SR :: Volume #14

#1395: Discussed the life and death immortally

Also some people came, or has the accident. 又有人来了,或有变故。 That five people in the dense fog, establish separately in the different positions, surrounds in the Eight Trigrams Furnace surrounding, must hunt! 那五人身在迷雾中,分立在不同方位,围堵在八卦炉外围,要进行狩猎! "hē hē, is really marvelous, it seems like outside Thirty Three Layer Heaven has any thing, immortal Eight Trigrams Furnace falls in this unexpectedly, falls to the ground earth certainly. ” “呵呵,真是奇妙,看来三十三重天外真有什么东西啊,不朽的八卦炉竟坠于此,落地成绝土。” They are very mysterious, take to all people by the huge pressure, everyone puts on black Full-Body Armor in the bad fog, cannot see the appearance/portrait, likely five Demon God that came from that ancient times, is accumulating the long years aura. 他们都很神秘,带给所有人以庞大的压力,每一个人都在大雾中穿着黑色甲胄,看不到真容,像是从那远古而来的五位魔神,积淀着漫长的岁月气息。 „Is this who?” Various clans vibrate. “这是什么人?”各族震动。 Zhou Zhengde jumps to leap has not been in charge in furnace, enough has shocked, but now came five people, must enter the furnace unexpectedly, not to be how frightening. 周正德纵身一跃没入主炉中,已经足够震撼,而现在又来了五人,竟也要入炉,怎不让人心惊。 “Wú, is really good, starts, inside has the ready-made sacrificial offering, but is not very rare. ” “唔,真不错,开始吧,里面有现成的祭品,但还不够稀珍啊。” Some people open the mouth, they are bringing Cosmos Bag, inside clearly has the so-called thin rare things sacrificial offering! 有人开口,他们都带着乾坤袋,里面显然有所谓的稀珍物祭品! In leaving fire, in smog, underground immortal Eight Trigrams Furnace spurts the thin energy, if this place still the hell, the hot thick liquid surges, the ghost crying god is howling, the four directions blown sand walks the stone, ancient times died in this place endless creature seems struggling, must escape. 在离火中,在烟雾间,地下不朽八卦炉喷薄的能量,此地犹若地狱,火浆涌动,鬼哭神嚎,四野飞沙走石,远古死在此地的无尽生灵仿佛都在挣扎,要逃脱出来。 But sometimes Eight Trigrams Furnace resembles Immortal Realm, auspicious red clouds Yanyan, the hot thick liquid, the flowing light scatters, has the fairy maiden to curl the line, has in the Dao Ancestor sitting cross-legged altar to chant sutras. 而有时八卦炉又似仙境,瑞霞艳艳,火浆汩汩,流光四溅,有仙子袅袅而行,有道祖盘坐祭坛上诵经。 It can be said that here heterogeneity, grotesque and gaudy, very astonishing, phenomenon numerous unceasingly. 可以说,这里一片斑驳,光怪陆离,非常的惊人,异象纷呈不断。 At this time, Chu Feng enters in the furnace, simply paces back and forth between the hell and heaven, walks between the life and death, within pure land surrounds, a within evil spirit is encumbered. 此时,楚风进入炉中,简直在地狱与天堂间徘徊,在生与死间行走,一步间净土环绕,一步间厉鬼缠身。 He every time takes a step, sees different. 他每一次迈步,所见到的都不同。 The earth cave is not big, but after coming, actually as if places oneself in world great furnace, by side ancient world refining. 地窟不大,可是进来后,却仿佛置身天地洪炉中,被一方古老的世界炼化 At this moment, the dense fog turns wells up, the hot rosy cloud jumps, the outside could not see clearly internal scene. 这一刻,迷雾翻涌,火霞跳跃,外界根本看不清内部的景象了。 Chu Feng deeply inspired, has grasped Reincarnation Soil, covered uses to defend on the body, in addition, he opened stone jar, prepared to go at any time. 楚风深吸一口气,抓了一把轮回土,覆盖在身体上用以防御,此外,他打开了石罐,随时准备进去。 Because, was too dangerous, after arriving here, he thought that the life and death will occur in breaths. 因为,太危险了,来到这里后,他觉得生死会在一息间发生。 He has opened Discerning Eyes, watches in this Purgatory world, bang, dazzling golden light surge to come, making him from the dike unable to bear one stuffily, makes the sound of pain. 他睁开了火眼金睛,在这炼狱般的世界中观看,轰的一声,一片刺目的金光从岩壁上激荡而来,让他忍不住一声闷哼,发出痛苦之音。 In this moment, his both eyes are bleeding, was roasted seriously roasts, the pupil was injured. 在这一刻,他的双目在淌血,受到了严重炙烤,瞳孔都受伤了。 What fire is this? 这是什么火? The fire walls are the rock, the golden light that lasing came a moment ago is some ancient flame, quite overbearing, cannot endure including Discerning Eyes. 炉壁都是岩石,刚才激射过来的金光是某种古焰,相当的霸道,连火眼金睛都吃不消。 Chu Feng both eyes bled, stagger to back up several steps, but his also gradually adapted, slowly induced the truth of this place. 楚风双目淌血,踉跄倒退了几步,不过他也渐渐地适应,慢慢感应到了此地的真相。 It seems like in side furnace the world, is in if still ants, this place seems to be infinitely great, after is quiet, can actually the sensation, actually in this stone furnace the diameter be about several feet. 看似一方炉中世界,身在当中犹若蝼蚁,此地仿佛无限大,可是沉静下来后,却能够感知到,其实此石炉内部直径不过数丈。 Real fire walls completely lithical, carves the natural mark to wind completely, but carefully looks actually likely is the supreme say/way, elaboration world timeless Great Dao. 真实的炉壁完全石质化,刻满自然纹络,可是仔细看却又像是无上的道则,阐述世间亘古不变的大道 Some lithical marks wind to flow the flame, as long as touches with the energy slightly, even if will be the golden eyes observation is counter-attacked, this also will be the reason that Chu Feng both eyes will bleed. 有些石质纹络流淌火光,但凡稍微用能量去触及,哪怕是金睛观察都会遭到反击,这也是楚风双目淌血的原因。 Must integrate this place, is consistent with the stone furnace pulsation, otherwise it so repels me, must die without doubt.” “得融入此地,跟石炉脉动一致,不然的话它如此排斥我,必死无疑。” Chu Feng deeply inspires, here is the special energy, on some piece of fire walls Purple Qi transpiration, if still east, surrounds along with the Chu Feng breath. 楚风深吸一口气,这里都是特殊的能量,某一片炉壁上紫气蒸腾,犹若东来,随着楚风呼吸而环绕过来。 However, he is actually one stuffy, the half body mouth and nose had been buried by the purple light, flesh burning down, almost must ruin fleshly body. 然而,他却又是一声闷哼,半边身子连带着口鼻都被紫霞淹埋了,血肉焚烧,几乎要毁掉肉身 This......” his frightened, wants to integrate this place difficulty is very really big, he has not acted, almost burnt out True Body by a flame. “这……”他一阵惊悚,想要融入此地果然难度很大,他还没怎么动作呢,就几乎被一种火光烧坏真身 Reincarnation Soil fluctuates, clear, surrounds his body the line, has isolated the flame, making Chu Feng belong to short tranquilly. 轮回土起伏,颗颗晶莹,环绕他的身体而行,隔绝了火光,让楚风短暂归于平静。 However, how long this protection has not continued, in the entire bedstone furnace various changes then one after another appear, on piece of stone wall has the Scarlet Rosy Cloud lasing, that is red secret fire, one of the bang surges. 不过,这种保护没有持续多长时间,整座石炉内各种变化便相继出现,一片石壁上有赤霞激射,那是红色的秘火,轰的一声涌动而来。 Brings the entire bedstone furnace to vibrate, the flame is dreadful. 来带着整座石炉都在震动,火光滔天。 Then, stone furnace bottom five colors light soars to the heavens, throws off Chu Feng, the roaring flame covers, various quirk Concise Essence crazy expansions, come turbulently. 接着,石炉底部五色光冲霄,将楚风掀翻,烈焰覆盖,各种火道精粹疯狂扩张,汹涌开来。 The entire bedstone furnace activates, refining Chu Feng! 整座石炉激活,炼化楚风 One after another is similar to the laser material, lasing from that stone wall, all centralized to the Chu Feng's body. 一道又一道如同激光般的物质,从那石壁中激射而出,全都集中向楚风的身体。 This makes his heart sink, this may not only be the Eight Trigrams Furnace characteristics, some type of vicious tendencies, some unwilling and angry obsession doping in middle, must ruin him. 这让他心头一沉,这可不仅是八卦炉的特性,还有某种戾气,某种不甘与愤怒的执念掺杂在当中,要毁掉他。 Is insufficient with the blood sacrifice furnace!” Chu Feng sighed, first protected the body by stone jar, the body just like reducing, on his sitting cross-legged pot mouth, above the top of the head cover ups and downs, have not sealed. “以血祭炉还不够!”楚风叹气,第一时间以石罐护体,身体宛若缩小了,他盘坐罐口上,头顶上方的盖子沉浮,并未封上。 His knows that is anything, past, this place has come too many powerhouses, is formidable Evolver in historical River, is the elites of various clans, is an eminent of time, but died, by furnace body refining, their obsession, their hero soul many were left some traces, accumulates on the fire walls, at this time rebels. 知道那是什么,昔日,此地来过太多的强者,都是历史长河中的强大进化者,都是各族的精英,是一个时代的翘楚,可是都死了,被炉体炼化,他们的执念,他们的英灵多少留下一些痕迹,积淀在炉壁上,此时作乱。 After this is he has studied, must by the reason of blood sacrifice furnace, but now looks like obviously also insufficient. 这就是他研究过地后要以血祭炉的原因,可是现在看来明显还不够。 How many to offer sacrifices to suffice? clear that nobody can say, because died in this place talent of various time since the ancient times are too really many. 献祭多少才够呢?没人能说的清,因为自古以来死在此地的各时代的天骄实在太多了。 Even, some ratios are in charge in a Supreme Danger Land master-- fire essence clan are remote. 甚至,有些比入主在太上绝地的主人——火精一族还要久远。 Has some bone marks in the furnace bottom, still does not have thoroughly vanishes cleanly, has left the ashes trace, even there are to leave the human form skeleton trace. 在炉底有一些骨头印记,至今都没有彻底的消失干净,留下了灰烬痕迹,甚至有留下人形骷髅痕迹的。 Naturally, does not have genuine bone block, but after they smelt brand mark. 当然,没有真正的骨块,只是他们熔炼后的烙印。 Even if so, sufficiently heaven shaking, this is Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace, burns down the myriad things, in the ordinary circumstances here does not have what thing to exist. 即便如此,也足以惊天,这可是太上八卦炉,焚烧万物,一般情况下来说这里没有什么东西能够存在。 I firmly resist, melts the trace that these ancient hero souls left, disintegrated obsession, otherwise will be very troublesome, but this also calculates that calcine self- True Soul, has been able to boil to have the advantage!” “我得硬抗,化解这些古代英灵留下的痕迹,瓦解执念,不然会很麻烦,不过这也算煅烧自我的真魂了,能熬下来就有好处!” What is most important, after obliterating trace that here all previous talent stays behind, he must activate this place the vitality, otherwise Eight Trigrams Furnace burns the body, no one can shoulder. 最为重要的是,磨灭这里历代天骄留下的痕迹后,他要激活此地的生机,不然八卦炉焚体,谁也扛不住。 True Eight Trigrams Furnace body refinement, must inspire Fire of Life! 真正的八卦炉炼体,是要引动生之火 Chu Feng here take action, protects the body with Reincarnation Soil temporarily, strives to integrate this place, while tows Domain, wants to activate this furnace to raise the ancient mark of person to wind. 楚风在这里出手了,一边暂时用轮回土护体,争取融入此地,一边牵引场域,想激活此炉养人的古老纹络。 It can be said that in this stone Lunei, flows along with the time, this is the path that ten thousand die, the only vitality draws out Fire of Life, changes to keeping in good health. 可以说,在这石炉内,随着时光流淌,这是一条万死的道路,唯一的生机就是引出生之火,化作“养生地”。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, roaring flame ebullition, the lightning interweaves, a giant face appears, throws toward Chu Feng. 突然,烈焰沸腾,闪电交织,一张巨大的面孔浮现,向着楚风扑去。 This lets his suck in a breath of cold air, that was past talent, its malicious obsession visualization, this person in the past how formidable, how unwilling? A consciousness residuum of under person, can so, alone exist, retains is so long! 这让他倒吸一口冷气,那是昔日的天骄,其恶意执念显形,这个人当年得多么强大,多么的不甘?一个人的意识残留物,就能如此,独自存在,保留下这么久! Buzz! 嗡! divine light vibrates, in the Chu Feng hand presents Vajra Cutter, the present is Thirty Three Layer Heaven thick semifinished product, this has tasteful extremely, was used to melt the demon by him. 神光震动,楚风手中出现金刚琢,如今算是三十三重天粗坯器,这极其有讲究,被他用来化魔。 Melts the demon, melts the ghost, melts the immortal, Divine Transformation, ten thousand spirits!” “化魔,化鬼,化仙,化神,度化万灵!” Chu Feng scolds lightly, since building up this carves, he once earnestly had consulted some old books, was too since the ancient times rare about 30 three Celestial Artifact thing, once had the record, this thick embryo is extremely mystical, whether there is terrifying place, may spend various clans, may spend the evil spirits, the effect is astonishing. 楚风轻叱,自从炼成此琢后,他曾认真查阅过一些古籍,关于30三天器物自古以来太罕见了,曾有记载,这种粗胚极其神秘,有无边的恐怖之处,可度化各族,更可度化魑魅魍魉,效果惊人。 Now he wants to try, although thick embryo, but also waits for growing, but the prestige can be uncommon. 现在他想试一试,虽然还是粗胎,还有待成长,但威能不凡。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” A pitiful yell, that giant face twisted, after Vajra Cutter hits, is blurred, then the Vajra Cutter illumination, as if can shine All Heavens, will be the future scene appears likely ahead of time. 一声惨叫,那张巨大面孔扭曲了,被金刚琢击中后模糊下去,而后金刚琢发光,仿佛可以照耀诸天,像是未来的景象提前出现。 That face vanishes, by Thirty Three Layer Heaven Vajra Cutter, becomes the nihility, clouds and mist diverge. 那面孔消失,被三十三重天金刚琢度化,成为虚无,烟霞散去。 Bang! 轰隆! The Vajra Cutter rotation, surrounding some obsession, some demons and monsters all call out in alarm, is unravelling. 金刚琢转动,周围的一些执念,一些妖魔鬼怪全都惊叫,在灰飞烟灭。 Including Chu Feng oneself suck in a cold breath, this Vajra Cutter unexpectedly has such wondrous use, was too unusual, he once had probed, if by oneself going, could spend greatly flustered, even pays the price of blood not necessarily to be able the unexpectedly entire merit, but unexpectedly depends upon bracelet to melt many hero souls now. 楚风自身都倒吸冷气,这金刚琢居然有如此妙用,实在太超凡了,他曾试探过,如果靠自身去度,可能要大费周章,甚至付出血的代价都不见得能竟全功,可是现在居然依靠一枚手环度化了许多英灵。 The so-called Thirty Three Layer Heaven treasure did not say, rumor really not empty. 所谓的三十三重天重器不是说说而已,传言果然非虚。 Bang! 轰! Was enormous and powerful in this time at the same time stone wall Purple Qi, such as the Yangtze River was turbulent, resembles the river to be torrential, if burst a dike vastly, has attacked. 在这个时候其中一面石壁紫气浩荡,如长江汹涌,似大河滔滔,若汪洋决堤,冲击了过来。 Vajra Cutter was submerged, was surrounded by Purple Qi, must by refining, probably be imprisoned, this Eight Trigrams Furnace flame counter-attacked independently. 金刚琢被淹没,被紫气所环绕,要被炼化,要被禁锢,这八卦炉的火光自主反击了。 "Um!? ” Finally, the Vajra Cutter ups and downs, both resonance, it had not been melted, glittering and translucent even more, had been nourished by some material likely, boils down, say/way rhyme as if made by heaven even more. “嗯!?”最终,金刚琢沉浮,两者共鸣,它没有被熔化,越发的晶莹剔透了,像是被某种物质所滋养,所熬炼,越发的道韵天成 Nourishing Weapon Fire?” The Chu Feng surprise, where it seems like that the Thirty Three Layer Heaven thick embryo weapon regardless of must Tianjuan, be built up by such sacrifice unexpectedly. 养兵之火?”楚风诧异,看来三十三重天粗胎兵器无论在哪里都得天眷,居然被这样祭炼了。 But his oneself, but also can only sit cross-legged the stone jar mouth place above, even if there is Reincarnation Soil to surround, crisis on top of crisis. 而他自身呢,还只能盘坐石罐口的上方,即便有轮回土环绕,也危机重重。 Nourishing Creature Fire, should stimulate!” Chu Feng tows Domain once more, he must refine oneself. 养人之火呢,应该激发出来!”楚风再次牵引场域,他要炼自身。 Rumble! 隆隆! Said the fire to be boundless, all was Order, all was the rule, various light lasings, the fire walls activated, various glowing flame ebullition, and presented the chaos lightning, divided to strike in the furnace. 道火无边,全都是秩序,全都是规则,各种光激射而出,一面又一面炉壁都激活了,各种光焰沸腾,并且出现了混沌闪电,在炉中劈击。 Chu Feng have one's hair stand on end, summoned Vajra Cutter, Purple Qi rushes, resists many lightnings, the lightning junction hits, that clear bracelet sends out Order, even more charm of rich say/way. 楚风毛骨悚然,将金刚琢召唤了过来,紫气澎湃,抵住许多闪电,闪电交击中,那晶莹的手环散发秩序,越发的富有道之神韵。 However, the next quarter, the giant crisis came, the furnace bottom presents the mysterious mark to wind, then the endless flame spurts thinly, various brilliance have. 然而,下一刻,巨大的危机来了,炉底出现神秘纹络,而后无尽的火光喷薄,各种光彩都有。 Of bang, Chu Feng was shaken to fall on the place, stone jar seethes, he was shaken to fall. 轰的一声,楚风被震落在地,石罐都翻腾了出去,他被震落出来。 His pitiful yell, this pain was too fierce, must burn through soul light simply, most at least his fleshly body first burns down, the physique is withered, broke including some bones. 他一声惨叫,这种痛太剧烈了,简直要烧穿了魂光,最起码他的肉身第一时间焚烧起来,形体干枯,连部分骨头都断裂了。 Is this what kind of flame? 这是何等火光? stone furnace is shocked, the bottom presents the mysterious symbol, sparkling, must ruin all vitalities. 石炉震动,底部出现神秘符号,闪耀着,要毁掉一切生机。 Dead gate opens greatly, vitality should not be far. Lives gate accompanying, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, flickers eternally, opening!” Chu Feng shouted. “死门大开,生机应该不远了。生门相伴,斗转星移,一瞬万古,开启!”楚风喝道。 He puts together completely the strength, deducts Domain, according to his deduction, this is the most dangerous time, simultaneously the opportunity also possibly came, that Fire of Life in not far away. 他拼尽力量,演绎场域,按照他的推演,这是最危险的时刻,同时机会也可能来了,那生之火就在不远处。 Chī! 哧! The chaos electric arc has divided, Chu Feng half body burned black, this is touches and goes from the side, has not hit him, if moistens the body, his relationship of form and spirit all extinguishes. 混沌电弧劈过,楚风半边身子都焦黑了,这还是从身边擦过而已,没有击中他,若是沾身,他形神皆灭。 At this time was too dangerous! 此时实在太危险了! ka-cha! 喀嚓 Also is the chaos electric arc has divided together, has not scratched as before, but the Chu Feng half body has been dried up, the flesh almost does not exist, the bone looks awful. 又是一道混沌电弧劈过,依旧没有擦中,可是楚风半边身子已经干枯,血肉几乎不复存在,骨头不成样子。 This is...... Can evolve the place of extinction? In his heart vibrates. 这是……要演化绝灭之地?他心中震动。 However, due to the promotion of that he exhausts ability, lets topography resonating in the process . Moreover the half body such as washes the spring breeze, by a vitality package. 不过,在他竭尽所能的推动下,让地势共振的过程中,另外半边身子如沐春风,被一股生机包裹。 This simply is the half heaven, the half hell, the person on the life and death cut-off rule, was too fearful. 这简直是半边天堂,半边地狱,人在生死分割线上,实在太可怕了。 He does not have to move again, has the mistake slightly, the words that Fire of Life vanishes, oneself dies without the burial ground, this Fire of Life rouses temporarily. 他没有再动,稍有差池,生之火消失的话,自身就死无葬身之地,这生之火是暂时勾动出来的。 stone jar in not far away, Reincarnation Soil also fell to the ground, Vajra Cutter was submerged by Purple Mist, now he can only depend upon itself. 石罐在不远处,轮回土也落地了,金刚琢则被紫雾淹没,现在他只能依靠自己。 Did "hē hē, hear the pitiful yell sound? That person died mostly, has not thought, unexpectedly is the good sacrificial offering. ” “呵呵,听到惨叫声了吗?那人多半死了,没想到,竟是上好的祭品。” Above Eight Trigrams Furnace, some people open the mouth. 八卦炉上方,有人开口。 That five mysterious powerhouse is the same to other people, cannot see the real situation in furnace. 那五名神秘的强者与其他人一样,都看不到炉内的真实情况。 Because, dense fog numerous, hot thick liquid surge, has camouflaged all truth, at this time stone furnace recovers, nobody can completely understand the Heavenly Mystery truth. 因为,迷雾重重,火浆涌动,遮蔽了所有的真相,此时石炉复苏,没有人能看透天机真相。 They also heard the Chu Feng final pitiful yell sound. 他们也只是听到了楚风最后的惨叫声。 Possibly is also living, this is best, the live sacrifice, this type of top grade sacrificial offering are not many, has inspired Dao Ancestral Matter unexpectedly inborn.” “可能还活着,这样最好,活祭,这种极品祭品可不多,竟天生引动了道祖物质。” In five people a person opens the mouth, they noticed that all over the sky Dao Ancestral Matter appears, has not gone toward the furnace. 五人中一人开口,他们看到满天的道祖物质浮现,向着炉中没去。 This we, continued to offer sacrifices.” “该我们了,继续献祭。” A person smiles, unties Cosmos Bag, puts to the furnace, has the special golden bone block, has the plume feather of some peerless ferocious bird, has the strange silver blood. 一人微笑,解开乾坤袋,向炉中投放,有特别的金色骨块,有某种绝世凶禽的翎羽,有奇异的银色血液。 These can hardly be imagined the sacrificial offering, sends out the rule rune light beam unexpectedly. 那些都是不可想象的祭品,竟发出规则符文光束。 How I felt that he is also living!” Person frowns. Haha, this not, our halfway picks the peach, making him offer a sacrifice to the furnace by the body, when inside Fire of Life appeared, we are calm, strikes to kill him. ” “我怎么感觉他还活着!”有一人蹙眉。哈哈,这不更好吗,我们半路摘桃子,让他以身祭炉,等里面的生之火出现了,我们再从容进去,将他击杀。” Also right, is in world the strongest Domain rare talent, wants to inspire these Fire of Life, oneself must remove the most strip life, we enter the furnace, intercepts its achievement, cutting will fall, this wife was really wonderful, I most like this type the harvest feeling of harvesting other people fruits of victory, haha!” “也对,便是世上最强的场域奇才,想要引动那些生之火,自己也要去掉大半条命,我们入炉,截取其成果,将之斩掉,这实在太太美妙了,我最喜欢这种收割他人胜利果实的收获感,哈哈!” Five people are conspiring, discussed in secret. 五人在密谋,暗中商量。 However, they are also offering sacrifices. 不过,他们也同时在献祭。 “Wú , helping your, what to do otherwise you die in the halfway, strives to spread the road for us, we come immediately! ” “唔,帮你一把,不然你死在半途中怎么办,争取为我们铺好路,我们马上就来!” In them has one person to smile, if that person died , if living, they meet the halfway to pick the peach, sits enjoys the good fortune fruit. 他们中有一人在微笑,那人若是死了也就罢了,若是活着,他们则会半路摘桃子,坐享造化果实。 Was similar, should enter furnace, thank this person, regardless of he were dies or lives, fulfilled duty to fulfill responsibility. I do not hope that he is living, making us thank face to face, delivers him to start off while convenient, hey!” “差不多了,该进炉了,感谢此人啊,无论他是死还是活,都尽职尽责了。唔,我希望他活着,让我们当面感谢一番,顺便送他上路,嘿!”
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