RFTIW :: Volume #15

#1402: Beyond Earth ( 3 ) Duanmu hides the evil intent, Ji Mu results in opportunity

After several are attentive, Tang Xiu delivered Cheng Yannan went the Shanghai airplane. 几番温存之后,唐修程妍楠送上了前去魔都的飞机。 Actually Tang Xiu has known Cheng Yannan to the oneself special emotion, his innermost feelings also appreciates and likes Cheng Yannan, because before was busy Immortal World avenging a grievance to be infatuated in cultivation, Tang Xiu never initiative pursued girl, brushed past with acting with constraint Cheng Yannan. 其实唐修一直知道程妍楠自己的特殊情感,他的内心也欣赏和喜欢程妍楠,之前因为忙着回仙界报仇雪恨而醉心于修炼,唐修从来不主动去追求女孩,以至于跟矜持的程妍楠擦肩而过。 Now did not have the blood to hate deep enmity the pressure, the beautiful woman initiative to surrender, Tang Xiu naturally was not cruel enough to reject a beautiful woman good intention. 如今没有了血恨深仇的压力,佳人又主动投怀送抱,唐修自然不忍心拒绝佳人一番好意。 Obtains Tang Xiu's to respond, Cheng Yannan is wild with joy, she wishes one could to pester daily when Tang Xiu, but she knows what Tang Xiu said is the fact, if two sentiments long ago, how also in the mornings and evenings, Tang Xiu not to stay on Earth too for a long time, oneself must catch up before Tang Xiu leaves Earth, handles completely the Magnificent Tang Group matter, can feel relieved that leaves with Tang Xiu. 得到唐修的回应,程妍楠欣喜若狂,她恨不得天天纠缠在唐修身边,不过她知道唐修说的是事实,两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮,唐修不会在地球上呆太长时间,自己必须赶在唐修离开地球之前,将盛唐集团的事情全部处理完毕,才能放心跟唐修离开。 After gazing after the flight launching of Cheng Yannan, Tang Xiu turns around to depart. 目送程妍楠的航班起飞后,唐修转身离去。 Seeks the leaning out-of-the-way place that a nobody paid attention , a Tang Xiu divine sense revolution, the body already from same place vanished does not see. 寻了一处无人注意的偏僻处,唐修神念一转,身子已然从原地消失不见。 The next quarter, Tang Xiu already appeared in a Laoshan prosperous tin dungeon. 下一刻,唐修已然出现在崂山昌锡的一处地牢之中。 In the gloomy moist dungeon, the thin form trembles together rolls up in the dungeon corner, vaguely can identify this from the wear appearance is a man, in the dishevelled hair and dirty face male hand takes wooden stick to skid on the ground gently, the gently beautiful line outlines first year young two women. 阴暗潮湿的地牢之中,一道瘦削的身影瑟瑟发抖地蜷缩在地牢的角落之中,从穿着打扮依稀可以辨认出这是一个男子,蓬头垢面的男子手中拿着一根木棍在地上轻轻地滑动着,柔美的线条勾画出一大一小两个女人。 Men in ground Tu Hua, while in a soft voice twittering, sound several inaudible. 男子一边在地上涂画,一边轻声呢喃着,声音几不可闻。 Ranran, do not leave me.” 冉冉,不要离开我。” Rou'er, the father thought you.” 柔儿,爸爸想你了。” Ranran, do not leave me.” 冉冉,不要离开我。” Rou'er, the father thought you.” 柔儿,爸爸想你了。” ...... …… If changes into the same person, when only in the mouth of man in sending out flees the meaningless sleep talking sound, but these sounds fall in the Tang Xiu's ear, actually likes the rolling thunder sound, making his eye cannot help but moist. 要是换成一般人,只当男人的嘴中在发出一窜毫无意义的梦呓声,可是这些声音落在唐修的耳中,却有如滚雷声,让他的眼睛不由自主地湿润。 This dishevelled hair and dirty face man impressively was once Chang Xi City Ji Family Eldest Young Master Ji Mu. 这个蓬头垢面的男子赫然是曾经的昌锡市季家大少爷季木 Tang Xiu are not many with occurring together of Ji Mu, but the impression to Ji Mu is very good. 唐修季木的交集不多,但是对季木的印象却很好。 In Tang Xiu's Mindsea has floated the picture that Ji Mu deals with. 唐修的脑海中浮过一幕幕跟季木打交道的画面。 That year, participated in prosperous tin with Chi Nan the Underground car racing, first time saw Ji Mu. 那一年,跟迟楠参加昌锡的地下车赛,第一次见到季木 That year, Ji Mu witnessed that after oneself struck killed several Dark Club expert, to oneself has offered the generous gift, and sought for advice to oneself. 那一年,季木无意间目睹自己击杀几个黑暗俱乐部高手之后,给自己送上了厚礼,并且向自己求教。 That year, Ji Mu decided to give up the rich and powerful family Eldest Young Master status, crossed the rubicon, wholeheartedly to saying, inherited Chanced Upon Life Tree will have given oneself, oneself has delivered him opportunity. 那一年,季木决定放弃豪门大少爷的身份,破釜沉舟,一心向道,将祖传的逢生木送给了自己,自己送了他一段机缘 That year, Ji Mu was proposed by Ren Ranran under the big crowd of people, because the fear delayed cultivation to reject, afterward accepted the pursue of Ren Ranran under the persuasion of oneself. 那一年,季木在在大庭广众之下被任冉冉求婚,因为害怕耽误修炼而拒绝,后来还是在自己的劝说之下才接受任冉冉的追求。 From beginning to end, Tang Xiu does not have the flowered too much time and energy on the body of Ji Mu, because he even is busy with forming the Tang Sect intelligence system, cannot participate including the Ji Mu wedding, before ascend Immortal World, in a hurry saw Ji Mu one time. 自始至终,唐修都没有花太多的时间和精力在季木的身上,他甚至因为忙于组建唐宗的情报系统,连季木的婚礼都没能参加,直到飞升仙界之前,才匆匆见了季木一次。 Again when hears the Ji Mu news, was Miao Wentang and Shao Mingzhen said when Immortal World: The Ji Mu daughter was given the disaster by the Special Abilities Bureau person. Ji Mu also by the person heavy losses of Special Abilities Bureau. Because after Ren Ranran the daughter was damaged commits suicide, husband severe wound, therefore made some blasting explosive to perish together with the severely wounded Ji Mu person, Ji Mu along with it going crazy, vanished, Long Zhengyu and the others sent for seeking in all directions can not. 再一次听到季木的消息时,却是苗温堂邵明振仙界时所说:季木的女儿被异能局的人给祸害。季木也被异能局的人重创。任冉冉因为女儿被祸害后自杀,丈夫又重伤,所以弄了一些炸药跟重伤季木的人同归于尽,季木随之发疯,消失,龙政宇等人四处派人寻找都不得。 Tang Xiu now completely grasped the Heavenly Dao principle on Earth, and has many Heavenly Dao cause and effect with Ji Mu, Tang Xiu also has a dream cannot think that Ji Mu was imprisoned in his oneself domain unexpectedly. 要不是唐修现在完全掌握了地球上的天道法则,并且跟季木结下不少天道因果,唐修也做梦也想不到,季木竟然被囚禁在他自己的地盘上。 Sees Ji Mu that crushed dantian, as well as the pierced shoulder blade, on that numerous chains with the foot, on Tang Xiu's gushes out astonishing killing aura suddenly. 看到季木那被粉碎的丹田,以及被洞穿的琵琶骨,和脚上那重重的锁链,唐修的身上突然间涌出一股惊人的杀气 The Tang Xiu big hand wields, took in the oneself within the body space Ji Mu, afterward made a cylinder to dilute has counted the hundredfold Yin-Yang Divine Lake lake water, Ji Mu immersion, and loved dearly dropped several drops of Connect to Heaven Universe Tree essence toward the water. 唐修大手一挥,将季木收进了自己的体内空间,随后弄了一缸稀释了数百倍阴阳神湖湖水,将季木浸泡其中,并且又心疼地往水里面滴了几滴通天乾坤树的精华。 Ji Mu, I said before delivers you good fortune, the secret skill instruction of your Ji Family in you, I gives your good fortune to give my gift with you to differ so much as to be beyond comparison merely completely, now, I then deliver you a big good fortune.” Tang Xiu speech at the same time, finger above the Ji Mu forehead, not only to the Ji Family secret skill hardly has forced in his comprehension Ji Mu Mindsea, does not hesitate to consume Divine Force, was also filled with wisdom Immortal World's several secret skill to Ji Mu. 季木,之前我说送你造化,仅仅是将你们季家绝学传授于你,我给予你的造化跟你送给我的礼物完全不成比例,如今,我便送你一场大造化。”唐修说话的同时,一根指头点在季木的额头之上,不仅仅将他对季家绝学的领悟硬塞进了季木脑海之中,更是不惜消耗神力,将仙界的几门绝学也醍醐灌顶给了季木 The immersion has exuded the painful miserable howling sound in the Ji Mu mouth in Yin-Yang Divine Lake lake water, his skin cuns (2.5cm) chap, flesh and blood little peeling, to finally almost only the remaining one pair skeletons. 浸泡在阴阳神湖湖水中的季木嘴中发出了痛苦的惨嚎声,他的皮肤一寸寸龟裂,血肉一点点剥离,到了最后几乎只剩下一副骨架。 The Yin-Yang Divine Lake lake water energy is exceptionally fierce, is Great Principle Golden Immortal cannot bear the energy impact of lake water, let alone at this time merely is Ji Mu of ordinary people. 阴阳神湖的湖水能量异常剧烈,便是大罗金仙也承受不住湖水的能量冲击,更别说此时仅仅是一个凡夫俗子的季木 Tang Xiu throughout maintains Ji Mu Lingtai clear understanding with Divine Force, it is estimated that Ji Mu already changed into a bleached bone under the impact of lake water energy. 要不是唐修始终用神力维持季木灵台清明,估计季木早就在湖水能量的冲击下化为了一具枯骨。 Under the energy impact and immersion of lake water, after Ji Mu finally only remaining Soul in heart, skeleton as well as skull. 在湖水的能量冲击和浸泡下,季木最后只剩下了心脏、骨架以及头骨之中的一点灵魂之后。 Quick, in naked eye obvious speed, the heart of Ji Mu from the dark red discoloration bright red, sends out the golden light gradually finally faintly, the skeleton of Ji Mu little turns into the white and transparent from the iron grey, to finally, emits the metal gloss. 很快,在肉眼可见的速度之中,季木的心脏逐渐从暗红色变得鲜红,最后隐隐散发出金光,季木的骨架则一点点地从灰白色变成白色、透明,到了最后,也散发出金属般的光泽。 What is more remarkable was Ji Mu fire of become stronger Soul about thousand times, Ji Mu the fire of Soul originally be only the needle eye size, already turned into the baby fist size now, already faintly had the Spirit Transformation embryonic form. 更为显著的是季木灵魂之火变强了近千倍,季木灵魂之火原本只有针眼大小,如今已然变成了婴儿拳头般大小,已然隐隐有化神的雏形。 When the lake water in cylinder little becomes is transparent, Ji Mu that emits the metallic luster on the skeleton heavy new student|life to leave the flesh and blood, is only in this flesh and blood Spiritual Qi is full, the vitality is infinite, before Ji Mu has the difference of heaven and earth by the flesh and blood that the lake water washes out. 当缸中的湖水一点点变得透明时,季木那散发出金属光泽的骨架上面又重新生出血肉,只是这血肉中灵气十足,生机无限,跟季木之前被湖水冲刷掉的血肉有着天壤之别。 When Ji Mu restores to realize once more already was three days later. 季木再次恢复意识时已然是三天之后。 „......” Opened the earliest possible time of eye, Ji Mu then saw Tang Xiu, but his lip wriggled, actually does not know how should call. “……”睁开眼睛的第一时间,季木便看到了唐修,只是他嘴唇蠕动了一下,却不知道该如何称呼。 Tang Xiu looked at Ji Mu, the look said complex that your matter, I knew completely, I have delivered you a good fortune, your oneself digested slowly, after digesting, then tells me your decision.” 唐修看了一眼季木,眼神复杂地说道,“你的事情,我已经全部知晓,我送了你一场造化,你自己慢慢消化,消化好了后,再告诉我你的决定。” Speech at the same time, the Tang Xiu's form from airborne disappears slowly does not see, leaves behind a face delay Ji Mu. 说话的同时,唐修的身影慢慢地从空中消失不见,留下一脸呆滞的季木 Quick, Ji Mu then does not have the time to care about other, the inheritance memory in Mindsea like tide same, lived completely. 很快,季木便没有时间顾及其它,脑海中的传承记忆有如潮水一般,全部活了过来。 Ranran, Rou'er, I must avenge a grievance for you, then the strength of poor life revives you.” Half a month later, when Ji Mu completely grasped from the Tang Xiu's inheritance memory, in his heart surging is ambitious, sadness, weeps bitterly to make noise. 冉冉,柔儿,我一定要为你们报仇雪恨,然后穷一生之力将你们救活。”半个月后,当季木完全掌握了来自唐修的传承记忆时,他的心中涌起雄心万丈,同时也是悲从中来,痛哭出声。 Hears the Ji Mu words, the Tang Xiu's personal appearance from the sky condenses once more, he looked that has been full of the appreciation to the Ji Mu look. 听到季木的话语,唐修的身形再次在空中凝聚出来,他看向季木的眼神充满了赞赏。 Ji Mu spent half a month gongfu (effort) then completely to digest all Ji Family secret skill and Immortal World secret skill merely, cultivation also consolidated in Spirit Transformation Great Circle of Perfection cultivation, although invested on Ji Mu is a little big, however Ji Mu cultivation aptitude and perception have not disappointed Tang Xiu. 季木仅仅花了半个月功夫便完全消化了所有季家绝学仙界绝学,一身修为也稳固在了化神大圆满修为,虽然在季木身上投入有点大,但是季木修炼资质和悟性并没有让唐修失望。 Venerable Master on, disciple Ji Mu pays a visit Venerable Master, thanked the graciousness and restoration graciousness of Venerable Master life-saving.” After discovering the Tang Xiu's form, Ji Mu when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, like pushing mountain of gold jade column same kneels down but actually in front of Tang Xiu. 师尊在上,徒儿季木拜见师尊,感谢师尊救命之恩和再造之恩。”发现唐修的身影之后,季木福至心灵,有如推金山倒玉柱一般跪倒在唐修面前。 Tang Xiu sees that knits the brows slightly, but cannot bear sigh finally, has not rejected the name of Ji Mu. 唐修见状微微皱眉,不过最终还是忍不住叹了口气,并没有拒绝季木的称呼。 Ji Mu, since you request me to be the master, then your cause and effect I then met. You want to eradicate entire Special Abilities Bureau, wants to eradicate Special Abilities Bureau some clique?” Remembers to occur at Ji Mu disaster, the Tang Xiu sinking sound asks. 季木,既然你拜我为师,那么你的因果我便接了。你是想铲除整个异能局,还是只是想铲除异能局的某个派系?”想起发生在季木身上的祸事,唐修沉声问道。 Master, entire Special Abilities Bureau could not withstand from top to bottom decayed, radically no longer is the sharp weapon of country, but is the tortoise lamb that one crowd makes widely known does all kinds of evil things domineeringly. Especially Duanmu Lin, in his surface left Special Abilities Bureau, and disguises the shame in you, entered Long Zhengyu control Little World cultivation successfully, in fact he is still Special Abilities Bureau highest control, and through approaching us obtained massive Cultivation Resources, I was also given the captivity by him here.” 师父,整个异能局已经从上到下已经腐朽不堪,根本就不再是国之利器,而是一群张扬跋扈为非作歹的王八羔子。尤其是端木林,他表面上离开了异能局,并且假装有愧于你,成功地进入了龙政宇掌控的小世界修炼,实际上他依然是异能局的最高掌控者,并且通过接近我们获得了大量的修炼资源,我也是被他给囚禁在这里的。” Hears the Special Abilities Bureau three characters, Ji Mu instantaneous both eyes gets angry, sues to say indignantly loudly. 听到异能局三个字,季木瞬间双眼冒火,义愤填膺地大声诉说道。 What you said that is Duanmu Lin now still Special Abilities Bureau highest control?” Hears the Ji Mu words, Tang Xiu is astonished. “你说什么,端木林现在依然是异能局的最高掌控者?”听到季木的话,唐修一脸愕然。 For half a month the time, Tang Xiu has not protected side Ji Mu, but after Ji Mu side lay out layer on layer protects array, then starts to roam through the world, saw one in secret all relatives and friends old friend. 这半个月时间,唐修并没有一直守护在季木身边,而是在季木身边布下重重防护阵法之后,便开始遨游世界,暗中看望了一遍所有的亲朋故友。 Imperial Capital's several Great Clan and Hong Kong Island several Great Clan of Ouyang Clan and Guandong. 帝都的大家族港岛欧阳家族、粤省的几大家族 Saw that the oneself family member and friend all cross very well, Tang Xiu has not come to disturb their tranquil life, but is quietly departs. 看到自己的亲人和朋友全部过得很好,唐修并没有现身去打扰他们平静的生活,而是悄无声息地离去。 Regarding Long Zhengyu was Magnificent Tang Empire of head, Tang Xiu has carried on the observation of primary mass data. 对于龙政宇为首的盛唐帝国,唐修进行了重点观察。 Because before Tang Xiu leaves Earth, almost all resources besides Magnificent Tang Group will have given Long Zhengyu, entrusted all relatives and friends to the Long Zhengyu attendance, therefore the Long Family development situation has decided the situations of Tang Xiu all family member friends directly. 因为唐修离开地球之前,几乎将除了盛唐集团之外的所有资源都交给了龙政宇,也将所有的亲朋好友托付给了龙政宇照顾,所以龙家的发展情况直接决定了唐修所有亲人朋友的处境。 Tang Xiu is Magnificent Tang Empire of head is specially satisfied to Long Zhengyu, because not only Long Zhengyu has achieved Crossing Tribulation Realm Great Circle of Perfection cultivation, Li Laoshan also achieved Great Ascension Realm, Yue Kai, Hu Qingsong and Zhao Liang three people have also achieved Spirit Transformation Realm cultivation, they almost stood most Peak on Earth, joined up to sweep away entire Earth. 唐修龙政宇为首的盛唐帝国特别满意,因为不仅仅龙政宇达到了渡劫期大圆满修为,李崂山也达到了大乘期,岳凯胡青松赵亮三个人也是达到了化神期修为,他们这些人几乎都站到了地球上的最巅峰,联合起来可以横扫整个地球 Make Tang Xiu most surprised is Duanmu Lin, when Tang Xiu Crossing Tribulation ascend Immortal World, he remembers faintly Duanmu Lin cultivation reluctantly achieves Golden Core Realm, has not thought that thirty years pass by, Duanmu Lin cultivation has achieved Great Ascension Realm unexpectedly, speed of this cultivation promotion with sitting rocket, lets Long Zhengyu one line of is also startled is celestial being. 唐修最为惊讶的莫过于端木林,唐修渡劫飞升仙界时,他隐隐记得端木林修为才勉强达到金丹期,没想到三十几年时间过去,端木林修为竟然达到了大乘期,这修为提升的速度就跟坐了火箭似的,让龙政宇一行人也是惊为天人 Because of the Duanmu Lin status, just started Long Zhengyu and the others also to guard against Duanmu Lin, is afraid Duanmu Lin is dives Magnificent Tang Empire spy, but after witnessing Duanmu Lin massacres several waves of Special Abilities Bureau people without hesitation, they to Duanmu Lin thoroughly have put down the heart of protection. 因为端木林的身份,刚开始龙政宇等人也提防过端木林,害怕端木林是潜到盛唐帝国卧底,不过亲眼目睹端木林毫不犹豫地杀掉几波异能局的人后,他们对端木林彻底放下了防备之心。 Why can Duanmu Lin imprison you?” Tang Xiu complexion asked dignifiedly. 端木林为什么要囚禁你?”唐修面色凝重地问道。 Because I obtained divine stone, when I prepare refining up the Spirit Transformation stone to promote cultivation, the Special Abilities Bureau person suddenly comes, then has Duanmu Lin, Duanmu Lin has first massacred Special Abilities Bureau all people, he also wants to kill me to eliminate a potential informant, but he thinks me besides divine stone, but also obtained other opportunity, therefore has then imprisoned me, often interrogates and tortures me.” Ji Mu asked with clenched jaws. “因为我得到了一枚神石,在我准备炼化神石提升修为时,异能局的人突然间现身,其中便有端木林,端木林第一时间杀掉了异能局的所有人,他本来也想杀了我灭口的,不过他觉得我除了神石之外,还得到了别的机缘,所以便将我囚禁了起来,不时地对我进行拷问。”季木咬牙切齿地问道。 Public number already Grand Finale of update beyond, but also asked the brothers sisters speed to pay attention to the WeChat public number, each article had to match the persona chart, the calm night public number was jyjs00, or increased in the friend to choose the public number search calm night to send to think of the attention then. 公众号已经更新到番外大结局,还请兄弟姐妹们速度关注微信公众号哦,每篇文都有配人物形象图,静夜公众号为jyjs00,或者添加朋友中选择公众号搜索静夜寄思关注即可。
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