RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1440: Young queen

In the Arad mainland, has two types of mixed martial arts wrestle schools. One type, defeated empire wrestle of wind-induced vibration to scatter orthodox wrestle technique that Maya created. 在阿拉德大陆,拥有着两种散打格斗流派。一种,是打败了风振的帝国格斗家撒勒・玛雅所创造的正统格斗术。 In order to strengthen kicks and beats the strength to wear the heavy boots, to protect both hands puts on the glove or the hand guard. It is not primarily the body to resist the attack of opposite party, but is primarily the rapid avoidance. The use fist and thigh, carry out the comprehensive attack. 为了增强踢打力量穿上沉重的靴子,为了保护双手戴上手套或护手。不以身体抵挡对方的攻击为主,而是以迅速的躲避为主。使用拳头和腿部,进行综合性的打击。 The use scatters orthodox wrestle technique that Maya creates almost is completely female wrestle. The reason is very simple, because Maya does not receive the male disciple. 使用撒勒・玛雅所创的正统格斗术的几乎全部都是女格斗家。原因很简单,因为玛雅不收男弟子。 Therefore, male wrestle besides empty ancestor, masculine wrestle in Arad mainland not only does not have the opportunity of formal opportunity learn/study wrestle technique, but the wrestle technique of Arad mainland also evolves to only suit the exercise of female. 因此,除了虚祖之外的男格斗家们,阿拉德大陆的男性格斗家不仅没有正式机会学习格斗技的机会,而阿拉德大陆的格斗术也演变为只适合女子的锻炼。 But in this world, most does not lack is the talent. The man who several crave in the wrestle technique because of this situation, how starts from searching for the rope transforms the orthodox wrestle technique to suit the wrestle technique of man body. 可这个世界上,最不缺少的就是天才。几名热衷于格斗技的男子因为这种情况,开始自寻探索起如何将正统格斗术转化为适合男人身体的格斗术。 One type gains contact with anenemy and utilizes with the fast movement is born by the wrestle school of leg powerful attack dominated by France. This distinguishes between the female mixed martial arts style, the birth of male mixed martial arts. 一种用快速的移动去接近敌人、运用以腿法为主的强力攻击的格斗流派就此诞生。这就是区别于女散打招式的,男散打的诞生。 Different with the comprehensive wrestle technique of female mixed martial arts, the tactic of male mixed martial arts has no style and skill, but attacks straightforwardly ; Does not consider the rear defense, but advances constantly attacks crazily, displayed the pinnacle the masculine body advantage. 和女散打的综合性格斗术不同,男散打的战术没有任何招式和技巧,只是直截了当地进攻;不考虑后方防守,只是一味地突进狂攻,将男性的身体优势发挥到了极致。 Two types of different schools move forward, naturally can take the different paths. 两种不同的流派向前发展,自然会走上不同的道路。 The awakening style of female mixed martial arts: martial Shenqiang kicks, the awakening style of male mixed martial arts: The roaring flame burns the step, is the best proof. One, investigates the eruption attack extremely. Another, is comprehensive promotion condition in addition holds. 女散打的觉醒招式:武神强踢,男散打的觉醒招式:烈焰焚步,便是最好的证明。一个,是究极的爆发式攻击。另一个,是全面提升的状态加持。 But Xie Ming Sparta wrestle technique after fusing the mixed martial arts style of Arad mainland, regardless of the aggressivity and wild rose incessantly a level. It can be said that this is the type must pursue the attack compared with the male mixed martial arts, wild to pinnacle wrestle technique. 谢铭的斯巴达格斗术在融合了阿拉德大陆的散打招式后,不论攻击性和狂暴型都上升了不止一个层次。可以说,这是种比男散打还要追求进攻的,狂暴到极致的格斗术。 In other words, this is the brand-new third type of wrestle school that in the Arad mainland presents. 也就是说,这是阿拉德大陆上出现的全新的第三种格斗流派。 After the female mixed martial arts awakens, is called martial God. After the male mixed martial arts awakens, is called martial extreme. Then Sparta wrestle technique after was developed the awakening technique by Xie Ming, how should call? 女散打觉醒后,被称为武神。男散打觉醒后,被称为武极。那么斯巴达格斗术在被谢铭开发出觉醒技之后,应该怎么称呼? Considering the cruel nature of Sparta wrestle technique, thinks with described extremely, is really some are inappropriate. With crazy this character, is most appropriate. 考虑到斯巴达格斗术的暴戾性质,用神和极来形容,实在是有些不合适。用“狂”这一字,是最贴切的。 Therefore, Xie Ming then names as it: martial Kuang. 所以,谢铭便将其命名为:武狂。 But fused the infiltration vigor and vibration vigor, and eruption of broken demon qi energy, was named as by Xie Ming: martial Kuangqiang fist. 而融合了渗透劲、震动劲、和破魔气劲的爆发,便被谢铭命名为:武狂强拳。 If said that martial Shenqiang kicks, can a foot kick the smashing the enemy. The roaring flame burns the step, can make extremely even/including trick/recruit who the military uses the powerful make into the hash the enemy. Then martial Kuangqiang the fist, is the broken against investigation interior destroys the style extremely. 若说武神强踢,是能一脚将敌人踢成粉碎。烈焰焚步,能让武极使用强力的连招将敌人打成肉糜。那么武狂强拳,便是破防的究极内部破坏招式。 Perhaps a fist hit, the body tenacious enemy can also maintain the original appearance. But his within the body including the energy and blood, all will be stirred the comprehensive fruit juice by the strength. 一拳命中,或许身体强韧些的敌人还能保持着原来的模样。但他体内包括能量和血液,所有的一切都会被劲力搅成了综合果汁。 If the body intensity is not strong, that possibly became the balloon that was blown to explode directly. 要是身体强度不算强的,那可能就直接成为被吹爆的气球了。 Three school three awakening techniques, which type quite strong did not say. But facing this type of build giant skin the thick huge biochron, the effect that martial Kuangqiang the fist can create absolutely is peak. 三种流派三种觉醒技,哪种比较强不太好说。但面对这种体型巨大皮又厚的巨大生物时,武狂强拳能造成的效果绝对是其中最顶尖的。 Bang!” “砰!” The contraction passed through the air in the fist of waist, sends out the right arm to twine layer upon layer the sonic boom circle, deeply fell into intimidated to dig the Bary surface. After extracting fast, moved sideways to return to front of other four people. 收缩在腰部的拳头贯穿了空气,发出右臂缠绕着层层音爆圈,深深陷入到了怖拉修下巴里面。快速抽出后,闪身回到了其他四人前面。 Ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ka ..... “咔咔咔咔咔咔咔咔咔.....” The freeze effect that the space and time cuts, just ended in this time. The space gradually separates, changes into the transparent fragment to fall. Also in the body of this giant beast, left behind sword of mark incomparably long and narrow light. 时空斩的冻结效果,刚好在此时结束。空间逐渐分开,化为透明的碎片掉落。也在这只巨兽的身躯上,留下了无比狭长的光之剑痕。 But compared in the sword mark that on it leaves behind, a fist of Xie Ming really awfully. 但比起蕾莎琳在它身上留下的剑痕,谢铭的一拳才是真的要命。 If some people can cultivate/repair within the body the perspective/see through to intimidated, will discover, the rich light element energy and broken demon qi energy are conflicting to erupt with the dark strength of ghosts and gods unceasingly, are having the strong chemical reaction. 要是有人能够透视到怖拉修体内,就会发现,浓郁的光元素能量和破魔气劲在和鬼神的黑暗之力不断冲突爆发,发生着激烈的化学反应。 Was similar to one scoop of water pouring above the boiling hot hot oil, that will have anything, coming out that the people who even if not prepare food should imagine. 就如同一瓢水浇在了滚烫的热油之上,那会发生什么,哪怕是不会做饭的人都应该想象的出来。 Very simple, explosion. 很简单,爆炸。 But kept that light element sword mark that intimidated practiced moral culture, at this time then becomes the best proclaiming drain port. 而蕾莎琳留在怖拉修身上的那道光元素剑痕,此时便成为了最好的宣泄口。 Bang!!!!!!!” “轰!!!!!!!” The black and white energy blends mutually, has the chaos color light beam that the response produces, from wound place disorderly spewing out. But intimidated cultivates this purely the body of the energy comprised, as also ejection of this light beam but melts slowly. 黑与白的能量相互交融,又发生反应产生的混沌色光柱,从伤口处杂乱的喷涌而出。而怖拉修这纯粹由能量组成的身躯,也随着这光柱的射出而缓缓融化。 However its has stretched out the gigantic eyeball on most head, at this time actually stubbornly looks at Xie Ming, seems like wants to remember be the same human that this defeats itself clone firmly. 不过它那已经伸出大半的头颅上的硕大眼珠子,此时却死死的看着谢铭,似乎是想要把这个击破自己分身的人类给牢牢记住一样。 Regarding living the ghosts and gods of another dimension, 100 years of Arad mainland, hit time of nap to it simply. As in the world can summon its human more to come many, it arrives at the opportunity in Arad mainland is also getting more and more. 对于居住在另一个维度的鬼神而言,阿拉德大陆的一百年,对它来说简直就是打一个盹的时间。随着世界上能够召唤出它的人类越来多,它来到阿拉德大陆的机会也会越来越多。 When the time comes, it always has the opportunity to see this human again. 到时候,它总有机会能再见到这个人类的。 Thirty years the river goes east, thirty years the river goes west ..... 三十年河东,三十年河西..... Running wrong square. 呃,跑错片场了。 In brief, Xie Ming was by this seventh ghosts and gods remembering, does not know that was good is bad. Naturally, which type, Xie Ming will not care. He only knows, oneself and the others must continue to go forward. 总而言之,谢铭算是被这个第七鬼神给记住了,也不知道是好是坏。当然,不论是哪样,谢铭也不会太在意。他只知道,自己等人要继续前进了。 Walks.” “走吧。” Finally shot a look at checking shadow and hunting in soul and stupor, knows after they do not have the danger, Xie Ming looked to own teammates. 最后瞥了眼昏迷中的刹影、狩魂者和莫比,知道他们并没有生命危险后,谢铭看向了自己的队友们。 We should continue to go forward. Strives today, enters to dark Heicheng.” “我们该继续前进了。争取在今天,进入到暗黑城。” ----- ----- Falla mountain range bottom deep place, as if establishes the grand old city above abyss, such static standing erect here. Passing of time, has not left any trace in the construction in city. 阿法利亚山脉地底深处,一座仿佛建立在深渊之上的宏伟古城,就这么静静的矗立在这里。时间的流逝,没有在城市的建筑上留下任何痕迹。 Another provides the energy through Magic the pale blue street light, gloom and mysticalness of this city exaggeration. Regarding the dark elf, this environment most makes them adapt. 一盏又一盏通过魔法来提供能量的淡蓝色路灯,把这座城市渲染的阴暗又神秘。对于暗精灵来说,这种环境是最让他们适应的。 Right, is the adaptation, rather than likes. The dark elves, were used to it merely in dark, in place bottom action. As long as goes out to outside world, has seen the boundless sea, the vast prairie, the deep blue sky and warm Sun, when returning to this lands will sigh in a soft voice. 没错,是适应,而不是喜欢。暗精灵们,仅仅是习惯了在黑暗,在地底行动。但凡出去到外面的世界,见到过无际的海洋,辽阔的草原,湛蓝的天空和温暖的太阳,在回到这片土地时都会轻声叹气。 We, when can arrive in the world of ground to live ..... “我们,什么时候才能到地面的世界上生活.....” This is each dark elf, can have the idea that. Has, thinks on the past. Has, has tried hard, actually gives up halfway because of the difficulty. But has, has actually insisted. 这是每一个暗精灵,都会有的想法。有的,想想就过去了。有的,为之努力过,却因为艰难而半途而废。但有的,却一直坚持了下去。 Young queen: Ruipu Cassandra, is the final one person. 年轻的女王:梅娅・德・瑞普・卡桑德拉,便是最后的一种人。 Is only 210 -year-old over she, converts the human age, merely is 16, 17-year-old young girl. It can be said that she is in the entire Arad mainland the youngest king. 才210岁出头的她,换算成人类的年龄,仅仅是个16、17岁的少女。可以说,她是整个阿拉德大陆上最年轻的王。 When young, learned after own mother there the dark elf is the legend of dark elf, she has then been conducting the pray. Even if fully realizes to become the queen, oneself will become not the most free person. But she as before, received that to symbolize the scepter of power. 自从年幼时,从自己的母亲那里得知了暗精灵之所以是暗精灵的传说之后,她便一直在进行着祈祷。哪怕深知成为女王,自己将会成为最不自由的人。可她依旧,接过了那柄象征着权力的权杖。 She wants to see outside world, but she wants, lets all dark elf compatriots, lives under the sunlight. 她想要看到外面的世界,但她更想要,让所有暗精灵同胞们,都生活在阳光之下。 Therefore, she is still also insisting on the pray, toward gods. Toward the legend, that becomes the gods of dark elf by the elf them. 所以,她至今也在坚持着祈祷,向着神明。向着传说中,那位将他们由精灵变为暗精灵的神明。 Venus .... Actually we, can dispel between you and us the gratitude and grudges ..... “维纳斯....我们究竟何时,才能消解您和我们之间的恩怨呢.....” Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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