SR :: Volume #11

#1003: Kneels to meet King Chu Dharma Decree

Nearby person hears the Chu Feng's words stiffly, the expression there, wants to kill half-step Heavenly Venerate, is his real soul talk? Can it be that to have had being insane insane sickness. 附近的人听到楚风的话,表情都僵在那里,想杀半步天尊,这是他的真心话吗?莫不是得了失心疯症。 Refers to Heavenly Venerate, that is keeps aloof, for day! 谈及天尊,那是就高高在上,是为天! Even if were praised as half-step Heavenly Venerate, that may not provoke, can overlook Divine King, sits looks at the ancient and modern years ups and downs, regards the common people like the ants. 哪怕被赞誉为半步天尊,那也是不可招惹的,能俯视神王,坐看古今岁月沉浮,视苍生如蝼蚁。 Long life essence may make this lifeforms have enough time to accumulate, plans own Paramount Evolution Road. 漫长的寿元可让让这种生物有足够的时间积淀,规划自己的究极进化路 Now, World of the Dead's Indigenous, although to become king, but wants to speak the last words with half-day Heavenly Venerate, that also is really the wishful thinking. 现在,阴间的一个土著虽然成王了,但想跟半天天尊叫板,那还真是痴心妄想。 You are really......” near, Chi Ming are roaring lowly, the whole body was the blood, the bone all broke, is about unable to support. “你真是……”近前,赤铭在低吼,满身是血,骨头全都断了,都快支撑不住了。 His face some azure fog appear, he wants to say Chu Feng not to consider resources bite off more than can chew very much, dares to say the boastful talk with half-step Heavenly Venerate that lifeforms, does not know the immensity of heaven and earth purely, courts death! 他面孔有些青雾浮现,他很想说楚风自不量力,敢跟半步天尊那种生物口出狂言,纯粹是不知天高地厚,找死! However, he shut up, present he had any qualifications to say others, is bent down by kneeling that World of the Dead this youth suppressed on the ground, has defeated. 然而,他又闭嘴了,现在的他有什么资格说别人,被阴间这个青年压制的跪伏在地上,已经败了。 His face twists slightly, waited for that Chu Feng facing death at that moment, he believes that no one could rescue this World of the Dead Indigenous, oneself courting death non-solution. 他面孔略微扭曲,等待楚风面对死亡那一刻,他相信谁也救不了这个阴间土著,自己找死无解。 He was a little a pity, Chu Feng Supreme Treasure misses with him, is doomed to fall into the hand of Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate. 他只是有点可惜,楚风身上的至宝与他无缘,注定要落入太武天尊的手中。 Ants also dare to look up to the vault of heaven, gesticulates to the powerhouse who the gods must altogether revere, laughable!” “蝼蚁也敢仰望苍穹,对众神都要共尊的强者指手画脚,可笑!” The distant place, gold/metal robe Divine King stands in void, overlooks, the formidable air/Qi field makes Gods tremble, many Evolver double strands fight the war. 远处,一位金袍神王站在虚空中,俯视过来,强大的气场让诸神都颤栗,许多进化者双股战战。 During speech, this gold/metal robe Divine King started to Chu Feng, how can wait for Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate direct disciple take action, that means that they neglect duty. 在说话的同时,这位金袍神王楚风下手了,怎能等太武天尊亲传弟子出手,那意味着他们这些人失职。 Dazzling five colors soul light flies together, shows this Divine King domineering, in this level is the top, the Order fragment dances in the air, exceptionally gorgeous, regarding around soul light. 一道刺目的五色魂光飞来,彰显这位神王的强势,在这个层次是顶级的,秩序碎片飞舞,异常的绚丽,围绕着在魂光周围。 This is potential that” Divine King leads, condenses the prestige of world, just like is wielding Great Dao to fight, suppresses world all phenomena on earth, looking disdainfully all living things. 这是一位神王带动起来的“势”,凝聚天地之威,宛若在挥动大道而战斗,压制世间万象,睥睨众生。 How otherwise is Divine King? 不然何以为神王 Bang! 砰! Chu Feng avoids this has struck, but, he has not left this stretch of region, a hand is suppressing Chi Ming and blue maple tree two big Divinity as before. 楚风躲避过这一击,但是,他没有离开这片地带,一只手依旧在压制赤铭与蓝枫两大神祇 That Divine King knits the brows, but also feared gives to be killed by shock really the two, he is existence of Divine King late stage, can arrive at this level, when is young is the talent, the background is also formidable enough. 那位神王皱眉,还真怕将那两人给震死,他是神王后期的存在,能够走到这个层次,年轻时也是天才,底子足够强大。 Present Chi Ming this so-called Divinity talent slaughters Divine King, this matter is impossible to happen on his such Divine King Body, he can suppress God Level Evolver. 眼下的赤铭这种所谓的神祇天才屠杀神王,这种事不可能发生在他这样的神王身上,他能压制神级进化者 World big change, that soul light struck to retrocede in void. 天地剧震,那魂光在虚空中一击后退回去了。 However, this void bellow is bigger, a continuously silk ribbon appears, that is the energy evolves, is the rule appears, blooms the terrifying power and influence. 但是,这片虚空的轰鸣声更大,一缕缕丝绦浮现,那是能量演化,也是规则浮现,绽放出恐怖的威势。 At the same time, other Divine King also quickly open god, gazes at Chu Feng together, becomes the huge pressure to other party, this is the invisible offensive. 同一时间,其他神王也都倏地睁开神目,一起注视楚风,给他造成巨大的压力,这是无形的攻势。 All person knows, this is the Divine King dark war! 所有人都知道,这是神王暗战! Normal, if eight Divine King also gaze, by the formidable air/Qi field suppression, the Chu Feng this Divine King middle stage person possibly will not be able to stretch, spits blood to stagger to back up is light. 正常来说,八位神王若是同时注视,以强大的气场压制,楚风这个神王中期的人可能会绷不住,吐血踉跄倒退都是轻的。 If serious, his soul light possible bitter experience heavy losses, even was given to disintegrate by several people, lets his spirit break! 严重的话,他的的魂光可能遭遇重创,甚至被几人给瓦解,让他的精神崩溃! Divine King on!” Some people cheer, from the World of the Living's talent , some people kneel to bend down, because eight Divine King are their Sect Elder. 神王在上!”有些人欢呼,都是来自阳间的天才,其中还有部分人跪伏下去,因为八位神王是他们的师门长辈 At this time, eight Great Divine King disperse flying into a rage field, no one can block, can grind large expanse of Evolver sufficiently in groups, turns into a large area of blood mist. 此时,八大神王散发气场,谁也挡不住,足以能将成群成片的进化者碾碎,化成大面积的血雾 However, eight Great Divine King restrain own aura, only aims at a Chu Feng person, previously was oppressed by them pours can set out softly in the people of ground. 不过,八大神王都收敛自身气息,只针对楚风一个人,早先被他们压迫软倒在地上的人都能起身了。 Even if Divine King, eight big powerhouses are not good to keep up appearances here, Sect after some people are too terrifying, some talent potential are too big, in the future will be doomed to exceed them. 即便身为神王,八大强者也不好在这里摆谱,有些人身后的师门太恐怖,有些天才潜力太大,未来注定要超越他们。 Bang! 轰! The Chu Feng bitter experience incomparably fearful pressure, eight Great Divine King gazes, are mad the field to be how terrifying, can see that nearby him void was separated, dark slit tens of thousands of say/way, spread not the knows many li (0.5 km). 楚风遭遇无比可怕的压力,八大神王注视,气场何其恐怖,可以看到他附近的虚空都被割裂了,黑暗缝隙成千上万道,蔓延出去不知道多少里。 The people from the beginning coolly arrive at the foot, further realizes the fearfulness of Divine King this lifeforms, but pays attention to a person, it fills the air potential then sufficiently suppress and kill God, lets with be the Chu Feng body of Divine King is shaking, must unable to support. 人们从头凉到脚,进一步体会到神王这种生物的可怕,只是关注一个人,其弥漫出的“势”就足以镇杀神灵,让同为神王楚风身体都在摇动,要撑不住了。 The distant place, once national goddess and Jiang Luoshen from Earth sighed secretly, Chu Feng was too strong, follows on Earth general, finally now the bitter experience crisis, is hard to reverse. 远处,曾经的国民女神、来自地球的姜洛神暗叹,楚风太强势,跟在地球上一般,结果现在遭遇危机,难以扭转。 Golden Scales and Yuan Shicheng, release great, Yuan Yuan and the others unemotionally, no matter now thinks anything at heart, not suitable statement. 金鳞、元世成、释宏、元媛等人都面无表情,现在不管心里想什么,都不适合表态。 Wind Elder Brother......” Ying Xiaoxiao is very anxious. “风哥哥……”映晓晓很焦虑。 The Ying Zhexian face has the white fog to reappear, is dim and faintly recognizable, said: Just changed/easy fold/break, he early should retreat is right, returns to nearby Great Abyss, here is not World of the Dead, he wants to suppress the World of the Living's talent by higher Realm, eventually is impossible. World of the Living incomparable length and breadth, powerhouse like forest, what we see is only the tip of iceberg, what now appears is only boundless Great Desolate Earth Cultivator on place of corner.” 映谪仙面部有白雾浮现,朦胧而飘渺,道:“过刚易折,他早该退走才对,回归大渊附近,这里不是阴间,他想以更高的境界压制阳间的天才,终究是不可能的。阳间无比广袤,强者如林,我们所见到的只是冰山的一角,现在出现的只是无垠洪荒大地上的一隅之地的修士。” Ying Xiaoxiao wants to argue with her with soul light in secret, but in the battlefield occurred to thunder at this time, just like earthquake. 映晓晓想暗中用魂光与她争辩,但此时战场中发生轰鸣,宛若大地震。 Eight Great Divine King exert pressure, soul light rushes, surges, this will be stronger certainly Chu Feng grinding kills, will not give him any opportunity. 大神王施压,魂光澎湃,激荡而出,这是要强势将楚风给碾杀,不给他任何的机会。 They thought the time of delaying was too long, will only depend on the words of air/Qi field suddenly mostly not to kill the opposite party, but will make the opposite party uncomfortable, but can also support by hard and stubborn effort the moment. 他们觉得耽搁的时间太长了,光靠气场的话一时间多半不会杀死对方,只是让对方难受而已,还能硬撑片刻。 Snort! 哼! Chu Feng coldly snorted, in the hand presents a stone box cover, pastes in the palm, this palm has delimited void, is similar to thousand god Buddha. 楚风一声冷哼,手中出现一个石盒盖子,贴在掌心中,这只手掌划过虚空,如同千手神佛在动。 When eight soul light surge comes, by this stone box cover is given to block, silent, all soul light were blocked, cannot break through. 八道魂光激荡而来时,都被这个石盒盖子给挡住,无声无息,所有魂光都被阻住,不能突破过来。 The people are shocked! 众人震惊! What method this is, Divine King middle stage can Evolver, block strangling to death of eight gold/metal robe Divine King? Somewhat goes against heaven's will. 这是什么手段,一个神王中期进化者,可以挡住八位金袍神王的绞杀?有些逆天。 Eight Great Divine King also change countenance, was feared. 大神王也都动容,被惊住了。 However is quick they to like, the vision fiery enough to must seethe with excitement, is staring at that lithical lid in Chu Feng hand, so-called keeps aloof, ignores the common people, that expression disappears, they nearly are staring at the lid in Chu Feng that palm greedily. 但是很快他们又都欢喜,目光火热到要沸腾,盯着楚风手中的那个石质盒盖,所谓高高在上,漠视苍生,那种表情不见了,他们近乎贪婪的盯着楚风那只手掌中的盒盖。 Eight people believe firmly, this should be Extreme Martial in searching Supreme Treasure, is the thing of World of the Living's Paramount! 八人确信,这应该就是太武都在寻觅的至宝,属于阳间的究极之物! This thing really falls in the hand of World of the Dead Indigenous, if this seizes, day knows will bring the how big good fortune to them. 这东西果然落在阴间土著的手上,这要是夺到手中,天知道会给他们带来多么大的造化。 This is...... The thing that Heavenly Venerate and Supreme Being kept thinking, lets the supreme treasure that they incomparably long for!” “这是……天尊大能都在惦记的东西,让他们都无比渴望的无上宝物!” A Divine King voice has trembled, cannot bear the excitement. 一位神王语音都发颤了,忍不住激动之情。 Evolver of this level, although when the firm World of the Living earth, does not have the destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth striking power, but is an expert leaves sufficiently overlooks various clans, making innumerable Evolver prostrate oneself to them. 这个层次的进化者,虽然在坚固的阳间大地上,不具备毁天灭地的攻击力,但是在行走人间时也足以俯视各族,让无数的进化者对他们膜拜。 Now, they lose the aloof stance, is coveting the Paramount treasure. 现在,他们失去高冷的姿态,在觊觎究极宝物。 Bang! 轰! Connects World of the Living's that channel to vibrate, half-step Heavenly Venerate must come. 连接着阳间的那条通道在震动,半步天尊要过来。 The world resonance, the Great Dao fragment appears, condenses the flower bud, then blooms, the light of Order dances in the air one after another, the principle crosses the dark green space. 天地共鸣,大道碎片浮现,凝聚成花蕾,而后绽放,一道又一道秩序之光飞舞,法则横贯苍宇。 This stretch of region is all of a sudden sacred, everywhere wells up the fresh-tasting spring water, in the sky innumerable golden divine lotus appears, takes root void, miraculous scene heaven shaking. 这片地带一下子神圣起来,遍地涌甘泉,天空中无数的金色神莲浮现,扎根虚空中,神异景象惊天 This is the half-step Heavenly Venerate power and influence, this leaves, caused the trim world to be different. 这就是半步天尊的威势,这才动身过来,就导致整片天地不同了。 Here full is divine blood, the ground everywhere is the god corpses, but is actually purified now, the arrival of half-step Heavenly Venerate changes into the god sacred land place here, fills to be auspicious and bright. 原本这里满是神血,地上到处都是神尸,可现在却被净化,半步天尊的到来将这里化为神圣土地,充满祥和与光明。 The light rain spurts, is dancing in the breeze just like the innumerable flower petals, is having the clear luster. 光雨飞洒,宛若无数的花瓣在飘舞,带着晶莹之色泽。 Emperor's Carriage comes slowly, is being drawn by ferocious beast of several Divine General levels, their some resembles lions, but the whole body is the azure scales, the cold light sparkles, the head is growing dragon horn. 一辆辇车缓缓而来,由几头神将级的凶兽拉着,它们有些像狮子,但周身都是青色的鳞甲,寒光闪闪,头上长着龙角 On Emperor's Carriage is sitting cross-legged a middle-aged man, if the surface the jade pendant adorning a hat, is quite martial-looking and handsome, is extraordinary, the whole body is winding around Primal Chaos Qi, closes one's eyes motionlessly. 辇车上盘坐着一个中年男子,面若冠玉,相当的英武与俊朗,气质出众,周身缭绕着混沌气,闭着眼睛一动不动。 One of disciple Extreme Martial most likes, half-step Heavenly Venerate Ji Hong. 太武最喜爱的弟子之一,半步天尊纪鸿到了。 Chu Feng reveals the stone box cover, revealed that Paramount Supreme Treasure, was Ji Hong this character could not sit still, arrived by oneself, has caught up. 楚风亮出石盒盖子,显露身上的究极至宝,就是纪鸿这种人物也坐不住了,亲身降临,赶了过来。 This Supreme Treasure concerns really in a big way, related to the level is too high, let alone Heavenly Venerate, is Supreme Being wants to obtain, he must carry off immediately, otherwise can leave the important matter! 这件至宝关乎甚大,涉及到的层次太高,别说天尊,就是大能都想得到,他必须要在第一时间带走,不然的话会出大事! On Emperor's Carriage has a pair of young lad, is responsible for driving a cart, is responsible for is Ji Hong serves tea. 辇车上有一对童子,负责赶车,也负责为纪鸿端茶。 At this time, a young lad shouted: World of the Dead's Indigenous, saw that my family Sir has not kotowed, kneels to offer Supreme Treasure!” 此时,一位童子喝道:“阴间的土著,见到我家大人还不叩首,跪下来献上至宝!” Has seen Ji Hong Heavenly Venerate!” “见过纪鸿天尊!” Who also knows is not, shouted loudly loudly, and has knelt, line of gift paid respect. 也不知道是谁,大声高呼,并跪了下去,行大礼参拜。 This person omits the half-step two characters directly, said that Ji Hong is Heavenly Venerate, shows respectfully. 这个人直接将半步两字省去,称纪鸿天尊,以示恭敬。 In fact, this piece of region knows does not have many people not to gasp for breath, facing Ji Hong this half-step Heavenly Venerate Level fearful lifeforms, the soul is trembling. 事实上,这片地带也不知道有多少人喘不过气来,面对纪鸿这种半步天尊级的可怕生物,灵魂都在颤栗。 Even if Divine General also wants to kotow, somewhat. 哪怕是神将也想叩首,有些遭不住。 Then is eight Great Divine King also bows to salute, is low their arrogant heads, here incomparably respectful welcome. 便是八大神王也都躬身施礼,低下他们高傲的头颅,在这里无比恭敬的迎接。 Chu Feng is staring at the front, he disregards that young lad, only looks at Ji Hong, one of disciple this Extreme Martial most likes? To seek to seize his stone box, but also wants to make him kneel offering, really...... Goes too far, indulges in fantasy! 楚风盯着前方,他将那童子无视,只看纪鸿,这就太武最喜爱的弟子之一?想谋夺他的石盒,还想让他跪着敬献,真是……欺人太甚,异想天开! This is disciple of his biggest personal enemy, he wishes one could to put to death it immediately! 这是他最大仇人的弟子,他恨不得立刻诛杀之! Bold, does not have the custom, has not knelt down!” That young lad berated again. “大胆,没有规矩,还不跪下!”那个童子再次喝斥。 Boisterous!” Chu Feng cold sound said, and a sword has swept, chops to Emperor's Carriage, must cut that young lad. “聒噪!”楚风冷声道,并且一剑扫了过去,劈向辇车,要斩了那童子。 Acts recklessly, dares to disrespect to Heavenly Venerate absurdly!” The young lad is breathless, although knows this sword light is impossible to break through to Emperor's Carriage comes up, could not injure him, but his indignation, who does not dare to the half-step Heavenly Venerate accompanying lese majeste, that person to wield a sword to kill him unexpectedly! “不知死活,妄敢对天尊不敬!”那童子气急败坏,虽然知道这道剑光根本不可能突破到辇车上来,伤不了他,但他还是不忿,谁敢对半步天尊的随行者大不敬,那个人竟挥剑要杀他! Ants also dare to look up to the vault of heaven!?” “蝼蚁也敢仰望苍穹!?” At this time, Ji Hong opened the eye, the light of Great Dao bloomed quickly, was silent, the sword light that Chu Feng divided then broken extinguished, became the nihility. 这时,纪鸿睁开眼睛,倏地一声,大道之光绽放,无声无息间,楚风劈来的剑光便碎灭,成为虚无。 Evil livestock, presents my World of the Living's Supreme Treasure!” Ji Hong opens the mouth indifferently, his quiet cold and sends out both eyes of Primal Chaos Qi, started to stare at Chu Feng. “孽畜,呈上我阳间的至宝!”纪鸿冷漠地开口,他那幽冷并散发混沌气的双目,已经开始凝视楚风 Many people thought, Chu Feng ended, perhaps half Heavenly Venerate vision can execute him! 许多人都觉得,楚风完了,或许半天尊的目光就能格杀他! half-step Heavenly Venerate, your family old domestic animal died in World of the Dead Dao Body, you have something overbearingly, kneels to meet the aim to me!” 半步天尊,你家老畜生都在阴间死了一具道身,你有什么可霸道的,给我跪下来接旨!” Chu Feng seriously is fearless, shouts out Ji Hong. 楚风当真是无惧,呼喝纪鸿 And, he first takes out Dharma Decree, he will not violate the danger to resist this person depending on oneself strength, washes one's hands of took out golden Dharma Decree, wants suppress and kill this person. 并且,他第一时间取出一张法旨,他可不会犯险凭自己的实力对抗此人,抖手间祭出一张金色的法旨,要镇杀此人。 Of bang, this Dharma Decree increases, golden light dazzling, shining world, releases the prestige of true Heavenly Venerate, pounds to Ji Hong there! 轰的一声,这张法旨变大,金光刺目,照耀世间,释放真正的天尊之威,砸向纪鸿那里! You has not knelt to meet this King Dharma Decree!” “尔等还不跪接本王法旨!”
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