RTW :: Volume #7

#604: obsessed

...... …… Lightning flies into the castle office, the vertical aspect of last snowy mountain will hand over in the Roland hand. 闪电飞进城堡办公室,将最后一副雪山的俯瞰图交到罗兰手中。 Was laborious,” Roland touches the head of little girl, what has newly to discover?” “辛苦了,”罗兰摸了摸小姑娘的脑袋,“有什么新发现吗?” Except for the snow or the snow,” she enjoy closes the eye, „, let alone Devil and Evil Beast, even/including big a point animal could not see.” “除了雪还是雪,”她享受般地闭上眼睛,“别说魔鬼邪兽了,连大一点的动物都看不到。” Yes...... It seems like was I wants to be many,” Roland put out the beforehand blueprint, from the beginning looked at--, although these vertical aspects drew in the schematic diagram form, did not have Soraya picture like that exquisite real, but at least can also see the entire snowy mountain the complete picture. “是么……看来是我想多了,”罗兰拿出之前的图纸,从头看了一遍——虽然这些俯瞰图只是以草图形式绘出,远没有索罗娅的“照片”那般细腻真实,但至少也能看出整个雪山的全貌。 Its mountain massif is very huge, highly approximately more than 4000 meters, stand on the summit can the clear seeing sea of clouds. Peak like that steep sharp, but together the extremely spacious flat land that is not he expects, the middle slightly inferior fovea, just like a giant crater. Undercuts part frozen ice lake fills up, the entire lake surface is similar to together the pure mirror. Under according to Lightning, by the thick ice layer, she can see the running water that flows. 它的山体十分庞大,高度约4000多米,站在山顶上能清晰的看到云海。峰头并非他预想的那般陡峭尖锐,而是一块极为空旷的平地,中间微微下凹,犹如一个巨大的火山口。只是下陷部分被冻结的冰湖填满,整个湖面如同一块洁净的镜子。据闪电说,透过厚厚的冰层,她能看到底下流淌的活水。 You thought that what on the mountain peak has?” “您觉得山峰上有什么?” ruins, Blackstone Tower and cities...... Has anything not to be strange,” Roland said with a smile, bare surprised people.” He aims at the blueprint that draws newly, „does the Scarlet Water River source come from here?” 遗迹黑石塔、城镇……有什么都不奇怪,”罗兰笑道,“光秃秃的才让人意外。”他指向新绘的图纸,“赤水河的源头就来自这里?” Yeah,” Lightning looked at one, in cloud layer, if not hear the underwater/splashing sound, I will not note. On the mountain massif has many openings, some openings are much bigger, are only the width have 200-300 meters, when approaches the sound that the water current crashes can with place on a par thunderously.” ,”闪电偏头瞄了一眼,“就在云层之中,如果不是听到哗哗的水声,我都不会注意到。山体上有许多裂口,有些口子大得惊人,光是宽度就有两三百米,靠近时水流坠落的声音都可以和雷鸣相提并论了。” „Haven't you attempted to worm one's way into?” “你没有尝试钻进去吧?” „......” “呃……” To be honest.” “说实话。” Had to try, but cannot succeed,” little girl honk the mouth said, opening was enough big, even tolerated the second half castle highly, the mist that but the turbulent current brought was too thick, anything could not see, moreover was mixing with the gale, I was pushed quickly.” “有试了下,但没能成功,”小姑娘嘟嘴道,“裂口是足够大了,高度甚至能容下半个城堡,但激流带起的水雾太浓密,什么都看不到,而且还夹杂着强风,我很快就被推了出来。” Later did not permit to do such dangerous matter again,” Roland stared saying that still remembers you have complied with my words?” “以后不准再做这么危险的事了,”罗兰瞪眼道,“还记得你答应过我的话么?” Any exploration must apply to you, under” Lightning droops the head. “任何探险必须向您申请,”闪电耷拉下脑袋。 Right, this exercise penalty has exempted, looks Macy to play.” “没错,这次的习题惩罚就免了,去找麦茜玩吧。” „...... That snowy mountain?” “诶……那雪山呢?” Temporarily comes to the end,” he folds all vertical aspects, puts in the drawer, in-depth exploration and other Silvie came back to say again, then I must put the attention with the Church's war.” “暂时告一段落,”他把所有俯瞰图叠好,放入抽屉中,“深入探索等希尔维回来再说,接下来我得把注意力放到同教会的战争上了。” Good,” Lightning nods, flew from the window. “好吧,”闪电点点头,从窗口飞了出去。 How do you see?” Roland looks to behind. “你怎么看?”罗兰望向身后。 I here, Your Majesty,” Nightingale appear the figure from the desk, sits cross-legged to sit, on snowy mountain the cold weather, will no one choose in that damned place establishes camp?” “我在这儿呢,陛下,”夜莺从办公桌上现出身形,盘腿而坐,“雪山上天寒地冻的,谁都不会选择在那种鬼地方建立营地吧?” Because has taken off the shoes, when he turns head could not bear looked at two that pairs by the foot that the white cotton socks wrapped, coughed...... Therefore you also thought, great mouth Evil Beast does hide in the snowy mountain?” 由于脱去了鞋子,他回头时忍不住多看了两眼那双被白棉袜包裹的脚丫,“咳……所以你也觉得,巨嘴邪兽藏在雪山内部?” I thought that if they such are good at to dig, builds the lair not to have anything to be difficult in the mountain massif, moreover......” Nightingale looks the color/look of hesitant. “我只是觉得,如果它们这么善长打洞的话,在山体里建立巢穴也没什么难的,而且……”夜莺面露迟疑之色。 And what?” “而且什么?” „Can these holes in Impassable Mountains, be also related with them?” 绝境群山里的那些孔洞,会不会也和它们有关?” ...... …… To the evening, in the Roland brain was still recalling the words that Nightingale spoke, no matter what, that also is really an appalling guess. 一直到晚上,罗兰脑中仍回想着夜莺说的话,不管怎么说,那还真是一个令人毛骨悚然的猜测。 If they are ubiquitous, was not stranded by the natural natural defenses, how can oneself be able to exterminate this crowd of fearful monsters? 倘若它们无处不在,不受自然天险所困,自己要如何才能剿灭这群可怕的怪物? What another point makes him puzzle, since great mouth Evil Beast can arrive in the Land of the Dawn peripheral zone, then on Fertile Plain should have the trace that they move, hasn't Federation actually stayed why behind any about their records? 另一点让他迷惑不解的是,既然巨嘴邪兽能抵达曙光境的边缘地带,那么沃土平原上应该也有它们活动的痕迹,为何联合会却没有留下任何关于它们的记载? What a pity the present situation has not allowed him to explore again much, only then defeats Church thoroughly, Neverwinter City having in the future. 可惜现在的局势已不容他再多做探索,只有彻底击败教会,无冬城才有未来可言。 After one month of transportation, he provided about 4000 soldiers to Northern Lands, as well as corresponding armament and grain and fodder. The information that feeds in according to the front, the field operation defense line is being unearthed according to the plan smoothly, line of communication of Cold Wind Ridge to kingdom inland also completely shut off by First Army. The quick last group of soldiers will soon start, but he will also accompany the armed forces to go to northern region, directs this not to allow the war of failure. 经过一个多月的运输,他已经向北地输送了近4000名士兵,以及相应的军备和粮草。根据前方传回的情报,野战防线正在按计划顺利挖掘中,寒风岭通往王国内陆的交通线也全部被第一军切断。很快最后一批士兵即将启程,而他也会随军前往北境,指挥这场绝不容许失败的战争。 At this moment, the gate of bedroom was sounded. 就在这时,卧室的门被敲响了。 Roland opens the door, discovered outside is standing Anna. 罗兰打开房门,发现外面站着的正是安娜 „The Wendy going to battle list I have looked, above does not have my name,” she enters in the room, in the tranquil facial features cannot see a mood, this point please I should not be able to accept, Your Majesty.” 温蒂的出征名单我看过了,上面没有我的名字,”她走进屋内,平静的面容上看不出一丝情绪,“这一点请恕我无法接受,陛下。” If she ablaze with anger looks for herself to trouble, what to do Roland also knows should, but the Anna present facial expression made him feel a fear, resembled her to make some decision, even if life and death no longer critical--, since saved after the jail her, he also never saw Anna to reveal such appearance in front of himself. 如果她是怒气冲冲地来找自己麻烦,罗兰还知道该怎么办,但安娜现在的神情却让他感到了一丝害怕,就好像她已经做出了某个决定,哪怕生死都不再紧要——自从把她从监牢里救出来后,他还从未见过安娜在自己面前露出这样的模样。 Roland draws her to the bedside sits down, after silent good, opens the mouth saying: I know your idea, but the military production of border region area cannot leave you, the heavy machine gun components or the artillery blasting fuse, need you to process...... But this to successfully to closing important.” 罗兰将她拉到床边坐下,沉默了好一阵后才开口道:“我知道你的想法,但边陲区的军工生产离不开你,无论是重机枪零件还是榴弹炮引信,都需要你来加工……而这对胜利至关重要。” Not because of frontline danger?” “不是因为前线危险?” Fights with Church has certainly certain risk, but we will certainly win, therefore you do not need extremely to be worried...... Keeps Neverwinter City is a more appropriate choice.” “与教会战斗当然有一定的危险性,不过我们一定会获得胜利,所以你不用太过担心……留在无冬城才是更加妥当的选择。” He has not persuaded Anna from the angle of war safety, because the facial expression of opposite party has clarified her manner, only then changes into a higher level the reason, for example with relating to the production of war result urged her to stay behind, can play the effect to everything earnest very her. 他没有从战争安危的角度去劝说安娜,因为对方的神情已摆明了她的态度,只有换成更高层次的理由,例如用关系到战争胜负的生产来劝她留下,才能对凡事都十分认真的她起到效果。 Such being the case, I am also same in the Quiet Valley Town production,”, however Anna remains unmoved, Northern Lands wins the iron and bronze medal to deliver similarly, Miss Edith definitely not parsimonious this ore. Lucia is also willing to accompany me to go together, fining is not a problem. Moreover from the transportation, the ships needs to ship the complete arms, now they only with transporting some components, complete the assembly in Northern Lands then, the efficiency will be instead higher.” Her answer is methodical, obviously comes prepared. “既然如此,我在幽谷镇生产也一样,”然而安娜不为所动,“北地同样有铁、铜产出,伊蒂丝小姐肯定不会吝啬这点矿石。露西亚亦愿意陪我一同前往,精炼方面不成问题。另外从运输上来说,船只原本需要运送完整的枪炮,现在他们只用搬运部分零件,在北地完成组装即可,效率反而会更高。”她的回答有条不紊,显然是有备而来。 This......” Roland is at a loss for words for a while. “这……”罗兰一时语塞。 Your Majesty, I cannot accept at this kind of time separate with you,” she stretches out both hands, holds his cheeks saying that this was different from the past temporary separation. You are actually clearer than anyone, with the Church's war will be the biggest challenge that you will face, will not be Holy City of Hermes is destroyed, will be First Army suffers a defeat and flees. I will never avoid anything, will not deceive itself, if you lost, perhaps forever will leave me to go, if I treat in Neverwinter City, even takes 2-3 months later can know this news...... I do not want in the suffering to wait for finally the so long time, obtains actually bids farewell.” 陛下,我不能接受在这种时候和你分离,”她伸出双手,捧住他的脸颊说道,“这和过去的暂别都不一样。你心里其实比谁都清楚,与教会的战争将是你面临的最大一场挑战,不是赫尔梅斯圣城被毁灭,就是第一军败亡。我从来不会回避什么,更不会欺骗自己,如果你输了,说不定会永远离我而去,而如果我待在无冬城,甚至要两三个月后才能知晓这个消息……我不想在煎熬中等待如此漫长的时间,最后得到的却是诀别。”
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