RFTIW :: Volume #13

#1214: Tang Family important matter( two erupt to ask monthly ticket)

The bidding block, more than 4800 guests, all stubbornly stare are lifted up the magic tool long gun|spear of auction stage, in addition the enlargement of projecting apparatus, suddenly over a thousand cultivation were jealous, the respite was thicker than before. 拍卖会场,4800多位客人,全都死死盯着被抬上拍卖台的法器长枪,再加上投影仪的放大,一时间上千名修炼者都眼红了,喘息都比之前粗了很多。 This world. 这世界。 Any magic treasure may with thing that cannot be asked that if bumps into is good at using cultivation of long gun|spear, if can obtain long gun|spear magic tool, that absolutely is even more powerful, the battle efficiency multiplies. 任何一件法宝都是可遇不可求的东西,如果碰到擅长使用长枪的修炼者,如果能够得到一件长枪法器,那绝对是如虎添翼,战斗力倍增。 25 hundred million USD, I leave 25 hundred million USD, this is the floating capital that all my can utilize, if who snatches with me, do not blame me to have a falling out, gives the person who I rob dead without the burial ground.” Two meters high giant big person, wait for the blood red eye to whoosh fully. “25亿美元,我出25亿美元,这是我所有可以动用的流动资金,谁如果跟我抢,别怪我翻脸无情,让给我抢夺的人死无葬身之地。”足有两米高的巨型大汉,等着血红的眼睛嘶吼到。 30 hundred million USD, when I feared that you are inadequate.” “30亿美金,当我怕你不成。” Bald big person sets out suddenly, stands up exclaims fierce. 一位光头大汉霍然起身,站起身厉声吼道。 Two meters high giant big person complexion big change, surges along with the crazy murderous intention, his personal appearance is similar to sharp arrow same, flushes away toward the auction stage instantaneously, since cannot buy, he decided that even if snatches, must take this magic treasure long gun|spear. 两米高的巨型大汉面色大变,随着疯狂的杀机涌动,他的身形如同利箭一般,瞬间朝着拍卖台冲去,既然买不到,他决定哪怕是抢,都要把这杆法宝长枪抢到手。 ......” “噗……” sword light emerges out of thin air together, dashing in giant big person to midair cuts off around the middle. shortly afterward, an aquamarine big net launches instantaneously, covers the giant big person corpse, then pulls is vanishing in the gateway near auction stage. 一道剑光凭空出现,把飞奔到半空中的巨型大汉拦腰斩断。紧接着,一张碧绿色大网瞬间展开,把巨型大汉的尸体笼罩起来,然后拉扯着消失在拍卖台附近的门户内。 Hissing......” “嘶……” At this moment, the guest who all comes to attend auction, all stood up, cannot bear suck in a cold air. Many people on the scene know that giant big person, knows his strength very formidable, but they have not thought that he had not seen the shadow of opposite party, then directly was cut to kill. 这一刻,所有前来参加拍卖会的客人,全都纷纷站起,忍不住倒抽了口凉气。在场的很多人都认识那位巨型大汉,也知道他的实力非常强悍,但他们都没想到,他连对方的影子都没看到,便被直接斩杀。 Is who? 是谁? Who has such terrifying strength? 谁拥有如此恐怖的实力? Suddenly, all people felt that the nape of the neck place is cool, the fear multiplies in their hearts crazily. All people, this swift and fierce strikes frightening. 一时间,所有人都感觉到脖颈处凉飕飕的,恐惧在他们心中疯狂滋生。所有人,都被这凌厉的一击给震慑。 Tang Xiu goes out from another gateway slowly, when he gets on the auction stage, after arriving at the Shigar peaceful side, has patted Shigar's peaceful shoulder gently, hints him not to need to be worried that this has grasped the microphone, said lightly: „, I create century auction room to open the front door to do business, does not hope that others cause trouble here. If who dares beside the method through legitimate business deal, to attempt to rob the auction goods, that must prepare death.” 唐修缓缓从另外一个门户中走出,当他走上拍卖台,来到希格尔泰身边后,轻轻拍了拍希格尔泰的肩膀,示意他不用担心,这才抓过话筒,淡淡说道:“诸位,我创世纪拍卖行打开大门做生意,不希望别人在我们这里闹事。如果谁敢通过合法交易之外的手段,企图抢夺拍卖物品,那就要做好死亡的准备。” Immediately. 顿时。 Stands Duanmu Lin before first row of seat, the personal appearance floating, stands side Tang Xiu, he after Tang Xiu was nodding, received the microphone saying: Tang Xiu said right, here is China Country, to obtain pleasing thing, that puts out the wealth purchase. If wants to make bandit, wants to rob the auction goods, has been against my China Country law, my China Country Special Abilities Bureau person will not stand by absolutely.” 站在第一排座位前的端木林,身形飘然而起,站在唐修身边,他对着唐修点了点头后,接过话筒说道:“唐修说的没错,这里是华夏国,如果诸位想要得到中意的东西,那就拿出钱财购买。如果想要做强盗,想要抢夺拍卖物品,就是触犯了我华夏国的法律,我华夏国异能局的人绝对不会袖手旁观。” More than 4800 guests look at each other in blank diamay, in their look reveals the inconceivable look, they know that Tang Xiu creates Boss of century auction room, he jumped the speech should be at this time, but did the China Country Special Abilities Bureau person jump? 4800多位客人面面相觑,他们眼神中流露出不可思议的神色,他们已经知道唐修是创世纪拍卖行的老板,他在这个时候跳出来说话是应该的,但华夏国异能局的人怎么跳出来了? don't tell me. 难道 The back of this auction, China Country Special Abilities Bureau? 这场拍卖会的背后,还有华夏国异能局 Originally, many cultivation decided secretly, if the racket cannot buy the pleasing goods, that directly begins to rob, but now looks like, first did not say that hides in mysterious powerhouse in secret, merely is China Country Special Abilities Bureau, they do not dare to provoke easily, otherwise might die very much here. 原本,还有不少修炼者暗暗决定,如果拍买不到中意的物品,那就直接动手抢夺,可是现在看来,先不说那位隐藏在暗中的神秘强者,仅仅是华夏国异能局,他们也不敢轻易招惹,否则很有可能会死在这里。 Then. 接下来。 The auction progresses is very smooth, auctions the sky-high price except for the first two goods, the following auction goods are some ordinary antique antiques, the jewelry jewelry, the price actually that have not exaggerated. As each article goods auction, to noon, has auctioned more than 80 goods. 拍卖会进展很顺利,除了前两件物品拍卖出天价,后面的拍卖物品都是一些普通的古董古玩,珠宝首饰,价格倒是没那么夸张。随着一件件物品拍卖出去,一直到中午,足足拍卖了80多件物品。 Lunch. 午饭。 Creates the specification of century auction to be very high, because the Shanghai Hundred Feast Restaurant chef the quantity are too few, temporarily from Jingmen Island, Imperial Capital and Hong Kong Island reassigns, has prepared the rich meal. Even, Tang Xiu sends for adjusting 200 box of Immortal Wine from Magnificent Tang Group, all provides to all guests free. 创世纪拍卖会的规格很高,魔都百宴酒楼的厨师因为数量太少,临时从荆门岛,帝都港岛抽调过来,准备了丰富的饭菜。甚至,唐修更是派人从盛唐集团调过来200箱神仙酿,全都免费提供给所有客人。 2 : 00 pm, after all rich and powerful people liquor full food are full , to continue to attend the auction, the first four auction goods that in the afternoon begins, encountered as before snatched insanely, sold the sky-high price. To evening's eight o'clock, the auction of first day ended temporarily. 下午两点,所有富豪们酒足饭饱之后,继续参加拍卖会,下午开场的前四件拍卖物品,依旧遭到了疯抢,也纷纷卖出天价。一直到晚上八点钟,第一天的拍卖暂时结束。 12 : 00 o'clock at night. 深夜12点。 Creates in century auction room Third Floor General Manager's Office, after being responsible for the financial Andy taking is counting the good account arrival, Tang Xiu in room, Hao Lei, Kang Xia, even including Ji Chimei, looks to her, in the look reveals for several points to anticipate. 创世纪拍卖行三楼总经理办公室内,当负责财务的安迪拿着统计好的账目到来后,房间里的唐修,郝蕾,康夏,甚至连姬魑魅,都纷纷看向她,眼神中流露出几分期待。 In Andy shows a faint smile, raised hand the account report form, said with a smile: Data has counted, we have auctioned 180 something by auctions today, the gross revenue is 46.832 billion million USD.” 安迪微微一笑,扬了扬手里的账目报表,笑道:“数据已经统计出来,咱们今天已经拍卖出180件拍卖品,总收益是46832000000百万美金。” Tang Xiu puts out the one breath slowly, although knows money Shu who today gains is astronomical figures, but hears the specific figure, is somewhat excited. 唐修缓缓吐出一口气,尽管知道今天赚到的钱数是一个天文数字,但听到具体数字,还是有些激动。 Hao Lei said with a smile: Tomorrow's auction, I want to receive was not high, but day after tomorrow auction, because is last day, perhaps the income will make us unbelievable. I cannot bear anticipate now that three days of auctions, can obtain how much money.” 郝蕾笑着说道:“明天的拍卖,我想收入就没那么高了,但后天的拍卖,因为是最后一天,恐怕收入会令咱们难以置信。我现在都忍不住期待起来,三天的拍卖会,到底能得到多少钱。” Tang Xiu shows a faint smile, said: „After this auction, within next one year, no matter Magnificent Tang Group, is Grand Fortune Jewelrys, needs to be quiet. But the entire Tang Sect surrounding disciple, must all move, around the world purchases massive Cultivation Resources.” 唐修微微一笑,说道:“这次拍卖会之后,未来一年之内,不管是盛唐集团,还是大福珠宝,都需要沉寂下来。而整个唐宗外围弟子,都必须全部动起来,在全世界范围内购买大量的修炼资源。” After three day. 三日后。 The creation century auction of stir world ended, the guest who all attended the auction, all got rid to participate in bidding, several hundred something by auctions all insanely were also snatched. 轰动全世界的创世纪拍卖会结束,所有参加拍卖会的客人,全都出手参与了竞拍,数百件拍卖品也全都被疯抢一空。 1800 hundred million USD! 1800多亿美金 Converts into RMB 1 trillion! 折合RMB1000000000000! Regarding this auction, Tang Xiu's is really earned a lot that gains, since continuously by day of money puzzle, has arrived at end-point finally. 对于这场拍卖会来说,唐修的确是赚的盆满钵满,一直以来被钱困扰的日子,也终于走到了尽头 Imperial Capital. 帝都 Tang Family home. 唐家祖宅。 Tang Guosheng issues an order, all Tang Family clansmen return to Clan in abundance, wields a side power outside Tang Yunpeng, rushes back. 唐国盛一声令下,所有唐家族人纷纷返回家族,就连在外面执掌一方大权的唐云鹏,都匆匆赶回。 Exactly what happened?” “到底发生了什么事情?” Tang Yunpeng is the high-ranking, even if, the body reveals the aura of hierarch. Along with his start to talk inquiry, is Tang Min that just a moment ago rushes to shook the head, indicated oneself and not clear. 唐云鹏身居高位,哪怕是无意间,身上都流露出掌权者的气息。随着他的开口询问,也是刚刚赶到的唐敏摇了摇头,表示自己不清楚 Suddenly. 忽然。 Tang Min said: „Before two hours, Tang Xiu rushed to Imperial Capital probably, if I have not guessed wrong, he should now with Old Lord inside discussion matter.” 唐敏说道:“两个小时前,唐修好像赶到了帝都,如果我没猜错,他现在应该和老爷子正在里面谈论事情。” Tang Yunpeng reveals several points of surprised look, after Tang Min enters the door, then saw that father Tang Guosheng is sitting on the sofa, on the old face is hanging the complex look, obviously is intertwining any matter. But Second Uncle Tang Guoxing and Third Uncle Tang Shou is popular, is hanging the excitement of whole face, clamps the finger of cigarette slightly to shiver. 唐云鹏流露出几分惊讶神色,和唐敏一起进入房门后,便看到父亲唐国盛正坐在沙发上,苍老脸庞上挂着复杂神色,显然是在纠结着什么事情。而二叔唐国兴和三叔唐寿兴,则挂着满脸的激动,夹着香烟的手指都在微微颤抖。 Uncle.” “大伯。” Tang Xiu stands up, said respectfully. 唐修站起身,恭敬说道。 Tang Yunpeng reveals wipes the happy expression, arrived in front of Tang Xiu to pat his shoulder, sighed: I had fantasized innumerable, in the future which step you can arrive, finally now understand, I once fantasized that really looked down on you. Is an auction, gains to over ten thousand hundred million wealth, I thought that our country all banks add, the income is inferior to many of your one year of gaining.” 唐云鹏露出一抹笑意,走到唐修面前拍了拍他的肩膀,感叹道:“曾经我无数次幻想过,你将来能够走到哪一步,结果现在才明白,我曾经的幻想真是小瞧你了。仅仅是一场拍卖会,就赚到上万亿财富,我看咱们国家所有的银行加起来,收入都不如你一年赚的多。” The Tang Xiu forced smile said: Uncle, this time auction, I have also paid many thing.” 唐修苦笑道:“大伯,这次的拍卖会,我也付出了不少的东西。” The Tang Yunpeng nod said: Right is a Clan foundation, but the wealth is actually a Clan sharp weapon. Our Tang Family is getting more and more formidable, even faint became entire China Country hugest Clan. This merit, came from mainly with you.” 唐云鹏点头说道:“权利是一个家族的根基,但财富却是一个家族的利器。咱们唐家越来越强大,甚至隐隐已经成为整个华夏国最为庞大的家族。这份功劳,主要是来自与你。” The Tang Xiu forced smile said: Tang Family degenerates into China Country ordinary Clan, perhaps can also because of me.” 唐修苦笑道:“唐家沦为华夏国普通家族,恐怕也会因为我。” Tang Yunpeng stares, immediately knits the brows to ask: What meaning?” 唐云鹏一愣,顿时皱眉问道:“什么意思?” Tang Guosheng sighed, was beckoning with the hand to Tang Yunpeng, the forced smile said: Yunpeng, later I will tell you, you called all people, I had the important matter to need to announce.” 唐国盛叹了口气,对着唐云鹏摆了摆手,苦笑道:“云鹏,稍后我会告诉你,你把所有人都叫进来吧,我有重要的事情需要宣布。” Tang Yunpeng hesitant, turns around to get to the entrance, called in all Tang Family core members the room completely, in pairs an eye, then unceasingly paced back and forth on Tang Xiu and Tang Guosheng. 唐云鹏犹豫了一下,转身走到门口,把所有唐家核心成员全部叫到房间里,一双双眼睛,则不断在唐修唐国盛身上徘徊。 Tang Guosheng deeply inspires, the sinking sound said: Since our Tang Family all core clansmen arrived, then my matter needs to announce. You listen to me, starting today, Tang Family Family Head gives Tang Yunpeng, the Clan trivial matters, was decided by Yunpeng one person.” 唐国盛深吸一口气,沉声说道:“既然咱们唐家所有核心族人都已经到来,那么我有一件事情需要宣布。你们都给我听好,从今天起,唐家家主交给唐云鹏,家族琐事,也都由云鹏一人决定。” Father!” “爸!” Tang Yunpeng complexion changes, hurried start to talk said. His vision, fast has swept from Second Uncle Tang Guoxing and Third Uncle Tang Guoshou face, actually discovered that two people does not care muddily, as if already knew this matter. 唐云鹏面色一变,急忙开口叫到。他的目光,快速从二叔唐国兴和三叔唐国寿脸上扫过,却发现两人浑不在意,仿佛早就知道这件事情。 Tang Guosheng said: Yunpeng, I was old, the Clan right should also hand over. Do not blame to be the father, the Tang Family later need your lift up, so long as you can anti- ten years, ten years later you select a successor, then you can be idle.” 唐国盛说道:“云鹏,我年纪大了,家族的权利也该交出去了。你别怪为父,唐家以后需要你一人扛起,只要你能抗住十年,十年之后你挑出来个接班人,然后你就能够清闲下来。” Tang Yunpeng knits the brows saying: Father, I by your words making, me has taken muddled over the position of Tang Family Family Head, no wonder your Ah? this is the celebration, I should happy be right.” 唐云鹏皱眉说道:“爸,我被您的话给弄糊涂了,我就算接手了唐家家主之位,也怪不得您啊?这是喜事,我应该高兴才对。” Tang Guosheng is smiling bitterly shaking the head, said again: Then, I announced that is the last order of Tang Family Family Head. Besides Tang Yunpeng, other Tang Family core clansmen, no matter the body has the government position in the body, there is a business to do, all gives up to me. On the government arranges, in the market hands over by Magnificent Tang Group Kang Xia completely takes responsibility.” 唐国盛苦笑着摇了摇头,再次说道:“接下来,我宣布身为唐家家主的最后一个命令。除了唐云鹏之外,其他唐家核心族人,不管是身上有官职在身,还是有生意要做,全都给我放弃。官场上安排好,商场上全部交由盛唐集团康夏来做主。” What?” “什么?” What happened?” “发生了什么事情?” This......” “这……” All Tang Family clansmen were scared, they all inconceivable looks at Tang Guosheng, as if hears the words that most made them shock. 所有唐家族人都傻眼了,他们全都不可思议的看着唐国盛,仿佛听到最令他们震撼的话。 Transfer of authority? 交权? Hands over company? 公司 What huge accident Tang Family does don't tell me have? How otherwise can...... 唐家难道发生什么天大的变故?要不然怎么会…… The Tang Guosheng sinking sound said: I give you seven days of time, in seven days solve all your matters. Seven days later, our Tang Family core clansman all leaves Imperial Capital, leaves China Country. That Nine Dragon Island of Xiu'er purchase, I believe that you know. Seven days later, our Tang Family all core clansmen, migrate Nine Dragon Island completely. From now, Tang Family besides Tang Yunpeng, no longer inquired the humans affair, all thoughts used to exercise martial arts the cultivate Dao aspect.” 唐国盛沉声说道:“我给你们七天时间,七天内把你们所有的事情都解决好。七天后,咱们唐家核心族人全部离开帝都,离开华夏国修儿购买的那座九龙岛,我相信你们都知道。七天后,咱们唐家所有核心族人,全部迁移到九龙岛。从此以后,唐家除了唐云鹏之外,不再询问世事,所有的心思都用在练功修道方面。”
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