RTW :: Volume #7

#605: Exchange agreement

Later is the long silence. 之后是漫长的缄默。 Both eyes of Anna and were inferior tranquility that like that he imagines, in speechless looking at each other, under the sky-blue lake surface is surging the undercurrent, inside worried, has the fear, what are more is determined-- because of this, her facial expression can be so firm. 安娜的双眼并不如他想象的那般平静,在无言的对视中,蔚蓝色的湖面下涌动着暗流,里面有担忧,有害怕,但更多的是决心——正因为如此,她的神情才能如此坚定。 As time passing of quietly, this feeling even more is intense. 随着时间的悄然流逝,这种感觉就愈发强烈。 Roland realized finally, perhaps oneself does not have the means to convince her. 罗兰终于意识到,自己恐怕没有办法说服她。 He closes the eye, has sighed deeply tone. 他闭上眼睛,长叹了口气。 Good, but you must accept my request.” “好吧,但你要答应我一个要求。” You said.” “你说。” If in the battlefield had any accident/surprise......” Roland to lick the lip, I meant the eventuality, I unfortunately......” “若是战场上出现什么意外……”罗兰舔了舔嘴唇,“我是说万一,我不幸……” If had such matter, I leave northern region immediately,” Anna spoke frankly. “如果真的发生了那样的事情,我会立刻离开北境,”安娜直言道。 Roland cannot help but is startled. 罗兰不由得怔住。 You were worrying that I take revenge to Church, finally loses the life in vain?” She is stroking gently his cheeks, Nightingale and Ash may do. I will return to Western Region as soon as possible, then takes is willing to follow your person, goes to Sleeping Island, took root there , to continue to resist Holy City. Your Majesty, although I also very much want to accompany you, but I know that you are not willing to see this matter.” Here her paused, „, therefore I can grant to you, the world that wanted not to arrive before you, I will continue to replace you to walk, until witch and average person can live together unrestrained.” “你是在担心我向教会复仇,最后枉送性命吗?”她摩挲着他的脸颊,“夜莺灰烬才有可能那么做。我会尽快返回西境,然后带上所有愿意跟随你的人,前往沉睡岛,在那里扎下根来,继续对抗圣城陛下,虽然我也很想陪着你,但我知道你绝不愿意看到此事。”说到这儿她顿了顿,“所以我可以向你允诺,在你想要的世界未到来之前,我会继续代替你走下去,直到女巫和普通人能够无拘无束地生活在一起。” He does not have answer, does not need answer...... The growth of Anna has surpassed his imagination, this is he arrives at this world best repayment. 他没有回答,也不需要回答……安娜的成长超过了他的想象,这已经是他来到这个世界最好的回报。 She extends takes action, has untied the Roland button. 她伸出手,解开了罗兰的衣扣。 All have not needed to talk too much. 一切已无需多言。 They hug and kiss are reversing on the bed. 两人拥吻着翻倒在床上。 The black fire has lagged behind the window curtains, allocates for one side the clothes and bedding, the destiny in connects at this moment firmly, uses everywhere stars as the card. 黑火拉下了窗帘,将衣服和被褥拨到一边,命运在此刻牢牢连接,以漫天的星辰为证。 ...... …… Two days later, Roland makes went to battle with the last speech before square. 两天后,罗兰在广场上做了出征前的最后一场演说。 citizen that comes pushes watertight the square, after one -and-a-half years of development, past Border Town has not existed, what replaces it is lively and busy Neverwinter City, the life of people had the earth-shaking change, the Roland prestige such as has also risen to an unprecedented altitude. 闻讯而来的领民将广场挤得水泄不通,经过一年半的发展,过去的边陲镇已不复存在,取而代之的是繁华而忙碌的无冬城,人民的生活有了翻天覆地的改变,罗兰的声望也如涨至了一个前所未有的高度。 My citizen, good morning,” he is on the tribune, immediately welcomed the cheers of blotting out the sky. “我的领民们,上午好,”他登上演讲台,顿时迎来了铺天盖地的欢呼声。 King long live!” 国王万岁!” Your Majesty Roland long live!” 罗兰陛下万岁!” Does not need Echo to make the request, does not need any agitation, people aware and warm exudes the respectful call, both hands that brandishes is similar to the sea that surges. 不需要回音做托,也不需要任何鼓动,人们自觉而热情的发出充满敬意的呼声,挥舞的双手如同涌动的海洋。 Enough after half quarter, the sound gradually subsides. 足足半刻钟之后,声音才渐渐平息。 You should know,” Roland looks all around under the stage the eyes of innumerable double respect, the sinking sound said, kingdom will welcome the war of self-defense that one resists the intruder, the enemy has annexed Eternal Winter and Wolf Heart Holy City of Hermes! Now Four Great Kingdoms only remains Greycastle and Dawn survival, but now, their goals have aimed at us!” “你们应该已经知道了,”罗兰环顾台下无数双崇敬的眼睛,沉声说道,“王国将迎来一场对抗入侵者的自卫战争,敌人正是吞并了永冬狼心赫尔梅斯圣城!如今四大王国仅剩灰堡晨曦幸存,而现在,他们的目标已经对准了我们!” I know that your some people once had believed gods, has believed Church, this is not ignominious! Your goodness were used, your anticipations were cheated, I did not blame the swindler and robber, instead blamed as you of victim? Of course not!” He raises the fist, should pay the price for this reason, is Church is right! Only in selling God Punishment Stone one, they must earn hundreds of thousands of gold royal-- every year, but these money should be you!” “我知道你们有些人曾相信过神明,相信过教会,这并不可耻!你们的善良被人利用,你们的期待被人蒙骗,难道我不去责怪骗子和强盗,反而来责怪身为受害者的你们么?当然不是!”他举起拳头,“应该为此付出代价的,是教会才对!光是在售卖神罚之石一项上,他们每年就要赚取数十万枚金龙——而这些钱本应该属于你们!” Why? The truth is very simple, noble did not want extraneous expense not poor cost to purchase God stone, the nature shifts the head of citizen some expenses, increased the tax and enhancement turning, to punish and confiscate and rob-- this is the reason! Moreover God stone this, begins the church, resident to officiate, the holy water baptism by far incessantly, I believe that you commandeer the name not to be strange to these!” “为什么?道理很简单,贵族不愿意额外支出一笔不菲的费用来购买神石,自然把这部分开销转移到了领民的头上,增税、提高上缴、罚没、强夺——这就是原因!而且远远不止神石这一项,开建教堂、常驻主祭、圣水洗礼,我相信你们对这些强征名目绝不陌生!” Must be easiest to understand anything by the people, most hates anything, that definitely exploits and oppression. The Church's method does not have noble to be like that flagrant, in the experienced Roland eye, wants to pierce this light fig leaf not to have the difficulty, simultaneously while convenient throws several basin filthy water to be also handy. 要论民众最容易理解什么,又最痛恨些什么,那肯定是剥削和压迫。教会的手段没有贵族那般明目张胆,不过在身经百战的罗兰眼里,想要戳穿这薄薄的一层遮羞布毫无难度,同时顺带泼几盆污水也得心应手。 Church grants this sum of money to trade blessing of gods, but result? Before I come small town, people always cannot eat to the full not to put on warmly, the famine and severely cold will still come in each Months of Demons, the person who cannot support has forever closed the eye, person who as for boiling...... Really because of help of Church or gods? No, their anything has not done!” Roland was fierce enhanced the volume, they were interested only, was suck dry your blood!” 教会允诺这笔钱会换来神明的庇佑,但结果呢?在我来小镇之前,人们总是吃不饱穿不暖,饥荒和严寒依然会在每个邪魔之月如约而至,撑不过去的人永远闭上了眼睛,至于熬下来的人……真是因为教会神明的帮助吗?不,他们什么也没有做!”罗兰猛得提高了音量,“他们唯一感兴趣的,就是吸干你们的血!” Regarding these matters, local resident comes clearly into view, but the refugees from other cities, mostly has also experienced the similar bitter experience. In the square erupts angry clamoring, the people sum up on Church the pain that the past suffered. 对于这些事情,本地的居民历历在目,而来自其他城市的流民,大多也经历过同样的遭遇。广场上爆发出愤怒的喧哗,众人都把以往所遭受的痛苦归结到了教会身上。 Therefore I will not surrender, will not lose to such blood sucking insect!” Roland brandishes the fist to shout high, First Army will grind the powder them, nobody dares to plunder my people again, you do not need to worry that to establish church, or is redeems in full the sin to pay the wealth, because these nonsense tax money will vanish in front of newborn Greycastle cleanly!” “所以我绝不会投降,更不会输给这样的吸血虫!”罗兰挥舞着拳头高喊道,“第一军会把他们碾成粉末,再也没有人敢掠夺我的子民,你们不必担心为建立教堂,或者是赎清罪孽而缴纳钱财,因为这些狗屁税款都会在新生的灰堡面前消失得一干二净!” Fact had shown, not having Church to exist, Neverwinter City will become happier, other cities also will be so!” “事实已经证明,没有教会存在,无冬城会变得更美好,其他城市也是如此!” Creates all these, is your both hands, is your spirits, but is not these illusory things, why this is I repeatedly emphasizes the work honorable reason. Only has the work to create the wealth, but you, are the incomparably honorable workers, for this reason feels the glory, without you, does not have Neverwinter City today's liveliness!” “缔造这一切的,是你们的双手,是你们的精神,而不是那些虚无缥缈的东西,这就是我为何一再强调劳动光荣的原因。唯有劳动可以创造财富,而你们,便是无比光荣的劳动者,为此感到荣耀吧,没有你们,就没有无冬城今日的繁华!” Under his both hands presses, stops the citizen call, „, therefore First Army set off, they will go to northern region, with looking at all these Church fights. Lost words, we will lose the had entirety, returns to the barren poverty-stricken day once more...... Told me loudly, are you willing to return?” 双手下压,止住领民的呼声,“所以第一军出发了,他们将前往北境,和觑视这一切的教会战斗。输了的话,我们会失去所拥有的全部,再次回到过去贫瘠困苦的日子……大声告诉我,你们愿意回到过去吗?” The answer was self-evident. 答案已不言而喻。 No, Your Majesty, we can fight to the end with Church!” “不,陛下,我们会和教会战斗到底!” Kills off them!” “杀光他们!” Expels Greycastle them!” “把他们赶出灰堡!” Pledges to fight to the death to guard Your Majesty Roland!” “誓死捍卫罗兰陛下!” answer under stage is all kinds, but expression consistent especially-- of all people they are willing to defend this hard-won all. 台下的回答五花八门,但所有人的表情都格外一致——他们甘愿保卫这来之不易的一切。 Said well, I do not need you to go on stage to kill the enemy, that is the First Army responsibility, you do not need to pay the extra war tax, that is the procedure of enemy. You only use as usual , to continue to join in the construction and production of Neverwinter City, is to the family members best help of frontline combat.” The Roland right hand caresses the chest, then the good military salute, we will certainly win! Kingdom of Greycastle long live!” “说得好,我不需要你们上场杀敌,那是第一军的责任,你们也不必缴纳额外的战争税,那是敌人的做法。你们只用像以往一样,继续投身于无冬城的建设和生产,就是对在前线作战的亲人们最好的帮助。”罗兰右手抚胸,接着行军礼,“我们必将胜利!灰堡王国万岁!” Victory!” “胜利!” Long live!” “万岁!” The people praised repeatedly sing these two words and expressions, left after Roland still for a very long time. 人民反复颂唱这两个词语,直到罗兰离开后仍久久不息。 the same day in the afternoon, last group of soldiers mount Stream Ship, the army use H.M.S. Roland as the flagship, blows a whistle to start. 当天下午,最后一批士兵登上明轮船,军队以罗兰号为旗舰,鸣笛启程。 Goal-- Quiet Valley Town! 目标——幽谷镇
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