RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1441: The origin of dark elf

If traces dark elf race the root, then has to raise one already the race that goes into hiding in the Arad mainland, elf clan. 若是追溯暗精灵这一种族的根源的话,那么就不得不提起一个已经在阿拉德大陆上销声匿迹的种族,精灵族。 With is the same, the dark elf clan that everyone thinks belonged to the ethnic group of elf clan. In the antiquity period, in this ethnic group, the beautiful elves named Leidiya and may Sos human man fall in love named that. But, that may Sos actually similarly be the person who beautiful god Venus likes. 就和所有人想的一样,暗精灵族原本是属于精灵族的一个族群。在上古时期,这个族群中,有一位名叫雷蒂亚的美丽精灵和名叫那可索斯人类男子相爱了。可是,那可索斯却同样是美神维纳斯所喜欢的人。 Has the beautiful semblance, not necessarily has the beautiful mind. At least in this legend, beautiful god Venus is the person who is jealous good. The paper, cannot preserve the fire. Let alone, then Arad mainland still has a dwarf clan such race. 拥有美丽外表,不一定拥有美丽的心灵。至少在这个传说之中,美神维纳斯就是一个善妒的人。纸,是保不住火的。更何况,当时的阿拉德大陆还存在着矮人族这么一个种族。 In the Arad mainland, the dwarf is not that type in everyone mind likes drinking, is good at building the weapon Equipment stubborn and straightforward race. They, are one crowd have the morbid state to be dedicated regarding the gold and regarding the wealth merely, incomparably greedy lunatic. 在阿拉德大陆,矮人并不是大家印象中的那种喜欢喝酒,擅长打造武器装备的顽固又豪爽的种族。他们,仅仅是一群对于黄金、对于钱财有着病态执着的,无比贪婪的疯子。 King of Augustus then dwarf after learning of this news, then told Venus this news. And by this, traded the clue of golden mineral lode. 当时的矮人之王奥古斯都在得知这个消息后,便将这个消息告诉了维纳斯。并且以此,换来了黄金矿脉的线索。 The one's beloveds were won, making Venus go crazy thoroughly. She for thanks dwarf, provided the clue of golden mineral lode. But meanwhile, got down cursing to the dwarf clan. 心上人被夺走,让维纳斯彻底发狂。她为了“答谢”矮人,提供了黄金矿脉的线索。可同时,也对矮人族下了咒诅。 You do not like the wealth, likes the gold? Then you obtain more gold and wealth, your race misfortunes even more. 你们不是喜欢财富,喜欢黄金吗?那么你们得到越多的黄金和财富,你们这个种族就会越发的不幸。 But, the dwarf clan has not so given up own greed even, they depended upon the clue to find the golden mineral lode, established underground metropolis Noy Peyrat, entered the dwarf clan most thriving period. 可就算如此,矮人族也没有放弃自己的贪欲,他们依靠着线索找到了黄金矿脉,建立了地下都市诺伊佩拉,迎来了矮人族最繁荣昌盛的时期。 But by Leidiya who king of Augustus dwarf informs, suffered Venus's crazy retaliation and curse. 可是被矮人之王奥古斯都告密的雷蒂亚,遭受到了维纳斯的疯狂报复和诅咒。 Beautiful beautiful hair becomes pale, the fair skin becomes dark. Was the sacred strength of elf also to vanish, Leidiya becomes the first dark elf. 原本美丽的秀发变得苍白,白皙的皮肤变得黝黑。原本属于精灵的神圣力量也消失,雷蒂亚成为了第一个暗精灵。 But Venus's curse actually incessantly so. Leidiya curse gradually proliferated, infects to the person of entire ethnic group. The elf of entire clan and tribe, turned into uglily dark elf. 而维纳斯的诅咒却远不止如此。雷蒂亚身上的诅咒逐渐扩散,传染给了整个族群的人。整个部族的精灵,都变成了“丑陋”的暗精灵。 Sees the lover becomes so ugly, named that may Sos's man abandon her very simply. But entire clan and tribe that turns into the dark elf, to avoid the vision in world lifeform difference, hid into the Dedong hole. 看到恋人变得如此丑陋,名为那可索斯的男人十分干脆的抛弃了她。而变成暗精灵的整个部族,也为了躲避世间生物异样的眼光,躲入到了地底洞穴中。 Henceforth the dark elf becomes callous cruel and testy militant, does not trust anybody, hates the dwarf, repugnant human. Because the dark elf has the agile skill and powerful Magic strength, therefore the people of other races are not willing to provoke them. 从此暗精灵变得冷酷残暴、易怒好战,不信任任何人,憎恶矮人,讨厌人类。但因为暗精灵本身拥有着敏捷的身手和强大的魔法力量,所以其他种族的人也不愿招惹他们。 Then dark elf, was in a state of disunity. But the outstanding kings, he successfully commanded all dark elves, founds the dark elf kingdom. And in knowing them is degenerated the reason of dark elf by the elf, is when dwarf, launched the war without hesitation. 当时的暗精灵,正是一盘散沙。可有一位杰出的君王,他成功统帅了所有暗精灵,建立起暗精灵王国。并且在得知他们由精灵堕落成暗精灵的原因,是因为矮人时,毫不犹豫的发动了战争。 The dwarves establish underground metropolis Noy Peyrat above dark elves tragedy, becomes the territory of dark elf kingdom. Informing king of Augustus of dwarf, was cut the head by king of Aragon dark elf. Other dwarves, was all pursued. 矮人们建立在暗精灵们悲剧之上的地下都市诺伊佩拉,成为了暗精灵王国的领土。告密的矮人之王奥古斯都,也被暗精灵之王阿拉贡斩下头颅。其余的矮人,也全都被驱逐。 Hence, between two races had thoroughly did not die the continuous gratitude and grudges. Until now, dwarf and dark elf as before unceasing battle. 至此,两个种族之间彻底结下了不死不休的恩怨。直至今日,矮人和暗精灵依旧在不断争斗着。 Queen wish was walked by oneself people together under the sunlight, on happy life. Therefore she is praying, wants to depend on own pray, can dispel Venus and between them the gratitude and grudges. 梅娅女王想要让自己的子民一同走在阳光下,过上幸福的生活。所以她才祈祷着,希望靠着自己的祈祷,能够消解维纳斯和他们之间的恩怨。 Perhaps, her pray merely is not studious. Even but if has a possibility, she does not want to give up. 或许,她的祈祷仅仅是无用功。但哪怕有着一丝可能性,她也不想放弃。 Therefore Minetti believes, his queen heart was really soft. But because this gentleness, lets taking orders that they are willing in her, does not hesitate own life. 所以米内特才会认为,自家的女王心实在是太软了。可正是因为这份温柔,才让她们心甘情愿的听命于她,不惜自己的生命。 Becoming the spy of queen to ambush in Upper House, works in the subordinate of senior statesman, without a doubt is a very dangerous matter. From defending the team leader was made the lifeform weapon to see that crowd has reached the biased degree the old thing, even if the compatriot, will not show mercy. 成为女王的间谍潜伏在元老院,在元老的手下做事,毫无疑问是件十分危险的事情。从守备队长被做成生物兵器就能看出,那群已经达到偏执程度的老东西哪怕是同胞,都不会有手下留情。 If discovered oneself are the spy who the queen sends to collect the information, the fate can be imagined. But so, Minetti likes to believe Queen even as before. 要是发现自己是女王派过去收集情报的间谍的话,下场可想而知。可就算如此,米内特依旧愿意相信梅娅女王。 Minetti's ideal, is the entire dark elf kingdom can live together in peace and harmony mutually. But can realize this ideal person, possibly is not biased callous Upper House. Only has the model mother world, encounters a difficulty calmly, handles matters fairly, does not lose gentle Queen to achieve. 米内特的理想,是整个暗精灵王国能够互相和睦相处。而能够实现这个理想的人,绝不可能是偏执冷酷的元老院。唯有母仪天下,遇事沉着冷静,处事公正,又不失温柔的梅娅女王才有可能做到。 However, present queen, although has the power that the decision country moves toward, but is weak, has no alternative regarding the petty action of Upper House radically. But Xie Ming and the others the arrivals, without a doubt are an opportunity. 但是,现在的女王虽然有着决定国家走向的大权,但还是过于势单力薄,对于元老院的小动作根本无可奈何。而谢铭等人的到来,毫无疑问就是一次机会。 Regarding Sikadi of duchy, with regarding of dark elf kingdom, is an opportunity. Sikadi believes in that distant country, with the judgment of situation same Queen. 对于公国的斯卡迪,和对于暗精灵王国的梅娅,都是一次机会。斯卡迪相信那遥远国度中,和自己处境相同的梅娅女王的判断。 But Queen, believes oneself trusted aide Minetti, with the vision. That audio and video that , passes on. 而梅娅女王,相信自己的心腹米内特,和莎兰的眼光。以及,莎兰传过来的那段音像。 I do not believe the human nature, but I, believe the will of the people.” “我不相信人性,但我,相信人心。” These words, not only touched at that time, lets Queen who sees this audio and video, had one type finally to find move of fellow traveller. Also because of these words, is determined to bet on Xie Ming. 这一句话,不仅触动了当时莎兰,也让看到这段音像的梅娅女王,有了一种终于找到同路人的感动。也正是因为这句话,梅娅才下定决心在谢铭身上赌上一把。 Therefore learned from Minetti that after Xie Ming and the others entered to Falla mountain range, Queen has requested the subordinate to pay attention to their action. If there is anything the matter that is worth returning, must report. 所以从米内特那得知,谢铭等人进入到阿法利亚山脉后,梅娅女王一直要求部下关注着他们的行动。要是有什么值得回报的事情,一定要上报过来。 Ended today's pray simply, Queen opened the ruby beautiful pupil, has turned around, asked toward the royal family assassin of kneeing down in a soft voice. 简单的结束了今天的祈祷,梅娅女王睁开了红宝石般的美丽瞳孔,转过身,轻声朝着单膝跪地的王室刺客问道。 „The adventurers from duchy, what happened?” “来自公国的冒险家们,发生什么事情了吗?” Yes, your majesty.” “是的,陛下。” The assassin's tranquil report of silver short hair: Is the male of head has the rare sensation sensitivity and perception area, therefore we do not dare extremely in approaches to this human squad.” 银色短发的刺客平静的报告道:“为首的男性拥有着超乎寻常的感知敏度和感知范围,所以我们不敢太过于接近于这支人类小队。” But from the fight trace, the ghost sobbed to check the shadow as if to use awakening technique that was above the bearing capacity, thus causes now the condition to be bad. But hunting soul and two people and have no serious injury.” “但从战斗痕迹来看,鬼泣刹影似乎使用了超乎自己承受能力的觉醒技,从而导致现在状态非常糟。但狩魂者和莫比两人身上并没有什么严重的伤势。” Now, the human squad five people have entered to the final checkpoint. All the way, we also received much knocked down archer convoy guard. In light of front their action, showed they are intending shows mercy to the convoy guard members.” “现在,人类小队五人已经进入到最后关卡。一路上,我们也接收了不少被打晕的弓箭手护卫队。结合前面他们的举动,说明他们正有意的对护卫队成员手下留情。” Therefore we have no loss in personnel, the lifeform weapon that but Upper House arranges, was almost actually eliminated completely.” “因此在人员方面我们并没有任何损失,可元老院安排的生物兵器,却几乎全部被消灭。” If keeps the present speed, believes that human squad after two hours, the upfront and headless knight encounter.” “若是保持现在的速度,相信人类小队将会在两小时后,正面和无头骑士交锋。” I understood, troubles you to continue to work, and asked that side other members, is staring at some Upper House's that side trends.” “我明白了,麻烦你继续工作,并且拜托其他成员那边,盯着些元老院那边的动向了。” Yes.” “是。” Replied one calmly, the assassin flickers the movie queen in several, then vanished in the pray room in imperial palace. 沉着的回复了一声,刺客在几个瞬影后,便消失在了皇宫的祈祷室里。 Soon to ..... “快要到了啊.....” Queen is not worried about the headless knight, will cause anything to trouble to them. Can by the person who one's effort defeats that revolutionary army main strength, how also possibly to stop here. 梅娅女王并不担心无头骑士,会对他们造成什么麻烦。能够凭借一己之力战胜那个革命军主要战力的人,又怎么可能停在这里。 She worried that is that side the senior statesman will have any intense action. 她担心的,是元老那边对此会有什么激烈的举动。 ....... Makes some preparations again.” “.......再多做些准备吧。” One side twittering, Queen took up in a soft voice placed the scepter, went out of the pray room. 轻声呢喃了一句,梅娅女王拿起了放在一边的权杖,走出了祈祷室。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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