RS :: Volume #4 北冥钓鲲

#739: Centipede centipede!

Chapter 738 and centipede centipede! 第738章、百足蜈蚣! The earth-shattering, is off their feet. 天崩地裂,人仰马翻。 The imprecations, pitiful yell sound becomes one group. 咒骂声,惨叫声响成一团。 Deafening bang the sound is unceasing, the break collapse that the blue stone floor of under foot also keeping, conducted the Song Residence main courtyard of wedding not to have the foothold. The servant young male servant who collapse that sorghum cliff also keeping, falling to the ground of each wall, one or more without enough time will escape buries. 震耳欲聋的轰隆声音不绝,脚下的青石地板还在不停的断裂塌陷,举办婚礼的这幢宋宅主院落已经没有立足之地了。高梁石壁也在不停的倒塌,每一面墙壁的倒地,都会有一名或者数名来不及逃脱的奴仆小厮埋葬其中。 Some people were broken by pressing arm leg and foot, more put in order a wall burying directly in inside. At the point of death before , links nice shouting unable to send. 有些人被压断了胳膊腿脚,更多的直接被整幢墙壁给埋在里面。临死之前连一句像样的呼喊都发不出来。 Naturally, the senior official honored person who these come to attend the wedding ceremony naturally cannot have the matter. 当然,那些前来参加婚典的高官贵人自然不会有事。 Their side majority have master guard, beginning the danger at the appointed time then by guard delivering to point of safety. Also somewhat dreaded the death returned to the family directly, did not return. 他们身边大多数都有高手护身,危险初至时便被身边的护卫给送至安全地点。还有些畏惧死亡的直接就逃回了家,头也不回地。 Was responsible for the mansion security Song Family consecrating with palace Wei Men also to have the big use in side at this time, they or do not have the female family members child who the ability escapes at the speed like lightning delivering the distinguished guest who these complete the order form to outside, does not make them follow the collapse the ground to fall together or is given deep burying by the stone wall of that going out of business. 原本在旁边负责府邸安全的宋家供奉和府卫们这时候也派上了大用场,他们将那些落单的贵宾或者自己没能力逃跑的女眷孩童以闪电般的速度给送至外面,不让他们跟随塌陷的地面一起掉落或者被那倒闭的石墙给深深埋葬。 Nobody cares about the lives of these unimportant people, even if they have to save their opportunities and abilities. 没有人去在乎那些小人物的性命,即便他们有拯救他们的机会和能力。 Quick, the distinguished guests in yard were removed to the Song Residence entrance avenue above. 很快的,大院的贵宾们都被撤至宋宅门口的大街之上。 Westerly wind Favor King was needless saying that the side had innumerable Flying Feather Army to escort, the sword and spear like the forest, was ready in full battle array. Also there are consecrates the powerful minister to be accompanied by a retinue innumerably, his location position surrounding the solid water cannot sprinkle. 西风惠王自不用说,身边有无数飞羽军护驾,刀枪如林,严阵以待。又有无数供奉权臣前呼后拥,将他所在的位置给围拢的严严实实水泼不进。 The clansman family of Song was needless saying that bridegroom Song Tingyun also at crucial moments towed bridal Cui Xiaoxin to run away to out of the door, was responsible for serving maidservant happy woman one of their ceremony unable actually to come out, all fell to vanish when the big avalanche does not see the signs. Feared that is poor life difficult insurance. 宋氏的族人家眷自不用说,新郎官宋停云也在危急时刻拖着新娘崔小心逃至门外,倒是负责侍候他们典礼的丫鬟喜婆一个都没能出来,全部在刚才的大崩塌时掉落消失不见踪迹。怕是小命难保。 Chu Ning also came out, moreover by Chu Xun dragging. Chu Ning only thought that the body was bonded the package by black fog, when her eye can regard the thing, the brain can ponder, she already and outside rulers and ministers stand. 楚宁也出来了,而且还是被楚浔给拖出来的。楚宁只觉得身体被一阵黑色的雾障包裹,等到她的眼睛能够视物,大脑能够思考的时候,她已经和外面的君臣站在一起。 Chu Ning all kinds amazed looked at Chu Xun one, thought: Obviously already blind both eyes, why also has the so powerful strength? This time cultivation surmounts before the boundary unexpectedly are too many. What experienced on him?” 楚宁万般惊诧的看了楚浔一眼,心想:“明明已经瞎了双眼,为何还有如此强悍的实力?此时的修为境界竟然超越之前太多。在他身上到底经历了什么?” Chu Xun was still grasping the arm of Chu Ning, threat used effort, the sinking sound saying: I bet him to come, he really came.” 楚浔仍然握着楚宁的手臂,威胁似的用了用力,沉声说道:“我赌他来了,他果然来了。” How you know what is he?” Chu Ning obstinate argumentative saying. Said, realized that the meaning of own maintenance is extremely obvious, therefore then wants the appearance that pretends one and does not care about. “你怎么知道来的是他?”楚宁嘴硬的说道。说完之后又察觉到自己的维护之意太过明显,于是便想装作一幅并不在意的模样。 When looks to the eye of Chu Xun, thinks that his pupil had been dug. Thought, regardless of oneself make any appearance he not to see clearly. Really wastes the mood. 看向楚浔的眼睛时,才想起来他的瞳孔已经被挖。心想,自己无论做出任何模样他都看不清楚。实在是浪费情绪。 The corners of the mouth of Chu Xun reappear wipe to sneer, said: Big of westerly wind, who dares to jump to feel embarrassed with Song at this time? Except for that dragonet, feared that was the entire divine land will not have such person ----- 楚浔的嘴角浮现一抹冷笑,说道:“西风之大,谁敢在这个时候跳出来和宋氏为难?除了那头小龙,怕是整个神州也不会有这样的人了-----” -------- “--------” All guests removed, all masters collect toward the yard, will conduct the institute of wedding ceremony surrounding a moment ago solid. 所有的宾客都撤了出来,所有的高手都朝着小院汇集,将刚才举办婚典的院了给围拢的严严实实。 Where the monstruous talent, in a big hurry appear primary form ----- “何方妖孽,快快现出原形-----” Timid petty people, only dare line of this mean and shameless acts, has the skill to come out to accept a challenge ------ “胆小鼠辈,只敢行此卑鄙无耻行径,有本事出来应战------” Comes out, or has the dead end ------ “出来,或则只有死路一条------” --------- --------- Under the bottom is silent, only then the hole place of that collapse has the bricks and stones lumber also in crash-bang falling. 地底之下寂静无声,只有那塌陷的窟窿处有砖石木料还在哗啦啦的掉落。 The Song Zhongmou body soars, occupying a commanding position stares in that courtyards to present the giant hole that the sinking sound shouts to clear the way: Monarchy here, line of this wicked matters just like unite Monarch, must the whole families confiscate and behead ----- 宋仲谋身体腾空,居高临下的盯着那院落中间出现的巨大窟窿,沉声喝道:“君主在此,行此恶事犹如戮君,应当满门抄斩-----” Still nobody replied. 仍然无人应答。 Who and my Song has a grudge? Since came, that stands to see with me ----- Stealthy, did not fear that the world hero does scoff? A evil dragon clan , can only make the method of some under overflowing?” “何人与我宋氏有仇?既然来了,那就站出来与我一见-----鬼鬼祟祟的,难道就不怕天下英雄耻笑?恶龙一族,也就只能够做些下一滥的手段?” Nobody replied. 还是无人应答。 In the process of escaping, the bride head red silk of fluttered does not see. The Cui Xiaoxin small face is pale, the high-pitched and fine finger grips in the meat the control to infiltrate to bleed. 在逃跑的过程中,新妇头上的红绸已经飘飞不见。崔小心小脸苍白,尖细的手指头扎进肉里手心都渗出血来。 She hopes that Li Muyang can appear, is afraid Li Muyang to appear seriously. 她即希望李牧羊能够出现,更害怕李牧羊当真出现。 The powerful enemies surround, the westerly wind elite gets together in this, how has he contended by one strength? 强敌环绕,西风精英齐聚于此,他以一已之力又如何抗衡? The Song Tingyun corners of the mouth reappear wipe the taunt the happy expression, said: Is very anxious?” 宋停云嘴角浮现一抹嘲讽的笑意,说道:“是不是很紧张?” Hears Song Tingyun the issue, Cui Xiaoxin then thought instantaneously one are not anxious, makes noise to ask back: What to be anxious?” 听到宋停云的这个问题,崔小心瞬间便觉得自己不紧张了,出声反问:“紧张什么?” Song Tingyun puts out a hand a move, a non- sheath treasured sword then fell in his hand. 宋停云伸手一招,一把无鞘宝剑便落在了他的手里。 His body leap to the courtyard sky over, stands with the uncle shoulder to shoulder, makes noise to shout to clear the way: Li Muyang, since accepted invitation, that comes out to drink one cup of happy bars ------ Hides rather makes the person visit you in the tunnel.” 他的身体飞跃至院落上空,和大伯并肩而站,出声喝道:“李牧羊,既然已经接受邀请,那就出来喝一杯喜酒吧------躲在地洞里未免太让人看你不起。” The person who Li Muyang, comes is really that Li Muyang ------ 李牧羊,来的人果然是那李牧羊------” Originally is that evil dragon ------ No wonder dares to look for the trouble of Song Family today ----- “原来是那头恶龙------难怪敢在今日找宋家的麻烦-----” This is the plan does not die with Song continuous ----- We hide far good ----- “这是打算和宋氏不死不休-----我们还是躲远一些的好-----” -------- -------- Waits for the moment, sound that still had not responded. 等待片刻,仍然没有回应的声音。 Timid as a rabbit, do not say Dragon race, called the petty people.” Song Tingyun makes noise the ridicule: Since you do not dare to come out, that makes me go to seek you.” “胆小如鼠,不要自称龙族了,称鼠辈吧。”宋停云出声讥讽:“既然你不敢出来,那就让我进去寻你。” Tingyun, does not may, today is your wedding day, cannot take risk easily.” 停云,万万不可,今日是你大喜之日,不可轻易冒险。” Wedding ceremony was harassed, big ritual has not become ----- Where is also what wedding day? First makes me cut the main item of this evil dragon, then gets married carefully ------- “婚典被扰,大礼未成-----哪里还算是什么大喜之日?先让我将这恶龙的龙头斩下,然后再来迎娶小心-------” When speech, Song Tingyun held the sword to crash in that shortly in the end giant hole insistently. 说话之时,宋停云已经一马当先的持剑冲进了那一眼看不到尽头的巨大窟窿之中。 The Song Zhongmou big hand wields, angry sound shouted to clear the way: Pursues, must slaughter this evil dragon surely ------ 宋仲谋大手一挥,怒声喝道:“追,定要屠杀此恶龙------” Whiz ----- 嗖----- Dozens light glitter instantaneously, these were also built on the powerhouses in midair also all tag along in Song Tingyun to pursue a moment ago. 数十道光影瞬间闪烁,那些刚才还立于半空的强者们也全都尾随在宋停云的身后追了进去。 The Song Zhongmou diving posture arrives at side Favor King, bows the apology, face guilty saying: Makes your majesty frightened, Zhong seeks the heinous crime ----- Also invited your majesty fast returning at once palace, took care.” 宋仲谋飞身来到惠王身边,躬身道歉,一脸愧疚的说道:“让陛下受惊,仲谋罪该万死-----还请陛下速速回宫,保重身体。” I have the Flying Feather Army guard, there are this countless loyal minister brave generals, feared that small evil dragon is inadequate?” Favor King beckons with the hand the rejection: That dragonet is really hateful, dares to disturb before the today's Song Cui two wedding days unexpectedly, bullies my westerly wind nobody? Zhong seeks, today I here am waiting, waits for you to cut to me the head of that dragonet ----- It is said the dragon blood is nutritious, when the time comes I ask for one cup to drink.” “我有飞羽军护身,又有这数不尽的忠臣猛将,难道还怕那头小小恶龙不成?”惠王摆手拒绝:“那头小龙实在是可恶,竟然敢在今日宋崔两家大喜之日前来捣乱,欺我西风无人乎?仲谋,今日我就在这里等着,等着你们将那小龙的脑袋给我斩下来-----据说龙血滋补,到时候朕讨来一杯下酒。” Your majesty ------ “陛下------” Does not need to urge again. Fast Dragon Slaying.” “不用再劝。速速屠龙。” Yes.” Song Zhongmou has complied with one, has drawn a trusted follower quickly, said low voice: Goes to outside the city quickly, having a look at that side the old deity to have the accident.” “是。”宋仲谋应了一声,快步拉了一个心腹人物,小声说道:“快去城外,看看老神仙那边可有变故。” Yes.” That person complied with one, the body vanished in the crowd instantaneously. “是。”那人应了一声,身体瞬间消失在人群之中。 Favor King does not walk, hundred officers then do not dare to walk. 惠王不走,百官便不敢走。 Favor King and hundred officers do not walk, side Song Zhongmou takes the household head to remain serves the companion. 惠王和百官都不走,宋仲谋做为一家之主就得留在旁边侍候陪伴。 Where had the master to follow, kept the main house gate truth the guest? Let alone in these guests also has now monarchy ------ 哪有主人走了,将客人留在家门口的道理?更何况这些客人里面还有当今君主------ Song Tingyun flew from that hole quickly, in the hand is also lifting a giant blockhead. 宋停云很快就从那窟窿里面飞了出来,手里还托举着一块巨大的木头。 What is this?” Song Zhongmou makes noise to ask. “这是何物?”宋仲谋出声问道。 Tunnel nobody, the giant monster that is made by the blockhead, the taking the form of centipede, has hundred fully ----- Now the centipede the dismemberment, it seems like that the sound of this tunnel is that centipede makes.” Song Tingyun said maliciously that everyone is hard to imagine, made chicken Ning Huai Song the crime ashamed chief culprits of Song Cui two big marriage unexpectedly is not one pile of woods. One pile the rotten wood that is manufactured by Gongshu clan. “地洞无人,只有一头由木头制成的巨型怪兽,形似蜈蚣,足有百只-----现在蜈蚣已经肢解,看来这地洞的动静便是那只蜈蚣制造出来的。”宋停云狠狠地说道,谁也难以想像,将宋氏闹得鸡太不宁坏了宋崔两家大婚的罪愧祸首竟然是一堆木头。一堆由公输家族制作出来的烂木头。 Centipede?” The Song Zhongmou expression is startled, angry sound shouted to clear the way: Gongshu clan ------ I must extinguish your whole families surely.” “蜈蚣?”宋仲谋表情微怔,怒声喝道:“公输家族------我定要灭你们满门。” „To operate this giant centipede, needs Gongshu clan person to kiss to inevitably is good ----- I have assigned the person to pursue, quick will capture him. When the time comes must tear to shreds him surely, with hate of solution today.” “想要操纵这巨型蜈蚣,必然需要公输家族的人亲至才行-----我已经命人追了出去,很快就会将他擒拿。到时候定要将他碎尸万段,以解今日之恨。” Song Zhongmou nodded, said: „The matter of today, solid fishy ----- Gongshu clan only Lu follows the lead, clansman regards Lu is a focus. Now these exquisite instruments of Gongshu here, explain Gongshu clansman also in Tiandu. Moreover, Gongshu clansman hence, to destroy a wedding merely? I think that after that evil dragon decides however also has , the move ----- I have assigned the person to go to outside the city the old dwelling examination news, has any matter to inform promptly. A while, you also lead the Qilin armed forces to go to aid, must protect the old deity safety surely ------ 宋仲谋点了点头,说道:“今日之事,实在蹊跷-----公输家族唯陆氏马首是瞻,族人视陆氏为主。现在公输家的这些精巧器械在此,说明公输族人也在天都。而且,公输族人至此,难道仅仅是为了破坏一场婚礼?我想,那头恶龙定然还有后招-----我已经命人去城外老宅查看消息,有什么事情会及时通知。一会儿,你也带麒麟军前去接应,定要守护老神仙安危------” „The Qilin armed forces present responsibility is to protect the Song mansion, if I take away them, how this Song clansman safety does safeguard?” “麒麟军现在的职责是守护宋氏大宅,我若是将他们带走,这宋氏族人的安危如何保障?” They again excessively are bold, does not dare to commit murder the murder to the Tiandu city. Relax, has city Wei Jun, your majesty Flying Feather Army, has the Stopping Water Sword Hall several hundred swordsmen again, the Song safety does not need to be worried ------ “就算他们再过大胆,也不敢到天都城内行凶杀人。放心吧,有城卫军,还有陛下的飞羽军,再有止水剑馆的数百剑客,宋氏安全不用担心------” Yes, Uncle.” Song Tingyun has complied with one, immediately told the personal maidservant goes to deploy troops. Although the Song power and influence is dreadful, does not dare frankly and uprightly elite gathers to raise several thousand belt armor in own mansion. But to city Wei Junjie a big camp, has let the Qilin armed forces and city Wei Jun is neighbors. In name can be said as by the city health/guard armed forces is also safeguarded, in fact, city Wei Jun and Qilin armed forces command is Song direct descendant. “是,大伯。”宋停云应了一声,立即吩咐身边人前去调兵遣将。虽然宋氏权势滔天,也不敢光明正大的将数千带甲精锐蓄养在自己的府邸之中。而是向城卫军借了一个大营,让麒麟军与城卫军比邻而居。名义上还可以说是被城卫军看管,实际上,城卫军和麒麟军统帅皆是宋氏嫡系。 Saw that the Song Tingyun rate audiences leave, Song Zhongmou then slightly relieved. 看到宋停云率众离开,宋仲谋这才稍微安心。 Although the old deity is ignorant of affair most of the time, but is actually the backbone and pillar of Song. 虽然老神仙大多数时候不谙世事,但却一直是宋氏的顶梁柱和主心骨。 If his side has an accident, kills 100 times to be hard to make up for this loss that evil dragon. 倘若他那边有个三长两短,就是将那头恶龙杀100次都难以弥补这损失。 Arrives at side Favor King again, Song Zhongmou said with a smile: Your majesty, is some vulture insect small techniques that Gongshu clan causes, for is barrier my Song and Cui marries ----- However, Tingyun has sent for capturing, believes that quick can chop Gongshu clansman number of people. In order to punish it to alarm the crime of your highness.” 再次来到惠王身边,宋仲谋笑着说道:“陛下,是公输家族使出来的一些雕虫小技,为的就是障碍我宋氏和崔氏联姻-----不过,停云已经派人去追捕了,相信很快就能够将公输族人的人头砍下。以惩其惊扰殿下之罪。” Favor King sighed gently, said: „A Gongshu clansman person all has a seven orifices exquisite heart, makes the technique of wood is wonderful workmanship, making the common people exclaim in surprise ----- What a pity, Gongshu clansman has the heart of intense alert to various countries' emperor's clan, is actually willing to use to clan of Lu that treason own ability and wisdom. Really is hateful. If took by this king, must confiscate and behead their whole families surely.” 惠王轻轻叹息,说道:“公输一族人人皆有着一颗七窍玲珑心,制木之技更是巧夺天工,让世人惊叹-----可惜啊,公输族人对各国皇族有着强烈的戒备之心,却甘愿将自己的才智给那叛国之族陆氏所用。实在是可恨之极。若是被本王所拿,定要将他们满门抄斩。” Yes, your majesty.” Song Zhongmou said respectfully. “是,陛下。”宋仲谋恭敬说道。 Makes the supervisory department assist the Tingyun conduct.” Favor King beckoned with the hand, said: Returns to the palace. We hope that then all safe smooth.” “让监察司辅助停云行事。”惠王摆了摆手,说道:“回宫吧。希望接下来一切平安顺利。” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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