SR :: Volume #11

#1002: Looking disdainfully world

At this moment, Scarlet Rosy Cloud Shining Upon, if still in sunset glow incarnadine this stretch of world. 这一刻,赤霞映照,犹若晚霞染红这片天地中。 Chu Feng holds up the head to stand, is looking at the horizon end, true Divine King near world! 楚风昂首而立,望着天际尽头,真正的神王临世! Before his body, Chi Ming has hair dishevelled, finally suppressed has knelt, this initiates greatly shocks. 在他的身前,赤铭披头散发,终于是被压制的跪了下去,这引发巨大震撼。 World of the Living ranks eighth God, the name moves trillion li (0.5 km) territory, the world all knows, will pity the talent including Heavenly Venerate, wish to receive him for final disciple. 阳间排位第八的神灵,名动亿万里疆土,天下皆知,连天尊都会惜才,愿收他为关门弟子 But now, he was suppressed by World of the Living's Indigenous unexpectedly, appointed his energy surges, the whole body is the blood, spells air/Qi with every effort does not have any means. 可是现在,他居然被阳间的一位土著压制,任他能量激荡,满身是血,拼尽力气也没有任何办法。 The Chi Ming anger extremely, wants to roar, roars the broken mountains! 赤铭怒极,想要咆哮,吼碎山川! However, this is not useful, he has hair dishevelled, leg bone suppressed has broken off, his both arms are twisting, not only broke to pieces a moment ago one time, but lifeforms Rebirth from a drop of Blood of this level, first evolves the both arms, but now starts to disintegrate. 然而,这根本没有什么用,他披头散发,腿骨都被压制的折断了,他的双臂扭曲着,刚才不只碎掉过一次,但这个层次的生物滴血重生,第一时间进化出双臂,而现在又开始瓦解了。 Blue maple tree similarly so, the bone of knees pressed breaks to pieces, difficult with the both arms upward support, prevents Chu Feng's to strangle! 蓝枫同样如此,双膝的骨头都被压的碎掉,艰难的以双臂向上支撑,阻挡楚风的扼杀! In the front, the Chu Feng physique is tall and straight, has only used an arm, the palm covers in this place, simultaneously suppresses their several people! 在前方,楚风身姿挺拔,只动用了一臂而已,手掌覆盖在此地,同时压制他们几人! The Chi Ming two followers, that two goddesses rank in several hundred in God, usually keeps aloof, but kneels on the ground now, cannot move, the body starts to disintegrate, soon the war casualty will perish! 赤铭的两名追随者,那两位女神在神灵中排位数百名内,平日高高在上,可现在跪在地上,动弹不得,身体开始瓦解,即将殇殒! Their fleshly body reorganization fast cannot follow own the speed of collapse, only in that big hand because of the midair suppresses, the rune circulation, is truncating Divine Bones, eclipses divine blood. 她们肉身重组的速速根本跟不上自身崩坏的速度,只因半空中那只大手压制下来,符文流转,在削神骨,蚀神血 Chu Feng!” Chi Ming low roar, this is he this life the biggest shame, kneels to bend down in a World of the Dead Indigenous front, but his follower will also die. 楚风!”赤铭低吼,这是他今生最大的耻辱,跪伏在一个阴间土著的面前,而他的追随者也将死去。 He is the world eighth god, has killed Divine King, moreover more than one, but now actually so aggrieved. 他是天下第八神,杀过神王,而且不止一尊,可现在却这般的憋屈。 Distant place, Broken Universe Evolver, came from the World of the Living's talent, in the each and every one heart big change, the matter of today is doomed to spread over World of the Living, will affect very far. 远方,无论是残破宇宙进化者,还是来自阳间的天才,一个个都心中剧震,今日之事注定要传遍阳间,会波及很远。 The world ranks eighth God, unexpectedly will have such gloomy defeat. 天下排位第八的神灵,居然会有这样暗淡的败绩。 Chu Feng is unfeeling, in his heart is unsatisfied, cannot in carrying the hands executes these people, as what pleasure Divine King also has? Non- sense of achievement. 楚风冷酷无情,他心中并不满意,不能在抬手间将这些人格杀,身为神王还有什么乐趣?无成就感。 He takes a fast look around four directions, lifts another arm, the lasing from the fingers leaves sword glow, starts to execute this place God! 他扫视四野,抬起另一条手臂,从手指间激射出剑芒,开始格杀此地的神灵 Has spelled with him, he wants the slaughter to fall us eventually!” “跟他拼了,他终究是要屠掉我们所有人!” Previously had the artificial self-preservation, hid in behind, is not willing to go forward, but saw that now this Great Demon how many people prepared refining Chi Ming, while was killing them, how can endure? 早先有人为自保,躲在后面,不肯上前,可是现在见到这个大魔头一边准备炼化赤铭几人,一边在杀他们,怎能忍受? "Ah...... ” squeal transmits, Chi Ming, that two appearances beautiful, in the World of the Living famous goddess, disintegrates successively, is defeated and dispersed including soul light. “啊……”尖叫声传来,赤铭的身后,那两名容貌姣好、在阳间负有盛名女神,先后瓦解,连魂光都在溃散。 Small Six Paths Time Technique is too overbearing, Chu Feng derives divine nature particles, gathers Dao Ancestral Matter, kills the enemy and exercises martial arts in the presence of everyone, causes itself, not only lossless, divine ability also full even more, the startled many talents look pale. 小六道时光术太霸道,楚风汲取神性粒子,收取道祖物质,当众杀敌并练功,导致自己不仅无损,神能还愈发的充盈,惊的许多天才面色苍白。 Cult tactic, Evil God!” Some person of trembling sound tracks. “邪术,邪神!”有人颤声道。 Chī! 哧! The sword light like the rainbow, one after another, exceptionally the brilliant, unceasing lasing, pierces some Divinity. 剑光如虹,一道又一道,异常的绚烂,不断激射而出,将一些神祇洞穿。 It is not each god such as Chi Ming so is fearful, can block the attack of Divine King, other Evolver, initially enter the Divine Realm talent particularly, where can offend the front with Divine King? 并不是每位神都如赤铭这般可怕,能挡住神王的攻击,其他进化者,尤其是初入神境的天才,哪里可与神王撄锋? Therefore, in this short in a minute, in this piece of Mystic Realm quite frigid, Divinity bleeds one after another, to be referred to the sword cutting down by Chu Feng! 所以,在这短暂的片刻间,这片秘境中相当的惨烈,一位又一位神祇喋血,被楚风以指剑劈杀! Now he in Divine King Dominion, soul light sparkles, psychic energy ebullition, who to his hostility depth, who is hiding killing intent to him, from can catch, therefore his hunting and killing is very accurate, is targeted, Gods is suffering extreme penalty! 现在他在神王领域中,魂光闪耀,精神能量沸腾,谁对他敌意深,谁对他藏着杀意,自可以捕捉到,所以他的猎杀很精准,有针对性,诸神在伏诛! The old friend from World of the Dead universe, noticed that Chu Feng is like this superficial then slaughters, cuts to kill the World of the Living's god, all creepy feeling, stares dumbfounded. 来自阴间宇宙的故人,看到楚风这样轻描淡写间便大开杀戒,斩杀阳间的神,全都头皮发麻,瞠目结舌。 This is subversive, person forcing World of the Living numerous arrival, cannot imagine seriously. 这是颠覆性的,一个人力压阳间众多降临者,当真是不可想象。 This is really...... Darkest a day!” Some people called out, is too not resigned, the Indigenous suppression that was overlooked World of the Dead that is born by them, the slaughter, is really sad angry. “这真是……最黑暗的一天!”有人叫道,太不甘心了,被他们所俯视的阴间诞生的土著压制,屠杀,真是悲怒。 World of the Dead, but buries the post randomly, how can come out this Evolver, don't tell me is Supreme Being and Heavenly Venerate's Blood in fluid some big grave recovers, creates so the character.” 阴间,不过是乱葬岗,怎么能出来这种进化者,难道是某座大坟中的大能天尊血液复苏,造就出这般人物。” These people when going all out, few people are also angrily rebuking, is whooshing, is too not resigned, thinks after this piece had the flaw universe, can look disdainfully all enemies, how can expect will die here. 这些人在拼命时,个别人也在怒斥,也在嘶吼,太不甘心了,原本以为到了这片有缺陷的宇宙后,可以睥睨一切敌,怎能料到会死在这里。 The Chu Feng hearing this surprise, so-called World of the Living Supreme Being and Heavenly Venerate big grave, his has not met, how can unearth their graves? 楚风闻言诧异,所谓的阳间大能天尊的大坟,他一个都没有遇到,如何能挖掘他们的坟墓? Naturally, these are unimportant at present, what he is annoyed, World of the Living these person keeping aloof were used to it, now also dares to raise buries the post randomly, courted death! 当然,这些目前不重要,他恼火的是,阳间这些人真是高高在上习惯了,现在还敢提乱葬岗,找死! The flash, in his mouth puts out a white light, that is age gold/metal Qi of lungs, changes to sword light, cuts to kill two God. 一刹那,他口中吐出一道白光,那是肺部的庚金气,化作一口剑光,噗的一声将两位神灵斩杀。 Aspirates the sword, moreover is the sword of Order, read kills God, this was the what kind of ability, making many person pupil contractions, the innermost feelings be attacked intensely. 吐气成剑,而且是秩序之剑,一念间就杀神灵,这是何等的能力,让许多人瞳孔收缩,内心受到强烈的冲击。 This is......” blade king before dawn there absent-minded, some time ago, he also thinks that Shi Fan is dirty by Amethyst Heavenly Thunder noisy them, now looks like, they missed far, was sexually harassed by Divine King. “这是……”刀王凌晨在那里失神,不久前,他还认为石凡是靠紫晶天雷闹的他们灰头土脸,现在看来,他们差远了,被一个神王调戏了。 ! 噗! Chu Feng aspirates once more sword, cuts to kill several very strong Divinity, blade king before dawn with a pitiful yell, Chu Feng not special in view of this small role, but he was rolled Sword Qi to scratch by that the half body disintegrates rapidly. 楚风再次吐气成剑,将数位很强的神祇斩杀,连带刀王凌晨跟着一声惨叫,楚风没有特异针对他这种小角色,但是他被那团剑气擦中,半截身子迅速瓦解。 Meanwhile, Chi Ming has hair dishevelled, the whole body is the blood, boiled down soon could not support, kneels to bend down on the ground, the whole body convulsion. 与此同时,赤铭披头散发,满身是血,被熬炼的快要支撑不住了,跪伏在地上,浑身痉挛。 He is in an uncontrollable rage, this is the biggest shame since birth, how can be resigned, the solemn world eighth god kneels in other people, but that person holds up the head facing the outstanding heroes, suppresses him single-handed, this contrast, the contrast was too striking! 他怒不可遏,这是有生以来最大的耻辱,怎能甘心,堂堂天下第八神跪在他人脚下,而那人昂首面对群雄,单手镇压他,这种对比,反差太强烈了! Side, the blue maple tree compared with him might as well, the whole body bone split, the scarlet blood splashes, and his soul light in gloomy, the divine nature matter pellet departs, by Chu Feng refining. 旁边,蓝枫比他还不如,满身骨头都裂开了,猩红的血溅起,并且他的魂光在暗淡,神性物质颗粒飞出,被楚风炼化 Kills!” “杀啊!” The World of the Living's person is attacking, resists Chu Feng with joint forces, does not revolt must die. 阳间的人在冲击,合力对抗楚风,不反抗都得死。 Happiest not crosses Ying Xiaoxiao, gets hold of the small fist in the distant place, prayed secretly, hopes the Chu Feng domineering, can win. 最开心的莫过映晓晓,在远处握紧小拳头,暗自祈祷,希望楚风强势到底,能够赢下去。 The Ying Wudi complexion sends the wood, this is really above the imagination, but he also hopes that Chu Feng is well. 映无敌脸色发木,这真是超乎想象,但他也希望楚风无恙。 Golden Scales, releases great, Yuan Yuan, Jiang Luoshen and other people of crowd from World of the Dead universe to turn very quiet, stands in horizon most end, careful attention. 金鳞、释宏、元媛、姜洛神等一群来自阴间宇宙的人都屏住呼吸,站在地平线最尽头,仔细关注。 Chu Feng slaughters, the opens the mouth is sword light, lifts the hand is energy divine glow, sweeps away the square enemy! 楚风大开杀戒,张口就是剑光,抬手就是能量神芒,横扫四方敌! The person who this piece of region rivers of blood, the World of the Living's God Level talent comes are not really few, has encountered the lethality attack today, was being strangled! 这片地带血流成河,阳间的神级天才来的人真不算少,在今天遭遇了致命性的打击,在被扼杀! The field center, Chu Feng likely is Great Demon King, stands erect there, does not have to pursue, lifts the hand to kill the enemy, turns the hand can kill God, stirring. 场中央,楚风像是一个大魔王,屹立在那里,都没有去追击,抬手毙敌,翻手就可以杀神灵,震撼人心。 Heavenly Venerate on, please manifest a spirit, protected you may once heart have the induction in membrane that one side Division Commander everyone, saved us quickly!” 天尊在上,请显灵吧,守护在界膜那一侧的诸位师长你们可曾心有感应,快来救我们!” Had young Evolver to collapse, was killed scared by Chu Feng, this piece of region divine blood everywhere was, the ground was been incarnadine. 有年轻的进化者崩溃了,被楚风杀到胆寒,这片地带神血到处都是,地面都被染红了。 Some special races, after its God Level Evolver dies, obviously melts the main body, huge like mountain, that bloody water really with artificial pond the spout, the scene is scary. 一些特殊的种族,其神级进化者死后显化出本体,庞大如山,那血水真跟泉池似的汩汩喷涌,场面骇人。 On the earth, Chu Feng stands erect solitarily, shows disdain for many colleagues, slaughters. 大地上,楚风只身屹立,傲视群伦,大开杀戒。 Bang! 轰! When many person summons and prays, is presenting the sound including World of the Living's channel there, sends out the dazzling light, the Order fragment dances in the air, just like the sparkling flower petal, sprinkles. 在许多人呼唤与祈祷之际,连着阳间的通道那里真的出现动静,发出刺目的光,秩序碎片飞舞,宛若莹莹花瓣,洒落过来。 Came, our Sect, these division commanders heard to summon, the heart had the induction, must arrive!” Some person of great happiness, very excited. “来了,我们的师门,那些师长听到呼唤了,心有感应,要降临过来了!”有人大喜,非常地激动。 However, waited for that his is actually Chu Feng lifts the hand to strike, the Yin and Yang Qi circulation, his head and soul light harvesting, dies a violent death. 然而,等待他的却是楚风抬手一击,阴阳二气流转,将他的头颅与魂光收割,死于非命。 Who is rebelling, which dares to damage my World of the Living to teach qilin child respectively.” Some people drink the roar. “谁在作乱,哪个敢祸害我阳间各教麒麟儿。”有人喝吼。 In that channel, arranges is going out of eight people, is gold/metal robe Divine King, is the top powerhouse in this level, the each and every one looking disdainfully world, was mad the field to be too formidable, the mountains and rivers trembled because of their appearances, void at the fulmination, the Great Dao fragment appeared, rumble made noise. 在那通道中,排列着走出八人,都是金袍神王,算是这个层次中的顶级强者,一个个睥睨天下,气场太强大了,山河都因为他们的出现而颤栗,虚空都在爆鸣,大道碎片浮现,隆隆作响。 Between Heaven and Earth lets fall a continuously dazzling silk ribbon, Great Dao's divine music rumble ear-spitting! 天地间垂落一缕缕炫目的丝绦,大道神音隆隆震耳! Their Realm are higher than Chu Feng, after all Chu Feng also in middle stage, but these people in Divine King late stage. 他们的境界楚风还高,毕竟楚风还在中期,而这些人都在神王后期 After this group of people appear, World of the Living numerous talents cheer, jump for joy, the incomparable excitement and inspired, saw the most intimate person likely. 当这群人出现后,阳间众多天才都欢呼,雀跃起来,无比的激动与振奋,像是看到了最亲近的人。 Almost is suddenly, these eight Divine King understood thoroughly what happened, did each and every one fly into a rage, has World of the Dead Indigenous to massacre the World of the Living's talent? 几乎是瞬息间,这八位神王就洞彻发生了什么事,一个个勃然大怒,有阴间土著在残杀阳间的天才? Moreover, Chu Feng that this person precisely Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate wants to seek, his body has Supreme Treasure, lets they are furious at the same time, each and every one look is fiery. 而且,这个人正是太武天尊想要寻找的楚风,他身上有至宝,让他们震怒的同时,也一个个眼神火热 After seeing how many people everywhere is the God Level talent that the blood and this World of the Living come on the wane most, not the remaining, their corners of the mouth twitch, in heart flurried, how to confess to these Heavenly Venerate? 当看到满地是血、这次阳间过来的神级天才凋零大半、没剩下多少人后,他们嘴角抽搐,心中慌乱,如何向那些天尊交代? They were neglected duty, has not protected this group of experience. 他们算是失职了,没有保护好这群历练者。 But, according to their knowledge, this piece of incomplete universe is strongest is a god, how can threaten the God Level talent that World of the Living comes, moreover indeed had two Divine King. 可是,据他们了解,这片残缺的宇宙最强不过是神,如何能威胁到阳间过来的神级天才,而且也的确有两位神王跟着过来了。 In the end, has such dreadful calamity as before, eight gold/metal robe Divine King bristle with anger. 到头来,依旧发生这样的惨祸,八位金袍神王怒发冲冠。 Chi Ming, the eighth god!” 赤铭,第八神!” The Divine King low roar, does not dare believe that own eye, Chi Ming and blue maple tree Heaven-Blessed character quickly died refining, kneels to bend down unexpectedly on the ground. 有一位神王低吼,不敢相信自己的眼睛,赤铭、蓝枫这种天纵人物都快被人炼化死去了,竟跪伏在地上。 Courts death!” Divine King roared. “找死!”一位神王咆哮。 Eight top Divine King get angry, that is really the mountains and rivers changes colors, Sun and Moon lost radiance, their gold/metal robes stir, forms the destructive energy territory, was too terrifying, the world was separated. 八位顶级神王发怒,那真是山河失色,日月无光,他们的金袍鼓荡起来,形成毁灭性的能量域,太恐怖了,天地都被割裂。 Some knows many people do not kneel to bend down on the ground, cannot withstand this pressure. 知道有多少人跪伏在地上,承受不了这种威压。 What I look to court death is you!” Chu Feng stands one's ground steadfastly, sets up the body on the scene, when facing eight Divine King, he as before fearless, has not fled. “我看找死的是你们!”楚风岿然不动,立身在场中,哪怕是面对八位神王时,他依旧无惧,没有遁走。 His stance, sees Divine King to rely on, does not have the mood to fluctuate, making eight gold/metal robe Divine King killing intent even more strong. 他这个姿态,见神王而自恃,毫无情绪波动,让八位金袍神王越发的杀意浓重。 That did Indigenous appear? Just may satisfy the wish of my teacher, the day helps Extreme Martial lineage/vein!” “那个土著出现了?呵,正可满足我师尊的心愿,天助太武一脉!” Suddenly, together tranquil, but actually the sound of fearful heart and soul penetrates from the membrane, reverberates in Mystic Realm, making Divine King imposing, trembles. 突然间,一道平静但却慑人心魄的声音从界膜那边穿透过来,在秘境中回荡,让神王都凛然,都为之颤栗。 Many people lose one's voice to call out in alarm, various soul light sparkles, that is spiritual fluctuation fierce manifestation, dissipates the astonishing news. 许多人失声惊呼,各种魂光闪耀,那是精神波动剧烈的体现,逸散出很多惊人的消息。 Suddenly, the Great Dao fragment condenses, turns into the flowers, blooms in void, will be membrane that end lifeforms soon will straddle zones to cause! 一时间,大道碎片凝聚,化成花朵,在虚空中绽放,都是界膜那一端的生物即将跨界而导致的! "Um?! ” Chu Feng feels frightened, this person has not come, creates this fearful depressing atmosphere, its prestige can not dare to imagine simply. “嗯?!”楚风感觉惊悚,这个人还没有过来,就造成这种可怕压抑的气氛,其威能简直不敢想象。 Extreme Martial disciple?!” Naturally, the status of opposite party he most pays attention, is direct disciple of big personal enemy he most wants to kill. 太武弟子?!”当然,他最为关注的还是对方的身份,是他最想杀的大仇人的亲传弟子 The World of the Living talent heart on the scene shivers, this is a Extreme Martial lineage/vein famous powerhouse, has gone beyond the Divine King category, this is Extreme Martial most settles on one of the disciple, is a foot enters into fearful existence of Heavenly Venerate level. 在场的阳间天才心头颤抖,这是太武一脉出名的强者,超越了神王的范畴,这是太武最看中弟子之一,算是一只脚迈入天尊层次的可怕存在。 half-step Heavenly Venerate, this lifeforms was too formidable, unexpectedly defends in channel that end, he must come now! 半步天尊,这种生物太强大了,居然守在通道那一端,他现在要过来了! In a daze from the World of the Dead's old friends, this does Chu Feng boil with what? His meeting...... die in this? The situation has the reversal unexpectedly. 来自阴间的故人都在发呆,这一次楚风拿什么熬过去?他会……殒落在此吗?情况竟发生逆转。 half-step Heavenly Venerate? Today kills one to give a try, if can execute, the Extreme Martial old ordinary man will be very certainly grieved!” 半步天尊?今天就杀一个试试看,若是能够毙掉,太武老匹夫一定会很心痛!” In the evening also has the renewal. 晚上还有更新。
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