RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1436: The reverse, reverses again , to continue to reverse

If transfers the duty for the ghost sobbing occupation, then in the original ghost sword technique has two styles, will obtain the enormous strengthening. One, before is , the moonlight that the Xie Ming demon reforms cuts. But another, is the style of has ghost swordsman metropolis/can. 若是转职为鬼泣职业,那么原本的鬼剑术中有两个招式,会得到极大的强化。一个,就是之前谢铭魔改过的月光斩。而另一个,便是所有鬼剑士都会的招式。 The ghosts cut. 鬼斩。 A revolution of duty has not used the ghost to cut for the ghost swordsman who the ghost sobs, that releases the ghost hand strength of ghosts and gods to attack merely purely. But, has been able to control the ghost of strength of ghosts and gods to sob, the ghost who displays cuts possibly is not naturally same. 没有转职为鬼泣的鬼剑士使用鬼斩,那仅仅是单纯的释放鬼手中的鬼神之力来进行攻击。但,已经可以掌控住鬼神之力的鬼泣,施展出的鬼斩自然不可能是一样的。 Not only the ghost cuts to be able through gathering the strength, making the strength of ghosts and gods condenses, the damage that can cause is higher. Meanwhile, but can also while releasing the ghost cuts, advances to wave with the corresponding ghosts and gods together. 不仅鬼斩可以通过蓄力,让鬼神之力变得更加凝聚,能够造成的伤害更高。同时,还能在释放鬼斩的同时,和相应的鬼神冲波一起突进。 Different types of ghosts and gods to the words of Polish hit enemy, will then create the different effects. 不同类型的鬼神冲波命中敌人的话,则会造成不同的效果。 Before what if released is the Kazan of blade soul, the ghosts and gods that then the ghosts and gods present to wave will be Kazan. If Kazan to Polish hit enemy, will enhance the Magic injury( intelligence) and strength. 若是之前释放的是刀魂之卡赞,那么鬼神冲波出现的鬼神将会是卡赞。要是卡赞冲波命中敌人,会提高自身魔法伤害(智力)和力量。 Checks the shadow before the use bites the spirit ghost cuts, ghost that releases is general of Limeng corrosion. Then his move of gathers the strength bites the spirit ghost to cut, appeared naturally is the ghosts and gods general Limeng ghosts and gods to/clashes wave. 刹影在使用噬灵鬼斩之前,所释放的鬼阵是侵蚀之普戾蒙。那么他这招蓄力的噬灵鬼斩,出现的自然是鬼神普戾蒙的鬼神冲波。 But general Limeng to wave, if hit Woo, moreover in general of Limeng in corrosion ghost, then Woo may suffer its special negative effect very much at the scene. 而普戾蒙冲波要是命中诺羽,而且还是在侵蚀之普戾蒙的鬼阵中,那么诺羽很有可能当场就会遭受其特殊的负面效果。 Sleep. 睡眠。 Naturally this sleep, impossible to be the same with the game , the character lay down on the ground directly falls asleep. In the Arad mainland, sleep negative effect, will then make the brain of person enter to the blank condition, when with dozing off almost. 当然这个睡眠,不可能和游戏中一样,人物直接就躺在地上睡着了。在阿拉德大陆,睡眠这个负面效果,则是会让人的大脑进入到空白状态,就和打瞌睡时差不多。 The time, the resistance of nature and hit is closely related. But in fight, even if you one second of slowness, possibly become the last war of your life. 持续的时间,自然和命中者的抗性密切相关。但在战斗中,哪怕你有一秒钟的迟钝,都可能成为你此生的最后一战。 But luckily, Woo has the second teacher, moreover is powerful teacher who the entire occupation is skilled in: G.S.D. With G.S.D various simulation wars, she does not know that eats many this ghost to sob carries owing of Skill continually. 但幸好,诺羽有着第二个老师,而且是全职业精通的强大导师:G.S.D。在和G.S.D的各种模拟战中,她不知道吃过多少这种鬼泣连携技能的亏。 Owing that at that time ate up, all had the return at this time. 当时吃下的亏,此时全都有了回报。 Indeed, was hit by the ghosts and gods to wave in ghost, perhaps she will plant here. Moreover, she is unable to dodge now. 的确,在鬼阵里被鬼神冲波命中,恐怕她就会栽在这里了。而且,她现在也无法进行闪躲。 Then didn't dodge is not good? 那么不闪躲不就好了? Ghosts and gods to wave in the final analysis, shock-wave that is produced by strength of negative energy ghosts and gods. Such being the case, with energy the words that conducts the resistance, then can counter-balance the attack that this must kill directly. 鬼神冲波归根到底,还是由鬼神之力这种负面能量所产生的冲击波。既然如此,用能量进行对抗的话,便可以直接抵消掉这必杀的攻击。 But on Woo, has this energy. Moreover, is with the strength of clearly opposite energy ghosts and gods. 诺羽身上,存在着这种能量。而且,还是和鬼神之力截然相反的能量。 Ding!” “叮!” The ancient sword has delimited a sword axle that before the body remains the light luminous spot, is mixing with the front sharp sword glow of powerful light element, will plunge own bull horn ghosts and gods to cut from the midpoint for two halves. 古剑在身前划过了一道残留着淡淡光点的剑轨,夹杂着强力光元素的锋利剑芒,从正中央将扑向自己的牛角鬼神斩为两半。 But sword blade, then pounds ruthlessly on checking the blade in shadow advance. 而剑锋,则是狠狠砸在刹影突进中的刀刃上。 ......” “唔......” After been expert, jumps to cut to attach is reading the air/Qi energy, the powerful blow strength that produces lets check the shadow not to enter instead draws back. In the moist ground has two to be deep and long trace by the plow of both feet that the bandage twines, stops reluctantly. 专精的后跳斩附加着念气能量,所产生的强大冲击力让刹影不进反退。被绷带缠绕的双脚在潮湿的地面上犁出两道又深又长的痕迹,才勉强停住。 This time checking shadow, had left general of Limeng without a doubt corrosion a ghost range. Then Woo, have no reason not to follow up a victory with hot pursuit. 毫无疑问此时的刹影,已经离开了侵蚀之普戾蒙的鬼阵范围。那么诺羽,没有理由不乘胜追击。 Because although checks shadow bites the spirit ghost to cut, after causing , after jumping cuts, jumps the distance to lengthen, the time that but she falls to the ground, definitely checking the shadow stops the time of body to be shorter. These days the difference, makes Woo make several movements sufficiently. 虽然因为刹影的噬灵鬼斩,导致后跳斩的后跳距离加长了一些,但她重新落地的时间,肯定比刹影停下身子的时间要短。这段时间差,足以让诺羽做出几个动作。 Sword soul Skill: Flows the heart and class/flow heart crazy, class/flow heart thorn. 剑魂技能:流心、流心・狂、流心・刺。 In class/flow heart in crazy coordination under the additions of various conditions, the Woo body together with ancient sword who stabs suddenly, entire changed into an sharp brilliance circular cone, the thorn of being relentless to checked the shadow chest. 在流心・狂配合上各种状态的加成之下,诺羽的身躯连同突刺中的古剑,整个化为了一道尖锐的光辉圆锥,毫不留情的刺向了刹影的胸膛。 If hits, besides is killed violently at the scene, checks the shadow not second option. 要是命中,除了当场毙命之外,刹影没有第二个选项。 But unfortunately, in the time estimation of Skill engagement, Woo is more defective the crucial moment. In the previous second that the brilliance circular cone will soon hit, checks the shadow to control the body that succeeds. 但可惜的是,在技能衔接的时间估算上,诺羽还是欠缺些火候。在光辉圆锥即将命中的前一秒,刹影已经成功的重新掌控身体。 The threat of death made his whole body fine hair stand erect, the adrenalin is secreting crazily. Because of the excitement of mood, the demon mark and quiet green pupil on his right arm, sent out the incomparably strange and terrified ray. 死亡的威胁让他全身汗毛都竖立起来,肾上腺素在疯狂分泌。因为情绪的激动,他右臂上的魔纹和幽绿的瞳孔,都散发出了无比诡异又悚然的光芒。 He does not have backward or dodges to the flank, because experiences and intuition tells him, he cannot dodge. Now can shoulder the move of this sure-kill, only has a choice. 他没有向后或者向侧方进行闪避,因为经验和直觉告诉他,他闪不过去。如今能够扛过这绝杀之招的,只有一个选择。 The treading place that the right foot makes an effort, checks the shadow not to have the protection, welcomed directly to class/flow heart thorn changed into cone of light. 右脚用力的踏地,刹影就这么毫无防备的,正面迎向了流心・刺所化为的光锥。 The ghosts sob Skill: Ghost step. Increases the traveling speed with the aid of the step of ghosts and gods, and in certain time that to/clashes before, enters to the empty invincible condition. 鬼泣技能:鬼影步。借助鬼神的步法增加自身移动速度,且在前冲的一定时间段内,进入到虚化的无敌状态。 Turning point that this, instead kills certainly. 这,就是绝地反杀的契机。 The figure changes into thoroughly transparently, the cone of light has Woo no resistance before passing through, to checking shadow. But after, checked the ghost step effect that shadow body in addition held to announce finished, in several minutes, he is unable to use this Skill again. 身形彻底化为透明,光锥带着诺羽毫无阻力的穿过了前冲中的刹影。而在穿过之后,刹影身上加持的鬼影步效果宣布结束,在几分钟内,他无法再次使用这个技能 However, the opportunity of instead killing came! 但是,反杀的机会来了! „!!!!!” “!!!!!” The style exhausts, Woo quickly turns around, used without hesitation maintaining life Skill that presses the bottom, read the gas hood. If because is unused, dies here then can be she. 招式用尽,诺羽急忙转身,毫不犹豫的使用了压箱底的保命技能,念气罩。因为若是不使用的话,死在这里的便会是她了。 The sword soul has no interrupt carries sword technique continually, seven cut the broken army to rise dragon to strike. But the ghost sobs, similarly has own carries sword technique continually. 剑魂有着毫无中断的连携剑技,七段斩加破军升龙击。而鬼泣,同样有着自己的连携剑技 Twines the long blade that the ominous offense ghost air/Qi to cut one after another above reading the gas hood, aroused the innumerable ripple. Cuts after three cutting below finished, with uphold of arm, the sad and shrill beautiful blade glow with on cuts to reappear. 缠绕着凶戾鬼气的长刀接连斩在念气罩之上,激起了无数的波纹。在三段斩的下斩结束之后,随着手臂的抬起,凄厉美丽的刀芒随着上斩浮现。 Ghost sword technique: The moonlight cuts. 鬼剑术:月光斩。 Afterward, the moonlight was swallowed by dark, dark purple moon the long blade drew a circular arc with both hands are grasping. 随后,月光被黑暗所吞噬,黑紫色的月亮随着双手握着的长刀画出了一道圆弧。 The ghosts sob Skill: The full moon cuts! 鬼泣技能:满月斩! Ding “叮” The clear sound echo when the shadow labyrinth, in the dark purple full moon coordination read the gas hood was stave the brilliance, unexpectedly brought a beautiful scene of all over the sky stars. 清脆的声音回响在暗影迷宫之中,黑紫色的圆月配合上念气罩破碎时的光辉,居然带来了一种满天繁星的绝美景象。 But brings to puncture with the rose is the same, the beautiful scene, contains the deep murderous intention sometimes. 但就和玫瑰带着刺一样,绝美的景象,有时可是蕴含着深深的杀机。 The ghost hand lifts, the jet black ghost air/Qi in the Woo top of the head transforms unceasingly, finally condenses innumerable the tombstone that inscribes the strange writing, crashes loudly. 鬼手抬起,漆黑的鬼气在诺羽的头顶不断变换,最后凝聚成无数块刻有诡异文字的墓碑,轰然坠落。 The ghosts sob Skill: Death tombstone! 鬼泣技能:死亡墓碑! Rumbling rumbling rumbling ........ “轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰轰........” Pounds the Woo of rainstorm of tombstone in like typhoon weather falls region total flooding that is, changed into the spiritless graveyard. Some tombstones, brings some red marks. 砸落的墓碑如同台风天气中的暴雨将诺羽所在的区域全部淹没,化为了死气沉沉的墓园。有些墓碑的底下,带着些许的红痕。 That is .... The color of blood. 那是....鲜血的颜色。 However checked the shadow absolutely not to have the time to care about the death tombstone to cause many damage to Woo, he only knows, oneself must hurry to deal with this to charge into oneself golden crazy dragon from the flank. 但是刹影完全没有功夫去在意死亡墓碑到底对诺羽造成了多少伤害,他只知道,自己要赶紧应对这条从侧方冲向自己的金色狂龙。 Roar!!!!” “吼!!!!” dragon cry, the sword howls. The dragon of golden sword air/Qi delimited one in the ground V character, to the quick speed bypass the disorderly graveyard that the death tombstone composed certainly, plunged checked the shadow. 龙吟,剑啸。金色的剑气之龙在地面上划出了一个“V”字,以绝快的速度绕过了死亡墓碑组成的杂乱墓园,扑向了刹影。 Sword soul Skill: Fierce dragon Duankong cuts! 剑魂技能:猛龙断空斩! zi!!!!!!” “嗞!!!!!!” Oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!!!” “噢噢噢噢噢!!!!!!!” Ha!!!!!!!!!” “哈啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!” Suspends merely with enough time keeps off the posture out of the ordinary the checking shadow, was swallowed by the dragon of sword air/Qi instantaneously. The Senior Brother and Junior Sister sent out simultaneously fought the roar, between ancient sword and long blade rubbed, spluttered unceasingly the flame. 仅仅来得及摆出格挡姿势的刹影,瞬间就被剑气之龙所吞噬。师兄与师妹同时发出了战吼,古剑与长刀之间摩擦,不断溅射出火光。 It seems like, seems the dragon of sword air/Qi really contains the flame to be the same in the mouth. 一眼看上去,仿佛是剑气之龙真的在口含火焰一般。 Thump!!!!” “咚!!!!” Finally, big dragon on a wall that hit in the cavern. The entire shadow labyrinth, starts the unprecedented shake. 最后,巨龙一头撞在了洞穴的墙壁上。整个暗影迷宫,开始前所未有的震荡起来。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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