RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1784: New collaborator

The infinite destiny rewrites https:// 无限之命运改写https:// For this sentencing, Xie Ming and the others it can be said that turn out in full strength time. 为了这一次的处刑,谢铭等人可以说是倾巢而出。 Elsa is responsible for the king internal investigation, has a look whether had Strega (Witch) to teach the member to submerge the interior to seize the chance ahead of time to rebel. 艾尔莎负责到王都内部调查,看看是否有魔女教成员已经提前潜入到了内部想要趁机作乱。 If present, then has Elsa to judge whether may kill. Can massacre, that begins. Cannot the words, that is prompt reports. 如果有,那么便有艾尔莎自己来判断是否可杀。能杀掉,那就动手。不能的话,那就及时进行汇报。 No matter told Seine Ha Luti or Xie Ming is good, two people can its solution. 不管是告诉莱茵哈鲁特还是谢铭都行,两人都可以将其解决。 But Meili's duty, then defends the supreme headquarters. Coped when with before the lazy division taught, came the sensation using the demon beast splendid sense of smell. 而梅莉的任务,则是防守大本营。和之前对付怠惰司教时一样,利用魔兽出色的嗅觉来感知。 Is victorious hits, cannot be victorious makes the demon beast lead the villagers to escape together. 打得过就打,打不过就让魔兽带着村民们一同逃跑。 Xie Ming, loves Millie and Rem, in sentencing location. Lods Var and Ram, then in king west waiting. If there is a Villain/enemy attack, then annihilates it, without option that the retreat evacuates. 谢铭、爱蜜莉雅和雷姆三人,在处刑场地。罗兹瓦尔和拉姆,则是在王都的西侧等待。若是有敌人来袭,便将其歼灭,没有后退撤离的选项。 Djafer, Fred Lica and colored glaze Pir Ma, is responsible for the kings south. Similarly, cannot draw back cannot fall. 加菲尔、弗雷德莉卡和琉兹毕尔玛,则负责王都南侧。同样,不能退不能降。 The storehouse arc of contact of halo of union cultivates can be responsible for the final north side with Wilhelm, Felice. 同盟的库珥修则是会和维尔海姆、菲利斯一起负责最后的北侧。 Regarding the ally, many that too Xie Ming naturally cannot request. But the importance of this responsibility, believes that even if Xie Ming had not said, the storehouse arc of contact of halo cultivates can also understand. 对于盟友,谢铭自然不会要求的太多。但这份责任的重要,相信哪怕谢铭并没有多说,库珥修也能够理解。 But several other allies, then has more heavier responsibility. 而另外的几名盟友,则有着更多的更重的责任。 Although the foreign propaganda, is Seine Ha Luti will be responsible for rescuing to enter in the seal space the attempt to challenge the multi- rabbits the person. But his true duty, is to west, northern and support of southern three directions. 虽然对外宣传的,是莱茵哈鲁特会负责救助进入封印空间内尝试挑战多兔的人。但他真正的任务,是对西、北、南三个方向的支援。 Even if he does not have the ability in space, but does to others divine protection to be many. 哪怕他并没有空间方面的能力,但奈何人家加护多啊。 Named actuation the divine protection, can let the walking speed of Seine Ha Luti not the rapidness with average man. Walks around the kings, perhaps 10 seconds cannot use. 名为‘驱动’的加护,可以让莱茵哈鲁特的走路速度非同常人的快。绕着王都走一圈,恐怕十秒都用不上。 Puts Seine Ha Luti to kill like this greatly does not use, too wasted. 放着莱茵哈鲁特这样的大杀器不用,实在是太浪费了点。 Is able, must entrust with an important task. 有能力,就要委以重任。 Final vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, Xie Ming has not given his detailed duty, only requests him to stroll in the city randomly then good. 最后的菜月昴,谢铭并没有给予他详细的任务,只要求他在城里面乱逛便行。 This giving was equal to duty that has not given, naturally is offering food to a guest moon/month Pleiades disaffection. 这种给了等于没给的任务,自然是让菜月昴十分的不满。 However, this indeed is the duty of most appropriate vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. 然而,这的确是最合适菜月昴的任务。 Although in this nearly one year , he strength under the guidance of Rhine Luti has the full progress, even fights with some strength bad knights will not lose. 虽然在这近一年的时间里面,他在莱因哈鲁特的教导下实力有着十足的进步,甚至和一些实力较差的骑士交手都不会输。 Some people may be astonished, why vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades can in such a short time grow so many. But if knows that the functions of Rhine Luti two divine protections, this being astonished will disappear. 有人或许会讶异,菜月昴为什么能在这么短的时间里成长这么多。可如果知道莱因哈鲁特其中两个加护的作用,这种讶异就会消失了。 Divine protection of education: When grasps the pointer the student achievement of teaching will progress by leaps and bounds. 教育的加护:手持教鞭时教出来的学生成绩会突飞猛进。 Divine protection of exercise: Not is only is diligent at exercising own **, including to others 's exercise has the eyesight of seeing the blood. 锻炼的加护:不仅是勤于锻炼自己的**,连对他人的锻炼都有着一阵见血的眼力。 Under two effect overlay of divine protections, accepts the vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades natural growth of Rhine Luti guidance to be personally rapid. 两种加护的效果叠加之下,接受莱因哈鲁特亲自教导的菜月昴自然成长迅速。 But even so, in the battlefield of this rank, even if were sword ghost Wilhelm just crossed the qualified threshold. On vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades frontal battlefield resistance, but is wasting his power in vain. 可就算如此,在这种级别的战场上,哪怕是剑鬼威尔海姆都是刚过合格的门槛。菜月昴上正面战场对抗,只是在白白浪费他的权能。 As dies the person of return, vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades by death return that’ Satella gave power, returned to some special time point after the death, changed the trend of the world through the different choices. 作为‘死而回归之人’,菜月昴被莎缇拉赋予的‘死亡回归’权能,是在死亡之后回到某个特殊的时间点,通过不同的选择来改变世界的走向。 In some sense, is concocted Strega (Witch) that tampers with fact the ability to be a little similar? 从某种意义上来说,是不是和虚饰魔女那‘篡改事实’的能力有点相似? The different places, no one remembers that dies matter that vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades of return experience. But is concocted the power change of Strega (Witch), only then the party concerned did not remember. 不同的地方,谁也不会记得死而回归的菜月昴所经历的事情。但虚饰魔女的权能改变,只有当事者没有记忆。 Two power who who are weak, does not have the means to compare. But existence and power of vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, are cope to be concocted without doubt the Strega (Witch) trump card. 两种权能孰强孰弱,并没有办法进行比较。但菜月昴的存在和权能,无疑是对付虚饰魔女的王牌。 Only if Xie Ming gives to integrate the entire kings to own microcosm, otherwise he is impossible to attend to everyone. 除非谢铭将整个王都给纳入到自己的小世界中,否则他不可能顾上所有人。 Are the words that but then makes, concocted Strega (Witch) also to appear? 但那么做的话,虚饰魔女还有可能出现吗? At the appointed time deep that she can only hide, like submerging in the Shaoxing wine to thick patch of grass, calmly waits for that moment that the goal is exposing weaknesses, finds out the head to give you to strike fatally. 届时她只会隐藏的更深,如同潜入到草丛中的竹叶青,静静等待着目标露出破绽的那一刻,探出脑袋给予你致命一击。 To find her again, can only be difficult. 再想找到她,只会是难上加难。 Therefore must ordering a meal moon/month Pleiades. 因此才需要菜月昴。 Depends on vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades that with the Strega (Witch) unusual relations, making him locate to the position that being concocted Strega (Witch) hidden, informs Xie Ming him. 靠着菜月昴那与魔女非同寻常的关系,让他定位到虚饰魔女隐藏的位置,将其告知谢铭 At that time, is Xie Ming true this/should making a move time. 那时,才是谢铭真正该出手的时候。 Before being concocted Strega (Witch) has not revealed the true body, no matter what happened, Xie Ming cannot expose to surpass the strength of specification. Especially, cannot expose possibly to threaten to be concocted the Strega (Witch) ability. 在虚饰魔女没有露出真身之前,不管发生什么事情,谢铭都不能暴露超过规格的实力。尤其是,不能暴露可能威胁到虚饰魔女的能力。 Naturally, these plans, he is also good to say to understand with vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades. Hears these vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades, was silent for a long time. 当然,这些计划,他也和菜月昴好好说明了。听到这些的菜月昴,可是沉默了好久。 But finally, he nods, is showing the smile to Xie Ming. 但最终,他还是点了点头,对着谢铭露出笑容。 „! Gives me!” “哦!交给我吧!” I will certainly discover that anything to be concocted Strega (Witch)!” “我一定会找出那个什么虚饰魔女的!” Looks at vegetable/dish moon/month Pleiades that smile, Xie Ming slightly nodded. 看着菜月昴那份笑容,谢铭微微点了点头。 That is, worth lets the expression that the person trusts. 那是,值得让人去信任的表情。 ----- ----- „... Has come so many people unexpectedly. The distance starts obviously, one hour.” “哇...居然已经来那么多人了。明明距离开始,还有一个小时呢。” Looks sea of people that gathers early before the platform, likes Millie sighing in a soft voice: Imagines compared with me the population, but also wants many many.” 看着在平台前早早聚集起来的人山人海,爱蜜莉亚不禁轻声感叹道:“比我想象中的人数,还要多好多啊。” Naturally.” “当然。” Xie Ming said with a smile lightly: Here, but gathered the busybody in entire Nika kingdom.” 谢铭轻笑道:“这里,可是聚集了整个露格尼卡王国的好事者。” Even the Fracchia empire of neighbor, Kara Larkey city-state, Goose raises the people in branch Saint kingdom to have possibility Senri far away joins in the fun.” “甚至连邻居的佛拉基亚帝国,卡拉拉基城邦,古斯提科圣王国的人都有可能千里迢迢的过来凑个热闹。” I can imagine Anna Tassie after knowing oneself miss this business, on face that regret expression.” “我都能想象安娜塔西亚在知道自己错过这份生意后,脸上那后悔的表情了。” Hahahaha ..... “啊哈哈哈哈.....” „, I also think that Mr. Xie Ming has forgotten us.” “啊啦,我还以为谢铭先生早就忘掉咱了呢。” Was a snow white winter clothing, the young girl and her knight of light purple long hair walked as before: Some time does not see, never expected that Mr. Xie Ming with loving Sir Millie caused such big scene.” 依旧是一身雪白的冬装,淡紫色长发的少女与她的骑士走了进来:“一段时间不见,没想到谢铭先生就和爱蜜莉亚大人弄出了这么大的场面啊。” For a long time does not see, Mr. Xie Ming.” “许久不见,谢铭先生。” Optimal knight, by the Rioust Uicker Liius's graceful regards: Loving Sir Millie is also, for a long time does not see, became more moving.” 最优骑士,由里乌斯・尤克利乌斯优雅的问候道:“爱蜜莉亚大人也是,许久不见,变得更加动人了。” Thanks, by Rioust.” “谢谢,由里乌斯。” Likes Millie showing a faint smile: Miss Anna Tassie is also, saw that you had the spirit are really good.” 爱蜜莉亚微微一笑:“安娜塔西亚小姐也是,看到您这么有精神真是太好了。” No, we are not good, we are not good.” “不,咱不好,咱一点都不好。” Anna Tassie makes an effort to shake the head, both hands are covering the chest, the whole face is grieved: Thinks so many Saint gold coins have not entered to my pocket, our here on pain to being unable to restrain oneself.” 安娜塔西亚用力摇了摇头,双手捂着胸口,满脸都是心痛:“一想到那么多的圣金币没有进入到我的口袋里,咱的这里就痛到不能自已啊。” .... “啊哈哈哈哈....” Mr. Xie Ming is also, has had that wonderful cooperation with us obviously, actually could not remember us at this kind of time, was really hurts our heart.” 谢铭先生也是,明明和咱有过那么美妙的合作,却在这种时候想不起咱,真是太伤咱的心了。” Wonderful cooperation?” “美妙的合作?” The Xie Ming corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out: Who opens the mouth is coming to the person who I open 100,000 Saint gold coins? I a little do not remember.” 谢铭嘴角抽了抽:“一开口就给我开个10万圣金币的人是谁来着?我有点不记得了啊。” „, At just the right moment, we do not remember.” Anna Tassie revealed expression that is filled with righteous indignation ( ying ): Really was too black!” “啊啦,真巧,咱也不记得了。”安娜塔西亚露出了义愤填膺(ying)的表情:“实在是太黑了!” ........ “........” .............. “..............” Sir Anna Tassie.” Even if by Rioust, could not bear complain one: Even if I, thought that your expression is really somewhat false.” “安娜塔西亚大人。”哪怕是由里乌斯,都忍不住吐槽了一句:“哪怕是我,都觉得您的表情实在是有些虚伪啊。” Really, by Rioust you are that honest.” “真是,由里乌斯你还是那么正直。” Anna Tassie white by Rioust one eyes: Ok, we are not noisy.” 安娜塔西亚白了由里乌斯一眼:“好了,咱也不闹了。” Mr. Xie Ming, loves Sir Millie, this time big weaponry, we also want to join.” 谢铭先生,爱蜜莉亚大人,这次的大阵仗,咱也想加入进来啊。” Does not know, you are willing to add a collaborator again?” “不知道,你们愿不愿意再添一名合作者呢?”
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