RTW :: Volume #9

#812: Breaks leaves

Nightingale discovered oneself guess right. 夜莺发现自己猜得没错。 Majority of hybrid species is unable to determine her position directly, can climb up the dike to block off her were less, in midair dive, but below flight plants, although has the momentum, but actually likely lost arrows of accurate aim, so long as maintains the movement, is very difficult to pose enough threat to her. 大部分混合种无法直接判定她的位置,能攀上岩壁堵截她的就更少了,半空中“俯冲”而下的飞行种虽然颇具声势,但却像是失去了准头的箭矢,只要保持移动,便很难对她造成足够的威胁。 Can look to only her, only then before these lift unusual animals-- of sickle, claw they to sway from side to side the grandiose body, the abdomen numerous vice- is similar to Nail same pricks in the rock fully, making it be able to go freely in the dike. Was pulled strings by the monster, they gathered to the hole top, block in her with admonishing Magic Eye. 唯一能“看”到她的,只有那些举着镰刀般前爪的异兽——它们扭动着壮硕的身躯,腹部众多副足如同钉子一样刺入山石中,令其能够在岩壁上来去自如。受到怪物指使,它们纷纷向洞顶聚拢,拦在了她与警戒魔眼中间。 These enemies without doubt are the barriers that she must first surmount. 这些敌人无疑是她首先要突破的障碍。 The broad vault became Nightingale a battlefield of person, the feeling that this one person alone fights bravely very long had not appeared. 宽广的穹顶成为了夜莺一个人的战场,这种孤身奋战的感觉已经很久没有出现过了。 Once she alone walked under the curtain of night, launches the revenge to noble that these stopped at no evil, sought the Cooperation Association whereabouts until Wendy, made her get rid of such life. 曾经她独自行走在夜幕之下,向那些无恶不作的贵族展开复仇,直到温蒂寻得共助会的下落,才让她摆脱了那样的生活。 However at this time with mingling among is entirely different in the feeling of Silver Light City. 不过此时又与混迹在银光城的感受截然不同。 She freely is a person, slightly has not actually been weary with the sentiment of detesting, she had not been forced or threatened, but steps into this dangerous contention spontaneously. 她尽管是一个人,却丝毫没有厌倦与憎恶之情,她没有受人强迫或威胁,而是自发地踏入这场危险的角逐中。 Protects the faith of companion to make in her heart just like the flame is burning. 保护同伴的信念让她心中犹如火焰在燃烧。 Moreover Nightingale does not feel lonely, her body wears the Soraya specially-made exposure suit, what in backpack attire is the blasting explosive of Agatha production, the guns of waist is Roland personally designs becomes on-- also carves is presenting as a gift the word, " sends Veronica " . 而且夜莺并不感到孤独,她身上穿着索罗娅特制的防护服,背包里装的是爱葛莎生产的炸药,腰间的枪支则是罗兰亲手设计而成——上面还刻着赠词,「致薇罗妮卡」。 These make her feel, oneself and everybody in. 这些都让她觉得,自己与大家同在。 The train of thought turns wells up, the distance of both sides steadily reduces, the enemy potential of the completion of encirclement, has lifted the sickle to press gradually toward her. 思绪翻涌间,双方的距离不断缩短,敌人已渐渐完成合围之势,举着镰刀朝她压来。 Altogether 16. 一共16只。 Nightingale pulls out the takes action spear/gun, pulls open insurance, when when the forefront unusual animals only have several steps to her remote, she is separated from the dense fog, simultaneously deducts the trigger. 夜莺出手枪,拉开保险,当冲在最前面的异兽离她只有数步之遥时,她脱离迷雾,同时扣下扳机。 The opposite party is also fierce in that moment kicks out. 对方也在那一刻猛得扑出。 Powerful tail with vice- has given it fully extremely fearful eruption speed, this strikes just like plunders the food animal to plunge prey, has almost completed in blinking. 强有力的尾巴与副足给了它极为可怕的爆发速度,这一击犹如掠食动物扑向猎物般,几乎在眨眼之间就已完成。 Is the bullet shoots at it, rather was it has run upon the bullet. 与其说是子弹射向它,不如说是它撞上了子弹。 Even if were hit, other strength can also make Nightingale be seriously injured. 即使被击中,其余力也能令夜莺身受重伤。 But the latter early is prepared. 但后者早有准备。 The bullet leaves that flash of chest cavity, she escapes into the dense fog, and stepped a fast retreat wheel profile-- that is the earth outline. 子弹出膛的那一刹那,她重新遁入迷雾,并踩住了一根快速后退的轮廓线——那是大地的轮廓。 Opportunity just right. 时机恰到好处。 In bystander opinion, she has jumped out several meters likely suddenly backward, but in fact, is the big region she backward is speeding along. 在外人看来,她像是突然向后窜出了好几米,但实际上,是大地带着她向后飞驰。 Bang!” “嘭!” The projectile penetrated the tip head of sickle beast directly, throws off its carapace and brain fluid, is similar to a flower bud of blooming. The magic power brilliance dissipates at naked eye obvious speed, the body of stealth also twitched has been appearing the primary form. Lost the vitality unusual animals just like stone crashes into the underground lake, in her eyes actually fast flew upwards, seemed attracted by the turbulent lake surface. 弹丸径直贯入了镰刀兽的尖头脑袋,将它的甲壳与脑浆一齐掀翻开来,如同一朵绽放的花蕾。魔力光辉以肉眼可见的速度消散,隐形的躯体也抽搐着显出了原形。失去了生机的异兽犹如石头般坠入地下湖泊之中,在她眼里却是快速飞升,仿佛被汹涌的湖面吸进去了似的。 Nightingale like this in unpredictable line using dense fog, launches the chase and battle above the vault with the enemy. Although unusual animals motion fast, but gravity has still caused not the small burden to them, when especially she tempts the match toward to have fought desirably the location back and forth has gone through, is sewn the tattered and torn rock layer obviously unable again to provide enough friction force, this makes them have to slow the tempo, vice- inserts a deeper place fully. 夜莺就这样利用迷雾中变幻莫测的线条,在穹顶之上同敌人展开追逐与厮杀。异兽虽然行动迅捷,可重力依然对它们造成了不小的负担,特别是当她刻意引诱对手朝已经战斗过的场地来回穿行时,被钉得千疮百孔的岩层显然无法再提供足够的摩擦力,这使得它们不得不放慢了速度,将副足插入更深的地方。 However this tactic does not have the flaw, when fire must be separated from the dense fog, short time expose, Evil Beast that therefore surrounds are getting more and more, but the flight plants the threat that throws to strike also greatly to enhance abnormal monster not blind initiation that-- these are winged dive, but circles to the vault near position waiting opportunity, once she opens fire, then in abundance the direction that will possibly fend toward the surroundings will well up, forcing her to go through once more, or will avoid the wide scope attack of enemy using the round profile. 不过这种战术也不是毫无破绽,由于射击时必须脱离迷雾,短时间暴露自己,因此围拢过来的邪兽越来越多,而飞行种扑击的威胁也大幅提高——那些长着翅膀的畸形怪物没有再盲目的发起“俯冲”,而是盘旋在离穹顶较近的位置等待机会,一旦她开枪射击,便会纷纷朝周围可能闪避的方向涌去,迫使她再次穿行,或是利用轮廓线躲避敌人的大范围攻击。 The fight continued less than half quarter, on Nightingale presented several scars. 战斗持续了不到半刻钟,夜莺身上已出现了好几道伤痕。 After all was not every time can find the change of ideal avoidance space-- outline line not to depend on the will of ability, the dense fog world similarly was for her crisis-ridden, therefore the physical strength and spirit of very intensive fight to was a serious burden. 毕竟不是每一次都能找到理想的躲避空间——轮廓线条的变化并不取决于能力者的意志,迷雾世界对她来说同样危机四伏,因此高强度的战斗对体力和精神来说都是一份沉重的负担。 Injury heaviest position in her rib region. 伤势最重的位置在她的肋部。 Two around converging attack that flies to plant makes her evade not to be possible for a while to evade, the sharp claw has torn her coat, from the side abdomen has delimited to the waist. The good Soraya coating exposure suit has resisted fatally this strikes, making her not cut up the chest and abdominal cavities to rip open the stomach at the scene, but its strength still penetrates the coating, the pain must make her almost unable to breathe, crosses had caught one's breath a while. 两只飞行种的前后夹击让她一时避无可避,锋利的爪子撕裂了她的外套,从侧腹一直划至腰间。还好索罗娅的涂层防护服抵住了这致命的一击,让她没有被当场开膛破腹,不过其力道依然透过涂层,痛得令她几乎无法呼吸,过了好一阵子才缓过气来。 Can make manic hybrid species not worry mutually, the coordination with each other launches the fierce and rapid attack on the contrary, received the direction of that only multi- Eye Demon obviously, this strengthened Nightingale to eliminate its determination. Although does not know why it hides in this Great Snow Mountain, but is not looks for the trouble of Neverwinter City, but once Evil Beast had the unified captain, in the future to Your Majesty Roland absolutely will be an enormous threat. 能让狂躁的混合种不互相撕咬,反倒相互配合发起猛烈而急促的攻击,明显是受到了那只多眼魔的指挥,这更加坚定了夜莺消灭它的决心。虽说不知道它为何隐藏于这座大雪山之中,而不是去找无冬城的麻烦,可一旦邪兽们有了统一的指挥者,将来对罗兰陛下绝对是个极大的威胁。 After ten rounds of bullets exhaust completely, sickle unusual animals remaining four-- except were also killed violently by the personal spear/gun, another two lose footing to crash in the tangled warfare, according to water current that lake surface revolving surges, falls the possibility of basically not having crawled. 十发子弹全部用尽后,镰刀异兽还剩下四只——除开被贴身一枪毙命的,另有两只在混战中失足坠落,按照湖面旋转激荡的水流来看,落进去就基本没有爬出来的可能。 Under Evil Beast's besieges crazily, Nightingale already does not have the time replacement cylinder, does not have the plan such to do. She inserts the waist the pistol, when wave of hybrid species comes in swarms, a twinkle leaps to a back of invisible unusual animals, put out a hand to drag into the dense fog world it. 邪兽的疯狂围攻之下,夜莺既没有时间更换弹巢,也没打算这么做。她将手枪插回腰间,趁着一波混合种蜂拥而至之际,一个闪烁跃至一只隐形异兽的背后,伸手将其拉入了迷雾世界。 When the scene in field of vision in an instant becomes is in sharp contrast, the opposite party also somewhat is obviously shocked. 当视野中的景象刹那间变得黑白分明时,对方显然也有些愣住了。 magic power spreads from the Nightingale fingertip, will hit a series of enemies on it draws the dense fog entirely, with increase of Evil Beast quantity, her magic power consumption has exceeded the marginal value instantaneously, starts to drop rapidly. But in this moment, in the innumerable lines of constitution vault, upwardly curls up, flies toward her. 魔力夜莺指尖扩散开来,将撞在它身上的一连串敌人统统拖进迷雾,随着邪兽数量的增加,她的魔力消耗瞬间超过了临界值,开始飞速下降。而就在这一刻,构成穹顶的无数根线条中,有一根向上卷起,朝着她飞来。 She waits for is this instantaneous-- drags into the lifeform in dense fog more, the magic power spending rate will enhance incessantly doubled and re-doubled, the dense fog world also will become even more unstable, the lines of these distortions already can help her, as soon as will leap several meter/rice, can become fearful weapon. 她等待的就是这个瞬间——拉入迷雾中的生物越多,不止魔力消耗速度会成倍提高,迷雾世界也会变得愈发不稳定,那些扭曲的线条既可以帮助她一跃数米,也能成为可怕的武器 The white line has swept, the figure of enemy solidifies/coagulates immediately on the spot. 白线扫过,敌人的身形顿时凝固在原地。 Resembled them once baseless to vanish extremely short some time, above the vault has suddenly vacated one white, when but they came once more, before the scene changed beyond the score strange-- sees only the Evil Beast's lower part still to remain to vanish the position, but the upper part actually shifted places outside several meter/rice, as if sharp long blades their neat cutting in half, and shutting off the body transported in the midair. 就好像它们曾凭空消失过极短暂的一段时间,穹顶上方瞬息间空出了一块“白地”,但当它们再次现身时,景象已变得分外诡异——只见邪兽的下半身仍留在消失前的位置,而上半身却已经转移到了数米外的地方,仿佛有一把锋锐的长刀将它们整齐的切成了两半,并把切断的身躯搬运到了半空中似的。 This merely only the time that continues not to blink, the body that then more than ten interruptions leave falls like the hail, aroused a successively water column in the lake. 这一幕仅仅只持续了眨眼不到的时间,接着十余截断离的身躯如冰雹般坠下,在湖泊上激起了一节节水柱。
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