RTW :: Volume #15

#1496: Time of reunion

Castle study room. 城堡书房。 Your Majesty, has your letter/believes.” 陛下,有您的信。” Sean has knocked the door, then quickly walks into, wrinkled a paper envelope in the hand has placed on the tabletop. 肖恩敲了敲房门,接着快步走入,将手中一封皱巴巴的纸质信封放在了桌面上。 Now the long wave broadcasting station and line telegraphy and provide Listening Sigil that storage demon installs to be mature, even if the common people, can spend several money to come to lay out a long-distance telegram text, were getting fewer and fewer by the letter of manpower transmission like. 如今长波电台、有线电报和配备储魔装置的聆听符印都已成熟,即便是平民,也能花上几块钱来拍出一封长途电文,像这样靠人手传递的信件已经越来越少了。 Where does Oh? send?” Tilly puts down the pen, has rubbed the fingers of some numb and achings. 哦?从哪里送来的?”提莉放下笔,揉了揉有些酸麻的手指。 Hears is...... In sea.” Sean coughs two, attains first its is fjord explorer, is the marine trader and Daqing port, finally arrives in the shoal port. If not see the signature, I cannot-- “听说是……大海上。”肖恩咳嗽两声,“最先拿到它的是一名峡湾探险家,然后则是海商、大庆港,最后才抵达浅滩港。如果不是看到署名,我也不会—— Did not wait for him saying that Tilly has ripped open the envelope. 不等他说完,提莉已经撕开了信封。 Can send out letter/believes from the boundless sea, perhaps also only then that several people. 能从茫茫大海上送出信的,恐怕也只有那几人了。 Really, after spreading out the letter paper, an all various professions familiar writing has mapped in her eyes many people of-- after handle after the marine windblown and sunburnt, the paper has appeared somewhat motley, but that style different handwriting and issue document style, even if will turn into grey her not to admit mistakes. 果然,摊开信纸后,一行行熟悉的文字映入了她的眼中——经过多人经手和海上的风吹日晒后,纸张已显得有些斑驳,但那风格迥异的字迹和行文风格,就算化成了灰她都不会认错。 " Is believed. " 「见信好。」 " This is the first regards letter/believes that Exploration Club mails out. " 「这是探险团寄出的第一封问候信。」 " According to the convention, is written by regimental commander first. " 「按惯例,先由团长来写。」 " Hi, Your Highness Tilly...... It is not right, is Your Majesty, we are going to the Sky Sea Territory road now. A more accurate point said, we arrived floated the edge in spatial mainland. " 「嗨,提莉殿下……不对,是陛下,我们现在正在前往天海界的路上。更准确一点的说,我们已经抵达了浮空大陆的边缘。」 " Until seeing it, I understands anything called truly floated the spatial mainland, God of Divine Construct in comparison, resembles the fjord and Land of the Dawn is the same. On it has the mountains also to have rivers, several thousand sea water fall in torrents from the dike, this magnificent scene is hard to describe in the spoken language radically. If possible, I want to take you and Soraya elder sister. " 「直到看到它,我才明白什么才叫真正的浮空大陆,神造之神与之相比,就好像峡湾与曙光境一样。它上面有山川也有河流,数千股海水从岩壁中倾泻而下,这壮观景象根本难以用言语来形容。如果可以的话,我真想带上你和索罗娅姐。」 " Sky Sea Territory monster, although the flying ash smoke extinguished, but this mainland as before is unknown places, can its above have new ruins? Can have the support land core instrument? Simply is the question! I will make a bet, in the following ten years, it can be the goal that explorer most yearns. " 天海界的怪物虽然都已经飞灰烟灭,不过这块大陆依旧是一片未知之地,它上面会不会有新的遗迹?会不会存在支撑陆地的核心仪器?啊,简直全是疑问!我敢打赌,接下来的十年里,它都会是探险家最向往的目标。」 " I am doomed am first! " 「不过我注定是第一个啦!」 " After many words me, told you again slowly, father's fleet is chasing me in behind, but this time he gave up any idea of that snatched in front of me. Then, I continue set off! " 「多的话等我之后再慢慢告诉你,父亲的船队正在后面追赶我呢,但这一次他休想抢在我前面。那么,我继续出发啰!」 " Thinks of your, Lightning. " 「想念你的,闪电。」 A following handwriting suddenly revolution. 接下来的字迹陡然一转。 " Second was one's turn my Macy gu! " 「第二个轮到我麦茜了咕!」 " I do not know that should say any gu, thinks every day very happy gu! Although carries on the back the wolf to be very heavy, but everybody had unable to say words that the new scenery can look, treated compared with a person on room beam really good too many gu! " 「我也不知道该说什么咕,就觉得每天都很开心咕!虽然驮着狼很重,但大家都有说不完的话,还有新的风景可以看,比一个人待在屋梁上实在好太多了咕!」 " Right, originally into the sea|nautical mile fish of such many, almost could not finish eating gu! May lack the spice, baked did not have the soul, if possible, can deliver a spice to come to Sky Sea Territory? " 「对了对了,原来海里的鱼有这么多种,几乎吃不完咕!可缺少了香料,烧烤就没有了灵魂,如果可以的话,能送点香料到天海界来吗?」 Tilly bears the happy expression, turns to the second letter paper. 提莉忍住笑意,翻到第二张信纸。 " Esteemed Your Majesty, hello. I am Wildflame Clan Logia Burningfire. Moreover because the fine jade has soaked in sea water, therefore her content also wrote a letter on another's behalf by me. " 尊敬的陛下,您好。我是狂焰氏族洛嘉.焚火。另外由于琼一直泡在海水中,因此她的内容也就由我代笔了。」 " Exploration truly is a very interesting matter, it makes me experience, besides the land, in this world also has a stretch of broader fertile domain. Later the plan lands Sky Sea Territory, first establishes one to stop over camp, then again goes down to its center of the earth, seeks for that to connect the node of Hidden Shadow archipelago seabed. After all this mainland is quite remote to Land of the Dawn, to develop it, can the fast general shortcut be absolutely necessary. " 「探险确实是一件很有意思的事情,它让我见识到,除了陆地外,这世界上还有一片更为广沃的领域。之后我们的计划是登陆天海界,先建立一个落脚营地,接着再深入它的地心,寻找那个连接着幽影群岛海底的节点。毕竟这片大陆离曙光境极为遥远,如果想要开发它,一个能快速通行的捷径是绝对必要的。」 " Because everybody had not discovered temporarily too many achievements, I did not lose your too much time. Finally I have my presumptuous request, can help me transmits one to the father and clansman, are all my good? Thank you. " 「因为暂时大家还没有发现太多成果,我也就不耽误您太多时间了。最后我有个不情之请,能否帮我向父亲与族人传达一声,我一切都好?谢谢您了。」 " Was right, please do not need to care the Macy words, we know that now the government affairs are many, Lady Eleanor also impossible arrives at the floating island marine. However...... However if you have sent spice, that while convenient brings to select Miss Evelyn bar. " 「对了,请不用把麦茜的话放在心上,我们都知道如今政务繁多,埃莉诺大人不可能把浮岛开到海上来。不过……不过若您真的把香料送来了,那就顺便多带点伊芙琳小姐的酒吧。」 " Hope Three Gods and you in. " 「愿三神与您同在。」 Letter paper final, is one with the inscription that Jane/simple stroke replaces to sign, separately is the person, bird, wolf and fish. 信纸最后,是一个用简笔画代替签名的落款,分别是人、鸟、狼、鱼。 Tilly closes the letter paper, took a deep breath, afterward hints to say toward Sean, this letter/believes does not need to reply, you get down first.” 提莉合上信纸,深吸了一口气,随后朝肖恩示意道,“这封信并不需要回复,你先下去吧。” Yes, Your Majesty.” The latter bowed to salute, turns around to withdraw from the room. “是,陛下。”后者躬身行了个礼,转身退出了房间。 Sees the door to close, the Tilly silent moment, buried in the document pile suddenly. 见房门关上,提莉沉默片刻,突然把头埋进了文件堆里。 Aaah Aaah Aaah----------!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊——————————!” She exudes the mumbling sound that envies, simultaneously about the revolving head, made that the full table document crash-bang makes noise. 她发出羡慕的嘟囔声,同时左右旋转脑袋,弄得满桌文件哗啦啦作响。 Drives The Phoenix and partner flies the world, this is the life that she wants! 驾驶凤凰号和伙伴飞遍世界,这才是她想要的生活啊! Blames the Elder Brother, said anything to seek for Ash could not go back, this throne is succeeded to by her, does not have any barrier between witch and average person again. Finally this looks is five years, Anna and Nightingale does not know the trace, now does not clarify him to flicker oneself! 都怪哥哥,说什么自己为了寻找灰烬已经回不去了,这个王位得由她来继承,直到女巫与普通人之间再无任何隔阂。结果这一找就是五年,安娜夜莺也不知所踪,现在都搞不清他到底是不是在忽悠自己了! Now has a look is any matters that she processes. 看看现在她处理的都是些什么事。 Fertile Plain is developing greatly, originally Wolf Heart and Eternal Winter land must use again, is held responsible her to put out a hand everywhere the call of asking for money important person, excuse me, these natural resource are not long from the place! 沃土平原正在大开发,原本狼心永冬的土地也要再利用起来,到处都是问她伸手要钱要人的呼声,拜托,这些资源又不是从地里长出来的! The child of Ryan attempts plotting a rebellion news-- these received the merchant who he invited to hand over had sold to Neverwinter the information, he does not know really oneself plan was placed on her table? Obtained the freedom with great difficulty, actually a muscle again delivers toward the jail in oneself, the procedure that this type weak not seeks, Tilly does not know that must treat as a normal match to regard him. 还有莱恩之子试图“谋反”的消息——那些受他邀请的商人转手就把情报卖给了无冬,他真不知道自己的计划都摆在她的桌案上吗?好不容易得到了自由,却一根筋地把自己再往监牢里送,这种幼稚又无谋的做法,提莉都不知道要不要把他当做一个正常的对手来看待。 Naturally, this is small issue. 当然,这都是小问题。 Made her headache truly, is direction that the next kingdom must walk. Gives priority to any technology, friction between the private companies and administrative hall services, how as well as balances various school of political power the influences, these are the major problems of true influence world. 真正令她头痛的,是今后王国要走的方向。优先发展什么技术,私人公司与行政厅业务间的摩擦,以及如何平衡各派政权的势力,这些才是真正影响世界的大问题。 Before she always thought, King did not have anything to be great, after all can deal with including the Roland such careless people came, let alone was she. But now Tilly discovered, this is really not average person competent living, let alone Roland while giving dual attention to government affairs, is bringing Scroll and important goods God Punishment Witches collects the knowledge in the dreamland world, recalled that makes the person sigh. 以前她总觉得,国王也没什么了不起的,毕竟连罗兰那样马虎的人都能应付得来,更何况是她。但现在提莉才发现,这真不是一件普通人能干的活,更何况罗兰还是在兼顾政务的同时,带着书卷和一大帮神罚女巫在梦境世界里搜罗知识,回想起来着实让人感叹不已。 „.” “吱呀。” At this time the door had heard opening sound suddenly. 这时房门突然传来了开启声。 Tilly raised head comes, to exhibit one conscientiously to process the official business fiercely the appearance, slightly somewhat disgruntledly said, how, not to say the words of what matter has, can inform me first?” 提莉猛地抬起头来,摆出一副正在认真处理公务的模样,略有些不悦地说道,“又怎么了,不是说了有什么事的话,要先通知我吗?” After all besides personal guard, Wendy, Scroll, Agatha and the others is the patrons in office, especially Scroll, if were seen the appearance that oneself are loaf by her, must have one preach. Therefore ahead of time forewarns is also one of the Sean responsibility...... Or most important duty. 毕竟除了亲卫外,温蒂书卷爱葛莎等人都是办公室的常客,特别是书卷,若被她看到自己偷懒的样子,少不了一顿说教。所以提前预警也是肖恩的职责之一……或者说,最重要的任务。 But responded has not transmitted. 但回应并没有传来。 Tilly is astonished looks to entrance-- 提莉讶异地望向门口—— „.” “啪嗒。” The pen in her hand fell directly, falls on the floor. 她手中的笔径直落下,掉在了地板上。
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