RFTIW :: Volume #13

#1215: Earthquake( three asked monthly ticket)

Nine Dragon Island ? 九龙岛 The Tang Family people reveal strange look, although they heard that Tang Xiu develops in Nine Dragon Island , but does not know that side develops any appearance. Isolated island nothing more, even if the development, what appearance can develop? 唐家众人纷纷流露出古怪神色,他们虽然听说唐修九龙岛发展,但并不知道那边发展成什么模样。一座孤岛而已,就算是发展,能发展成什么样子? Tang Tang pokes head, looked that asked to Tang Guosheng: Big Grandpa, can we not go to Ah? we also to have the schoolmate in China Country, friend, studies.” 唐糖探出头,看向唐国盛问道:“大爷爷,我们能不能不去啊?我们在华夏国还有同学,还有朋友,还有学业。” Tang Guosheng looks to Tang Xiu. 唐国盛看向唐修 Tang Xiu settles the throat clear, said: Cannot go to Nine Dragon Island , your oneself makes a decision. Tang Family is China Country Great Clan, but this is only the superficial phenomenon, various entire China Country types practice Clan to be innumerable, some influence formidable Clan, hide in deep in the mountains old forest. I am Dao Cultivator, I want to turn into cultivate Dao Clan my Clan. In this world, the right, wealth, these are only the tracks. The genuine main road, is oneself has the formidable strength.” 唐修清了清嗓子,说道:“去不去九龙岛,你们自己拿主意。唐家华夏国大家族,但这只是表面现象,整个华夏国各种修练家族数不胜数,一些势力强大的家族,都隐藏在深山老林之中。我是修道者,我想把我的家族变成修道家族。这世界上,权利,财富,这些只是小道。真正的大道,便是自己拥有强大的实力。” powerhouse, can the fist broken stars, be able able to move unhindered the universe, to live forever, can overlook trillion lives. Tang Family is my Clan, I want to make my family member turn into powerhouse. The piece of space that we are, is only an small potential surface in innumerable space, but Earth, is only grain of dust in this small potential surface.” 强者,可以拳碎星辰,可以纵横宇宙,可以长生不老,可以俯视亿万生灵。唐家是我的家族,我想让我的亲人变成强者。咱们所在的这片空间,只是无数个宇宙空间中的一个小小位面,而地球,更只是这个小小位面里的一粒尘埃。” Option, in your oneself, you wants to stand in the upper air looks at the scenery , to continue to make ants in all living things, I respect your choices.” “选择权,在你们自己手里,你们是想站在高空看风景,还是继续做芸芸众生中的一只蝼蚁,我尊重你们的选择。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Tang Xiu displays secret method, the strengths of rushing in a people Bu to become airtight big net, in his personal appearance twinkle, vanish in the room instantaneously instantaneously, appears when dozens meters upper air, Tang Family all core members, all appear side him. 唐修施展秘法,一股股澎湃的力量瞬间在众人脚下布成一张密不透风的大网,在他身形闪烁,瞬间消失在屋内,出现在数十米的高空时,唐家所有核心成员,全部都出现在他身边。 „......” “啊……” heavens!” 天啊!” What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Tang Family all members, including Tang Guosheng Old Lord, all reveal the panic-stricken look, their chest cavity being dumbfounded looks at the surrounding picture, looks below house, simply with having a dream results. 唐家所有成员,包括唐国盛老爷子,全都流露出惊骇神色,他们膛目结舌的看着周围的景象,看着下方的房屋,简直就跟做梦似得。 Tang Xiu said lightly: celestial immortal in legend, exists actually. I now become the celestial immortal opportunity to you, is willing to grasp as for you, looked at your oneself.” 唐修淡淡说道:“传说中的神仙,其实真的存在。我现在给你们成为神仙的机会,至于你们愿不愿意把握,就看你们自己了。” I want become a celestial immortal.” “我要成神仙。” After Tang Tang has experienced the short shock, immediately excited grips the tight fist, called out loudly. 唐糖经历过短暂的震惊后,立即兴奋的攥紧拳头,大声叫道。 Tang Xiu shows a faint smile, after leading Tang Family all core members to return to the house in instantaneously, said: Uncle, I will teach to your Cultivation Method, continuous provision to your Cultivation Resources, but Tang Family must depend on you. I can promise you, even if entire China Country, only then your Tang Family clansman, our countries does not dare to make anything to you, even some people want to make anything to you, does not need you to get rid, some people will solve them for you.” 唐修微微一笑,带着唐家所有核心成员瞬间返回到房屋中后,说道:“大伯,我会传授给你修炼功法,也会源源不断的提供给你修炼资源,但唐家就要靠你了。我可以向你保证,哪怕整个华夏国只有您一位唐家族人,咱们这个国家也不敢对您做些什么,甚至有些人想要对您做些什么,都不用你出手,就会有人替你解决他们。” Who?” “谁?” The Tang Yunpeng sinking sound asked. 唐云鹏沉声问道。 Tang Xiu light smile said: Duanmu Lin, Special Abilities Bureau.” 唐修淡笑道:“端木林,异能局。” Tang Yunpeng hear speech/words, reveals the wild with joy look immediately, the numerous nods said: Xiu'er, I do not want to stay here, I also want to go to Nine Dragon Island cultivation, but since you and Old Lord had decided that I remain. However, when I need you, you must help me.” 唐云鹏闻言,顿时流露出狂喜神色,重重点头说道:“修儿,我不想留在这里,我也想去九龙岛修炼,但既然你和老爷子已经决定,那我就留下来。不过,在我需要你们的时候,你一定要帮我。” Tang Xiu light smile said: Relax, so long as my Tang Xiu is living, China Country Tang Family never may drop down. Ten years later, I will make one of them return to China Country, replaces your responsibility, this person will be our Tang Family not most suitable cultivation, in ten years cultivation speed slowest person.” 唐修淡笑道:“放心,我唐修只要活着,华夏国唐家就永远不可能倒下。十年之后,我会让其中一人返回华夏国,接替您的责任,这个人将会是咱们唐家最不适合修炼,十年内修炼速度最缓慢的人。” Tang Yunpeng eye one bright, immediately laughs to say loudly: good good good, Xiu'er you really good.” 唐云鹏眼睛一亮,顿时放声大笑道:“好好好,修儿你真的不错。” Next day. 第二天. Tang Guosheng and Tang Guoxing, Tang Guoshou three brothers lead the spouse to leave China Country together, nobody knows when they leave, nobody knows that they leave through any way. As if baseless vanishes, the arrangement is Tang Guosheng bodyguard, these healthcare Master Men, have not known. 唐国盛唐国兴,唐国寿兄弟带着老伴一同离开华夏国,没有人知道他们是什么时候离开的,也没有人知道他们是通过什么途径离开的。就仿佛凭空消失,安排是唐国盛身边的警卫员,还有那些保健师们,都不知晓。 Fourth day. 第四天. Tang Yunde and Tang Min, Tang Dong, Tang Yan, Tang Yunqing, Tang Dong, leading the wife and husband to leave in abundance, similarly nobody knows how they leave, as if baseless vanishes on the China earth. 唐云德唐敏,唐东,唐燕,唐云清,唐东,带着妻子、丈夫纷纷离开,同样没有人知道他们如何离开,就仿佛凭空消失在华夏大地上。 Fifth day. 第五天. Tang Ning and Tang Ying, Tang Wei, Tang Tang, Tang Ji, as well as only Chu Yi not of the same surname, vanishes in Imperial Capital directly, vanishes in China Country. 唐宁唐颖,唐伟,唐糖,唐吉,以及唯一的外姓楚毅,直接消失在帝都,消失在华夏国 Seventh day. 第七天. All loyal and devoted subordinates of Tang Family trained, all disappear in Imperial Capital, vanishes in China Country. They look like Human World evaporate, innumerable influences start to investigate, actually throughout cannot investigate any trail. 唐家培养的所有忠心耿耿的属下,全都消失在帝都,消失在华夏国。他们就像是人间蒸发,无数势力都开始调查,却始终调查不到任何的踪迹。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Tang Family has the matter of accident, finally erupts thoroughly. Entire Imperial Capital all rich and powerful families, Clan of some entire China Country energies, the great people, all start the highest information network, starts to investigate the whereabouts of Tang Family core clansman whole-heartedly. 唐家发生变故的事情,终于彻底爆发。整个帝都所有豪门,整个华夏国有些能量的家族,大人物们,全都启动最高情报网络,开始全力以赴调查唐家核心族人的去向。 However, finally actually has achieved nothing. 然而,结果却是一无所获。 However. In adjusting the checked regulation, they investigate Tang Min to resign, the Tang Yunqing facial expression retires, Tang Family all places the clansman of government, complete initiative resigned, has been separated from their respective posts. Then, all Tang Family control group company, complete combination like Magnificent Tang Group. 不过。在调查过程中,他们调查到唐敏辞职,唐云清神情退役,唐家所有身处官场的族人,全部主动辞职,脱离了他们所属的岗位。然后,所有唐家掌控的集团公司,全部归并如盛唐集团 Imperial Capital, Tang Family home. 帝都,唐家祖宅。 Tang Yunpeng looks at completely empty Tang Family, in the past in family|home some human spirits, but now is actually piece of Death Qi heavy, except for remaining to be responsible for protecting his dozens Tang Family martial artist, two Tang Sect Foun­da­tion Es­tab­lish­ment Realm expert, did not have other people again. 唐云鹏看着空空如也的唐家,以往家里还是有些人气,但现在却是一片死气沉沉,除了留下来负责保护他的数十位唐家武者,还有两位唐宗筑基期高手,再也没有其他人。 pēng pēng......” 砰砰……” The door was sounded, Tang Yunpeng secret technique Zhu Jianhua, arrives in front of Tang Yunpeng quickly, said: Family Head, had the guest to come.” 房门被敲响,唐云鹏的秘术朱建华,快步来到唐云鹏面前,说道:“家主,有客人来了。” Tang Yunpeng knits the brows saying: How many waves was this today's? Has dealt with for day, I was also tired. Told the person, because I extremely in the fatigue, have rested.” 唐云鹏皱眉说道:“这是今天第几波了?应付了一天,我也累了。告诉来人,我因为太过于劳累,已经休息了。” Zhu Jianhua said in a low voice: „The opposite party says is Duanmu Lin, he said that if I told you this name, you met certainly his.” 朱建华低声说道:“对方自称是端木林,他说如果我告诉您这个名字,您一定会见他的。” Duanmu Lin? 端木林 Chief Special Abilities Bureau? 异能局局长? The Tang Yunpeng spirit shakes, immediately stands up toward the door outside walks, when he noticed that the front courtyard calmly stands under a tree, after the corners of the mouth are bringing happy expression Duanmu Lin faintly, moves forward to meet somebody to say hurriedly: Bureau Chief Duanmu, how you came.” 唐云鹏精神一震,立即站起身朝着房门外走去,当他看到前院静静站立在一棵树下,嘴角隐隐带着笑意的端木林后,急忙迎上去说道:“端木局长,您老怎么来了。” Duanmu Lin is sizing up Tang Yunpeng, saying of smiling: Has complied with Tang Xiu, must under the gazes of innumerable eyes, arrive at your Tang Family to walk personally. If I if not come, the boy must fly into a rage to me.” 端木林打量着唐云鹏,笑眯眯的说道:“答应过唐修,必须要在无数双眼睛的注视下,亲自到你们唐家走一遭。如果我要是不来,那小子一定得给我急眼。” Flies into a rage? 急眼? Tang Yunpeng heart shakes, he realized faintly, relations of nephew Tang Xiu and Duanmu Lin, perhaps unusual is not simple. Tang Yunpeng Duanmu Lin welcome to backyard house , after just a moment ago sits, he opens the mouth saying: Bureau Chief Duanmu, has Xiu'er in Imperial Capital, you seen probably still him?” 唐云鹏心底一震,他隐隐意识到,侄子唐修端木林的关系,恐怕非常的不简单。唐云鹏端木林请到后院房屋中,刚刚坐下来后,他才开口说道:“端木局长,修儿好像还在帝都,您见过他了?” Duanmu Lin shakes the head saying: No.” 端木林摇头说道:“没有。” finished speaking, his vision looks at to with Zhu Jianhua. 说完,他的目光看向跟进来的朱建华 Tang Yunpeng looks following the Duanmu Lin look, immediately understand his thoughts, have beckoned with the hand saying: Jianhua, you go to make a food that goes well with wine to us, brings that two bottles of Immortal Wine. Today I must accompany Bureau Chief Duanmu to drink several cups well.” 唐云鹏顺着端木林的眼神看去,顿时明白了他的心思,摆手说道:“建华,你去给我们弄点下酒菜,把那两瓶神仙酿也拿过来。今天我要好好陪端木局长喝几杯。” Good!” “好!” Zhu Jianhua realized that Duanmu Lin has the words to with Tang Yunpeng discuss, therefore nods to draw back immediately. 朱建华意识到端木林有话要和唐云鹏谈,所以立即点头退出去。 Duanmu Lin nodded with a smile, said: Yunpeng ah!, I visit you to grow up, wants initially you born, I have also hugged you!” 端木林笑着点了点头,说道:“云鹏啊!算起来,我还是看着你长大的,想当初你出生的时候,我还抱过你呢!” cough cough......” 咳咳……” The Tang Yunpeng one breath has not raised, has coughed several, has the awkward look forced smile saying: Your elderly was really language being startled deceased person how many years ah! this did not pass continuous, how did you remember to propose this?” 唐云鹏一口气没提上来,干咳了好几声,才带着尴尬神色苦笑道:“您老人家真是‘语不惊死人不休’啊!这都多少年过去了,您怎么想起提这茬了?” Duanmu Lin said with a smile: don't tell me, you did not think that we are very intimate?” 端木林笑道:“难道,你不觉得咱们很亲近吗?” Tang Yunpeng stares, realized keenly Duanmu Lin is approaching oneself probably...... Showing good will. 唐云鹏一愣,敏锐意识到端木林好像是在向自己……示好。 But! 可是! Why? 为什么? His solemn China Country Chief Special Abilities Bureau, although does not show face in public before the person, the right that but grasps is enormous, even if oneself is the governor, must meet rudeness with a smile before him. How suddenly, did he run up to front of oneself to show good will? 他堂堂华夏国异能局局长,虽然不在人前抛头露面,但掌握的权利极大,即便自己是封疆大吏,在他面前都要陪着笑脸。怎么突然之间,他跑到自己面前来示好了? don't tell me...... 难道…… Because of Tang Xiu? 是因为唐修 Tang Yunpeng nodded slowly, said earnestly: My father and you are an old friend, you and Tang Xiu have very deep relations , is my Tang Family has very deep origin, among us is very naturally intimate.” 唐云鹏缓缓点了点头,认真说道:“我父亲和您是老朋友,您和唐修又有着很深的关系,也算是和我唐家有着很深的渊源,咱们之间自然很亲近。” Duanmu Lin satisfaction said with a smile: Since you know in heart, I felt relieved. In the future in front of Tang Xiu, you may probably raise me. Moreover, perhaps many years later, I also need your attendance, needs your Tang Family attendance ah! 端木林满意笑道:“既然你心里有数,那我就放心了。将来在唐修面前,你可要多提提我。另外,说不定很多年之后,我还需要你的照顾,需要你们唐家的照顾啊! Tang Yunpeng said hesitant: Bureau Chief Duanmu, my a little not too understand.” 唐云鹏犹豫道:“端木局长,我有点不太明白。” Duanmu Lin meaningful saying: Since we were very intimate, in secret, me thought you should trade a name to me.” 端木林意味深长的说道:“既然咱们都已经很亲近了,在私下里,我觉得你应该对我换个称呼。” Tang Yunpeng said hurriedly: Uncle Duanmu.” 唐云鹏急忙说道:“端木叔。” Duanmu Lin then said with a smile: Dozens years later, Tang Family will have the big plan, or Tang Xiu will have the big plan, in the future we are a oneself person in trench, true oneself person. If Tang Xiu has not told you plan, you do not need to ask that in the future naturally can know.” 端木林这才笑道:“数十年后,唐家会有大计划,或者说唐修会有大计划,将来咱们就是一个战壕的自己人,真正的自己人。如果唐修还没告诉你那件计划,你也不需要多问,将来自然会知晓。” Tang Yunpeng nodded silently, said: Uncle Duanmu, since we are the oneself people, I had the words directly saying that perhaps the following ten years, I needed your help.” 唐云鹏默默点了点头,说道:“端木叔,既然咱们是自己人,我有话就直接说了,接下来的十年,我恐怕需要您的帮助。” The Duanmu Lin nod said: Next dozens years, so long as I still in its, I can guarantee your Tang Family not to vacillate in the China Country status. Tang Guosheng left China Country, your Tang Family will not be threatened because of his departure. Today I arrive at your here, is telling all people, my Duanmu Lin is your Tang Family backstage.” 端木林点头说道:“未来数十年,只要我还在其位,我就能保你们唐家华夏国的地位不会动摇。唐国盛已经离开华夏国,你们唐家并不会因为他的离开而受到威胁。今天我来到你们这里,就是在告诉所有人,我端木林就是你们唐家的后台。” Tang Yunpeng was shaken, in heart has even raised the difficult situation. He does not know how Tang Xiu achieves, can actually make Duanmu Lin say such words. 唐云鹏被震住了,心中甚至掀起了惊涛骇浪。他不知道唐修到底是怎么做到的,竟然能够让端木林说出这么一番话。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Duanmu Lin said with a smile: Above that elderly makes me pass on to your a few words, you stayed for several years in the present position, should move. You thought that Shanghai is what kind of?” 端木林笑道:“上面那位老人家让我转告你一句话,你已经在现在的位置上呆了好几年了,也该动一动了。你觉得,魔都怎么样?” Shanghai? 魔都 The Tang Yunpeng pupil contraction, Body could not bear tremble several, immediately whole face serious saying: Shanghai is very good, is good.” 唐云鹏瞳孔收缩,身躯都忍不住哆嗦了几下,随即才满脸严肃的说道:“魔都很不错,非常不错。” Duanmu Lin stood up, has patted the shoulder of Tang Yunpeng, said with a smile: Prepares well! Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps several months later. Good, the goal that I come today has also been achieved, if sees Tang Xiu that boy, remembers that makes him find the time to see me to Special Abilities Bureau General Headquarters.” 端木林站起身,拍了拍唐云鹏的肩膀,笑着说道:“好好准备一下吧!或许就在明天,或许就在几个月后。好了,我今天过来的目的也已经达到,如果见到唐修那小子,记得让他抽时间到异能局总部来见见我。” Good, I deliver you.” “好,我送您。”
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