted Sub Saint? Has surmounted the imagination simply, was too young! 当然,他眼底深处满是震惊,这吴轮回也就是楚风才多大年龄,晋升亚圣了?简直超越了想象,太年轻了! Chu Feng said: Hey, the words cannot speak irresponsibly, I am Wu Lunhui, opens your corpse to be shortly clear and careful, is indebted, is called morality reaching up to the clouds Wu Lunhui that the universe Star Sea fellow people of same belief look, other admitting mistakes person, I am not a demon!” 楚风道:“喂,话不能乱说,我是吴轮回,睁开你的死尸眼看个清楚与仔细,承蒙宇宙星海各位同道看的起,被称为义薄云天吴轮回,别认错人,我不是魔头!” shit! 玛德! Many person unstated criticism, have not seen such has praised oneself, isn't bashful? Meanwhile, some people curl the lip, whose knows you are not Chu Feng, body both sides. 许多人都腹诽,没见过这么夸自己的,不害臊吗?同时,一些人撇嘴,谁不知道你就是楚风,一体两面。 Little especially the idle talk, Wu Lunhui, Demon Chu Feng, you is a person, do not quibble, did not need you saying that already the lay out unescapable net, today butchered you!” “少特么废话,吴轮回,楚风魔头,你们原本就是一个人,别狡辩,也无需你多说,早已布下天罗地网,今天宰了你!” The distant place, an old man of Golden Body level jumps, refers to here point, is angry very much. 远处,一个金身层次的老头子跳起来,向这边点指,很生气。 Ants, dares to clamor before me?” Chu Feng said indifferently, then turned the hand a palm of the hand to pat, managed your anything status, the Golden Body level insufficiently looked. “一只蝼蚁,也敢在我面前叫嚣?”楚风淡然说道,然后翻手一巴掌就拍过去了,管你什么身份,金身层次已经不够看。 Bang! 轰隆! Was hit to explode void, huge golden color was in charge to fly, was similar to the metal mountain peak voltage falls, was flaming and terrifying. 虚空被打爆,一个巨大的金色掌印飞了过去,如同金属山峰压落而下,炽盛而恐怖。 His speed was too fast, even if two Sub Saint take action, want to prevent successively already without enough time. 他的速度太快了,哪怕有两位亚圣先后出手,想要阻止都已经来不及。 , that Corpse Race's elder snort/hum no snort/hum, the pupil opens the eyes is very big, disintegrates instantaneously, the transpiration has piece of blood mist, vanishes from there. 噗的一声,那位尸族的长老哼都没有哼一声,眸子睁的很大,瞬间瓦解,蒸腾起一片血雾,从那里消失。 Chu Feng opens the mouth very much gentle, said: I explained that I to having Divine King Chu of honest pure good name admired very much, pitied with him clearheadedly, is the good friend, therefore humiliated him to aim at me, you must think over.” 楚风很平和地开口,道:“我解释一下,我对有敦厚纯善之称的楚神王很佩服,跟他惺惺相惜,已是挚友,因此无论是折辱他还是针对我,你们都要掂量一下。” The complete silence, what people knows did not say, this can be good, facial skin true thickness, but also worked as people knows you are not a person? Perhaps is intentional! 鸦雀无声,众人都不知道说啥了,这都能行,脸皮真厚,还当人们不知道你们是一个人?或许是故意的吧! Unexpected, several Sub Saint beginning, has not been being Corpse Race's antiquity Divine Son is also restraining anxiously, in eye cold ray sparkle, is hiding murderous intention. 出乎意料,几位亚圣没有急着动手,就是尸族的上古神子也在克制,眼中冷冽光芒闪耀,藏着杀机 Chu Feng realized, this is in the protracted time, they definitely also united other troops. 楚风意识到,这是在拖延时间,他们肯定还联合了其他人马。 Wu Lunhui, you are like this overbearing, kill my clan elder, sneak attacks me and others, was too insolent!” A Sub Saint opens the mouth. 吴轮回,你这样霸道,杀我族长老,偷袭我等,太张狂了!”一位亚圣开口。 Your Corpse Race must go to Sub Immortal Clan to discuss marriage, wants to shame me, unexpectedly added that I am overbearing and insolent, you do, but also feels all right to me labels, is sick?” “你们尸族要去亚仙族提亲,想羞辱我,居然还说我霸道、张狂,你们自己作死,还好意思给我扣帽子,有病吧?” Chu Feng said, direct palm of the hand flings, take action, these time has aimed at Corpse Race all people once more directly, including these guards, killed the pain to say first again. 楚风说完,直接一巴掌甩出去,再次出手了,这一次直接针对尸族所有人,包括那些护卫等,先杀痛再说。 This places have many Corpse Race Evolver, in the middle of this person of many Golden Body level, even there is Golden Body Great Perfection expert, is the guard of this clan. 这片地带有不少尸族进化者,这当中不乏金身层次的人,甚至有金身大圆满高手,是该族的护卫。 Guard who Sub Saint does not need their this progressions, but this is a symbol of status, the journey has the Golden Body servant, shows honored and power and influence of master. 亚圣不需要他们这个级数的护卫,但这是一种身份的象征,出行有金身奴仆,彰显主人的尊贵与威势。 Now, over a hundred guards yelled, soul is shivering, a palm of the hand that Chu Feng lays out conveniently, they cannot withstand, whole body crack. 现在,上百护卫大叫,灵魂都在颤抖,楚风随手拍出的一巴掌,他们根本承受不了,浑身龟裂。 You dare!” “你敢!” To delay the time three Sub Saint, as well as antiquity Divine Son Yan Kun has to take action, this time their also some big, how be able to expect, Wu Lunhui is also Chu Feng unexpectedly promotes the Sub Saint level, this does not conform to the common sense simply, how long he cultivates, had subversive! 想要拖延时间的三位亚圣,以及上古神子阎坤都不得不出手了,这一次他们也有些头大,怎能料到,吴轮回也就是楚风居然晋升亚圣层次,这简直不符合常理,他才修炼多长时间,太具有颠覆性了! Buzz prosperous! 嗡隆! The void fulmination, had been punctured. 虚空爆鸣,已经被打穿。 Although Corpse Race's Sub Saint is exhausting ability to prevent, but no helps as before! 尸族的亚圣虽然在竭尽所能阻止,但依旧于事无补! Explodes in the terrifying pressure next over a hundred guards completely broken, is formidable Evolver, finally actually died a tragic death here, does not have remaining. 在恐怖的压力下上百名护卫全部爆碎,都是强大的进化者,最终却惨死在这里,一个都没有剩下。 The level of Chu Feng control strength wonderful to certainly summit, does not have the wave and other person and the building, making these Corpse Race elites disintegrate without the difference, destroy both body and soul. 楚风控制力道的水平妙到绝巅,没有波及其他人与建筑物,让这些尸族精英无差别瓦解,形神俱灭 Bang! 轰! Four dreadful blood energy clash, is having the vast fluctuation, that was Corpse Race's antiquity Divine Son Yan Kun with three Sub Saint together take action counter-attack, bristled with anger. 四股滔天的血气冲起,带着汪洋般的波动,那是尸族的上古神子阎坤与三名亚圣一起出手反击,怒发冲冠。 Today they were too passive, is very aggrieved, first time enters the stage to be turned a palm of the hand racket, tumbles, they are solemn Sub Saint. 今天他们太被动了,也很憋屈,第一次出场就被人一巴掌拍翻,滚落出去,他们可是堂堂亚圣啊。 But now the follower is also struck to kill, does not have remaining, this is equal to pulling out their face chest cavities, stepped on a foot! 而现在追随者也都被击杀,一个都没有剩下,这等于是抽完他们的脸膛,又踩了一脚! My this time comes to kill and others!” “我这次来就是为了杀尔等!” Chu Feng attacks, does not delay the time to them the opportunity, launches an attack decisively, golden fist mark rumbles, like the lightning, simultaneously aims at four big expert quickly. 楚风出击,不给他们拖延时间的机会,果断发难,金色拳印轰出,快如闪电,同时针对四大高手 This fist mark was too astonishing, easily accomplished, making them also very distressed, the vast energy extrusion, outside abatement Sub Saint, anything does not exist, was cracked void. 拳印太惊人了,摧枯拉朽,让他们也无比狼狈,浩瀚能量挤压,除却亚圣外,什么都不复存在,虚空都龟裂了。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Connects the collision, Yan Kunheng flies, has hair dishevelled, the corners of the mouth are bringing a wisp of blood, he put together over a hundred to strike with the Chu Feng one breath, unexpectedly slightly was wounded, making his look ugly. 接连碰撞,阎坤横飞出去,披头散发,嘴角带着一缕血,他跟楚风一口气拼了上百击,居然略带伤,让他神色难看。 He came from the antiquity, recovers in the present age, can don't tell me also lose to the person of Earth?! 他从上古而来,在当世复苏,难道还要败给地球的人?! I am unwilling!” He angrily roars, regarding him, this is the great shame, the past scabs were opened. “我不甘!”他怒吼,对于他来说,这是奇耻大辱,当年的伤疤又被揭开了。 Unwilling is also lying to me!” Chu Feng shouted, a foot flew high to tread, compelling the opposite party to extremely fast backed up. “不甘也得给我趴着!”楚风喝道,一脚凌空踏出,逼得对方不得不的极速倒退。 Chu Feng turns around instantaneously, his true goal is that three Sub Saint, first killed them saying that was on the other hand easier. 楚风瞬间转身,他真正的目标是那三位亚圣,先杀他们在说,相对来说更容易一些。 Pale golden fist mark covers the front, Chu Feng the stimulation of movement of that three Sub Saint secret technique scatters, direct solid suppresses them under. 淡金色的拳印覆盖前方,楚风将那三位亚圣的催动出的秘术打散,直接结结实实将他们压制在下方。 What situation is this? Does a person press three Sub Saint?” The observing heart trembles, they already ran away to far spatial, saw that this incomparably shocks secretly. “这是什么情况?一人压三亚圣?”观战者心颤,他们早就逃遁向远空,看到这一幕后无比震惊。 Wu Lunhui he how old, unexpectedly has this achievement? Enemy, Evolver that observes, all in wind disorderly, is unbelievable. 吴轮回他才多大年纪,居然有这种成就?无论是敌人,还是观战的进化者,全都风中凌乱,难以相信。 pū pū! 噗噗噗! Three Sub Saint big mouths cough up blood, exhaust ability cannot block, the person when the golden fist mark crush, the both arms bone fracture, then the body also bang smashes the ground, finally cannot withstand the corrosion of that energy, , his body was exploded by the fist mark bang. 三位亚圣大口咳血,竭尽所能也挡不住,有一人在金色拳印的碾压下,双臂骨折,而后身体也轰砸进地面时,终于承受不住那种能量的侵蚀,噗的一声,他的身体被拳印轰爆。 Naturally, this person has not died, rapid reassemble body. 当然,此人未死,快速重组身体。 What Chu Feng walks is the road of fleshly body Sanctification, in addition the spirit highly is also concise, this fleshly body impact, fearful oddness, to cope with the established Sub Saint preparation. 楚风走的是肉身成圣之路,此外精神也高度凝练,这种肉身冲击,可怕的离谱,就是为了对付老牌亚圣准备的。 In other two Sub Saint mouths also coughs up blood, was rumbled to enter under the surface, buries the soil layer deep place. 其余两位亚圣口中亦咳血,被轰进地表之下,埋入土层深处。 Corpse Race's antiquity Divine Son Yan Kun cried loud and long, holds holy artifact never the distant place to kill, wants to rumble to kill Chu Feng, rescued these three people. 尸族的上古神子阎坤长啸,持圣器从不远处杀来,想轰杀楚风,解救这三人。 Bang! 轰! However, Chu Feng is quicker, grasps divine sense beating whip, this is by the growth in chaos thunder nearby black bamboo refinement, the prestige can be formidable. 然而,楚风更快,手持打神鞭,这是由生长在混沌雷霆附近的紫竹炼制而成,威能强大。 Bang, he blocks the Corpse Race Divine Son weapon, and bang to the vault of heaven, at the same time, he stimulates to movement own Sacred Territory, binds to bring three Sub Saint, charges into outside territory. 砰的一声,他将尸族神子的兵器挡住,并轰向天穹上,与此同时,他催动出自己的圣域,裹带着三位亚圣,冲向域外 Kills!” “杀!” In three Sub Saint hands has true holy artifact, suddenly launches an attack, wanting the bang to kill Chu Feng. 三位亚圣手中有真正的圣器,突然发难,想要轰杀楚风 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng wields begins the black bamboo, sends out the misty brilliance, pulls out directly their holy artifact lances, this is most top Saint Level weapon. 楚风挥动手中的紫竹,发出蒙蒙的光辉,将他们的圣器长矛直接抽断,这是最顶级的圣级兵器。 Starting off!” The Chu Feng bang kills it! “上路吧!”楚风轰杀之! ! 噗! Sub Saint is roaring, works loose Sacred Territory to cover the range, but, pulled out by the Chu Feng's black bamboo as before on the body, making him blast out at the scene, this time cannot reorganize, destroy both body and soul. 一位亚圣怒吼着,挣脱出圣域笼罩范围,但是,依旧被楚风的紫竹抽在身体上,让他当场炸开,这一次没有能够重组,形神俱灭 You two!” “还有你们两个!” In the sound, the black bamboo shines, Chu Feng wields, kills these two! 在哧哧声中,紫竹发光,楚风挥动间,将这两人也都打杀! Corpse Race antiquity Divine Son startled and anger, finally bears patiently, turns around to walk, because faces Chu Feng, he felt that as if met past Yaoyao, in the heart has sent coldly. 尸族上古神子又惊又怒,最终隐忍,转身就走,因为面对楚风,他感觉仿佛又遇到了当年的妖妖,心中发寒。 Also wants to walk?!” “还想走?!” Chu Feng washes one's hands, throws the black bamboo, is similar to the lance is ordinary, and is bringing his boundless Essence, Qi and Spirit, has injected he strongest attack energy. 楚风抖手间,将紫竹投掷出去,如同长矛一般,并且带着他磅礴的精气神,注入了他最强的攻击能量。 ! 噗! The black bamboo pierces Yan Kun body, brings the big piece blood! 紫竹将阎坤身体洞穿,带起大片的血液!
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