RTW :: Volume #9

#813: „Monster”

Nightingale widens at present suddenly. 夜莺眼前豁然开阔起来。 Other Evil Beast in witnessing this astonishingly one has produced hesitant secretly unexpectedly, no longer crazily surrounded her way like before, but before was roared lowly is not settling down, as if likely is dreads her to be ordinary. 其他邪兽在目睹这惊人的一幕后竟产生了迟疑,不再像之前那样疯狂地围堵她的去路,而是低吼着驻足不前,似乎像是畏惧她一般。 These hybrid species felt the fear. 这些混合种感受到了恐惧。 Is hanging brandishes tentacles in the monster that the hole withstand/top, sends out howling of violent anger, but this urging has little effect, obeys the sickle that it orders to blame to lack the ability to do what one would like they that only-- only remains three survivals merely unable to threaten the motion of Nightingale again, the strict defense line at this moment became torn to pieces. 悬挂在洞顶的怪物挥舞起触须,发出暴怒的吼叫,但这番催促收效甚微,唯一听从它命令的镰刀怪已力不从心——仅仅只剩三只存活的它们无法再威胁到夜莺的行动,严密的防线此刻已变得支离破碎。 Did not have the enemy to prevent her again. 再也没有敌人能够阻挡她了。 Nightingale blows up within the body to remain many magic power, flushes away toward the vault center. 夜莺鼓起体内所剩不多的魔力,朝着穹顶中央冲去。 As the distance pulls closer unceasingly, she understood finally the abnormality in Fran mouth is What does it mean. 随着距离不断拉近,她总算明白了芙兰口中的畸形是什么意思 The opposite party is a living thing, rather is one pile of internal organs of appearing externally, it already does not have the external skin, cannot see the muscular tissue, covers entirely the intestines and tentacles of blood vessel and cannot name the character the organ such one layer upon layer to pile up one on top of another, looks like fierce and fearsome. 对方与其说是一只生物,倒不如说是一堆外露的脏器,它既没有表皮,也看不到肌肉组织,布满血管的肠子、触须和叫不上名字的器官就那样一层层堆叠起来,看上去显得狰狞而可怖。 Wanted to throw into the plan of monster mouth the blasting explosive unable to realize-- Nightingale to go to „the meat pouch that” one group wriggled unceasingly the vision obviously, although does not know that was the fatal organ of monster, but its position at least result by in compared with the intestinal tract many, moreover was flowing the magic power brilliance, when explosive explosion can cause a bigger damage inevitably. 想要把炸药扔进怪物嘴里的打算显然是无法实现了——夜莺将目光投向了一团不断蠕动的“肉囊”,尽管不知道那算不算怪物的致命器官,但它的位置至少要比肠道靠里得多,而且流淌着魔力的光辉,炸药爆炸时必然能造成更大的伤害。 Although some risks, but she has not retried an opportunity. 尽管有些冒险,但她没有重试一次的机会。 This showdown must strike fatally. 这场对决必须一击致命。 More is target proximity, Nightingale then more can feel its huge, the light is that group intriguing intestines fully has the house to be thick or thin, other internal organs build just like a castle. 越是靠近目标,夜莺便越能感受到它的庞大,光是那团错综复杂的肠子都足有房子粗细,其他脏器垒起来更是宛如一座城堡。 However this castle lives. 然而这座城堡是活的。 Saw with own eyes that the sickle beast is unable to prevent her footsteps, monster moved. 眼见镰刀兽无法阻挡她的脚步,怪物自己动了起来。 In its body projects innumerable say/way tall and slender tentacles, tries to prevent approaching of Nightingale. Some tentacles just like the steel whip is ordinary, when pounds falls can make the rock be split up \; This attack is not too difficult to deal with, so long as pays attention to the outline change of tentacles ahead of time, uses fracture that” these momentarily can appear to dodge, then like putting on the wall penetrates its constitution the defense line. 它的躯体内射出无数道细长的触须,试图阻挡夜莺的逼近。部分触须犹如钢鞭一般,砸落时能令山石四分五裂\;这种攻击还不算太难应付,只要提前注意触须的轮廓变化,利用那些随时都会出现的“断口”进行规避,即可像穿墙一样穿透其构成的防线。 But another type is much thornier, few tentacles contain to have magic power unexpectedly, and can display the magic power brilliance that different ability-- these colors vary in the black and white world appears especially striking, Nightingale does not want to attempt to be intimate is any taste, can only avoid in the teleport way as far as possible, this was equal to intensifying the consumption of own magic power. 而另一种则棘手得多,少量触须竟蕴含有魔力,并可以施展出不同的能力——那些颜色各异的魔力光辉在黑白世界中显得格外醒目,夜莺也不想尝试挨上一记到底是什么滋味,只能以闪现的方式尽可能躲避,这等于加剧了自身魔力的消耗。 Good is among both by no means the The next day deep pool. 好在两者间并非相隔天渊。 After several rises, she then stepped the monster grandiose body, the latter roared angrily, because actually the fear wound arrived at itself, but does not dare wantonly to attack with tentacles again. Nightingale felt immediately pressure relief, she turned on the backpack without hesitation, takes out one box of blasting explosive, flushes away toward the meat pouch directly. 几个起落之后,她便踏上了怪物壮硕的身躯,后者愤怒地咆哮不已,却因为害怕伤到自己,而不敢再用触须肆意攻击。夜莺顿时感到身上的压力减轻了许多,她毫不犹豫地打开背包,取出一盒炸药,径直朝肉囊冲去。 The following movement almost forms a coherent whole-- to draw out the lead wire, will brave the azure smoke the blasting explosive and backpack forces in the meat pouch together, afterward the revolving dense fog world, making the earth once more change the sky, a both feet fiercely tread, the whole person was similar to the arrow of string is then common, fell toward the surging underground lake. 接下来的动作几乎是一气呵成——拔出引线,将冒着青烟的炸药和背包一同塞进肉囊里,随后旋转迷雾世界,令大地再次变回天空,接着双脚猛地一蹬,整个人如同离弦之箭一般,朝激荡的地下湖泊坠去。 The monster has also discovered this point, it as if greatly did not understand after the enemy by any means possible is why close, anything has not actually done, like this receives the hand to leave. As for that package of travel bags, does not have any threat in its eye. Suddenly it even witch that forgets to pursue is separated from fast, all tentacles in same place. 怪物也发现了这一点,它似乎不大理解为何敌人千方百计接近后却又什么都没做,就这样收手离开。至于那包行囊,在它眼里根本不具任何威胁。一时间它甚至忘了追击正快速脱离的女巫,所有的触须都愣在了原地。 It is not able to borrow the strength the midair is in the dense fog world the most dangerous place, when crash runs upon bent/tune scroll an air current round profile, the fate is then split up. Therefore Nightingale has interrupted the ability, and while convenient the hand signal that compares saying goodbye to the monster of top of the head. 无法借力的半空是迷雾世界中最危险的地方,一旦坠落时撞上曲卷的气流轮廓线,下场便是四分五裂。因此夜莺中断了能力,并顺带向头顶的怪物比出了再见的手势。 Why does not know, she has remembered Roland in this moment suddenly. 不知为何,她在这一刻忽然想起了罗兰 When testing the gunpowder might, he can carry frequently to the test site, but also gives the euphemistic name for the genuine brave warrior never turns head to look at the explosion. Although this act will always draw on her and Agatha supercilious look, he actually has fun, as if completes the ceremony that he knew to be ordinary. 在测试火药威力时,他常常会背对测试地点,还美其名曰为真正的勇士从不回头看爆炸。虽然此举总是会招来她和爱葛莎的白眼,他却乐在其中,仿佛完成了一项只有他自己才知道的仪式一般。 Thinks that this, Nightingale has raised the corners of the mouth. 想到这一幕,夜莺不禁扬起了嘴角。 However at this moment she does not want to imitate the appearance of opposite party. 不过此刻她并不想模仿对方的模样。 With is the real brave warrior has nothing to do. 跟是不是真勇士无关。 She only wants to notice that the monster was exploded the torn to pieces scene. 她只想看到怪物被炸得支离破碎的景象。 In the lake water and underground river interlock the sound of collision clear, the jet black hole withstood/top to shine one group of red light suddenly! 就在湖水与暗河交错碰撞的声音清晰可辨时,漆黑的洞顶忽然亮起了一团红光! In suffering injustice underground, this ray is not even inferior to before dawn dawn, sheds dark fast actually, has after death cast the long shadow in the myriad things, the lake surface first time flood the radiant mighty waves. 在不见天日的地底,这道光芒甚至不亚于拂晓的曙光,黑暗快速褪却,在万物身后留下了硕长的阴影,湖面第一次泛起了璀璨的波澜。 Then is stirring thundering-- 接着是震撼人心的轰鸣—— In an instant entire cavern everything may become vulnerable! 刹那间整个洞穴地动山摇! Nightingale sees clearly, under the brilliant fireworks, the monster body contracts fiercely, just like suffered the enormous pain. Covers in the vault Red Moon has lacked the half suddenly, some organs are the volcanic eruption jump to shoot likely generally, has ignited the fire to shotpoint near spot directly, and emits the billowing thick smoke. 夜莺清楚地看到,在绚烂的焰火下,怪物身躯剧烈地收缩起来,犹如遭受了极大的痛苦。覆盖在穹顶上的“红月”陡然缺了半截,部分器官像是火山喷发一般迸射而出,离爆炸点较近的部位直接燃起了大火,并冒出滚滚浓烟。 passes!” “噗通!” Then she has crashed into the water. 然后她坠入了水中。 The world is instantaneously peaceful, only remaining chest rumble dull thumping sound. 世界瞬间安静下来,只剩下心口的隆隆闷响。 Water current of super revolving formed one deeply not to see the bottom under her body the black hole, the huge suction imitated such as a great hand, wanted to draw in the abyss her, in the face of such strength, any struggled does not help matters. 高速旋转的水流在她身下形成了一个深不见底的黑洞,巨大的吸力仿如一只巨手,想要将她拖入深渊,在这样的力量面前,任何挣扎都无济于事。 Is good early is prepared because of Nightingale. 好在夜莺早有准备。 She releases last magic power, summoned the dense fog again, then drew support from the white line of circling, leapt the water surface like the crawling staircase. 她释放出最后一点魔力,再次召唤出迷雾,接着借助盘旋的白线,像爬楼梯一样跃出了水面。 Hence, magic power of her within the body has consumed cleanly, the sequela of excessive use ability starts to appear, the fierce pulling out pain and rushes to her brain dizzily, shivering that the four limbs cannot stop, making her almost unable to control own body. 至此,她体内的魔力已消耗得一干二净,过度使用能力的后遗症开始出现,剧烈的抽痛感和晕眩冲上她的大脑,四肢止不住的颤抖,让她几乎控制不住自己的身体。 Struggled is climbing up the lakeshore, the strength that Nightingale moved continually lost, before the consciousness dissipation, she saw that a worm broke through a wall, afterward the golden form sharply to flew together toward her. 挣扎着爬上湖岸,夜莺连动弹的力气都失去了,在意识消散之前,她看到一只蠕虫破壁而出,随后一道金色的身影急冲冲地朝她飞来。 ...... …… Nightingale...... Is she all right?” Fran was worried that asked. 夜莺……她没事吧?”芙兰担心地问道。 What has not obstructed greatly, but has exhausted magic power,” Agatha has inspected sketchily, has given God Punishment Witches her, is shouldered her by you, we evacuate this place as soon as possible.” “没什么大碍,只是耗尽了魔力,”爱葛莎粗略地检查了一番,将她交给了神罚女巫,“由你们来背负她,我们尽快撤离此地。” After Nightingale insists on leaving, the people then decided that so long as waits till an explosive sound sound, regardless of the situation how strategic place comes out to converge with her, to guard her to fall into the tight encirclement. Therefore all dry rations have filled in the belly of Fran, although is unable to guarantee that she drills road of the escaping, but at least can crawl with them to the scheduled camp point. 夜莺执意离开后,众人便决定只要等到爆炸声一响,无论情况如何都要冲出来与她汇合,以防她一个人身陷重围。为此所有的干粮都填入了芙兰的肚子,虽然无法保证她钻出一条逃生之路,但至少可以跟着她们爬行到预定的扎营地点。 The result had not expected that this records blast effect to be much better, after bellow, the worm carrier of penetration stone wall stopped the movement incessantly, other Evil Beast also scatter in all directions to run away. 结果没料想这记爆炸效果好得惊人,轰鸣声过后,不止穿透石壁的蠕虫载体停止了动作,其他邪兽也跟着四散而逃。 Gives me,” Alena received remaining unconscious Nightingale personally, after experiencing this fight, Taqila survivor were obviously many to this golden hair witch a respect. “交给我吧,”爱莲娜亲手接过了昏迷不醒的夜莺,经历这番战斗后,塔其拉遗民对这名金发女巫明显多了一份敬意。 No longer makes up several?” Lightning looks at the hole top to struggle the monster of distortion, some did not say willingly, it looks like has not died probably thoroughly.” “不再补上几下吗?”闪电望着洞顶挣扎扭曲的怪物,有些不甘心道,“它看起来好像还没死透。” Fighting of trapped/sleepy beast dangerously, moreover you most can also bring one box of blasting explosive to come up, do not take this risk,” Agatha sinking sound returns saying that „, when First Army assembles, it sooner or later only has the dead end.” “困兽之斗最为危险,而且你最多也就能带一盒炸药上去,还是不要冒这个风险了,”爱葛莎沉声回道,“等到第一军集结完毕,它迟早都只有死路一条。” That...... Good,” little girl hesitant moment, finally nodded. “那……好吧,”小姑娘犹豫了片刻,最终还是点了点头。 When everybody prepares the evacuation, the monster has sent out a wail suddenly, along with this string of depressed and muddy resounding, the lake surface had the change suddenly. 就在大家准备撤离时,怪物忽然发出了一声哀鸣,随着这串沉闷而浑浊的鸣响,湖面骤然起了变化。 Under the flame of twinkle, a giant skeleton runs out of the water surface, has opened a row of spareribs claw toward the hole top. Even if in the rapid water current, it also is still maintaining stable. 在闪烁的火光下,一副巨大的骨架冲出水面,朝洞顶张开了一排排骨爪。即使在湍急的水流中,它也依然保持着稳定。 The monster loosened tentacles of fixed body, falls from the vault, happen to fell into the skeleton that in the skeleton-- sank suddenly to arouse layer upon layer the wave, side the big piece lake water was pushed to come ashore, for a while presented flowing in backward including the turbulent underground river. Then the bone claw closes, is the rib wraps likely generally into the monster, afterward submerges in the lake slowly. Its the flame and water surface of combustion contact leaps the billowing white smoke instantaneously, and sends out the burnt stink that irritates the nose. 怪物则松开了固定身躯的触须,从穹顶直坠而下,正好落入骨架之中——猛然下沉的骨架激起了层层波浪,大片湖水被挤上岸边,连汹涌的暗河都一时出现了倒灌。接着骨爪合上,像是肋骨一般将怪物包裹入内,随后缓缓没入湖泊中。它身上燃烧的火焰与水面接触的瞬间腾起滚滚白烟,并散发出刺鼻的焦臭味。 In that moment that the opposite party vanishes, all people saw on it these dense and numerous eye-- to have half to vanish into thin air freely, but the other eyes not cover up disclosed the meaning of intense hatred. 就在对方消失的那一刻,所有人都看到了它身上那些密密麻麻的眼睛——尽管有一半已不翼而飞,但余下的眼睛不加掩饰地透露出了强烈的憎恨之意。 Then revolving lake water absorb the form of monster, has resembled it not to appear has been same. 接着旋转的湖水吞没了怪物的身影,就好像它从来没有出现过一样。
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