RTW :: Volume #9

#836: Signal of transformation

Although quite some meaning of buying and selling by using compulsion, but the fjord merchants ultimately accepted this to choose the law. They know, if withdraws now, other people will only swallow-- facing not having the commodity of substitute together with that same place, this small concessions are nothing. 尽管颇有些强买强卖的意味,但峡湾商人们最终还是接受了这个选法。他们都知道,如果现在退出,其他人只会连同那一份一起吞下——面对没有替代物的商品,这点小小的让步算不了什么。 Moreover they have to acknowledge that Roland said that has certain truth, the sample taste difference of before having was freely significant, but was not other wine or liquor hydro energy comparisons in market, the difference gained gains much few. The area that let alone everybody is responsible for selling is different, forms the possibility of competition not to be high, further reduced to choose inferior the risk. 而且他们也不得不承认罗兰说得有一定的道理,之前带回去的样品尽管口味差异明显,但都不是市场上的果酒或其他酒水能比拟的,区别只是赚多赚少而已。何况大家负责销售的地区都不一样,形成竞争的可能性不高,进一步降低了选到下等品的风险。 Looks that Gamore and the others gathered round the wooden barrel back and forth to size up, even pastes to smell with the nose, tried to find some residual drink the appearances, Roland laughs in one's heart at heart. Do not look that these pail contours are ordinary, inside actually attaches a Soraya plan the thin film, has isolated the inside and outside air completely, light depends on the nose definitely unable to hear any difference. 看着加摩尔等人围着木桶来回打量,甚至用鼻子贴上去嗅嗅,试图找到些残留饮料的模样,罗兰心里暗笑不已。别看这些桶子外形普通,里面却贴有一层索罗娅绘制的薄膜,完全隔绝了内外空气,光靠鼻子肯定是闻不出什么差别的。 When the people choose Chaos Drink, he calmly Margery calls the one side, said in a low voice: 10 th and in the several pails of No. 24 two sides, installs the drink the taste to be good, at least I like.” 趁着众人挑选混沌饮料之际,他不动声色地将玛格丽叫到了一旁,低声说道:“十号和24号两边的几个桶子里,所装饮料的口味还算不错,至少我个人很喜欢。” The latter shows surprisedly the facial expression, Your Majesty......” 后者露出惊讶地神情,“陛下……” Treats as the thank-you gift,” the Roland chuckle gets up, „, if not that batch of merchant groups that you bring at first, perhaps Western Region must spend on for 2-3 years to have the present appearance. Although your goal does not want to do business with Border Town from the beginning, but the town still benefits greatly, therefore this compensation is nothing.” His paused, naturally, only then this-- if after all you pull out to the good sign each time, how other people will raise doubts.” “就当作谢礼吧,”罗兰轻笑起来,“如果不是你最初带来的那批商人团,说不定西境还得多花上两三年才能有如今的模样。虽然一开始你的目的并不是想和边陲镇做生意,但镇子依然受益匪浅,所以这点报偿算不了什么。”他顿了顿,“当然,只有这一次——毕竟如果你每次都抽到好牌,其他人怎么都会心生怀疑的。” These that he said basically are the facts, then steam model machine not only unwieldy and is hard to operate, can only be used in simplest draining water and haulage work, in Western Region not too sales market. If not she introduced it to the Silver Light City minerals merchant, thus opened a high profit trade route, perhaps the preliminary primitive accumulation also wanted more unendurable. 他说的这些基本都是事实,当时的蒸汽原型机既笨重又难以操作,只能用于最简单的排水和拖运工作,在西境并没有太多销售市场。若非她将其介绍给了银光城矿产商人,从而打开了一条高利润商路,前期的原始积累恐怕还要难熬许多。 Sales territory that let alone Margery Commerce is responsible for is the Greycastle mainland, first seizes the local market with the flavor good variety is also a good choice. 何况玛格丽商会所负责的销售区域是灰堡大陆,先用味道上佳的品种占领本地市场也是个不错的选择。 Then I accepted your thank-you gift,” female merchant has not done excessively declines--, in treating people to handle matters on, some of her truly quite Thunder shadows, frank natural, not bothered about trifles. Caressed the chest slightly good after Roland a ritual, Margery covered the mouth to say with a smile, „, since received your gift, I also cannot do without any feedback, first disclosed a good news to you.” “那么我就收下您的谢礼了,”女商人并没有做过多推辞——在待人处事上,她确实颇有些雷霆的影子,爽朗大方,同时不拘小节。微微抚胸朝罗兰行了一礼后,玛格丽掩嘴笑道,“既然收了您的礼物,我也不能没有任何回馈,就先向您透露一个好消息吧。” Oh? Roland has selected the brow. 哦?罗兰挑了挑眉头。 At first that batch of merchant groups you mentioned, is my old friend Hogg, recently also planned to visit Western Region.” She lowers the voice, looked from his letter, this time may be he these machines that comes-- you to sell has spread in the kingdom middle area incessantly, now almost all mine merchants, are inquiring that rail transit system to him. Perhaps six months later, your factory all day bustled about to keep.” “您提到的最初那批商团,也就是我的老朋友霍格,近日也打算拜访西境。”她压低嗓音,“不过从他的来信看,这次可不止是他一个人来——您出售的那些机器已经在王国中部地区传开了,现在几乎所有矿山商人,都在向他打听那套轨道运输系统。没准半年之后,您的工厂就得整天忙碌个不停了。” Yes......” Roland is startled slightly, afterward smiles the nod saying that looks like indeed is the good news that is worth congratulating.” “是么……”罗兰稍稍一怔,随后微笑着点头道,“看来的确是个值得庆贺的好消息。” However only then he knows, after hearing this news, his bottom of heart surged suddenly a heartfelt sense of achievement. 不过只有他自己才知道,当听到这个消息后,他心底忽然涌起了一股由衷的成就感。 On this day finally came. 这一天终于还是来了。 The past two years, he altogether has sold about hundred Steam engine, in the kingdom only occupied 30%. At the beginning of Greycastle industrial corporation was established, in odd-numbered month the output merely was horrible to look at two to three, when territory own demand has not satisfied, he also still sold part toward Silver Light City, anticipated that was the day. 过去两年时间里,他一共售出了近百台蒸汽机,其中王国内只占到三成。在灰堡工业公司成立之初,单月产量仅仅是惨不忍睹的两到三台,即使领地自身的需求都未满足时,他也依然将其中一部分售往银光城,所期待就是这一天。 The quantity so scarce source power almost can ignore regarding the Industrial Revolution, is actually a signal, arrives by the manpower to the signal that the machinery transformation and production method will soon be reborn. When all people note this new strength, when wants to imitate the chase, the transformation then started. 数量如此稀少的源动力对于工业革命来说几乎可以忽略不计,却是一个信号,一到由人力向机械转变、生产方式即将脱胎换骨的信号。当所有人都注意到这股新生的力量,想要效仿追逐时,变革便开始了。 This transformation almost impossible led by benefit was prevented, its effect calls and sells the product everywhere to be better more than ten million times, the energy of contains changes the entire time sufficiently. 这种以利益为主导的变革几乎不可能被阻挡,它的效果比自己到处吆喝、推销产品要好上千万倍,所蕴含的能量足以改变整个时代。 But present Neverwinter City also today we are no longer as we have been, an industry park day of output quite in the past month, after the three shifts, can grow many. What most important is, the apprentice who largely has the primary education is transforming as worker-- continuously they have never traced the iron hammer, has not built a sword, how has actually learned with the machine production machine. So long as the opportunity arrives, Neverwinter City then can erupt to make the productive forces that this time stares dumbfounded. 而如今的无冬城也今非昔比,工业园一天的产量就相当于过去的一个月,三班倒之后还能增长得更多。最重要的是,大量接受完初等教育的学徒正源源不断地转化为工人——他们从未摸过铁锤,也没有打造过一把刀剑,却学会了如何用机器生产机器。只要时机一到,无冬城便能爆发出令这个时代瞠目结舌的生产力。 From the Margery news, Roland as if saw that this opportunity left him not to be far. 玛格丽的消息中,罗兰仿佛看到这个时机已离他不远了。 ...... …… Two days later, the fjord merchants brought to choose good Chaos Drink to leave Neverwinter City, Barov have compelled do not hold thick one pack of books to enter his office anxiously. 两天之后,峡湾商人带着挑选好的混沌饮料离开了无冬城,巴罗夫则迫不急地抱着厚厚一叠本子走进了他的办公室。 Smiles soon from old Prime Minister cannot see in the expression of eye, Roland knows that this harvest is certainly many. 从老总管笑得都快要看不见眼睛的表情上,罗兰就知道此次收获一定颇丰。 However after opening counts to be thin, he in warehousing amount one has not stayed is too long, but will focus on recently in the population. 不过翻开统计薄后,他并没有在入库金额一项上停留太久,而是将注意力放在了新进人口上。 According to the agreement of previous discussion, Sunset Island and Shallow Water Town will provide 300 artisans respectively, to receive in exchange for five years to complete the Stream Ship transformation \; But filthy rich Crescent Moon Bay is direct, purchases a non- sail steel steamship with 2000 people and 50,000 gold royal. Although both's goal is comes to the Marine Technology, but Roland does not care about this small thoughts, instead has regarded transaction chip-- it, so long as is willing to leave behind the person, is not only the approach of manufacture and craft method, can give them including the design paper. 按照上次会谈的约定,落日岛浅水城将各提供300名工匠,以换取五年内完成明轮船改造\;而财大气粗的弦月湾则更是直接,用2000人和50000枚金龙购买一艘无帆钢铁大船。尽管两者的目的都是冲着造船技术而来,不过罗兰并不在乎这点小心思,反而把它当成了交易的筹码——只要愿意把人留下,不光是制造方法和工艺手段,连设计图纸都可以给他们。 Therefore their this time also worked hard, according to the statistics of Barov, the labor craftsmen number that fjord line of institutes bring compared with the agreement in must 12 tenths, moreover majority are to have the senior carpenter of many years of shipbuilding experience, its intention is self-evident: Since Neverwinter City does not forbid the technical to divulge to an outsider, when that the contract completes, was treated as the transaction part except these manpower, the thing that other people learning brings back to the fjord entirely. 因此他们这次也下足了功夫,根据巴罗夫的统计,峡湾此行所带来的工匠人数比约定中的还要多出12成,而且大多数都是有着多年造船经验的老木匠,其意图不言而喻:既然无冬城不禁止技术外传,那么等到契约完成,除开那些被当作交易部分的人手,其余人则会把学到的东西统统带回峡湾。 What a pity they do not understand to the technical word of new times. 可惜他们对新时代的技术一词并不理解啊。 Roland cannot bear raise the corners of the mouth, how long fjord person will unable to discover, wanting oneself to produce the words of steam steamboat, from Neverwinter City purchase raw material, processing equipment and key component...... In the end, will only rely on Greycastle, does not have the small country of complete industrial capacity like later generation these. 罗兰忍不住扬起嘴角,要不了多久峡湾人就会发现,想要自己生产蒸汽轮船的话,就得从无冬城购买原材料、加工设备、关键零部件……到头来,只会更加依赖于灰堡,就像后世那些没有完整工业能力的小国一样。 He raised the quill pen, drew a circle under these craftsmen total, afterward will count to return in the Barov hand thinly. 他提起鹅毛笔,在这些匠人总数下面画了个圈,随后将统计薄交还到巴罗夫手中。 Places them well, called the Karl van Bate same place again, makes a financing plan according to industrial park current situation,” the Roland instruction said, we must construct several factories.” “好好安置他们,再叫上卡尔.梵伯特一起,根据工业园区目前的情况做一个财政计划,”罗兰吩咐道,“我们又要多建几个工厂了。”
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