RTW :: Volume #9

#867: The meaning of smiling face

Insane, this fellow...... Was absolutely insane! 疯了,这家伙……绝对疯了! George cannot believe that matter will make to this step, why new King thinks they will not revolt, but is the little darling is without a fight? 乔治纳瑞不敢相信事情真会闹到这一步,新王凭什么认为他们不会反抗,而是乖乖束手就擒? Resists more than 60 people by six people, are Is it possible these guards the iron hit? 以六人对抗60多人,难不成这些侍卫都是铁打的? Even if opposite party having witch, in front of wearing God Punishment Stone noble, does not have the odds of success! 就算对方有女巫,在佩戴神罚之石贵族面前,也毫无胜算可言! Along with the order of new King, that six female guard has not closed, but branches out two people to defend in front of exporting and Roland, another four people draw out the short-sword, approaches step by step toward noble. 随着新王的命令,那六名女性侍卫并没有一拥而上,而是分出两人守在出口和罗兰面前,另外四人拔出短剑,一步步朝贵族们逼近过来。 In the crowd resounded a piece of sharp sword to leave sheath sound immediately-- under relative strength so disparate situation, nobody is willing to put down weapon, knelt down to surrender. 人群中顿时响起了一片利剑出鞘声——在实力对比如此悬殊的情况下,没人愿意放下武器,下跪投降。 your, your majesty......!” Scarlet Water City feudal lord facial color big change, everybody is calm, having the opinion can discuss slowly!” 陛、陛下……!”赤水城领主面色大变,“大家都冷静一点,有意见可以慢慢谈!” Now said that this already late, George and Grey looked at each other one, immediately had determined each other idea, the plan changed, began in this inside the mountain villa! 现在说这个已经晚了,乔治盖伊对视一眼,立刻确定了彼此的想法,计划变更,就在这座山庄里动手! Although this place is not suitable defends, but wins in Scarlet Water noble has arrived in full basically, so long as can control Roland, he will have confidence to win over this side majority of-- such that just like Fourth Prince will say, the strength weighs all standards, what a pity in the lakeside mountain village, the strength has not stood that side the opposite party! 尽管此地不适宜防守,但胜在赤水贵族基本都已到齐,只要能控制住罗兰,他有把握将大部分拉拢到自己这一边来——正如四王子说的那样,力量才是衡量一切的标准,可惜在湖畔山庄中,力量并没有站在对方那一边! I unacceptable!” Grey loudly shouts, grasps to match the sword to go out of crowd-- before he changes finally, genial honest facial expression, becomes serious, „, if the evidence conclusive trial, I am speechless, but this child's play ruling, any true noble excuse our inability to comply. Even if Wimbledon III so asked me, I also still insisted this answer! Your highness, this is you compels my!” “我不能接受!”盖伊大喝一声,手持配剑走出人群——他终于一改之前和善敦厚的神情,变得严肃起来,“如果是证据确凿的审判,我无话可说,但这种儿戏般的裁决,任何一名真正的贵族都恕难从命。即使温布顿三世如此问我,我也依然坚持这个回答!殿下,这是您逼我的!” His also with four big attendants, everyone holds up the head to stand, completely does not dread the match is royal family noble. From the imposing manner, Earl Sanhe has even crushed new King one line. 他的身后还跟着四位高大的侍从,每一人都昂首而立,全然不畏惧对手是王室贵族。从气势上来说,三河伯爵甚至压倒了新王一行人。 Does attractively, George mused, like so the manifesto of righteousness words, even if the princes is hard to refute. Latter half a word includes in which all noble, inspires and sedition all has, so long as then takes Roland then to give the final word! 干得漂亮,乔治暗想,像这般义正言辞的宣言,哪怕是王子都难以反驳。后半句更是将所有贵族都囊括其中,鼓舞和煽动性皆有,接下来只要拿下罗兰便能一锤定音! But the opposite party cannot certainly think, this year about 40, seem had half hair gray Earl, is an absolute expert. 而对方一定想不到,这位年近40,看上去已有半边头发花白的伯爵,是一名绝对的好手。 The Grey Urian inborn strange strength, at age 15, then brought two Knight to exterminate has occupied one group of robbers in river road junction, after adulthood , is skilled in various weapons, is difficult to meet the rival in the competition between noble. Some people said that he for giant Grey, and thinks, if he is not big noble, but is Knight, then under the history book will certainly record this strongest Knight given name. 盖伊尤里安天生怪力,15岁那年,便带着两名骑士清剿了盘踞在河道口的一伙强盗,成年后更是精通各类兵器,在贵族间的比试中难逢敌手。有人称他为“巨人”盖伊,并认为如果他不是一位大贵族,而是骑士的话,那么史书里一定会记录下这名最强骑士的名号。 As for that four attendants, each one is the accurate Knight levels, so long as ties down the new King guard moment, Roland Wimbledon simply does not have the strength of resisting in front of Earl Sanhe! 至于那四名侍从,也个个都是准骑士的水平,只要缠住新王侍卫片刻,罗兰温布顿三河伯爵面前根本没有招架之力! Helps his,” George said to own attendants instruction, stares at Miss Edith.” “上去帮他一把,”乔治对自己的侍从吩咐道,“盯好伊蒂丝小姐。” Yes.” Also several people exceed the crowd. “是。”又有数人越出人群。 Facing stride Grey forward, the happy expression on Roland face does not reduce the slightest, instead is more intense, as if had not realized completely the present situation is ordinary, this made George get hold of the fist. Smiles, this was also you finally self-satisfied time, later only will make you cry unable to cry! 面对大步向前的盖伊,罗兰脸上的笑意不减分毫,反而更为强烈,似乎完全没有意识到现在的局势一般,这让乔治不禁握紧了拳头。笑吧,这也是你最后得意的时刻了,待会只会让你哭都哭不出来! On!” When the distance of both sides pulls closer to ten, Grey accelerates fiercely, wields a sword to cut toward that female guard! “上!”当双方的距离拉近到十步以内时,盖伊猛地加速,挥剑直朝那名女侍卫斩去! Big of the strength, even made one hear howling sound from out of the blue. 其力道之大,甚至令人听到了呼啸的破空声。 This strikes can only avoid, is unable to resist certainly hardly! 这一击只能躲避,绝无法硬抗! But once the opposite party makes way, in front of Roland then again does not have one person. 而对方一旦让开,罗兰面前便再无一人。 Ding-- thorn--” “叮——刺——” Afterward George heard two sounds, the former is the sound of metal collision, is clear and delightful, the latter is actually the blade with ** slight fricative that the contact exudes. The half long sword soars, after the rotating number circle was pricking in the wood floor but actually. 随后乔治听到了两个声音,前者是金属碰撞之声,清脆而悦耳,后者却是刀刃与**接触所发出的细微摩擦声。半截长剑腾空而起,在空中旋转数圈后倒着刺入了木地板中。 Then is the head of Earl Sanhe. 接着是三河伯爵的头颅。 It coasts from neck neck place smoothly, bang pounds on the floor, after bouncing two next, no longer moves, the blood that the fracture place sprinkles drew a bright red arc. 它平滑地从颈脖处滑下,砰的一声砸在地板上,弹跳两下后不再动弹,断口处洒落的血液划出了一道鲜红的弧线。 ...... What happened? 到底……发生了什么事? The opposite party only uses a sword unexpectedly, then has the weapon same place, been cutting off giant the neck of Grey? 对方居然仅用一剑,便连带着武器一起,斩断了“巨人”盖伊的脖子? This is possible!? 这怎么可能!? However has not waited for him to recover, around the crowd has resounded the sword to hand over the sound and chaotic pitiful yell striking-- that sword just like the signal is common, four female attendant escort several directions simultaneously to kill, immediately has raised reign of terror. George discovered panic-stricken, the movements of these people almost quickly to being hard with naked eye capture, its strength is also much bigger, anything can become fatal weapon in their hands, even if the fist and finger, is touching is the wound, as if with is not human that noble fights, but is a steel statue! 然而还没等他回过神来,人群四周已响起了刀剑交击之声与混乱的惨叫——那一剑犹如信号一般,四名女侍卫从数个方向同时砍杀过来,顿时掀起了一场腥风血雨。乔治惊恐地发现,这些人的动作几乎快到难以用肉眼捕捉,其力道也大得惊人,任何东西在她们手中都能成为致命的武器,哪怕是拳头和手指,也是触之即伤,仿佛与贵族战斗的不是人类,而是一尊钢铁雕像! The monster, this radically is one crowd of monsters, he was exclaiming at heart, did the mortal possibly temper this situation own body? 怪物,这根本是一群怪物,他在心里吼道,凡人怎么可能将自己的躯体磨炼到这个地步? However...... If you have the action of revolt, the plotting a rebellion incident then has become the practical action, the mine naturally again cannot accommodate you. Your homes to return, only then dead end. 但是……倘若你们有反抗之举,谋反一事便成了实际行动,矿山自然再也容不下你们。你们的归宿,只有死路一条。 In an instant, George has remembered the new King words suddenly. 刹那间,乔治纳瑞忽然想起了新王的话语。 In his mind just like Lightning has delimited together-- 他的脑海中犹如一道闪电划过—— The opposite party waits for is at this moment? 难道对方等待的便是这一刻? He rotates the neck difficultly, looks to the direction that Roland Wimbledon stands. 他艰难地转动脖子,望向罗兰温布顿站立的方向。 An unquenchable chill in the air raises from the sole, direct impact back-- at this moment he discovered that oneself has understood the meaning of that smiling face finally. 一股难以抑制的寒意从脚底升起,直冲背脊——此刻他发现自己终于读懂了那副笑容的含义。 This is a through trap! 这是一个彻头彻尾的陷阱! Keeps outside First Army the city intentionally, the convoy guard only hundred people of accompanying, feasted only lead six guards to enter the stadium \; Pretends unable to see clearly the situation constantly strong, does not give the space that the person makes concessions, this all acts, to tempt their takes action! 故意将第一军留在城外,随行的护卫队仅有百人,赴宴更是只带了六名侍卫入场\;装作看不清形势的一味强硬,丝毫不给人退让的空间,这所有行径,都只是为了引诱他们出手 Sends under custody the mine? No...... The opposite party has not planned noble that lets off to remain, if they are without a fight, perhaps new King will only think that incomparably disappointedly is. 押送矿山?不……对方根本就没打算放过剩下来的贵族,倘若他们束手就擒,恐怕新王只会觉得无比失望才是。 Right...... That is the smiling face of anticipation. 没错……那是期待的笑容。 Anticipated that they under Orbit according to his arrange/cloth advance to the abyss step by step, anticipated that they dig one's own grave--, only then this can make new King feel joyful. This smiling face is venomous regarding George, therefore he could not realize that the proper happy expression, instead will think incomparably gloomy and cold. 期待他们按照他布下的轨迹一步步迈向深渊,期待他们自掘坟墓——只有这样才能令新王感到愉悦。只是这份笑容对于乔治来说充满恶意,因此他才察觉不到应有的笑意,反而会觉得无比阴冷。 Puts and lets off us......” “放、放过我们吧……” Your Majesty, I surrender!” 陛下,我投降!” I am also, the Leviathan family pledged that gives loyalty to you!” “我也是,利维坦家族发誓向您效忠!” You want anything me to give you! Asked you to forgive me!” “您要什么都我给您!求求您宽恕我!” The situation develops rapidly after a sudden turn, sees potential not wonderful noble to kneel down to beg for mercy, they were still obviously in the majority, enemy only four, but in scene surrounded actually likely is they. 局势急转直下,见势不妙的贵族纷纷跪下求饶,明明他们仍占多数,敌人仅有四名而已,但场面上被包围的却像是他们。 Late, the George weak dangling saber, in the presence of everyone the person has drawn out weapon that moment from the waist, they became plotting a rebellion in Roland mouth. 晚了,乔治无力地垂下佩剑,当众人从腰间拔出武器的那一刻,他们就已经成为了罗兰口中的谋反者。 The unwilling, aggrieved, frightened and angry emotion appears alternately, finally actually belongs to the nihility under a handle long sword. 不甘、憋屈、恐惧和愤怒的情感交替出现,最终却在一柄长剑下归于虚无。 Slaughters and begging for mercy sound goes far away gradually, thing that he sees finally, is the inclined hall, the blood that as well as the store front comes is hollow.... The friend of reading, you can search for blue book, then first found home station Oh. 厮杀声与求饶声逐渐远去,他最后看到的东西,是倾斜的大厅,以及铺面而来的血洼。...看书的朋友,你可以搜搜“蓝色书吧”,即可第一时间找到本站哦。
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