RTW :: Volume #15

#1498: Brand-new path

This is the personnel list that must first participate in the consciousness shift.” Fei Yuhan hands in a report the Roland hand, „, although you had confessed does not need to inquire about to you, but Mr. Rock insisted that makes you look at one.” “这是首批要参加意识转移的人员名单。”斐语寒将一份报告递到罗兰手中,“虽然你交代过不用向你过问,但磐石先生还是坚持让你看一眼。” Since he such does not feel relieved, good.” Roland opens the report reluctantly, sweeps list-- several familiar names to reflect fast immediately pleasant. Fei Yuhan placed first does not surprise people, she already expressed the wish that wants another world to have a look , the new gate plan has satisfied her curiosity exactly. “既然他这么不放心的话,那好吧。”罗兰无奈地翻开报告,快速扫过名单——几个熟悉的名字顿时映入眼中。斐语寒排在第一个并不让人意外,她早就表达了想要去另一个世界看看的意愿,新的门计划恰好满足了她的好奇。 But in the following point position, he saw Garcia and Zero name successively. 而在下面一点的位置,他先后看到了嘉西亚洁萝的名字。 So that's it...... This then guards the reason that insisting on made him glance at probably. 原来如此……这大概便是镇守执意让他过目的原因了。 To be honest, some of my also worries.” Fei Yuhan said straightforwardly, „before you, once had said that are they also the key men who the dreamland world can take shape? When shifts the consciousness what accident/surprise had, or they have retrieved, can our world also maintain the present situation?” “老实说,我也有些担心。”斐语寒直截了当地说道,“你之前曾说过,她们也是梦境世界得以成型的关键人物吧?若是转移意识时出了什么意外,或者她们找回了过去的自己,我们的世界还能维持现状吗?” Naturally.” Roland smiled slightly, „, if before , has not said, but now the dreamland is part of cradle, so long as I, this world have still continued.” “当然。”罗兰微微笑了笑,“若是以前还真不好说,但现在梦境已是摇篮的一部分,只要我还在,这个世界就会一直延续下去。” When he narrated Hermes and struggle for the throne history to two people, had expected that will have such one day. 当他把赫尔梅斯争王令的历史讲述给两人时,就已经预料到了会有这么一天。 Although they obtained the new life in Consciousness World, but that did not represent to the past keep one's mouth shut. 她们虽然在意识界中获得了新生,但那并不代表要对过去守口如瓶。 He is also very curious, what vision two people with will regard another world, what he can determine, they again did not change the past appearance. 他也很好奇,两人会用什么样的目光来看待另一个世界,不过他能确定的是,她们已不会再变回过去的模样。 My original words passed on to Rock.” The Fei Yuhan nod said. “那我就原话转告给磐石了。”斐语寒点头道。 Was right, under a matter also while convenient helps me pass on.” Roland stopped by calling out her, new gate plan the remaining last steps, I will only leave some time now, the following matter gave you.” “对了,还有一件事也顺便帮我转告下。”罗兰叫住她,“新门计划如今只剩下最后一步,我将离开一段时间,接下来的事情就交给你们了。” You do not want to abandon the responsibility, under enjoys well, when gods joyful.” The star Martial Daoist doubt has sized up his several eyes. “你不会是想抛开责任,好好享受下当神明的快乐吧。”明星武道家狐疑地打量了他几眼。 Which words!” Roland coughs two, „the role that then I can play is also quite limited, the knowledge library of conventional technology already to two opening, but how to utilize magic power also to by you study.” “哪儿的话!”罗兰咳嗽两声,“只是接下来我能起到的作用也极为有限而已,常规技术的知识库已经向两界开放,但如何运用魔力还得靠你们去研究。” This actually not lies. 这倒不是一句虚言。 Although the central system has the backup, may be affected by magic power, merely is that the guardian is in sole possession. After all magic power can only have the interaction with the consciousness, but the backup of not having started obviously is only the ordinary machine. This makes Roland have no way like the guardian to comprehend magic power spontaneously, can use rule-- that temporarily only then opposite party grasped although light understands these, enough he spent on nearly millenniums time. 尽管中枢系统有备份,可受到魔力影响的,仅仅是监护者所独有的那一份而已。毕竟魔力只会和意识发生相互作用,而没有启动的备份显然就只是普通的机器而已。这使得罗兰没法像监护者那样自发领悟魔力,能用的暂时只有对方已经掌握的规则——虽然光是理解这些,就足够他花上近千年的时光了。 Studies anything, made a more intelligent person complete.” Fei Yuhan has patted his arm naturally, „, but I believe, in two world always some people can stand, just like before , resists gods to be the same together.” “研究什么的,还是让更聪明的人去做好了。”斐语寒大方地拍了拍他的臂膀,“但我相信,两个世界中总有人能站出来的,正如之前共同对抗神明一样。” Said, she waves, turns around to guarding the office walks. 说完后她挥挥手,转身向镇守办公室走去。 Her is expressing, oneself do not need to be like that lonely like the guardian. 她这是在表达,自己并不需要像监护者那般孤独么。 Originally this fellow will also encourage person. 原来这家伙也会鼓励人啊。 Roland shook the head funnily, puts out a hand to take down small sound recording from the sleeve. 罗兰好笑地摇摇头,伸手从袖子上取下了一块小小的录音器。 Was the curiosity is exuberant. 就是好奇心过于旺盛了点。 Goes out of the sanatorium building, after outside crowded-- control cradle, he used to resume the operation of Consciousness World a long time, the destruction that therefore regarding the dreamland, the war of that corrosion brought has not cancelled as before completely, in the association everywhere was the scenes of having a hundred things to do. 走出疗养院大楼,外面正人来人往——接管摇篮后,他用了很长一段时间才恢复意识界的运作,因此对于梦境而言,那场侵蚀之战带来的破坏依旧没有完全抹去,协会里到处都是百废待兴的景象。 Before here is not everyone knows truth-- , the long interrupt time has not left behind any memory to the people, who did not need to raise recognizes him is. Even if some people stop the footsteps to express best wishes to him, that is also because his chest represents the badge of association topmost level, this feeling somewhat is really subtle to Roland. 这儿并不是每一个人都知道真相——之前漫长的中断期未给众人留下任何记忆,更不用提认出他是谁了。即使有人停下脚步向他致意,那也是因为他胸口代表协会最高层的徽章,这种感觉对罗兰而言着实有些微妙。 But in the crowd, Roland saw a familiar form. 而就在人群之中,罗兰看到了一个熟悉的身影。 Nightmare Vakiris. 梦魇瓦基里丝 I come to say goodbye to you.” She arrives in front of him. “我是来向你道别的。”她走到他面前。 „Did you also plan to go back?” “你也打算回去了吗?” Goes back?” She shrugs, „, I will not stay here.” “回去?”她耸耸肩,“不,我会留在这里。” Roland has gawked staring, wait/etc., your ethnic group what to do?” 罗兰愣了愣,“等等,那你的族群怎么办?” Some Vault of Heaven Lord and Silent Disaster look, in addition remaining Monarch, pour does not need to be worried that other people will make any issue before the migration.” Vakiris confident say/way, „, moreover I keep the dreamland, is the procedure of most advantageous ethnic group. My body can unify with Mother of Souls, becomes new king-- compares to the beforehand king, this time it will not have the consciousness of independence again, this is also the consistent agreement that everybody reaches.” “有天穹之主沉默之灾看着,加上剩下的大君,倒也不用担心其他人会在迁移前闹出什么问题。”瓦基里丝坦然道,“而且我留在梦境,才是最有利族群的做法。我的身躯会与灵魂之母结合,成为新的王——不过比起以前的王,这次它不会再有独立的意识,这也是大家达成的一致共识。” Fills demons hope to agree?” Roland remembers, the opposite party in red mist momentarily under situation that may exhaust, follows Anna and Nightingale arrives at the hole bottom. “塞罗刹希能同意?”罗兰记得,对方可是在红雾随时有可能耗尽的情况下,一路跟随安娜夜莺来到洞底的。 Does not part forever. Let alone Hykezord obtained own domain, once the pulser timer experiments successfully, it momentarily can enter the dreamland again.” “又不是永别。何况海克佐德已获得了自己的领域,一旦信标装置试验成功,它随时都能再进入梦境。” Good,” Roland selects the eyebrow saying that why that you said said goodbye?” “好吧,”罗兰挑眉道,“那你为何说是道别?” Because must leave is not I, but is you.” Vakiris says with emotion, „, if I have not guessed that wrong, you had planned that hidden went, right? Since magic power is related with the consciousness, then more will collisions possibly create the diversification obviously the result, this also means gods the existence feeling must reduce as far as possible. Chooses to let Consciousness World and real world contact from you, you have made the decision without doubt. If not say goodbye now, later was very perhaps difficult to find the opportunity again.” “因为要离开的不是我,而是你。”瓦基里丝感慨道,“如果我没猜错的话,你已经打算隐去了,对吧?既然魔力跟意识有关,那么显然更多的意志碰撞才可能创造出多样化的结果,这也就意味着‘神明’的存在感必须尽可能降低。从你选择让意识界与现实世界接触来看,你无疑已做出了决定。如果现在不道别的话,以后恐怕很难再找到机会了。” Her paused, facial expression earnest say/way, average person after obtaining greatest authority, would not being able to bear show itself, but you have actually placed the first place the future of world. I have to acknowledge, your thought has gone far beyond ordinary human, even if I, feels ashamed of one's inferiority. Candidate who you truly most suit to become guardian.” 顿了顿,神情认真道,“一般人在得到莫大权力后,总会忍不住彰显自己,可你却将世界的未来放在了首位。我不得不承认,你的思想远远超过了普通人类,即使是我,也自愧不如。你确实是最适合成为监护者的人选。” Here, Vakiris broken day wasteland lowered the head slightly, saluted to express best wishes to him. 说到这里,瓦基里丝破天荒地微微低头,向他行礼致意。 Roland for a while becomes silent , he although really has like that has considered, but the important reason that the alike opposite party said actually will be another-- one does not relate with the world and future, and will be simpler much reasons. 罗兰一时哑然,他虽然确实有像对方所说的那般考虑过,但更重要的原因却是另一个——一个跟世界和未来都毫无关系,并且简单得多的理由。 However at this kind of time, he did not say obviously. 不过在这种时候,他显然不好说出来。 Finally he has to do intentionally calm nod, afterward takes a step to forward, brushed past with Vakiris, only gives the opposite party to leave behind the back that goes far away gradually. 最后他只好故作淡定的点点头,随后迈步向前,与瓦基里丝擦肩而过,只给对方留下一个渐渐远去的背影。 Arrives at an unmanned corner, the Roland thought moves slightly, the next second, he then appeared in the place several thousand kilometers away. 走到一处无人角落,罗兰意念微动,下一秒,他便已出现在数千公里之外的地方。 That is a fine scenery mountain valley, is far away from the city and noise, the gentle cool breeze has blown the willow tree forest, and leaves behind ripples on the limpid lake surface. 那是一座风景优美的山谷,远离城市与喧嚣,柔和的清风吹过柳树林,并在清澈的湖面上留下一道道涟漪。 But in the mountain valley peak, is situated a graceful manor. 而在山谷顶端,坐落着一个优雅的庄园。 He passes through the garden and garden, stops the footsteps in the house entrance, knocked on a door gently. 他走过庭院与花园,在房屋门口停下脚步,轻轻敲了敲门。 Inside has heard the sound of footsteps quickly. 里面很快传来了脚步声。 The reason of Roland is very simple, the future road truly needs meticulously to plan, whole-heartedly, but takes thousands of years as the long time of unit, he postpones little starts again, will not have too the influence. 罗兰的理由很简单,未来的路确实需要精心谋划,全力以赴,但以千万年为单位的漫长时光中,他就算推迟一点点再开始,也不会有太多影响。 Bustled about was so long, he found one to take a break finally the reason to himself. 忙碌了这么久,他总算给自己找到了一个休息片刻的理由。 The door opens, Nightingale after gate. 房门打开,门后的正是夜莺 Her bright smiling face and golden hair reflected to shine the eye of Roland. 她灿烂的笑容和金色的头发映亮了罗兰的眼睛。 But Anna sits on the sofa in living room, nods to his slight nod. 安娜则坐在客厅中的沙发上,对他微微点头颔首。 Welcome back.” She softens the sound said. 欢迎回来。”她柔声道。 I came back.” Roland enters the room with a smile. “我回来了。”罗兰笑着走进屋子。 The path spreads in his, no matter in the future how, that will be brand-new one page. 道路在他脚下蔓延开来,不管未来如何,那都将是全新的一页。 …… …… «Road of volume New student». Ending 《新生之路》卷.完
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