RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1786: Familiar aura

Gazed after Anna Tassie to leave, was sighing one to Xie Ming that liked Millie being able not help. 目送着安娜塔西亚离开,爱蜜莉雅情不自禁的对着谢铭感叹了一句。 Each Wang Xuan, has own story and rigid. Compares them, I indeed also fall far short ..... “每一名王选者,都有着自己的故事和执着啊。相比她们,我的确还差得远.....” Hehe hehe ..... “呵呵呵呵.....” Heard to love Millie these words, Xie Ming smiled: If I said at this time, just Anna Tassie these, were flicker your, how you do think?” 听到爱蜜莉雅这句话,谢铭不禁笑了起来:“如果此时我说,刚刚安娜塔西亚的那些,是忽悠你的,你会怎么想?” Yeah!?” “哎!?” Liked Millie staring: How possibly?” 爱蜜莉雅愣了一下:“怎么可能?” Fine Spirit Technique gentleman to lie and so on false thing is very sensitive. If Anna Tassie is telling the lie, did not say to detect, but likes Millie having self-confident certainly to feel not right. 要知道,精灵术士对谎话之类的伪物可是非常敏感的。如果安娜塔西亚在说假话,不说察觉出来,但爱蜜莉雅有自信自己一定能感觉到不对劲。 But in fact, has not had this matter. 但事实上,并没有发生这种事。 I was not saying, Anna Tassie said said is the lie. These, should basically real.” “我并不是在说,安娜塔西亚的所说所言是谎话。那些,应该基本上都是真的。” Xie Ming smiles: But, she has not directly answered your issue, not?” 谢铭笑了笑:“但,她始终没有正面回答你的问题,不是吗?” „......” “啊......” Then, loving Millie was responds. 这下,爱蜜莉雅算是反应过来了。 Very difficult to lie before the fine Spirit Technique gentleman, this is not secret. Let alone, Anna Tassie protection knight by Rioust, is one with the aid of the elf knight who the strength of elf fights. 在精灵术士面前很难说谎,这并不是什么秘密。更何况,安娜塔西亚的守护骑士由里乌斯,也是一名借助精灵的力量来战斗的精灵骑士。 Even if therefore the average person does not know, Anna Tassie must know. 所以哪怕一般人不知道,安娜塔西亚也不可能不知道。 Therefore had front so many her to own to pass, to liking Millie the description of sentiment. 因此才有了前面那么多她对自己过去,对爱蜜莉雅的感情的描述。 These real, or is the things that some investigates slightly then can know. After all Anna Tassie comes the poor, is not the matter of security. 那些都是真的,或者说,都是一些稍微调查便能够得知的事情。毕竟安娜塔西亚出身贫民,又不是什么保密的事情。 Loving Millie naturally is also knows some, but listens to the party concerned to tell that own story, indeed has a different feeling. 爱蜜莉雅自然也是知道些许的,只是这么听当事者讲述自己的故事,的确有种不一样的感觉。 The true lie, always mixes the lie and truth in the same place, the genuine and fake makes one unable to distinguish clearly. 真正的假话,从来都是将谎言和真话掺和在一起,真真假假让人分不清。 Let alone, strict Anna Tassie has not lied, but has not said. 更何况,严格来说安娜塔西亚并没有说谎,只是没有讲完而已。 To competitive will that other kings choose, 对其他王选择的竞争意志, Does not want to fall behind others, Anna Tassie definitely has. Let alone Anna Tassie, likes Millie also having this idea. 不想落后于其他人,安娜塔西亚肯定是有的。别说安娜塔西亚,爱蜜莉雅自己也有着这种想法。 Oneself must diligently, unable to lose to other Wang Xuan well. 自己要好好努力,不能输给其他的王选者。 Anna Tassie then used this, using oneself and likes Millie being similar, but actually the different pasts, initiated resonance and ponder that love Millie, thus success led into her oneself rhythm. 安娜塔西亚便是利用了这点,利用自己和爱蜜莉雅相似但却不同的过去,引发了爱蜜莉雅的共鸣和思考,从而成功的将她带入到了自己的节奏里面。 Then hidden the true goal, successfully lets like Millie nodding assent being joined by oneself to this action. 进而将自己真正的目的隐藏起来,成功让爱蜜莉雅点头同意让自己加入到这次的行动中。 Using the sentiment of altogether opposite party, Millie this good person of this method to loving is very effective. But if will like Millie changing into Xie Ming, that played a stringed musical instrument to the cow. 利用对方的共情,这种手段对爱蜜莉雅这种善良的人来说很管用。但如果将爱蜜莉雅换成谢铭,那就是给牛弹琴了。 Un un, was really laborious you, was not really easy. Therefore? Do you come for what?” “嗯嗯,真是辛苦你了,真是不容易啊。所以呢?你是为了什么而来的?” The response of Xie Ming, can only be this. 谢铭的反应,只会是这个。 This is not his cold blood is brutal, but he carries very clear, is very from beginning to end explicit to own goal. 这并不是他冷血无情,只是他拎得很清,从始至终对自己的目的很明确而已。 What is the goal? Knows the Anna Tassie real motive, why knows her to join to this action. 目的是什么?是知晓安娜塔西亚的真实目的,知晓她为什么非要加入到这次的行动中。 But who Anna Tassie is? 而安娜塔西亚是谁? Is Wang Xuan, is by Rioust Master, is a petite young girl. But these, are not she are true, main status. 是王选者,是由里乌斯的主人,是名娇小的少女。但这些,都不是她真正的,最主要的身份。 Her essence is a merchant, but merchant only for benefit action. 她的本质是一名商人,而商人只会为了利益行动。 So long as stubbornly grasps these two points, is Anna Tassie to have a glib tongue, cannot play any role. 只要死死的抓住这两点,那么任安娜塔西亚巧舌如簧,也起不到任何作用。 The people, only the meeting want to know answer that oneself want, this is an idea essentially. 人,只会想知道自己想要的答案,这是一种本质上的想法。 Answer that likes Millie wanting, is Anna Tassie gives a real reply. Therefore Anna Tassie gave liked Millie replying really, making her satisfy. 爱蜜莉雅想要的答案,是安娜塔西亚给出一个真实的回答。所以安娜塔西亚给予了爱蜜莉雅真实的回答,让她心里满意。 The answer that Xie Ming must want, wants to know that Anna Tassie wants to gain what benefit taking advantage of this cooperation. Thus judged, the interests that Anna Tassie wants to get, whether will affect their main purposes of this operation. 谢铭要想要的答案,是想知道安娜塔西亚想借着这次的合作得到什么利益。从而进行判断,安娜塔西亚想要获得的这份利益,是否会影响到他们这次行动的主要目的。 What to do then should?” “这下该怎么办?” After knowing oneself make mistakes, loving Millie is somewhat anxious: Xie Ming, should she not affect the plan?” 在知道自己犯错后,爱蜜莉雅有些焦急起来:“谢铭,她应该不会影响到计划吧?” If can, before you comply I will prevent.” “如果会的话,在你答应之前我就会阻止了。” Xie Ming selects the eyebrow saying: Because of not, therefore I make you come and that worldly person talk.” 谢铭挑眉说道:“正是因为不会,所以我才让你来和那个人精谈话。” What kind of? Harvests quite a lot?” “怎么样?是不是收获颇多?” ..... The Kazuto exchange is quite difficult.” “.....和人交流好难啊。” Ha hahahaha ..... “哈哈哈哈哈.....” Looks that loved Millie dejectedly, Xie Ming smiled: „Was this discouraged?” 看着垂头丧气的爱蜜莉雅,谢铭不禁笑了起来:“这就气馁了?” You do not think, chairman of the chamber of commerce who the opposite party starts from scratch, but you at most is a newly emerged rookie. Was flickered, is not natural.” “你也不想想,对方可是白手起家的商会会长,而你顶多是一个初出茅庐的新人。被忽悠到,不是理所当然的嘛。” „The following road is very long, slowly the growth is.” “接下来的路还很长,慢慢成长便是。” Un, yes.” “嗯,是呢。” Liked Millie patting the face: Then Xie Ming, you know that what the Anna Tassie true goal was?” 爱蜜莉雅拍了拍脸:“那么谢铭,你知道安娜塔西亚的真正的目的是什么了吗?” Specifically speaking, is not quite clear. But on her body, I felt some familiar aura.” “具体来说,并不太清楚。但在她的身上,我感觉到了一些熟悉的气息。” Familiar aura?” “熟悉的气息?” Yes.” Xie Ming smiles: Some incomparably greedy Strega (Witch) aura.” “是的。”谢铭笑了笑:“某个无比贪婪的魔女的气息。” ----- ----- Sir Anna, then according to the cooperation condition, then went to the king north side and storehouse arc of contact of halo below cultivates the Sir they to converge.” “安娜大人,那么根据合作条件,在下便前往王都北侧和库珥修大人他们汇合了。” Un, must pay attention to the security, by Rioust.” “嗯,要注意安全哦,由里乌斯。” Anna Tassie said with a smile: Words that if cannot support, we allow you to escape.” 安娜塔西亚笑道:“万一撑不住的话,咱允许你逃跑。” But I do not permit, Sir Anna.” “但是我自己可不允许啊,安娜大人。” Really is the one-track mind, goes to go ~ “真是死脑筋啊,去吧去吧~” „, Asks to be excused below.” “那么,在下告退。” Gazes after by Rioust departure, Anna Tassie sighed slightly: Aggie Donner, why wants us to join to there is no in the cooperation that the benefit to fish.” 目送由里乌斯的离开,安娜塔西亚微微叹了口气:“艾姬多娜,为什么非要咱来加入到这没有任何利益可捞的合作中啊。” This also for your future, Anna.” “这也是为了你的将来,安娜。” In corner that nothing has, had the snow white fox of half individual size to walk fully slowly: If this time, you make up to be involved, then you will be impossible to have any raising one's head opportunity in the future again.” 在没有任何东西存在的角落,一只足有半个人大小的雪白狐狸慢慢走了出来:“如果这一次,你补参与到其中的话,那么未来你将不可能再有任何出头机会了。” Is so serious?” “有那么严重吗?” Anna Tassie somewhat puzzled saying: Although the set of that Mr. Xie Ming wins the plan, can help like Millie recruiting more talents, but can also enhance in the image and position of people.” 安娜塔西亚有些不解的说道:“虽然那位谢铭先生的这套共赢计划,既能够帮爱蜜莉雅招募到更多的人才,还能提高在民众的形象和地位。” „But if said that suppresses me all of a sudden, really some are unlikely.” “但若说一下子压制住我,实在有些不太可能吧。” No, you were wrong.” “不,你错了。” The arctic fox is shaking the tail, arrives at side Anna Tassie slowly: Although I have no evidence but to hear this afterward, I had an intense sense of mission suddenly.” 白狐晃着尾巴,慢悠悠的走到安娜塔西亚身边:“虽然我没有任何的证据但在听到这件事后,我突然产生了一种强烈的使命感。” Sense of mission? You?” Anna Tassie puzzled saying: Artificial elf will have this feeling?” “使命感?你?”安娜塔西亚不解的说道:“人工精灵会出现这种感觉的吗?” Who knows? I not am quite clear.” “谁知道呢?我也不太清楚。” The named Aggie Donner's arctic fox said with a smile pale: But I felt, I should obey this feeling, should go to this place, witnesses anything.” 名为艾姬多娜的白狐淡笑道:“但我觉得,我应该听从这个感觉,应该来到这块地方,去见证什么事情。” Previous time has this feeling, 11 years ago meets your time. No, even compared with that time intense.” “上次出现这种感觉,还是十一年前遇到你的时候。不,甚至比那时候更加的强烈。” ....... “.......” Do not want is too many.” Arctic fox Aggie Donner returned the shadow place hidden to go to the trail: In brief, the north side that has by Rioust is responsible.” “别想太多了。”白狐艾姬多娜重新回到了阴影处隐去踪迹:“总之,北侧那有由里乌斯负责。” Anna you staying well main conference hall here, witnesses this grand feast.” “安娜你就好好的呆在主会场这里,亲眼目睹这场盛宴吧。” Newest website: 最新网址: Note: If you noticed that after this chapter content is the security wrong content and this book breaks and other issues to register, 注:如你看到本章节内容是防盗错误内容、本书断更等问题请登录后
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