RTW :: Volume #8

#777: Asked and answers

Regarding Centrical Carrier that during the beforehand discussion mentioned, he has been interested. 对于之前会谈中提到的中枢载体,他一直充满兴趣。 Fused numerous witch souls, took sacrificing consciousness obtains to break Underground Civilization to leave behind the literature as the price the ability, and can only answer be otherwise two answers, initially beside this and dying thing no other two sent...... All these have put on a mysterious and solemn and stirring aura for it. 融合了众多女巫灵魂,以牺牲神志为代价来获得破译地底文明所遗留文献的能力,并且只能回答是和否两个答案,初此之外和死物别无二致……这一切都为它披上了一层神秘且悲壮的气息。 However when Roland sees with one's own eyes the imprisonment in Centrical Carrier in hall underground secret room, still could not bear inhale a cold air. 不过当罗兰亲眼看到禁锢在大厅地下密室里的中枢载体时,仍然忍不住吸了口凉气。 Sees only one to be greater much sarcoma layer upon layer than Parsha and the others to be twined by the iron lock, several sturdy tentacles were even pulled, spike in the wall or the smallpox with the nail. Breakage external skin is scarred, many tentacles have the trace of break, obviously was not the first time is treated like this. 只见一个比帕莎等人要大得多的肉瘤被铁锁层层缠绕,几根粗壮的触须甚至被拉扯开来,用铁钉钉入墙壁或天花中。破损的表皮处伤痕累累,不少触须还有断裂的痕迹,显然不是第一次被这样对待了。 If he did not remember incorrectly, Centrical Carrier is the same with Original Carrier, has the consciousness. 如果他没记错的话,中枢载体原初载体一样,是有知觉的。 It can feel coldly, hot and sweet, pain...... As well as ache. 它能感受到冷、热、甜、苦……以及疼痛。 Why?” Roland frowned, integrates the soul in carrier is not witch? Moreover there is one of your three seats, Egypt......” “为什么?”罗兰不禁皱起了眉头,“融入载体中的灵魂不都是女巫吗?而且还有你们的三席之一,埃……” " Lady Eleanor, Your Majesty, " Parsha sighed, " this did not have the choice of means that the strength that the carrier had was not lower than God Punishment Warrior on many, our tentacles can drill puts on the soil, unearthed to pick Mitsui above the vault, naturally can also attack the enemy, prey that will catch tore in half. If such does not do, the unconsciousness carrier that can move at will perhaps, will create a bigger trouble compared with Evil Beast Hybrid(s). " 埃莉诺大人,陛下,」帕莎叹了口气,「这是没有办法的选择,载体拥有的力量不比神罚武士低上多少,我们的触须能钻穿泥土,在穹顶之上挖掘出采光井,自然也能攻击敌人,将捕获的猎物撕成两半。如果不这么做,一个可以随意行动的无意识载体,恐怕会比混合种邪兽造成更大的麻烦。」 So that's it...... Roland understood immediately her place of helplessness, the tentacles sarcoma itself perhaps is the Underground Civilization foundation combat unit. Situated in according to place, and does not have consciousness to be possible the carrier of word, once loses control, will pose the enormous threat to God Relic and Magic Power Core. The Taqila survivor is unable to accept such risk obviously, besides imprisons to have no other alternative it. 原来如此……罗兰顿时明白了她的无奈之处,触须肉瘤本身或许便是地底文明的基础作战单位。一个位于据地之内,并且毫无神志可言的载体一旦失控,就会对神明遗物魔力核心造成极大的威胁。塔其拉幸存者显然无法接受这样的风险,除了将它囚禁起来外别无它法。 What a pity knows to turn over to know, in his heart still somewhat sobbed. 可惜知道归知道,他心中仍有些唏嘘不已。 After all witch of these voluntary fusions were Taqila has offered all, now actually can only be stranded in this gloomy corner cannot move. 毕竟那些自愿融合的女巫塔其拉献出了一切,现在却只能困于这片阴暗的角落动弹不得。 Saw the idea of his bottom of heart probably, the Parsha tone is somewhat grateful, is mixing with a bitterness and astringency, " we also once attempted to inquire their feeling, but cannot obtain the soul of answer-- fusion unable to withdraw again through Magic Power Core, therefore they can feel the stimulation of outside, throughout remained unknown. " 大概是看出了他心底的想法,帕莎的语气有些感激,又夹杂着一丝苦涩,「我们也曾尝试询问过她们的感受,但一直没能得到回答——融合的灵魂无法再通过魔力核心提取出来,因此她们会不会感受到外界的刺激,始终无从得知。」 " Fuses together with Lady Eleanor is each Taqila witch final home to return, we are no exception, therefore you do not need to be offended for this reason. " Elicia that before has been silent opened the mouth to say once more. Does not know is the misconception, before Roland always thinks the sound no longer resembles of opposite party, like that ice-cold. 「与埃莉诺大人融为一体是每个塔其拉女巫的最终归宿,我们也不例外,所以你无需为此介怀。」之前一直沉默不语的埃尔瑕再次开口道。只是不知道是不是错觉,罗兰总觉得对方的声音不再像之前那般冰冷了。 Yeah...... Promoted probably from the ice piece rank the ice water rank. ……大概从冰块级别升级成冰水级别了吧。 " When we inquired whether when must the Centrical Carrier imprisonment, three main tentacle answer completely for are. " Celine adds finally, " , if not so, we will not fix her so thoroughly. " 「不过当我们询问是否要将中枢载体禁锢时,三根主须回答全部为是。」赛琳最后补充道,「若非如此,我们也不会把她固定得如此彻底。」 Roland nodded, in Witch Union has one artist who called Soraya, can draw up the flexible greatly strengthened cotton material, a named Quiet Feather little girl, can make the object have the coherency. If two ability combined actions, can produce compared with the wire rope stronger binding force, changes into this way to tie up, at least will not make her be covered with cuts and bruises. If you do not have the opinion......” 罗兰点了点头,“女巫联盟里有一位叫索罗娅的画师,能绘制柔韧性极强的布料,还有一名叫幽羽的小姑娘,可以使物体产生粘性。若是两个能力共同作用的话,能产生比铁索更强的约束力,换成这种方式来捆绑,至少不会令她满身是伤。如果你们没有意见的话……” " No, if were really that were too so good, " main tentacle of Parsha top of the head sagged slightly, " please accept my gratitude. " 「不,如果真是如此那就太好了,」帕莎头顶的主须微微下垂,「请接受我的谢意。」 Might as well, this is only the slight effort.” Roland beckons with the hand, „...... Three main tentacle affirmed that answer is What does it mean? Is it possible can also an expression be, isn't an expression? As the matter stands whose that should listen?” “无妨,这只是举手之劳。”罗兰摆摆手,“不过……三个主须都表示肯定回答什么意思难不成还能一个表达是,一个表达不是?那这样一来该听谁的?” " This issue makes Celine explain for you. " 「这个问题就让赛琳为您解释吧。」 " Is this, " can help to fuse the companion to relieve the pain, Celine also appears quite excited, she meets to say immediately, " Centrical Carrier and we biggest difference are she have three main tentacle, can not give a more complex message through the consciousness dialogue, like me now this. " 「是这样,」能帮助融合同伴减轻痛苦,塞林也显得颇为激动,她立刻接道,「中枢载体和我们最大的区别在于她拥有三根主须,可以不通过意识对话来传递更为复杂的消息,就像我现在这样。」 The voice just fell, main tentacle of her top of the head has then emitted weak red light. 话音刚落,她头顶的主须便发出了一道微弱的红光。 Oh? this can also shine?” 哦?这个还能发光?” " Before has not grasped completely consciousness exchange, we are also commonly used it to express the feeling and mood, but afterward had not used. " Celine moves to the secret room center, referred to Centrical Carrier that three letting fall from the top of the head, and was sewn in ground main tentacle firmly, " lost consciousness them unable to achieve this point, can only pass the red light to come answer-- to shine for is, not bright, then for otherwise. " 「在没有完全掌握意识交流之前,我们也常用它来表示感受和情绪,不过后来就没怎么用过了。」赛琳移动到密室中央,指了指中枢载体那三根从头顶垂落,并被牢牢钉在地上的主须,「不过失去了神志的她们做不到这一点,只能通过红光来回答——亮为是,不亮则为否。」 " However when interpreting the Underground Civilization literature, we discovered what is pure was or not cannot help everybody find the right key fast accurately. " She then answered, " for example the meaning of a few words for me was Taqila witch, if translates me is witch or I am Taqila will demonstrate for otherwise, as the matter stands, even if were a simple sentence, needed to spend the massive time to confirm. " 「然而在解译地底文明的文献时,我们发现单纯的是与否并不能快速帮助大家准确找到正确答案。」她接着解释道,「例如一句话的意思为我是塔其拉女巫,若翻译成我是女巫或我是塔其拉都会显示为否,这样一来,哪怕是一句简单的句子,都需要花费大量的时间才能确认下来。」 Therefore you do use three answer to express close degree?” Roland understood their idea immediately. “所以你们用三个回答来表示接近程度?”罗兰立刻明白了她们的想法。 " Your understanding ability indeed is above an average man, " the Celine to praise sighed, " right, is closer with the true answer, the red light that shines are also more. Three main tentacle entire are equal to brightly is absolutely correct, naturally, there is a meaning of special approval. " 「您的理解能力的确超乎常人,」赛琳赞叹道,「没错,和真正的答案越贴近,亮起的红光也越多。三根主须全亮相当于完全正确,当然,也有特别认同的意思。」 Therefore the soul blended body headed by Eleanor doesn't repel the companion to imprison in the underground? Roland bottom of heart somewhat changes countenance, although was not clear they judge from the safety degree of base, answer that makes depending on own feeling, this decision has to sigh. 因此以埃莉诺为首的灵魂融合体并不排斥同伴将自己囚禁于地下?罗兰心底不禁有些动容,虽然不清楚她们是从根据地的安危程度来判断,还是凭自己的感受做出的回答,这个决定都不得不让人感叹。 His take a deep breath, „can I ask her some questions?” 深吸了口气,“我能问她一些问题吗?” " Naturally, " Celine has moved out of the way the body, " said then it will be alright the issue directly. " 「当然可以,」塞琳挪开了身子,「直接将问题说出来就行。」 Roland arrives in front of Centrical Carrier, said slowly, supposed I two baskets, in each am putting two apples now, after they come out but actually, the ground had four apples, right?” 罗兰走到中枢载体面前,缓缓说道,“假设我现在有两个篮子,每个里面放着两个苹果,将它们倒出来后,地上就有了四个苹果,对吗?” Three tentacles have shone instantaneously. 三根触须瞬间亮了起来。 " ...... You want to ask is this? " Celine being astonished different way. 「呃……您想问的就是这个吗?」赛琳讶异道。 Your Majesty,” Wendy also thinks somewhat awkwardly, what did you think of?” 陛下,”温蒂也觉得有些尴尬,“您又想到什么了?” „A test,” Roland asked coolly again, I currently 12,345 baskets, in each have 54,321 apples, the words that poured, how many apples can the ground have?” He fishes out a small paper from the pocket, I guess that altogether is......, Right?” “一个测试而已,”罗兰面不改色地再次问道,“那么我现在有12345个篮子,每个里面有54321个苹果,都倒出来的话,地上会有多少个苹果?”他从口袋里摸出一张小纸条,“我猜一共是……,对吗?” That is answer that he arranges ahead of time, finally is nine figures, in this time was considered as on is the complex calculation, has not accepted the person of Neverwinter City math education, perhaps a short time was hard to obtain result-- this point to look from the silence of Taqila high rank witch. 那是他提前备好的答案,结果为一个九位数,在这个时代算得上是复杂运算了,没有接受过无冬城数学教育的人,恐怕一时半会都难以得出结果——这一点可以从塔其拉高阶女巫的沉默中看出来。 After just he sent out the digit, three red light shone once more got up-- to be the same with before, this answer still did not have any detention. 只不过当他报出数字之后,三朵红光再次亮了起来——和之前一样,这次的答复依然没有任何延迟。
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