RTW :: Volume #9

#817: Said goodbye Ash

When the first small woods map the field of vision, Logia slowed down the footsteps. 当第一片小树林映入视野时,洛嘉放慢了脚步。 She for the first time visits territory-- of north regarding this bountiful places, she once listened to many people to raise: There has the greenwood of fast color, water current continuously \; The azure grass can overspread the entire plain, puts in the hand the place, can feel its moistness and soft. In the river water only then the fish and crab, do not need to be worried sandworm that ambushes swallows the both legs of pumping person, in brief was the same with once Extreme Southern Region, filled with the grass and vitality everywhere. 她还是首次踏足北国的领地——对于这片富饶之地,她曾听许多人提起过:那儿有永不褪色的绿林,源源不绝的水流\;青色的小草可以铺满整个平原,把手伸进地里,就能感受到它的湿润与柔软。河水里只有鱼儿和螃蟹,不必担心潜伏的沙虫一口吞掉取水人的双腿,总之就跟曾经的极南境一样,到处充满绿茵和生机。 However she does not have similar feeling but actually. 不过她倒没有类似的感受。 Probably is reason that Months of Demons had not finished, above the tree trunk only the remaining alone branches, is some withered and yellow weeds, only on grass this point, but also big oasis that is inferior to Iron Sand City to occupy. Only those who make her feel the change is, yellow sand everywhere gradually turned into the black-brown. 大概是邪月尚未结束的缘故,树干上方只剩下孤零零的枝桠,地里都是些枯黄的野草,单就绿茵这一点来说,还不及铁砂城所占据的大绿洲。唯一让她感受到变化的是,满地的黄沙已渐渐变成了黑褐色。 Logia looks around in all directions, found the institute of block unmanned taking shelter from wind, from the great wolf reduction is the normal appearance, then wears the clothes, smelled in the air the residual smell , to continue toward the direction vanguard of caravan. 洛嘉四处张望一番,找到块无人的避风之所,从巨狼缩小为正常模样,接着穿上衣服,闻了闻空气中残留的气味,继续朝商队的方向前行。 for several days she so has come, after Sunset, turns into the wolf shape to run recklessly, so long as the direction approximately to northern then it will be alright, the sandworm and iron armor scorpion is her alternative food, sometimes even also will draw on following of one crowd of Desert Wolf. Daytime follows the Silver River business say/way to march forward, runs into the good foot merchant also to be able while convenient under the supplement the water bag. 这些天她一直是如此过来的,日暮后变成狼形肆意奔跑,只要方向大致向北就行,沙虫和铁甲蝎都是她备选的食物,有时候甚至还会招来一群沙漠之狼的追随。白天则顺着银川商道行进,遇到行脚商人还能顺便补充下水袋。 Naturally in the journey also has to encounter accident/surprise. 当然旅途中也不是没有遭遇过“意外”。 As crazy flame Third Princess, Logia takes action is always very natural, that in travel bag wrapped gold royal naturally to bring to other people's attention. The ear that in addition the top of the head raises up high is very keen, the merchants plan the association to be known by her maliciously ahead of time. From the beginning she will also make these evil and cruel people pay the deeply grieved price, afterward simply by far followed after the caravan, locates the opposite party position using the smell. 作为狂焰三公主,洛嘉出手一向很大方,行囊里的那包金龙自然引起了他人的注意。加上头顶高高竖起的耳朵十分灵敏,商人们不怀好意的谋划总会被她提前知晓。一开始她还会让那些歹毒之人付出惨痛的代价,后来干脆远远跟在商队后,利用气味来确定对方的位置。 After quite a while, Logia heard the ocean waves sound finally. 半天之后,洛嘉终于听到了海浪的声音。 The harbor cities of this north do not have the establishment thick city wall, stands can take in everything at a glance on the steep slope. Tents stand along the river, but approaches one of the sea a babel of voices, many people are busy repairing square even building, seems very lively. Those who made her be astonished, in that group of people only had a small part is Sandpeople, other majorities were the north people. 这座北国的海港城镇没有设置厚实的城墙,站在高坡上可以一览无遗。一座座帐篷沿河而立,而靠近大海的一头则人声鼎沸,许多人正忙着修葺一栋栋四四方方的平楼,看上去好不热闹。令她讶异的是,那伙人里只有一小部分是沙民,其余大部分都是北国人。 Enters the Port of Clear Water boundary, she found First Army guarding quickly camp. 走进碧水港地界,她很快找到第一军驻守的营地 After the guard notifies the status, Logia has not waited for how long then to see that made her heartbeat black hair female. 向卫兵通报身份后,洛嘉没等多久便看到了那名令她心跳不已的黑发女子。 Ash. 灰烬 Has not thought that good first to say anything, the opposite party had opened the mouth first, I know that you will come.” Her is calm, in the golden eye pupil does not have the strange feeling, resembled two people yesterday just separately general. 还没想好第一句该说些什么,对方已经先开了口,“我就知道你会来。”她的语气平静,金色的眼瞳里毫无陌生之感,就好像两人昨天才刚刚分别一般。 The ear of Logia has shaken shaking, why?” 洛嘉的耳朵不禁抖了抖,“为什么?” Because you look like with beforehand me very much,” Ash raises the corners of the mouth slightly, in heart has the goal that wants to pursue.” “因为你跟以前的我很像,”灰烬微微扬起嘴角,“心中有着想要追寻的目标。” Is the fight?” Her eye has shone. “是战斗吗?”她的眼睛亮了起来。 No...... Is the revenge,” Exceed Witch shook the head, turns around saying that comes with me, Echo very much happily will certainly see your.” “不……是复仇,”超凡女巫摇了摇头,转身说道,“跟我来吧,回音一定会很高兴见到你的。” Revenge? Logia gawked under had realized she said similar referred to two people having the goal, but the respective goal was not same. She follows the step of opposite party, takes revenge to whom?” 复仇?洛嘉愣了下才意识到她说的相似只是指两人都有目标而已,但各自的目标并不相同。她跟上对方的步伐,“向谁复仇?” Hermes Church,” Ash shrugs, from the beginning to vent hatred, but the time grew then has become a custom. Until meets Your Highness Tilly, I discover in this world also to have the ratio to kill off their important matter.” 赫尔梅斯教会,”灰烬耸耸肩,“一开始只是为了发泄恨意,但时间长了便成了一种习惯。直到遇上提莉殿下,我才发现这世界上还有比杀光他们更重要的事情。” Your Highness Tilly...... The wolf female notes, when the opposite party mentioned this name, in sound were many a rare gentleness. Did this then change the person of mountain? She clearly person like Ash, once under has set the goal, is very difficult by the outside institute about, can produce to it so affects, inevitably is also uncommonness. 提莉殿下……狼女注意到,当对方提及这个名字时,声音里多了一丝罕见的柔和。这便是改变了大山的人么?她清楚像灰烬这样的人,一旦下定了目标,就很难被外界所左右,能对其产生如此影响的,必然也是一位不凡者。 She has taken down this name secretly. 她暗暗记下了这个名字。 When passed by even building in a construction, Logia asked that to Ash another doubts in heart, I heard , since Queen of Clear Water left this place, Port of Clear Water was then fired the ruins, should these people not be the local refugees? Do they look like migration Sandpeople hence are why more than?” 路过一栋建设中的平楼时,洛嘉灰烬问出了心中的另一个疑惑,“我听说自从碧水女王离开此地后,碧水港便被烧成了废墟,这些人应该不是当地的流民吧?为什么他们看起来比迁移至此的沙民还多?” Naturally is not, they come from Neverwinter City.” “当然不是,他们都来自无冬城。” Neverwinter City...... You said that King of Greycastle Roland Wimbledon's territory?” Logia does not dare to believe saying that he does send out oneself manpower to give the Mojin person to repair the residence?” 无冬城……你是说,灰堡之王罗兰.温布顿的领地?”洛嘉不敢置信道,“他派出自己的人手来给莫金人修葺住所?” Does not need to dispatch, these people are voluntary, because comes this construction the salary to five to ten silver royal, listening to the worker saying that Ministry of Construction just issued the news, the person of registration has been filled with the city hall.” “并不需要派遣,这些人都是自愿的,因为来此施工的薪酬要多出五到十枚银狼,听工人说,建设部刚下发消息,报名的人就挤满了市政大厅。” Ministry of Construction? City Hall? The wolf female swung tail at a loss, that...... Sandpeople?” 建设部市政厅?狼女茫然地摇了摇尾巴,“那……沙民呢?” She remembers that the first batch of migration several small Clan added 2,000-3,000 people, Great Chief was always insufficient rather from afar to adjust the person, was not willing to urge Sandpeople to come the practical training. If achieves this situation, she must suspect the opposite party motive on the contrary. 她记得第一批迁移的几个小氏族加起来两三千人了,大酋长总不至于宁可千里迢迢调人,也不愿驱使沙民来劳作吧。若真做到这地步,她反倒要怀疑对方的动机了。 Most people went to Endless Cape, Your Majesty must construct new city there.” Ash answer quickly, Brave Sand Clan is no exception--, only then participated in the clan and tribe of this construction task, can be admitted to the new home institute, and obtains with the Neverwinter City citizen same grain supply.” “大部分人都去了无尽海角,陛下要在那里建设一座新城市。”灰烬回答得很快,“傲沙氏族也不例外——只有参与了此项建设任务的部族,才能住进新居所中,并得到和无冬城领民一样的粮食供给。” Already does not have the oasis in that piece, desolate does wasteland establish the city? If not know like Ash proud the person disdains in lying radically, how she does not think that this is real. 在那片既无绿洲,也无人烟的荒地建立城市?如果不是知道像灰烬这样骄傲的人根本不屑于说谎的话,她怎么样也不会认为这是真的。 What in the head of King of Greycastle is actually thinking? 灰堡之王的脑袋里到底在想些什么? That...... Person who cannot go to?” “那……去不了的人呢?” „If the reason on body, can keep the help constructional force to construct Port of Clear Water, its treatment completely is also same. In other words, so long as is willing to work, does not need to be worried to have an empty stomach.” Ash spoke of here appears somewhat sighed, Your Highness Tilly once had said that in her heart the ideal world was to then pay many, obtained many, among people by seizing by force to win all, but saved the wealth by both hands. Sounds to be very inconceivable, but has not thought that her not reasonable Elder Brother has achieved this point unexpectedly.” “如果是身体上的原因,可以留下来帮助施工队建设碧水港,其待遇也完全一样。换句话说,只要愿意工作,就不用担心饿肚子。”灰烬说到这儿显得有些感叹,“提莉殿下曾说过,她心中理想的世界便是付出多少,得到多少,人与人之间不是凭借强取豪夺赢得一切,而是靠双手积攒财富。听起来很不可思议,但没想到她那个不靠谱的哥哥竟然做到了这一点。” Logia has neglected the last few words automatically, may...... Why can Great Chief construct city in Endless Cape? There anything does not have......” 洛嘉自动忽略了最后一句话,“可……大酋长为什么要在无尽海角建城?那里什么都没有……” Has Black water,” Ash lets go saying that Your Majesty wants the mass collections they.” “有黑水,”灰烬摊手道,“陛下想要大量采集它们。” And For this reason only?” Wolf female in same place, he has handled these many matters, for Black water? He like Queen of Clear Water, purchases from Iron Sand City obviously!” “就、就因为这个原因?”狼女愣在原地,“他做了这么多事情,就只是为了黑水?他明明像碧水女王那样,向铁砂城购买啊!” She does not believe that good intentions with no reason at all, most high-rank asked nothing but was money and place, but this series of procedure completely with both back but line-- not only took to give Sandpeople the place, later was to open up the desert is dispatches troops to guard, saw that was spends such as the big project of running water, light this expenses can buy several hundred barrels of Black water. 她并不相信无缘无故的善意,大多数上位者所求的无非是钱和地,可这一连串做法完全与两者背道而行——不但把地拿出来给了沙民,之后又是开垦沙漠又是派兵驻守,怎么看都是项花钱如流水的大工程,光这笔开销都能买上好几百桶黑水了。 If the opposite party goal is really so, the King of Greycastle style also was too rather unthinkable a point, she somewhat worries about the decision of father. 如果对方的目的真是如此,灰堡之王的行事风格未免也太匪夷所思了一点,她不禁有些担忧起父亲的决定来。 Thinks that Ash will open the mouth to refute or explain, but the opposite party has selected the brow, „...... The ghosts know that he is thinking anything.” 原以为灰烬会开口反驳或解释,但对方只是挑了挑眉头,“是啊……鬼知道他在想些什么。” Eh? 诶? „The person who can understand his fallacies and absurdities, entire Neverwinter City also few, Andrea could say that 12 came, after all was nostril breath noble, other people estimated that was unlikely to tell you answer,” she thought little saying that who cared, I came to here not for him, so long as Lady Tilly thinks that like this made right then it will be alright.” Said that she stops the footsteps, we arrived.” “能听懂他那些歪理邪说的人,整个无冬城也没几个,安德莉亚或许能说上12来,毕竟是一个鼻孔呼吸的贵族嘛,其他人估计是不大可能告诉你答案了,”她不以为意道,“不过谁在乎呢,我来这儿也不是为了他,只要提莉大人认为这样做没错就行了。”说完她停下脚步,“我们到了。”
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