RTW :: Volume #7

#601: Looks up to the starry sky

Greycastle City of Dawn, stargazing stage. 灰堡曙光城,观星台。 After Timothy downfall, this place did not have the name of Kingdom Capital, Scattered Star Scholar to think that will welcome a turbulence, but the city order has not occurred too changes much. The people bustle about oneself life-- farmers to cultivate farmland of suburb as before, Stonemason are repairing the damage the city wall, the blacksmith is striking the armor of shop, but the patrol leader continues to play the cat to stress the game of Mouse with the black street refugees, at first sight, it was still one of the kingdom liveliest cities. 提费科倒台后,此地也没有了王都之名,弥散星学士原以为会迎来一场动荡,但城市秩序并没有发生太多变化。人们依旧忙碌自己的生活——农夫们耕种着郊外的田地,石匠们修葺损坏的城墙,铁匠敲打着店铺的盔甲,而巡逻队继续在和黑街流民们玩着猫抓老鼠的游戏,乍看起来,它仍是王国最繁华的城市之一。 Naturally has not changed completely, for example some daily people will leave old Kingdom Capital, seeks the new opportunity to Western Region. But the Astrology Association old match, Kingdom Capital Alchemy Association was entire has moved from City of Dawn. Now in the royal palace has exchanged one crowd of unknown noble, under they to carve up old noble all day leave behind the land and authority win to be heavily engaged, has thrown into the sages completely one side. Nobody inquired the destiny of kingdom, nobody divination future ominous. 当然也不是完全没有变化,例如每天都会有人离开旧王都,去往西境寻求新的机会。而占星结社的老对手,王都炼金协会更是整个搬离了曙光城。现在王宫里换上了一群名不见经传的贵族,他们整天为瓜分老贵族们遗留下的土地和权力争得不可开交,完全把贤者们抛到了一边。没有人询问王国的命运,也没有人占卜未来的凶吉。 If not official who Your Majesty Roland leaves behind will give fixed time out Astrology Station grain and gold royal, perhaps the apprentices already dispersed instantly. 如果不是罗兰陛下留下的官员会定时拨给占星台一笔粮食和金龙,恐怕学徒们早就一哄而散了。 Fortunately, they can still maintain the revolution that forms association now. 还好,现在他们仍能维持结社的运转。 So long as Astrology Station still exists, the Scholar mission will not stop. 只要占星台还存在,学士们的使命就不会中止。 " Forever looks up to starry sky " . 「永远仰望星空」。 Sun sinks to the western mountain range slowly, the sky turns by the orange yellow dark red, finally transfers the deep purple...... After the night falls, the work of astrologer just started. 太阳缓缓沉入西边的山脉,天空由橙黄色变成暗红,最后转为深紫色……夜幕降临之后,占星家们的工作才刚刚开始。 In the stage ignited windproof oil lamp, the apprentice has transported-- they to from the storehouse stargazing instruments be careful, damages careless of instrument to face whips and deducts the dual penalties of salary, stargazing meter that especially that several Your Majesty Roland sent, was the treasure in treasure. 高台上燃起了防风的油灯,学徒将一架架观星仪器从库房里搬运出来——他们必须非常小心,损坏仪器的粗心者将面临鞭笞和扣除薪酬的双重惩罚,特别是那几台罗兰陛下送来的观星仪,更是宝贝中的宝贝。 Scattered Star Scholar attains in the instruments of these attires when wooden chest at first, has not cared. 弥散星学士最初拿到这些装在木箱子里的仪器时,并没有太放在心上。 Indeed Your Majesty once granted is Astrology Association brings more advanced stargazing tool, but the manufacture of instrument is an extremely complex process. telescope that it and manufactures in a rough way is different, is only the activity mechanism that the tube body can adjust the distance can let the craftsmanship most adept craftsmen headache first half month, not to mention the polish of crystal lens. A stargazing meter completes to take about one year from the material to the manufacture, expenditure gold royal probably in hundred high and low. 诚然陛下曾允诺为占星结社带来更先进的观星工具,但仪器的制作是一个极为复杂的过程。它和粗制滥造的瞭望镜不同,光是筒身内部可以调整距离的活动机关就能让手艺最娴熟的匠人头痛上半个月,更别提水晶镜片的打磨了。一架观星仪从选料到制作完成需要一年左右的时间,花费的金龙大概在百枚上下。 If studying of sage has any something in common, that is both very consumes the wealth, the product that but the alchemy technique obtains often can receive the welcome of noble and rich merchant, the astrology does not have good luck such, therefore generally only then a country has the financial resource and manpower construction stargazing stage. But to his knowledge, Western Region's Border Town two years ago is a damaged barren land, even if went on an expedition to plunder the big wealth in all directions, who gave up these gold royal gives to irrelevant divining by astrology? 如果说贤者之学有什么共同之处,那便是两者都十分耗费钱财,只不过炼金术得到的产品往往能受到贵族和富商的欢迎,占星术就没这么好运了,因此一般只有一国之都才有财力和人手修建观星台。而据他所知,西境的边陲镇在两年前还是个破败不堪的贫瘠之地,就算四处征战掠夺了大笔钱财,谁又舍得把这些金龙送给毫不相关的占星者呢? But when the wooden crate was disassembled, Scattered Star was scared immediately. 但当木箱被拆开时,弥散星顿时傻了眼。 He first time noticed that so stargazing tool-- of appearance and forms association the bamboo pole instrument that uses to be different, its metal cylinder body has the bucket size fully, inlays is luminous simply in the glass lens can illuminate leaves the person's shadow, how regardless to look close, could not find a polish the scratch. 他还是第一次看到如此模样的观星工具——和结社所用的竹竿般的仪器不同,它的金属筒身足有水桶大小,嵌在其中的玻璃镜光亮得简直可以照出人影,无论怎么贴近看,都找不到一丝打磨的划痕。 But its activity mechanism also designs quite ingeniously, merely is end thumb big knob--, so long as presses firmly between the fingers revolves gently, can realize the range control of lens, and after adjusting the distance, does not need to deadlock once more, uses very conveniently. 而它的活动机关也设计得颇为巧妙,仅仅是尾端一个拇指大的旋钮——只要捏住轻轻旋转,就能实现镜片的距离调整,并且调好距离后不必再次锁死,使用起来十分方便。 Your Majesty Roland has sent three batch of six new-style stargazing meters one after another, and gave an easy to understand name for it: " Astronomical Telescope " . 罗兰陛下陆陆续续送来了三批共六架新式观星仪,并为它起了个通俗易懂的名字:「天文望远镜」。 Since Scattered Star has used one time, is not willing to look at these old style instruments. 自从弥散星用过一次后,就再也不愿意去看那些老式的仪器。 The remaining five telescopes naturally gave in Astrology Station to experience richest five astrologer. 剩下的五架望远镜自然交给了占星台里经验最丰富的五名占星家 Teacher, all stargazing instruments have placed to arrive.” The big disciple falls the report to say. “老师,所有观星仪器都已经摆放到位。”大弟子陨汇报道。 „Did star differentiate?” “星区分好了吗?” Yes,” he read minute book in the hand, is responsible for the Beiyi District direction day glow star Scholar today the sickness sickness in the body, replaces his is void star Scholar.” “是,”他看了眼手中的记录本,“负责北一区方向的天芒星学士今日病恙在身,代替他的是虚空星学士。” Then ignition spark, starts to observe the stars,” chief astrologer ordered. “那么点燃星火,开始观星吧,”首席占星家下令道。 Yes!” “是!” The Astrology Station central brazier leaps the flaming roaring flame, it is symbolizing the nighttime sky brightest Venus, regarding astrologer that the brazier stands is its companion, the entire platform strict decorates according to constellation, then, their also quite in stands in the backdrop, became a whole with everywhere stars. 占星台中央的火盆腾起熊熊烈焰,它象征着夜空最亮的启明星,围绕火盆站立的占星家们则是它的伴星,整个平台严格按照星象摆设,如此一来,他们也相当于站在天幕之中,与漫天星辰成为了一个整体。 The person who then besides value not poor stargazing meter, another needs to spend time training looks up to the group star. 除了价值不菲的观星仪外,另一个需要花时间培养的便是仰望群星的人。 They can depend upon, only then own eye. 他们能依靠的只有自己的眼睛。 Therefore wants into qualified divining by astrology, how must learn to protect own both eyes. Scattered Star 55 years old, but his vision in most young people compared with City of Dawn is still better. 因此想要成为一名合格的占星者,必须学会如何保护自己的双眼。弥散星已经55岁,但他的视力依然比曙光城里大多数年轻人要好。 This is not an easy matter. 这并不是一件容易的事。 After screening into to divine by astrology the apprentice, the thing that they in the evening can look at only then the curtain of night stars, read the books to forbid under the oil lamp or candle absolutely, moreover daytime high noon can not go out, avoided the stimulation of intense sunlight to eye. 通过筛选成为占星学徒后,他们晚上能看的东西只有夜幕星辰,在油灯或蜡烛下阅读书籍是绝对禁止的,另外白天正午时分也不得外出,避免强烈阳光对眼睛的刺激。 The meals will also make the corresponding change, first is needs the food animals internal organs and eyeball, next can not eat the fish and hard Xiangliao. According to knowledge that the astrology spreads, eats the blood food to make the eye brighter, but the fish is the river character, hard Xiangliao is the nature of the soil, the former will destroy the calorie in terrestrial blood food, the latter will make the eyeball flee the capital. 伙食也会做出相应改变,首先是必须要食用动物内脏和眼珠,其次是不得吃鱼类和辛香料。根据占星学流传下来的知识,多吃血食能让眼睛更加明亮,但鱼属水性,辛香料属土性,前者会破坏陆生血食中的火素,后者会令眼珠蒙尘。 Scattered Star has insisted for more than 40 years. 弥散星坚持了40多年。 He believes that the eye period of revolution of person has the limit. 他相信人的眼睛使用时间是有限度的。 To be used to observe the stars it as far as possible, other times he little read the books or constellation Fig.-- these constellation designs has printed in any case firmly in his mind. 为了尽可能把它用于观星,其余时候他已很少阅读书籍或星象——反正那些星座图案已经牢牢印在了他的脑海中。 Scholar aims to wait and see mouth-- the eye it looks like a tiny pipe, stands in end of sturdy tube body. 学士将眼睛对准观望口——它就像是一个细小的管子,立在粗壮筒身的末尾。 Obviously this inside is placing together flat inclined mirror, can make the ray refract in own eye. 显然这里面安置着一块斜面镜,才能让光线折射进自己的眼睛里。 Interesting and practical skill. 有趣而且实用的技巧。 Although astrologer understands that this principle, never has actually thought uses it on the stargazing meter. 占星家虽然明白这个原理,却从未想过把它用在观星仪上。 Now looks like, it truly can dramatically improve the stargazing environment, at least is waiting and seeing the top digit star zone time, did not need the rickets the waist to look. 现在看来,它确实能大大改善观星环境,至少在观望高位星区时,不用佝偻着腰去看了。 Telescope effect that because Your Majesty Roland sends is good in old style stargazing meter, therefore forms association the matter that must do then to observe to draw up the existing star area, since has used these six Astronomical Telescope, before they have discovered dozens, unobservable dark star. 由于罗兰陛下送来的望远镜效果远好于老式的观星仪,因此结社所要做的事便是将已有的星区重新观测绘制一遍,自从使用这六架天文望远镜以来,他们又发现了数十个之前难以察觉的暗星。 Scattered Star knows extremely well has swept the responsible region, the constellation along with the change constitution different shapes of season, possibly will be very freely difficult to grasp regarding the beginner, may to him, their rays look like the streak on oneself face is equally kind. 弥散星熟稔地扫过自己负责的区域,星座尽管会随着季节的变化构成不同的形状,对于初学者来说可能很难掌握,可对他而言,它们的光芒就像是自己脸上的斑纹一样亲切。 Observes the first star area, when he prepares to move the telescope, not worthy of mentioning ray suddenly has mapped in his eyes. 观察完第一片星区,正当他准备移动望远镜时,一点微不足道的光芒忽然映入了他的眼中。 In an instant, Scholar felt that own blood solidified/coagulated. 刹那间,学士感到自己的血液都凝固了。 He turns very quiet, attention completely as centralized as that direction. 他屏住呼吸,将注意力全部集中到那个方向。 That is not an misconception...... 那并非错觉…… Gloomy asterism hides in six stars with flaminging the day stars, its ray is so weak, as if momentarily must extinguish general. But what is obviously different from the peripheral star is-- 一颗暗淡的星芒隐藏在六道星与炽天星之间,它的光芒是如此微弱,仿佛随时都要熄灭一般。但与周边的星星明显不同的是—— It is the red. 它是红色的。
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