RFTIW :: Volume #15

#1403: Beyond Earth ( 4 ) will of the people insatiably greedies insufficient, the natural disposition is difficult to change to lose one's life in vain

divine stone?” Tang Xiu asked curiously, what magical thing that stone had, why you will call divine stone, Duanmu Lin how first know that you did obtain divine stone?” “一枚神石?”唐修好奇地问道,“那枚石头有什么神奇之处,为何你会称之为神石,端木林又是如何第一时间知道你获得神石的?” 20 years ago, our Magnificent Tang Empire had discovered Heavenly Paradise, probably was Great Principle Golden Immortal Mansion, Magnificent Tang Empire had discovered in inside many treasures, most precious was three medicine pill, separately took by Miao Wentang, Shao Mingzhen and Long Zhengyu three people, besides medicine pill, we have also discovered some Cultivation Method, immortal tool and personally written letter.” “20年前,我们盛唐帝国无意间发现了一处洞天福地,好像是一个大罗金仙府邸,盛唐帝国在里面发现了很多宝物,其中最为珍贵的便是三枚丹药,分别被苗温堂邵明振龙政宇三个人服用,除了丹药之外,我们还发现了一些修炼功法仙器和手札。” „After Magnificent Tang Empire all treasures assign, thought that the personally written letter has not studied the value, then conveniently threw in a corner, I thought that thing of Great Principle Golden Immortal record will not be definitely simple, therefore wanted to come the research the personally written letter, in the personally written letter, Great Principle Golden Immortal mentioned Heart of World, added that he broke barrier barrier between Immortal World and Earth, then to seek for Heart of World, because what a pity passed through the barrier barrier to be seriously injured, causing his action to reduce greatly.” 盛唐帝国将所有宝物分配完毕后,觉得手札并没有研究价值,便随手扔在了一个角落中,我觉得大罗金仙记载的东西肯定不会简单,所以将手札要了过来研究,手札中,大罗金仙提到了世界之心,还说他打破仙界地球之间的壁垒屏障,便是为了寻找世界之心,可惜因为穿越壁垒屏障身受重伤,导致他行动力大减。” „After I the matter report of Heart of World Long Zhengyu knows, Magnificent Tang Empire first dispatches the strength according to the clue that Great Principle Golden Immortal leaves behind to seek for Heart of World, but did not have the result, Long Zhengyu thought that including thing that Great Principle Golden Immortal could not find, our one group of ordinary people were more impossible unable to find, slowly terminated sought for the behavior, was only I to insist.” “我将世界之心的事情汇报给龙政宇知晓后,盛唐帝国第一时间派遣了力量按照大罗金仙留下的线索寻找世界之心,不过一直没有结果,龙政宇觉得连大罗金仙都找不到的东西,我们一群凡夫俗子更加不可能找得到,慢慢地终止了寻找行为,唯独我坚持了下来。” Because giant accident in family|home, the Magnificent Tang Empire person thinks that I was insane, the people of Special Ability group also think that I was insane, but I have not thought that the people of Special Ability group have not always given up to my monitoring and track......” “因为家中的巨大变故,盛唐帝国的人以为我疯了,异能组的人也以为我疯了,只是我没有想到的是,异能组的人始终没有放弃对我的监控和跟踪……” Sees Tang Xiu to be interested in divine stone, the Ji Mu spirit inspires, narrated the divine stone origin hastily in detail. 唐修神石感兴趣,季木精神一振,连忙将神石的来历详细地叙说了一遍。 Listens to Ji Mu narrated that Tang Xiu almost can confirm, divine stone in Ji Mu mouth is Heart of World that the Immortal World ten Great God thing are listed first. 听完季木的叙说,唐修几乎可以确认,季木嘴中的神石便是仙界大神物排名第一的世界之心 Heart of World is the Immortal World's core, situated in most mystical nihility imaginary , before several eras, there is a direct access to the highest authorities to be able from Divine World to return greatly, borrows the Heart of World energy, develops several million times the Immortal World range, later Heart of World then vanishes does not see, Tang Xiu has not thought that hears Heart of World once more, meets unexpectedly on Earth. 世界之心仙界的核心,位于最为神秘的虚无幻界之中,好几个纪元之前,有位通天大能从神界返回,借用世界之心的能量,把仙界范围拓展数百万倍,之后世界之心便消失不见,唐修怎么也没有想到,再次听说世界之心,竟然会是在地球上。 However thinks that Earth was once Divine World ancestor star, Tang Xiu feels relaxed. 不过想了想地球乃是曾经的神界祖星,唐修又释然了。 Heart of World can it be that ordinary people can refine, the ordinary people can only pick up the cultivation speed using Heart of World at best, to refine Heart of World, must promote is Deity, has Divine Force to be good.” Tang Xiu looked at indignanting disturbed Ji Mu, the patience answered, you should rejoice that Duanmu Lin is unable to refine Heart of World, otherwise, it is estimated that you early because of not having use value by homicide.” 世界之心又岂是凡夫俗子所能炼化的,凡夫俗子充其量只能利用世界之心加快修炼速度,要想炼化世界之心,必须晋升为神人,拥有神力才行。”唐修看了一眼忿忿不平的季木,耐心解释道,“你应该庆幸端木林无法炼化世界之心,否则的话,估计你早因为没有利用价值而被他杀了。” „, Deity can refine Heart of World, what is the true function of that Heart of World?” Ji Mu face at the same time with amazement, in the heart is also fear. “啊,神人才能炼化世界之心,那世界之心的真正作用又是什么呢?”季木一脸骇然的同时,心中也是一阵后怕。 Heart of World is the Immortal World's core, grasped Heart of World, then can become the Lord of Immortal World, controls the Immortal World life and death.” Tang Xiu speak unhurriedly and clearly said. 世界之心仙界的核心,掌握了世界之心,便可以成为仙界之主,掌控仙界生死。”唐修一字一顿地说道。 „......” Had known the Heart of World origin, Ji Mu calls out in alarm loses one's voice, although he already knew Heart of World to be unusual, has not actually thought Heart of World really has such big background. “啊……”得知了世界之心的来历,季木不由惊呼失声,尽管他早就知道世界之心不同寻常,却从来没有想过世界之心竟然有这么大的来头。 Ji Mu, you should be familiar with the strength that oneself obtains newly now, then, you let loose hand and foot to slaughter, I have a request, do not injure and innocent. Moreover, informs my with the record of one's horoscope of daughter your wife.” Tang Xiu has pondered the moment, the clear and resonant voice said. 季木,你现在应该熟悉自己新获得的力量了吧,接下来,你就放开手脚去杀戮吧,我只有一个要求,不要伤及无辜。另外,将你妻子跟女儿的生辰八字告知我一声。”唐修沉思了片刻,朗声说道。 Helping of thanks Master, I only kill this person of killing, will not injure absolutely and innocent.” Hears Tang Xiu to allow oneself to avenge a grievance, Ji Mu instantaneous eye one bright, he said to the record of one's horoscope of daughter the wife, then in a hurry departs. 谢谢师父的成全,我只杀该杀之人,绝对不会伤及无辜。”听闻唐修允许自己报仇雪恨,季木瞬间眼睛一亮,他将妻子跟女儿的生辰八字说了一声,然后便匆匆离去。 Tang Xiu meditated Ren Ranran with the record of one's horoscope of Ji Rou, the next flash, his personal appearance already arrived in western Dragon Spring Mountain, and is quietly entered Little World. 唐修默念了一遍任冉冉季柔的生辰八字,下一瞬间,他的身形已然抵达西部龙泉山,并且悄无声息的进入了小世界 Outside Little World, several hundred Tang Sect disciples are going on patrol systematically, had not realized completely Tang Xiu's arrives. 小世界外面,数百名唐宗弟子井然有序地巡逻着,完全没有察觉到唐修的到来。 After entering Little World, Tang Xiu cannot bear a brow wrinkle, because he smelled a smell of blood faintly, the fierce fighting sound also passed from the Little World deep place. 进入小世界之后,唐修忍不住眉头一皱,因为他隐隐闻到了一股血腥味,剧烈的打斗声也从小世界的深处传了出来。 Is Long Zhengyu they are hunting and killing the Little World Monster Beast exercise strength, what accident had?” Tang Xiu teleport, speeds away to go in the direction of fighting sound rapidly. “是龙政宇他们在猎杀小世界妖兽锻炼实力,还是发生了什么意外?”唐修一个瞬移,迅速地朝打斗声的方向疾驰而去。 The Little World deep place, the Long Zhengyu whole body is bathed in blood, in an extremely difficult situation, on his face has been full of the grief and indignation, in the heart is also the surging infinite regret. 小世界深处,龙政宇浑身浴血,狼狈不堪,他的脸上充满了悲愤,心中也是涌起无穷后悔。 Besieges facing five Great Ascension Realm Great Circle of Perfection cultivation Monster Beast, Long Zhengyu has too many problems to tackle, accepts, but saw that the Tang Sect disciples died a tragic death in the Monster Beast mouth, he actually has to overdraw the oneself life potential time and time again, is putting to death other Monster Beast outside five Great Ascension Realm cultivation. 面对五头大乘期大圆满修为妖兽围攻,龙政宇捉襟见肘,应接不暇,可是看到一个个唐宗弟子惨死在妖兽嘴中,他却不得不一次又一次透支自己的生命潜力,诛杀着五头大乘期修为之外的其它妖兽 „, The spirit that Long Zhengyu, your this type rises above self unselfishly is really moving, but your present clay buddha crosses the river to be unable to defend oneself, you thought that oneself can also save the lives of these Tang Sect disciples?” From a battlefield several hundred meters place, Duanmu Lin leisurely and carefree approaching oneself Monster Beast gives to expel, while the loud ridicule said. “啧啧啧,龙政宇,你这种大公无私舍己为人的精神真是让人感动呢,只是你现在泥菩萨过江自身难保,你觉得自己还能够保全这些唐宗弟子的性命么?”距离战场几百米的地方,端木林一边悠闲地将靠近自己妖兽给赶走,一边大声讥讽道。 Go away!” Responded to Duanmu Lin, was the Long Zhengyu reviling sound. “滚!”回应端木林的,是龙政宇的唾骂声。 Long Zhengyu, you are buried with it in this, might as well before Tang Xiu just before leaving, gives your medicine pill and array ancient book, alchemy ancient book and refiner ancient book to give me completely, also turns over to Magnificent Tang Group shares and Dragon Spring Mountain Little World as well as the Nine Dragon Island domination me, like this I can put your Tang Sect disciple life.” 龙政宇,你与其葬身于此,还不如将唐修临走前交给你的那些丹药阵法典籍炼丹典籍炼器典籍全部交给我,同时将盛唐集团股份龙泉山小世界以及九龙岛的控制权也移交给我,这样我可以放你们唐宗弟子一条性命。” Otherwise, after I massacre you, I will massacre the Tang Sect disciple, finally these thing belong to me in the same old way.” “不然的话,我杀掉你之后,我会将唐宗弟子一个个地杀掉,最后那些东西照样归我所有啊。” Spat face saliva by Long Zhengyu, Duanmu Lin was not angry, but is calm and composed even in press of work persuades. 龙政宇吐了一脸唾沫,端木林也不生气,而是好整以暇地劝说道。 Duanmu Lin, I was really blind, unexpectedly will take into Little World you. Had the skill you to kill me, completely has also killed the Tang Sect disciple, how I must have a look at you to be able but actually to control this Little World.” After Long Zhengyu chops flies Monster Beast, looked that has been full of the loathing to the Duanmu Lin vision. 端木林,我真是瞎了眼,居然会将你带进小世界。有本事你就杀了我,将唐宗弟子也全部杀了,我倒要看看你如何能够掌控这处小世界。”龙政宇劈飞一只妖兽后,看向端木林的目光充满了厌恶。 Saw that Long Zhengyu oil salt does not enter, Duanmu Lin brow tight wrinkle. 看到龙政宇油盐不进,端木林不由眉头紧皱。 Duanmu Lin continuously thirst for formidable strength, after he knew Dragon Spring Mountain Little World has inexhaustible inexhaustible Cultivation Resources, he then starts to plan this Little World. 端木林一直都渴望强大的力量,当他得知龙泉山小世界有着取之不尽用之不竭的修炼资源后,他便开始谋划这一处小世界 How the Tang Xiu's strength to exceed his imagination by far, moreover guards against the heart to be heavy to him, this makes Duanmu Lin have to feel powerless and frustrated. 奈何唐修的实力远远地超出他的想象,而且对他防备心又重,这让端木林不得不望洋兴叹。 After Tang Xiu ascend, Duanmu Lin starts to have the idea of Little World, natural disposition discrete he has not lashed out the Tang Sect disciple directly, but paid the huge price to invite other to cultivate true virtue the influence jointly to cope with the Tang Sect disciple. 唐修飞升之后,端木林又开始打小世界的主意,生性谨慎的他并没有直接出手攻击唐宗弟子,而是付出了巨大的代价邀请其它修真势力共同对付唐宗弟子。 Saw that Long Zhengyu is the Tang Sect disciple of head retreats in defeat again and again, when Little World must fall to the oneself hand, Miao Wentang and Shao Mingzhen two people drop from the clouds, sweeps away the cultivating true virtue influence that which collaborated by the invincible stance, afterward these two people simply assumed Tang Sect not to walk, this lets Duanmu Lin has a lingering fear fear at the same time, does not dare to give birth strongly captures the Little World thoughts. 眼看龙政宇为首的唐宗弟子节节败退,小世界就要落到自己手中时,苗温堂邵明振两个人从天而降,以无敌的姿态横扫了哪些联手的修真势力,后来这两个人干脆坐镇唐宗不走了,这让端木林心有余悸后怕不已的同时,再也不敢生出强硬夺取小世界的心思。 After several ponder over, Duanmu Lin announced simply withdraws from the Special Ability group, and is Magnificent Tang Group solves with Tang Sect repeatedly troublesome, slowly won Magnificent Tang Group and favorable impression of Tang Sect disciple. 几番思忖后,端木林索性宣布退出异能组,并且多次为盛唐集团唐宗解决麻烦,慢慢赢得盛唐集团唐宗弟子的好感。 Although Tang Xiu before leaving urged Long Zhengyu to guard against Duanmu Lin, under Duanmu Lin several years of levigation gongfu (effort), Long Zhengyu gradually accepted Duanmu Lin this person, was Miao Wentang and Shao Mingzhen has not had any comment to Duanmu Lin. 尽管唐修在临走之前叮嘱过龙政宇要提防端木林,在端木林十几年时间的水磨功夫之下,龙政宇还是逐渐接受了端木林这个人,便是苗温堂邵明振也没有对端木林有任何意见。 Then, Duanmu Lin step by step entered the Tang Sect core management level, Cultivation Resources that he enjoys are also getting more and more. What what a pity is, regarding core the assignment of resources, as well as the Little World administration authority, Duanmu Lin does not have the means to meddle throughout, this makes him quite dissatisfied. 就这样,端木林一步步地走进了唐宗的核心管理层,他享受的修炼资源也越来越多。可惜的是,对于核心的资源的分配,以及小世界的管理权限,端木林始终没有办法插手,这让他极为不满足。 However has Miao Wentang and Shao Mingzhen assumes Little World, Duanmu Lin does not dare to have anything to change, because Miao Wentang and Shao Mingzhen not only strength can sweep away entire Earth, but also the person always becomes a ghost, has a pair of fierce look, even if Duanmu Lin has not displayed any disloyalty, is by Miao Wentang and Shao Mingzhen suspicion. 不过有苗温堂邵明振坐镇小世界,端木林也不敢有什么异动,因为苗温堂邵明振不仅仅实力可以横扫整个地球,而且人老成精,有着一双火眼金睛,即便端木林没有表现出任何的异心,还是被苗温堂邵明振怀疑。 Until Miao Wentang and Shao Mingzhen ascend, Duanmu Lin starts to implement the plan of oneself once more, he person buy of Tang Sect, then little is built on stilts Long Zhengyu, until half a month ago, him developed most new student|life thing medicament in Taklamakan Secret Base increased Long Zhengyu food successfully. 直到苗温堂邵明振飞升,端木林才开始再次实施自己的计划,他将唐宗的人收买,然后一点点地架空龙政宇,直到半个月前,他更是成功地将塔克拉玛干沙漠秘密基地中研制出来的最新生物药剂添加进了龙政宇的食物。 This biological medicament is colorless, moreover does not have the toxicity, its only function is to then attract the hatred of Monster Beast, the Monster Beast strength is more formidable, the attracted hatred is then bigger, when Long Zhengyu leads the Tang Sect disciple to enter since Little World deep place informed and experienced that moment, his tragedy has then been doomed. 这种生物药剂无色无味,而且没有毒性,它唯一的作用便是吸引妖兽的仇恨,妖兽实力越强大,被吸引的仇恨便越大,所以当龙政宇带着唐宗弟子进入小世界深处历练的那一刻起,他的悲剧便已经注定了。 Long Zhengyu, the peaceful death might as well barely exist. Even if you fierce do not fear, you must estimate your Clan, so long as you are willing to transmit the Little World authority to me, I guaranteed, so long as my Duanmu Lin were alive on the 1st, Long Family magnificently will then ascend, how?” Duanmu Lin looks that Long Zhengyu is getting more and more weak, his final effort said that „, if you do not know the limitation, did not take it ill me in killing you after the Tang Sect disciple, direct treason your Long Family extermination of the clan!” 龙政宇,好死不如赖活着。即使你真的悍不畏死,你总得估计你的家族吧,只要你愿意将小世界的管理权转交给我,我保证只要我端木林在世一日,龙家便会辉煌腾达,如何?”端木林看着龙政宇越来越不支,他最后努力道,“要是你不识相的话,就休怪我在杀了你跟唐宗弟子后,直接以叛国罪将你们龙家灭族!” You are shameless!” Hears the Duanmu Lin words, already exhausted Long Zhengyu instantaneously could not fall to the ground, eye of zi wants the crack to look at Duanmu Lin, scolds to say fierce that Duanmu Lin, you such ungrateful mean and shameless, later will die without the burial ground.” “你无耻!”听到端木林的话,早就精疲力尽的龙政宇瞬间倒地不起,目眦欲裂地看着端木林,厉声呵斥道,“端木林,你这样忘恩负义卑鄙无耻,以后会死无葬身之地的。” Yes? But must die is not I, but is your ah! looks at the Long Zhengyu desperate appearance, on the Duanmu Lin face flashes through wipes fiercely, I give you ten time of breath to consider again, if you are still impenetrably thickheaded, did not take it ill the old man to be heartless!” “是么?可是现在要死的不是我,而是你啊!”看着龙政宇绝望的样子,端木林脸上闪过一抹狰狞,“我再给你十个呼吸的时间考虑,要是你依然冥顽不灵的话,就休怪老夫铁面无情了!” He did not need to consider, you must consider actually, how you then can preserve your dog's life!” Mean is staring at Long Zhengyu when Duanmu Lin complexion, in the eye the ominous light four shoot, together the stuffy Thunder Ban voice suddenly in his ear resounds, shakes his eardrum severe pain, his seven soul six souls were almost also shaken the powder. “他不用考虑了,倒是你得考虑一下,你接下来如何才能保住你的狗命!”就在端木林面色阴狠地盯着龙政宇,眼中凶光四射时,一道闷雷般的声音突然间在他耳边响起,震得他耳膜剧痛,他的七魂六魄也差点被震散。 Conversely, this sound actually just likes the sound of sounds of nature to Long Zhengyu, his whole face looked at Duanmu Lin to be after death same pleasantly surprised, then simply has fainted very much. 相反地,这道声音对龙政宇来说却犹如天籁之音,他满脸惊喜地看了端木林身后一样,然后很干脆地晕了过去。 The calm night was telling story very much earnestly, how the book review area did not have the sound, the brothers sisters did not like beyond, if the story of calm night did not ask for happily, the calm night did not use this effort, with heart and soul does the new book, liked the brothers sisters beyond, but also please help to pay attention to a next calm night the public number, to the power of calm night little writing, the calm night WeChat public number was jyjs00, or chose the public number direct search calm night to send to think in the increase friend, thanks. 静夜在很认真地讲故事,怎么书评区没动静呢,兄弟姐妹们是不是不喜欢番外啊,要是静夜的故事不讨喜,静夜就不费这个劲,全心去搞新书了哦,喜欢番外的兄弟姐妹们,还请帮忙关注一下静夜的公众号,给静夜一点点写作的动力,静夜微信公众号为jyjs00,或者在添加朋友中选择公众号直接搜索静夜寄思,感谢感谢。
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