RTW :: Volume #9

#895: Past of reflecting

In some sense, inverted image church is not only the institute of all previous Pope's connection, itself is also a museum. 从某种意义上来说,倒影教堂不仅是历届教皇的交接之所,其本身也是一座博物馆。 Was the Church ruler bust that in exhibited is only historic, not to mention also has to be able in the recall history magic stone Sigil of major event through the way of total information image. 光是里面所陈列的教会掌权者半身像就极具历史意义,更别提还有能够通过全息影像的方式来回顾历史上重大事件的魔石符印了。 If, takes the scenic spot to visit for the person, the admission ticket will certainly sell incomparably fiery. 若以后作为景点供人参观的话,门票一定会卖得无比火热。 Words that now Roland wants, but must spend a time inverted image church, although in the underground of old Holy City church, completely assumes the mirror image arrangement, but both are not interlinked. stone slab and clay of middle great distance have more than ten meters thick fully, moreover fills in God Punishment Stone scattered, opens cutting with the manpower directly passes through with the magic power ark, is a very troublesome matter. 只是现在罗兰想要进去的话,还得花费一番功夫倒影教堂虽然就在旧圣城教堂的地下,完全呈镜像布置,但两者并不相通。中间相隔的石板和黏土足有十多米厚,而且零零散散地填有神罚之石,无论是用人力开凿还是用魔力方舟直接穿越,都是件十分麻烦的事情。 He after Isabella asked about the details, decides from the underground walk of monastery to enter. 他向伊莎贝拉询问了详情后,决定还是从修道院的地下通道进入。 After all before these channels, is to open access, although afterward was destroyed, trap artificially, may not calculate the major problem to the magic power ark. What important is, abandons channel unable by God stone to be affected, covers the pivot shaft dense mechanism under God stone mineral lode influence compared with the entire cavern, the former nature is safely safer. 毕竟这些通道以前是畅通无阻的,后来虽被人工破坏、封堵,可对魔力方舟来说并不算大问题。更重要的是,废弃通道不会受到神石的影响,比起整个洞穴都笼罩在神石矿脉影响下的枢密机关,前者自然安全稳妥许多。 Moreover to avoid becoming lost, he also made Silvie take a fast look around in advance, determined the best line of journey of this sightseeing. 另外为了避免迷路,他还让希尔维预先扫视了一遍,确定好了此趟观光之旅的最佳线路。 As a result of these preparatory work, witches has also learned of this news. set off the same day, Roland discovered that outside the tent has gathered one group of people, is most excited by little girl Lightning. 由于这些筹备工作,女巫们也得知了这个消息。出发当天,罗兰发现营帐外聚拢了一堆人,其中以小姑娘闪电最为激动。 Your Majesty, so the exploration of important, how you can not call me!” She honk draws out the mouth, put in great inconvenience likely hugely, I am not your chief explorer!” 陛下,如此重要的探险,您怎么可以不叫上我!”她嘟起嘴巴,像是受到了天大的委屈,“难道我不是您的首席探险家吗!” gu gu gu! Exploration gu!” Macy backed up. 咕咕咕!探险咕!”麦茜帮腔道。 „...... This is only a sightseeing trip, Pope's passes on a place, where has any danger.” “呃……这只是一次观光旅游而已,教皇的传位之地,哪有什么危险可言。” I also want to go...... Ok?” The little girls flash tearful both eyes to ask. “那我也想去……行么?”小姑娘扑闪着汪汪的双眼问道。 He does not have the means rejection. 他根本没办法拒绝嘛。 Had first, naturally will have the successor. 有了第一个,自然就会有后来者。 Your Majesty, takes me,” the Hummingbird small sound said, I can help you take luggage.” 陛下,带上我吧,”蜂鸟小声道,“我可以帮你拿行李。” As Pioneer Society one, how I can miss such crucial moment, you said right, Your Majesty?” Speaker Agatha. “作为探秘会的一员,我怎么可以错过这么关键性的一刻,你说对吗,陛下?”说话者正是爱葛莎 „The place that the Anna elder sister goes to I must go!” The clear sound came from Nana. 安娜姐去的地方我也要去!”清脆的声音来自于娜娜瓦 If in this subsurface construction deposited the evil epidemic disease infection body to trouble, you did not say the place that the air did not circulate was easiest to multiply the epidemic disease?” Lily serious say/way. “万一这座地下建筑中存放着邪疫感染体就麻烦了,您不是说空气不流通的地方最容易滋生疫病吗?”莉莉一本正经道。 „If Falling Star Queen, I also want to say goodbye her one time......” incessantly am witch, Felice has collected including " No. 76 " . “如果是星陨女王的话,我也想再见她一次……”不止是女巫,连「七十六号菲丽丝都凑了过来。 Wait/Etc., isn't she your Taqila's enemy?” Roland curious say/way. “等等,她不是你们塔其拉的敌人吗?”罗兰好奇道。 But she is worth the Esteemed leader similarly , if no Lady Alice, we cannot support the difference presents the time.” “但她同样是值得尊敬的领袖如果没有阿卡丽斯大人,我们根本撑不到分歧出现的时候。” ...... Arrived finally, almost every person fruitfully made contact with this went to the inverted image church along the windmill. ……到最后,几乎每个人都如愿以偿地搭上了这趟前往倒影教堂的顺风车。 Roland only planned to take Anna, Nightingale, Silvie and Isabella, because now the participant grows substantially, Maggie has to back and forth ship several, all leads into everybody the said/tunnel that abandons. 原本罗兰只打算带上安娜夜莺希尔维伊莎贝拉,现在由于参与者大幅增长,玛姬不得不来回运送了好几趟,才将大家悉数带入废弃的地道内。 These intriguing tunnels were sealed up freely for a long time, actually is still maintaining complete appearance. Has not seeped the sign, had not been corroded by the plant root system, are many besides the dust, goes through very smoothly. 这些错综复杂的地道尽管被封闭已久,却依然保持着完好的模样。没有渗水迹象,亦未被植物根系侵蚀,除了灰尘较多外,穿行起来十分顺畅。 After the walk makes the quarter of an hour, the group arrived in the above region of inverted image church smoothly. Then under the influence of Isabella, before the visiting group arrived at a grand main hall, quickly said that its grand it is by no means spacious, but is its vault almost one shortly not to the end. By the front door is setting up row of sturdy stone pillar respectively, similarly on, is hidden straightly in the darkness. 步行约一刻钟后,一行人顺利地抵达了倒影教堂的上部区域。接着在伊莎贝拉的引领下,参观团很快来到了一座宏伟的厅堂前说它宏伟并非它有多么宽敞,而是其穹顶几乎一眼看不到头。大门两侧各立着一排粗壮的石柱,同样笔直而上,隐没在黑暗中。 In other words, its building store height must be much more than its width. 换句话说,它的层高要远远大于它的宽度。 Roland enters the main hall, immediately feels the intense cramped feeling, as if he is walking in a sheer precipice. Although the both sides walls have the illumination magic stone illumination, but the weak yellow light only suffices to illuminate the bottom minimum range. 罗兰走进厅堂,立刻感受到了强烈的局促感,仿佛他正行走在一段悬崖峭壁之中。两侧墙壁虽然有发光魔石照明,但微弱的黄光仅够照亮底部一圈极小的范围。 Here is the prayer room, all previous Pope's paints a portrait hangs on the hall wall.” Isabella walks the explanation said, that day of connection, O'Brien brought Mayne to come to here to walk, but Archbishop has not expected, besides him, O'Brien also led another person to come.” “这里便是祷告室,历届教皇的画像就挂在大厅墙上。”伊莎贝拉边走边讲解道,“交接的那天,奥伯莱恩就是带着梅恩来这里走了一趟,但大主教根本没料到,除了他以外,奥伯莱恩还带了另外一个人来。” That person is Zero.” Roland whispered. “那人便是洁萝。”罗兰沉声道 Yeah, properly speaking Pure One does not allow to step into this place, is Sigil pours into magic power witch to screen from transformation, once after having looked at these illusions, then quick will be used in the God Punishment Army transformed ceremony.” Isabella nods, from Zero to here moment, she became one of the Pope candidates.” ,按理说纯洁者绝不允许踏进此地,为符印灌注魔力女巫都是从转化者中筛选的,一旦看过那些幻象后,则很快会被用于神罚军的转化仪式。”伊莎贝拉点点头,“从洁萝到这里的一刻起,她就成为了教皇候选人之一。” Really is the disgusting procedure,” Nightingale extremely angry say/way, does not know that was saying the transformed ceremony, was saying Zero. “真是恶心的做法,”夜莺愤愤道,也不知道是在说转化仪式,还是在说洁萝 Isabella is tactful shut up. 伊莎贝拉识趣地闭上了嘴。 When comes to the hall end, occupied the whole body of entire wall to paint a portrait appears before the people impressively. With pale yellow say/way in different, around the frame was wrapped by Illumination Stone, the gentle ray will mark each detail vividly presents. 当走到大厅尽头时,一副占据了整个墙壁的全身画像赫然出现在众人面前。和昏黄的道中不同,画框周围被发光石所包裹,柔和的光线将画上每一个细节都生动地呈现出来。 Although Roland listened to Agatha and the others to propose the Sorceress Queen appearance repeatedly, when sees really paints a portrait, in the heart still leapt an indescribable feeling. 尽管罗兰已多次听爱葛莎等人提过魔女之王的模样,但真看到画像时,心中仍腾起了一股难以言喻的感受。 Alice both hands is stationed in the sword, the vision horizontally views, will be staring at the unknowable future likely, as if will actually be taking a look at him. 阿卡丽斯双手驻剑,目光平视,像是凝视着不可知的未来,却又仿佛在打量着他。 Any words and expressions trace to narrate her appearance slightly to be deficient, soft and firm and resolute and cold ice and flame as if in her perfect integration, so long as has met very unforgettable. If the light is only then the facial features are outstanding, but also being insufficient makes him so surprised. On Alice, the air/Qi field of commanding heads on, almost likes the essence to be similar she is inborn God family, so long as follows side her, can win the inevitable victory. 任何词语描叙她的容貌都略显匮乏,柔软与坚毅、寒冰与火焰仿佛都在她身上完美融合,只要见过一面就很难忘记。如果光是只有五官出众,还不至于让他如此惊讶。在阿卡丽斯身上,统领者的气场扑面而来,几乎有如实质仿佛她便是天生的神眷者,只要跟在她身边,就能迎来必然的胜利。 Really is a pretty woman,” Anna says with emotion, fortunately she now already not.” “真是个漂亮的女人,”安娜感慨道,“还好她现在已经不在了。” Hello, how many meanings are the latter half a word words? Roland has patted under her head gently, even if Alice were still living, he can also probably not be oneself inadequately by the opposite party attraction? 喂喂,后半句话是几个意思?罗兰轻轻拍了下她的头,就算阿卡丽斯仍活着,他还能被对方吸引得神魂颠倒不成? However looked at Nightingale, he decided that do not speak these words. 不过看了看身边的夜莺,他决定还是不要把这句话讲出来。 He definitely has a clear conscience, but eventuality...... What if were given by that fellow " word, but is groundless " and " as if for real " judgment? That may really be a hundred mouths cannot explain it away. 他肯定问心无愧,但万一……万一被那家伙给出什么「言而不实」、「半真半假」的判断来呢?那可真是百口莫辩了。 After the group appreciate the Falling Star Queen appearance, entered hid in the great picture back illusions. 一行人欣赏完星陨女王的容颜后,走进了隐藏在巨画背后的幻象间。 Here altogether has nine magic stone Sigil, I have not looked completely, as if some were inherit from the more remote past.” Isabella hand according to magic stone, „, if you want to look, I can each activate.” “这里一共存有九个魔石符印,我也没有全部看过,似乎有些是从更久远的年代传承下来的。”伊莎贝拉将手按在魔石上,“如果您想看的话,我会每个都激活一遍。” That starts,” Roland nods. “那就开始吧,”罗兰点点头。 All around instantaneously becomes jet black piece. 四周瞬间变得漆黑一片。
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