RID :: Volume #8 刀剑神域&阿拉德

#1435: Same side showdown

This ..... “这样啊.....” Looks at the sword to refer to own Woo, checks in the shadow pupil not to exude the least bit mighty waves. Although they in name are the Senior Brother Junior Sister's relations, but where two people relations good to not to have gone. 看着剑指自己的诺羽,刹影的瞳孔中没有泛起半点波澜。虽然他们两人名义上是师兄师妹的关系,但两人的关系并没有好到哪里去。 In fact two people also indeed only have casual acquaintance, moreover that time meets, being together is also not too happy. They from various significances, are clearly opposite. 实际上两人也的确只有一面之缘,而且那次见面,相处的还不是太愉快。他们两人从各种意义上,都是截然相反。 Woo honors the teacher and respects his teachings, the character is earnest, will accept others' opinion modestly, continually improves own sword technique and manner, by last student of west mist official acknowledgment. 诺羽尊师重道,性格认真正直,会虚心接受别人的意见,来不断完善自己的剑术和为人,是被西岚正式承认的关门弟子。 Checking shadow, although west also is very respectable the mist, but the following heavy two characters have not achieved completely. Checks shadow not to deny, the path that oneself choose is the out-and-out evil way. 刹影虽然同样很尊敬西岚,但后面的重道两字就完全没有做到了。就连刹影自己都不否认,自己选择的道路是不折不扣的邪道。 But he believes, this suits own path, in fact, he also obtained wanted the powerful several times of strengths compared with beforehand. 可他认为,这就是适合自己的道路,实际上,他也得到了远比之前的自己要强大好几倍的力量。 Present, can solve in the past in one person alone wanderer dark Heicheng absolutely with ease. Others' opinion in his opinion, without own judgment is correct forever. 现在的自己,绝对能轻松解决当年孤身闯荡暗黑城的自己。别人的意见在他看来,永远没有自己的判断正确。 Checked the shadow just to say is willing to let off a Woo horse, merely to a western mist face. Even if checks the shadow not according to the hope of west mist, walks on the path of sword soul. But in his heart the respect to the west mist, has therefore not affected the half a point. 刹影之所以刚刚说愿意放过诺羽一马,仅仅是给西岚一个面子而已。哪怕刹影并没有按照西岚的希望,走在剑魂的道路上。但他心中对西岚的尊敬,并没有因此而影响半分。 Even if therefore makes this matter, will be punished by Upper House of dark elf, he does not want to make mist sad. However, if oneself this nominal Junior Sister is not tactful, he will not show mercy. 所以哪怕自己做出这种事情,会被暗精灵的元老院惩罚,他也不想让西岚伤心。不过,若是自己这个名义上的师妹并不识趣的话,他也不会手下留情。 He can sell to the dark elf to receive in exchange for the Magic strength the soul, kills a nominal Junior Sister not to have any hesitation. 他都能将灵魂卖给暗精灵来换取魔法的力量,杀一个名义上的师妹根本不会有任何的犹豫。 Let alone, the words of this Junior Sister also indeed made in his heart present some spunks. 更何况,这个师妹的话语也的确让他心中出现了些许怒意。 Regarding does not listen to the person who urged obstinately, denied his choice to be without a doubt easiest to cause his angry matter. 对于刚愎自用听不进劝的人来说,否定他的选择毫无疑问是最容易使他愤怒的事情。 Words that can achieve, you are give a try.” “能做到的话,你就是试试看吧。” Ghost air/Qi suddenly richly, when checks exactly the same the shadow exhibited one with the Woo fight gesture: Hunting soul , completes the task.” 身上的鬼气骤然浓郁,刹影摆出了一个和诺羽战斗时一模一样的起手式:“狩魂者,莫比,完成任务吧。” Xie Ming .... 谢铭....” I understand, checked the shadow to give you.” “我明白,刹影就交给你了。” Flung starting at will, Xie Ming looked that to hunting soul and hid in the black robe gloomy looks oneself and the others, light saying that held up the bow and arrow: Boast said that don't disgraced conspicuous.” 随意甩了下手,谢铭看向了举起弓箭的狩魂者和隐藏在黑袍中阴森森的看着自己等人的莫比,淡淡的说道:“大话都说出去了,可别丢人显眼啊。” Naturally.” Woo smiled, exhibits the gesture, in the sound filled firmly: Do not despise me.” “当然。”诺羽嫣然一笑,摆出起手式,声音中充满了坚定:“可别小看我啊。” Saw that the teammate is so firm, Xie Ming did not say anything. The light from the aura, Woo and checks the shadow to have certain power gap. However fight this matter, the aura can only be the far-fetched standard of judgment strong and weak. 见到队友如此坚定,谢铭也不好说些什么。光从气息来看,诺羽和刹影的之间还是有一定实力差距的。但是战斗这种事情,气息只能算是个判断强弱的不靠谱的标准。 What aura Xie Ming can by oneself not be sent out, then Xie Ming was the battle efficiency only has five trash? 谢铭可以让自己什么气息都不散发出,那么谢铭就是战斗力只有五的渣渣了? If comprehensive judgment from various factors, both power gap in fact is not too big, whom therefore wins to defeat no matter who is very normal. Moreover with checking a shadow war, perhaps is Woo exceeds itself, spans transfers duty and awaken the barrier to the fight. 若是从各种因素上来综合判断的话,两者实际上的实力差距并不算太大,所以不管谁胜谁败都很正常。而且和刹影一战,恐怕是诺羽超越自己,跨越转职者和觉醒之间的屏障所必须的战斗。 Such being the case, that makes her go about something with a free hand and that's the end. More this kind of time, the teammate more must believe her firmly, gives her to overcome the barrier the confidence. 既然如此,那就让她放手去做就是了。越是在这种时候,队友才越要更加坚定的相信她,给予她跨越障碍的信心。 I have not despised you.” “我可从来没有小看过你。” Xie Ming tranquil saying: I to my teammate, have held 100 trusts.” 谢铭平静的说道:“我一直对我的队友,抱有着100的信任。” Really, spoke words......” “真是,都这么说了的话......” That is not requesting me, can defeat him? 那不是在要求我,必须要战胜他吗? However this trust, Woo is not repugnant. 但是这种信任,诺羽并不讨厌。 Some people's trust returns to others to betray, some people think otherwise to others' trust. But all members of Xie Ming squad, have such a common viewpoint. 有些人对别人的信任回报以背叛,有些人对别人的信任不以为然。但谢铭小队的所有成员,都有着这么一种共同的观点。 Must show with own action, own friend has not believed the wrong person! 要用自己的行动来证明,自己的朋友并没有相信错人! Gazes after Woo to maintain the fight posture, with checking the shadow approaches mutually. Xie Ming holds one to shoot at own armor piercing arrow conveniently, looked to hunting soul. This fellow, in some sense is most dangerous. 目送着诺羽保持着战斗姿势,和刹影互相靠近。谢铭随手抓住一根射向自己的破甲箭,看向了狩魂者。这家伙,从某种意义上才是最危险的。 If this arrow really hits, even if he somewhat cannot shoulder, let alone Seria and Bess. 这一箭要是真的命中,哪怕是他都有些扛不住,更别说赛丽亚和欧贝斯。 Obviously, Bess and Seria also understand this. Therefore their two people, are maintaining the appropriate distance with Xie Ming. Also will not affect two people fights, Magic and in addition of Saint technique holds also to give promptly. 显然,欧贝斯和赛丽亚也明白这点。所以她们两人,都和谢铭与蕾莎琳保持着合适的距离。既不会影响到两人战斗,魔法和圣术的加持也能及时给上。 If encounters the danger that cannot avoid, this distance similarly also in Xie Ming and turning back in order to help friendly forces range. Naturally, if encountered that really situation without enough time, Xie Ming directly uses the space ability. 若遭遇到避不开的危险,这个距离同样也在谢铭和蕾莎琳的回援范围。当然,要是遇到那种真来不及的情况,谢铭就直接使用空间能力了。 But even Lyudmila has no way to achieve this matter, relies on this name to sound very scary hunting soul at present? Even if Xie Ming lets his hand again, he is impossible to achieve. 但连露德米拉都没法做到这种事情,就凭借眼前这个名字听起来挺唬人的狩魂者?哪怕谢铭再让他一只手,他都不可能做到。 However since the opposite party is so warm, then oneself naturally must return a courtesy is good. 不过既然对方这么热情,那么自己自然是要回礼才行。 A finger ball, the sharp armor piercing arrow then relayed a direction in the hand, made an effort by Xie Ming lost. Because of the effect of song Syria glove, above the arrow took light hot fog, on Arrow that accurate collision in hunting soul projected newly. 手指一弹,锋利的破甲箭便在手中转了一个方向,被谢铭用力的丢了回去。因为歌利亚手套的效果,箭头之上带上了一层淡淡的火雾,准确的撞在了狩魂者新射出的箭矢上。 Bang!” “嘭!” Not too loud explosive sound, spreads to everyone's ear, becomes the signal of commencing of action. 一声不算太响的爆炸声,传入到所有人的耳中,成为了战斗开始的信号。 ----- ----- Works as!!!” “当!!!” Is twining the long blade of strength of ghosts and gods and turns on the ancient sword cutting edge of broken pointed weapons to bump into extremely, the light attribute reading air/Qi and ghost are mad the contact, sends out incited sound. 缠绕着鬼神之力的长刀和开启破极兵刃的古剑锋刃相撞,光属性的念气和鬼气接触,发出了“滋滋”的声音。 Two people before fight, naturally hold well Skill of oneself occupation in oneself body in addition. 两人在交手之前,自然都已经在自己身上加持好了自己职业的技能 The Woo the broken extremely pointed weapons, wind aura and light pointed weapons, making on her hand the sword blade in ancient sword glitter unceasingly. But opened the checking shadow of and ghost step remnant shadow, the body is appear and disappear from time to time, drifts from place to place just like the ghost generally. 诺羽的破极兵刃、风之气息和光之兵刃,让她手中的古剑的剑身上不断闪烁。而开启了残影之凯贾和鬼影步的刹影,身躯则是时隐时现,宛如鬼魂一般飘忽不定。 They are master Chuanxi the mist, therefore has many similarities in the sword technique style inevitably. However, checked the shadow actually only to study a opening, then transferred the duty to pursue the ghost of ghost Divine Power quantity sobbed. 他们都是师传西岚,所以在剑术招式上必然是有着很多相似之处。但是,刹影却只学了个开头,便转职为了追求鬼神力量的鬼泣。 But Woo has been studying the western mist in the style on road of sword soul until today, therefore the list from the sword technique, Woo is on high plans inevitably. 诺羽则是一直学习着西岚在剑魂之路上的招式直到今天,所以单从剑术上,诺羽必然是高上一筹。 But this did not represent to check the shadow unable to conduct the upfront fight with Woo. First, is the sword technique of western mist he also remembers, how even if not know to display, the words that but deals with have more than enough to spare. 可这并不代表刹影无法和诺羽进行正面战斗了。其一,是西岚的剑术他也记得许多,哪怕并不知道如何施展,但只是应对的话还是绰绰有余的。 Second, are the ghost sobs the most powerful point, is not the sword technique, but summons ghost of various ghosts and gods. Ghost sword technique single-handed sword technique without a doubt, designs for this reason. 其二,便是鬼泣最强大的一点,可不是剑术,而是召唤各种鬼神的鬼阵。鬼剑术这种单手剑术毫无疑问,就是为此而设计的。 Buzz “嗡” As within the body the strength of ghosts and gods was stimulated, checks the demon mark on shadow right arm to start to send out the light strange ray. But quiet green bull horn ghosts and gods along with strange sounding, appear in Woo behind. 随着体内的鬼神之力被激发,刹影右臂上的魔纹开始散发出淡淡的诡异光芒。而一只幽绿色的牛角鬼神伴随着诡异的鸣叫,出现在诺羽的身后。 Following, is a yellowish green chart. 随之而来的,便是一圈黄绿色的阵图。 The ghosts sob Skill: general of Limeng corrosion. Effect: Reduces in ghost the abnormal state resistances and Magic defenses of all enemies. 鬼泣技能:侵蚀之普戾蒙。效果:降低鬼阵内所有敌人的异常状态抗性和魔法防御。 Although this ghost it does not have the offensive ability, but is actually the ghost sobs this occupation absolute core Skill. Because has general of Limeng corrosion weakening, other ghost can better playing effect. 虽然这个鬼阵本身并没有攻击性能力,但却是鬼泣这一职业绝对的核心技能。因为有着侵蚀之普戾蒙的削弱,其他鬼阵才能更好的起到效果。 After detecting to check shadow opening ghost, the Woo slight hesitation, has not left to switch over the battlefield immediately. Sobs with the ghost in ghost fights, is matter that only then the rash fellow can handle. 在察觉刹影开启鬼阵后,诺羽没有丝毫的犹豫,立马抽身想要切换战场。和鬼泣在鬼阵中战斗,是只有二愣子才会做的事情。 Even if opened Berserker that the bloodthirsty and violent walked, will not do such stupid thing. 哪怕是开启了嗜血和暴走的狂战士,都不会干这样的傻事。 But this point, she knows, checks the shadow possibly not to know? He how possible, such easily puts Woo to go out. 可这一点,她知道,刹影可能不知道吗?他又怎么可能,这么轻易的放诺羽出去。 Do not want to walk.” “别想走。” Both hands grip the hilt of long blade, within the body the strength of crazy winding of ghosts and gods above the long blade, the dark purple ghost air/Qi, changed into a fierce demon soldier the long blade. 双手握住长刀的刀柄,体内的鬼神之力疯狂缠绕在长刀之上,黑紫色的鬼气,将长刀化为了一把凶恶的魔兵。 Afterward, this was wielded ruthlessly the demon soldier. 随后,这把魔兵被狠狠挥出。 The ghosts sob Skill: Bites the spirit ghost to cut! 鬼泣技能:噬灵鬼斩! Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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