RTW :: Volume #8

#770: Echo and Drow Silvermoon

Hiss hiss hiss hiss sips-----!” “嘶嘶嘶嘶呷—————!” Four Wings Eagle sends out resounding crying out strangely, has not thought probably the opposite party will deliver on own initiative. 四翼雄鹰发出一声高亢的怪叫,大概是没想到对方会主动送上门来。 It opens the bird mouth impatiently, does not evade does not let, bites directly to Logia one. 它迫不及待地张开鸟嘴,不避不让,径直向洛嘉一口咬去。 Then all people saw this stirring one! 然后所有人都看到了这震撼人心的一幕! Logia changes huge Desert Wolf instantaneously, a palm of the hand ruthlessly fan on the face of queer bird, big of strength just like a stuffy thunder! Hawk entire crooked to one side, held in the mouth a curved hook mouth of adult in this to strike sufficiently immediately changed the shape, the first half even breaks, spins to fly to fall. 洛嘉瞬间变化成巨大的沙漠之狼,一巴掌狠狠扇在了怪鸟的脸上,力量之大犹如一声闷雷!鹰头整个歪向一侧,原本足以叼起一个成年人的弯钩嘴在这一击下顿时变了形状,前半截甚至断裂开来,打着转飞落出去。 At this time hybrid species wanted the readjustment stance to be too late, two giant beasts were fierce hit in one. 这时混合种想要再调整姿态已为时太晚,两只巨兽猛得撞在了一起。 Logia spouts a blood once more, three feet hold the opposite party not to put stubbornly, the canine also ruthlessly bit near in the Evil Beast's meat. 洛嘉再次喷出一口鲜血,三只脚却死死抓住对方不放,尖牙也狠狠咬近了邪兽的肉里。 The body are suddenly many a weight, Evil Beast had realized obviously the important matter is not wonderful, goes all out to brandish the wing, wants again the lift high. But wants to shoulder one with the equipollent wolf female flight, without doubt has gone beyond its area of competence greatly, how regardless to flutter, two giant beasts still kept downward crashing. 身上突然多了一份重量,邪兽显然意识到了大事不妙,拼命挥舞翅膀,想要重新抬起高度。但想要背负一个和自己等重的狼女飞行,无疑大大超出了它的能力范围,无论怎么振翅,两只巨兽仍不停地往下坠落。 Andrea!” Ash shouts toward the companion greatly. 安德莉亚!”灰烬朝同伴大喊道。 Knows that you must end by me are good,” Andrea throws the rifle to Echo, with the aid of running in the jump the stage, simultaneously summoned the magic power long bow. “就知道你要靠我收场才行,”安德莉亚将步枪丢给回音,借助跑跳跃上高台,同时召唤出魔力长弓。 But at this time, a wolf bird also layer on layer/heavily falls falls to the stage. 而此时,一狼一鸟也重重摔落至高台上。 White light flash, presses in Four Wings Eagle Desert Wolf vanishes suddenly without a trace, Ash knows that Logia has either exhausted magic power, either lost the consciousness. However can achieve this step, the victory and defeat has been a foregone conclusion. She denuded one dead directly the surcoat of Sandpeople warrior, flushed away toward Evil Beast. 一道白光闪光,压在四翼雄鹰身上的沙漠之狼忽然消失得无影无踪,灰烬知道洛嘉要么耗尽了魔力,要么失去了意识。不过能做到这一步,胜负已成定局。她直接剥下一位死去沙民武士的外袍,朝邪兽冲去。 Approached to note, the carapace of Evil Beast back and on abdomen was distributing many scattered wounds, some were the abrasions, some were a pinhole, inside also left green slime and faint trace blue blood. These wounds should be First Army stay behind, but does not have one to Evil Beast to cause mortally injured. 靠近了才注意到,邪兽背部和腹部的甲壳上分布着不少零散的伤口,有的是擦伤,有的则是一个小洞,里面还趟出了绿色的粘液和丝丝蓝血。这些伤口应该是第一军留下的,但没有一处能对邪兽造成致命伤害。 Ash found to clamp after the wing slit motionless Third Princess, hugged her to turn the stage. 灰烬找到夹在翅膀缝隙里一动不动的三公主后,抱着她翻下了高台。 Yu Guangzhong, she sees the long bow in Andrea hand to bloom dazzling gold/metal. 余光中,她看到安德莉亚手中的长弓已经绽放出耀眼金芒。 Falls heavy Evil Beast Hybrid(s) to lay out head, sway since crawls from ground, actually since the discovery body side as if shone a golden Sun. 摔得不轻的混合种邪兽摆了摆脑袋,摇摇晃晃地从地上爬起,却发现身侧仿佛亮起了一个金色的太阳。 Hey, which are you looking?” Andrea jokes, flies again.” “喂,你在看哪呢?”安德莉亚讥笑道,“再飞啊。” Whooshes----!” At this time it recovered, opened the wing to escape panic-stricken, but already without enough time. “嘶吼————!”这时它才回过神来,惊慌失措地张开翅膀想要逃跑,可已经来不及了。 The radiant ray that one group cannot look straight ahead jumps to shoot from the bow of magic power, bringing the slating organing to be used to into Evil Beast within the body-- in an instant, the innumerable say/way golden light from its within the body for the first time presently, just like the broken shells, but blazing positive general, its absorb in glow! 一团不可直视的璀璨光芒从魔力之弓中迸射而出,带着雷鸣般的啸音惯入邪兽体内——刹那间,无数道金光从它体内乍现,犹如破壳而出的炽阳一般,将它吞没于辉光之中! After bellow, the stage center presented several meter/rice wide circular openings, the tall and strong Four Wings Eagle only remaining small section of torsos lie down near the opening, the hashed meat sprinkles everywhere like the raindrop is. 当轰鸣声过后,高台中央出现了一个数米宽的圆形豁口,魁梧的四翼雄鹰只剩下一小截躯干躺在豁口边,碎肉像雨点一样洒落得到处都是。 But in the rain of this flesh, Andrea stands proudly, the bowstring that the golden light flows complements the eye-catching brilliance her long hair. 而这阵血肉之雨中,安德莉亚傲然而立,金光流淌的弓弦将她的长发映衬出夺目光辉。 Also grabs the long bow to do, are you wasting magic power?” Ash under stage stands up to say ill-humoredly. “还抓着长弓干什么,你在浪费魔力吗?”台下的灰烬没好气地站起身道。 Naturally is makes here people remember my formidable appearance...... Bah,” she told only half that suddenly has covered the mouth, blames you to tempt me to speak, what to do the hashed meat fell into the mouth!” “当然是让这里的人们记住我强大的模样……啊,呸呸,”她说到一半突然捂住了嘴,“都怪你引诱我说话,碎肉掉进嘴里了怎么办!” Ash besides rolling the eyes, could not find out other expressions. 灰烬除了翻白眼外,已想不出其他表情。 ...... …… The crazy flame Clan Head Gulz facial color received own daughter from the Ash hand heavily, the shoulders shivers to say slightly, Logia she......” 狂焰族长古尔兹面色沉重地从灰烬手中接过自己的女儿,双肩微微颤抖道,“洛嘉她……” Also is living, but situation is not optimistic, this injury was the best herbal medicine also can only delay the death,” Ash shrugged saying that „, only if she can be treated and cured immediately.” “还活着,不过情况并不乐观,这种伤势就算是最好的草药也只能延缓死亡,”灰烬耸肩道,“除非她能立刻得到救治。” You...... Has the means to cure her?” “你……有办法治好她?” Right, moreover can be good before the duel is the same.” “没错,而且能好得跟决斗前一样。” Gulz does not dare to believe opened the eye, stares at Exceed Witch after a while, slowly opens the mouth saying that that...... What is the price?” 古尔兹不敢置信地睁大了眼睛,凝视超凡女巫好一阵子后才缓缓开口道,“那……代价是什么?” You know quickly, Ash lets go, what I want to ask, the result of sacred duel did you acknowledge?” “你很快就会知道,”灰烬摊手,“不过我想问的是,神圣决斗的结果你承认吗?” Crazy flame is not an iron whip, with victory that the blood and honor trade, we will not deny. Moreover......” Gulz long sighed, to this step, nobody has been able to deny the given name of head of your Clan. Does not believe you to listen......” “狂焰并不是铁鞭,用鲜血和荣誉换来的胜利,我们不会否认。而且……”古尔兹长叹了一口气,“到了这一步,已经没人能否定你们氏族之首的名号了。不信你听……” Ash heard certainly. 灰烬当然已经听到了。 Under stage, burns the road of fire, the place that so long as some people stand, with one voice is shouting a name. 无论是高台之下,还是灼火之路,只要有人站立的地方,都齐声呼喊着一个名字。 Brave Sand! Brave Sand! Brave Sand!” 傲沙傲沙傲沙!” In these ten thousand numerous cheers, Echo step by step has been on the stage of duel. 就在这万众欢呼声中,回音一步步登上了决斗之台。 I am Brave Sand Clan Clan Head, Drow Silvermoon, but I have another name, Greycastle Witch Union Echo!” Her sound covered all had clamored, reached in each ear of person clearly, „, since was framed after by Iron Whip Clan, I lost all that had, not only the clansman was exiled, I was also traded the slave by them, has gone through many places from Port of Clear Water to Greycastle Kingdom Capital. In there, I was rescued by a witch organization fortunately, afterward arrived at Western Region's small town, the name also changed to Echo.” “我是傲沙氏族族长,卓尔.银月,但我还有另外一个名字,灰堡女巫联盟回音!”她的声音盖过了所有喧哗,清晰地传进每一个人的耳朵里,“自从遭到铁鞭氏族陷害后,我失去了拥有的一切,不仅族人遭到流放,我也被他们贩卖成奴隶,从碧水港一直辗转到灰堡王都。在那里,我有幸被一个女巫组织救出,随后到了西境的一座小镇,名字也改成了回音。” Her paused, then said, compares to Drow Silvermoon, I like this name-- having been through repeatedly the distress freely, but obtains joyful actually be much more than when the desert. That was once is town of the common border region, now already turned into a lively wealthy city. During this change, the major part is brings by feudal lord, he is Roland Wimbledon, Greycastle's His Majesty The King, was he changed my destiny finally!” 顿了顿,接着说道,“比起卓尔.银月,我更喜欢这个名字——尽管历经苦楚,可所得到的快乐却要比在沙漠时多得多。那是曾是一座不起眼的边陲之镇,现在已然变成了一座繁华富裕之城。这期间的变化,绝大部分都是由一位领主带来的,他便是罗兰.温布顿,灰堡的国王陛下,也是他最终改变了我的命运!” Ash has gawked staring, this...... As if before is not , when rehearses excuse.” 灰烬愣了愣,“这……似乎不是之前排演时的说辞。” Yeah,” Andrea said with a smile lightly, „, but should be the words that she most wants to speak. So long as no matter how, we applauded to her below are good.” ,”安德莉亚轻笑道,“但应该是她最想说的话。不管如何,我们只要在下面给她鼓掌就好了。” From the beginning Echo also appears somewhat anxious, but refers in the Neverwinter City story is getting more and more smooth after the interesting life, I know why you were curious I to say these, there after all was the domain of north person, regardless of were happy, had nothing to do with our Sandpeople. Right...... Perhaps before , is this, but now became different!” 一开始回音还显得有些紧张,不过谈及在无冬城的见闻与有趣生活后越来越顺畅,“我知道你们都好奇我为什么要说这些,那里毕竟是北国人的地盘,无论多么美好,也和我们沙民无关。没错……或许以前是这样,可现在已经变得不同了!” A few words that Your Majesty long said were Neverwinter City do not ask the family background, in his city had from Greycastle regional average people and witch, even the foreigner person! This point proves his benevolence and tolerance sufficiently. Now he planned that saves this bloody and barren desert Mojin Sandpeople, takes to everybody the new water source and oasis, when he helps witch-- that like that makes I present Roland Wimbledon Your Majesty's decree to come, in the name of head of Clan this information transmit to everybody: He decides becomes Mojin Clan Great Chief, a series entire desert, and regards all our people for his people!” 陛下长挂在嘴边的一句话便是无冬城不问出身,他的城市中有来自灰堡各地的普通人、女巫、甚至异族人!这一点足以证明他的仁慈与宽容。如今他打算将莫金沙民拯救出这片血腥又贫瘠的沙漠,带给大家新的水源与绿洲,正如他帮助女巫时所做的那般——我正是奉罗兰.温布顿陛下的旨意而来,以氏族之首的名义将这个消息传递给各位:他决定成为莫金族大酋长,一统整个沙漠,并视我们所有人为他的子民!”
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