RTW :: Volume #15

#1492: Foregone conclusion

The background returned to pure white again. 背景再次回到了一片纯白。 It looks at dumbly long time, opens the mouth saying that these were not scene-- in memory storehouse I closed down all perceptual systems at that time, impossible also left leeway the picture recording.” 它呆立良久,才重新开口道,“这些并非记忆库中的情景——我当时关闭了所有感知系统,不可能还留有外界的影像记录。” Indeed.” The Roland confident say/way, these are he before the recollection ended spiral galaxy that incomplete fragment-- Epsilon that sees finally presents is not only her, part came from the mist. Comes under the influence of magic power impact probably, they are only flashing past galloping-horse lantern, but Roland fictionalized these vacancies using the Soul Battlefield characteristics, put together a complete picture scroll all scattered scenes. But do you really lack that a few words?” “的确。”罗兰坦然道,这些都是他在回忆结束前看到的残缺片段——伊普西珑最后呈现的星盘不仅仅属于她自己,还有一部分来自于岚。大概是受到魔力冲击的影响,它们原本只是一闪而过的“走马灯”,而罗兰则利用灵魂战场的特性虚构了这些空缺,将所有零散的场面拼成了一幅完整的画卷。“但你真的缺那一句话吗?” The Soul Battlefield most unique place, then lies in fictional. However fictional impossible has deceived a higher intelligent body of tasteful logic completely, these words are the argument, rather is more like adds the finishing touch. 灵魂战场最独特的地方,便在于虚构。不过完全的虚构不可能骗过一个讲究逻辑的高等智慧体,这句话与其说是论据,倒不如说更像是点睛。 Because in the process of manufacture, is in the following long gate plan years, the founder grey shadow has not obviously treated as a pure tool it, but gave many anticipations. 因为无论是制造过程中,还是在接下来漫长的门计划岁月里,缔造者灰影都明显没有把它当做一个纯粹的工具,而是赋予了更多的期待。 It can be said that is these redundancies, accomplished now guardian. 可以说,正是那些冗余,才造就了如今的“监护者”。 So long as it is the rationality first, deceives itself on impossible. 只要它还是理性优先,就不可能欺骗自己。 The opposite party deeply stare at Roland for a long time, holds up right hand-- one group of scarlet rays later in the palm presently, then bang disrupted suddenly for the first time! 对方深深凝视罗兰许久,随后举起了右手——一团猩红的光芒于掌心陡然乍现,接着砰的一声碎裂开来! Roland mentioned the throat the heart in an instant. 罗兰刹那间将心提到了嗓子眼。 When this stance must restart the world with before simply is the same! 这架势简直跟之前要重启世界时一样! He cannot reverse all these eventually. 难道他终究还是没能扭转这一切么。 Roland cannot bear the vision by mist back screen, sees only the ripples to gush out from the Bottomless Boundary center together, at lightning speed to peripheral spreads-- 罗兰忍不住将目光透过“岚”背后的屏幕,只见一道涟漪从无底之境中央喷薄而出,以迅雷不及掩耳的速度向周边扩散开去—— ...... …… „No. 3 defense line was broken through, these monster strategic places came!” “三号防线被突破,这些怪物要冲过来了!” Central position need Aerial Knight support!” “中央阵地需要空骑士支援!” Retreats has not completed?” “撤退还没完成吗?” Insists again for ten minutes, making the armored force bring up the rear, in any event must block this gap!” “再坚持十分钟,让装甲部队殿后,无论如何都要堵住这个缺口!” Sky Sea Territory appears from the sea continuously, goes crazy rushes to the island generally, even if Aerial Knight throws down the incendiary bomb manufacture flame wall repeatedly, is unable to restrain their steps. The blade beast or nest mother, as if have thrown instinct-- of lifeform to fear at this moment, steps on the similar corpse to charge into the First Army foothold. 天海界源源不断地从大海中出现,发疯一般涌向海岛,哪怕空骑士反复投下燃烧弹制造焰墙,也无法扼制它们的步伐。无论是刃兽还是巢母,此刻仿佛都已抛却了生物的本能——恐惧,踩着同类的尸体冲向第一军据点。 Hykezord has bitter being able to say at heart. 海克佐德心里有苦说不出。 According to such stance, it should retreat early was right, after all the risky matter is not suitable it to do. But the issue is, now one pile of human and witch still on the island similarly was a risk, if the Anna successful words, it became broke a promise to abandon person approximately, the situation was no better similarly. 按照这样的架势,它早应该撤退了才对,毕竟充满风险的事情不适合它来干。可问题在于,现在把一堆人类和女巫仍在岛上同样是种冒险,万一安娜成功的话,它就成了背信弃约之人,处境同样好不到哪里去。 If we had known did not comply to help this fellows! 早知道就不答应帮助这帮家伙了! Under with the evacuation of principal force, the enemy is still increasing unceasingly, is in inverse proportion, the First Army firepower was unable to maintain the defense line the completeness. Hykezord had seen that the fragmentary blade beast advanced to a oneself less than 500 meters distance, this means how long could not want, the enemy will then submerge this place. 随着主力部队的撤离,敌人还在不断增加,此消彼长之下,第一军的火力已无法维持防线的完整。海克佐德已看到有零星刃兽突进到了离自己不到五百米的距离内,这意味着要不了多久,敌人便会将此地淹没。 It decided that once Sky Sea Territory enters into hundred meters range, regardless of situation how it must leave. 它决定,一旦天海界迈入百米范围,不论情况如何它都得离开。 But at this moment, the right-wing quantity tank was spurted by the nest female acid liquid, lost the operational capacity instantaneously, obtains the crevice blade beast to seize the chance from the crack place to flood into. Although God Punishment Witches first supplements, but still several blade beasts cross the firing line to block, opened the wing about 200 meters! 而就在这时,右翼的数量坦克被巢母酸液喷中,瞬间失去了作战能力,得到空隙的刃兽趁机从破口处涌入。尽管神罚女巫第一时间补充过来,但依然有几只刃兽越过火线封锁,在两百米开外张开了翅膀! After swift and violent swooping, they advanced the central area of defense finally. 经过迅猛的飞扑,它们终于突进了防御的核心圈。 Should walk! 该走了! When Hykezord is preparing to turn around to evacuate, the tan form cut into its field of vision together. 海克佐德正准备转身撤离之际,一道黄褐色的身影切入了它的视野。 That is build strong Desert Wolf. 那是一只体型健硕的沙漠之狼 It remembers that the opposite party as if called Logia to come. 它记得对方似乎叫洛嘉来着。 An blade beast was pressed to fall to the ground directly, and was killed under the big mouth of sand wolf. 一只刃兽直接被摁倒在地,并丧命于沙狼的血盆大口之下。 But another has held up the sickle former claw, cuts toward Hykezord! 而另一只已举起镰刀般的前爪,直朝海克佐德斩来! witch made in this moment made the Vault of Heaven Lord inconceivable response. 女巫在这一刻做出了令天穹之主不可思议的反应。 She strives to be first unexpectedly recklessly one step, kept off with the body in the attack route of enemy. After the sharp blade cuts off her front leg, took advantage of opportunity to prick her abdomen. The blood sprays immediately, but her actually bites in the opposite party lower jaw position, dies not the loose mouth. 她竟不顾一切的抢前一步,用身体挡在了敌人的进攻路线上。利刃斩断她的一只前脚后,又顺势刺入了她的腹部。鲜血顿时喷洒而出,但她却一口咬在对方下颚位置,死也不松嘴。 Until Macy drops from the clouds, rips the fragment it. 直到麦茜从天而降,将它撕成碎片。 You are good! Endures!” The little miss who changes to the human form ignores bloodstain, hurries to pull out to cure the bandage from the backpack to force in the Logia wound. “你还好吧!忍忍咕!”化作人形的小姑娘不顾身上的血渍,慌忙从背包中掏出治愈绷带塞进洛嘉的伤口。 Logia shook the ear, said with a smile worn out, felt relieved, for a short time could not die......” 洛嘉抖了抖耳朵,有气无力地笑道,“放心,一时半会死不了……” Looked at this, Hykezord has been transferring half of footsteps to receive. 望着这一幕,海克佐德已经转了一半的脚步又收了回来。 Why it also said no on. 它也说不上为什么。 Previously that in thoughts that wanted to evacuate ahead of time, at this moment as if were many some different kind mood. 先前那股想要提前撤离的心思中,此刻仿佛多了一些别样的情绪。 Five minutes...... it thought, most waits again for five minutes. 五分钟……它心想,最多再等五分钟。 Suddenly, extremely intense magic power fluctuates from heavenly pit gushes out, such as the storm has swept the Vault of Heaven Lord body. This ripples are so intense, even witch detected the difference. They startled in same place, completely does not know that is roaring that sends out from Consciousness World. 忽然间,一阵极为强烈的魔力波动从天坑涌出,如风暴般扫过了天穹之主的身躯。这道涟漪是如此强烈,以至于连女巫都察觉到了异样。她们愕然愣在原地,全然不知道那是从意识界发出的咆哮。 Exactly what happened? 到底发生了什么事? Hykezord looks vigilantly toward all around. 海克佐德警惕地朝四周望去。 However following makes it dumbfounded. 然而接下来的一幕让它目瞪口呆。 Sees only the blade beast and nest mother drops down, probably suddenly lost the soul to be ordinary. As the fluctuation spreads, falls to the ground Sky Sea Territory are getting more and more, even can with shearing the wheat described. 只见刃兽和巢母纷纷倒下,像是突然失去了灵魂一般。随着波动扩散,栽倒在地的天海界越来越多,甚至可以用割麦子来形容。 The First Army bringing up the rear army is also in-situ. 第一军断后部队也愣在原地。 The previous second is still going against the enemy who the ignition line takes place of the fallen, the next second one is piece by piece quiet, these sea ghost have not dropped down actually, but they are not the main forces of attack, when nest mother collapses, sea ghost also retreats like surging tides, when one such as they come such. 前一秒还在顶着火线前仆后继的敌人,下一秒就一片片沉寂下来,那些海鬼倒是没有倒下,但它们本身就不是进攻的主力,当巢母一个个瘫倒时,海鬼也如潮水般退去,一如它们来时的那样。 The battlefield of superheating fast was peaceful. 原本白热化的战场快速安静下来。 The brave soldier even jumps out of the simple trench, touches these to lie with the muzzle in the Sky Sea Territory enemy of ground, but the latter was unresponsive, just like the dying thing. 胆大的士兵甚至跳出简易壕沟,用枪口去碰触那些趴在地上的天海界敌人,而后者毫无反应,俨然已是死物。 After huge pressure retrogression, everyone revealed rejoicing of avoided a catastrophe, the first matter that they do is not the cheers celebrates to win, but leans on weapon to sit down slowly, is looking at sky released a long breath. 巨大的压力消退后,所有人都露出了劫后余生的庆幸,他们做的第一件事不是欢声庆祝胜利,而是拄着武器缓缓坐下,望着天空长出了一口气 Eh? a Macy face does not dare to believe about looks around saying that what's all this about?” 诶?麦茜一脸不敢置信地左右张望道,“这是怎么回事咕?” Hykezord will look at Bottomless Boundary. 海克佐德则将目光投向了无底之境 In its heart raised a idea, but not too definite own guess is whether correct. 它心中升起了一个想法,但又不太确定自己的猜测是否正确。 Perhaps War of Divine Will...... really finished. 神意之战……或许真的结束了。 And will never happen again. 并且永远都不会再发生。 ...... …… You guess right, Sky Sea Territory truly is the self- hand.” The guardians put down the arm saying that it as the supplement of screening life, is used to compare with natural evolution groupat first ‚, can increase the species the exterior survival pressure. In the initial several tens of thousands years, compete with the life also to be at the extremely primitive stage, the plan is also but actually smooth. magic power that however when the following species can actuate is getting higher and higher, I discovered when they have been able the cradle facilities threat, then for these transformation bodies enrolled more functions.” “你猜得没错,天海界确实是出自我手。”监护者放下手臂道,“它最初只是作为筛选生命的一个补充,用来与‘自然进化组’进行对照,同时也能增加物种的外部生存压力。最初的数万年里,竞争生命还处于极为原始的阶段,计划倒也还算顺利。不过当后续物种能驱动的魔力越来越高,我发现它们已经能对摇篮设施构成威胁时,便为这些改造体编入了更多职能。” I had also once had the expectation, if Sky Sea Territory can evolve to withstanding the degree of high magic power environment, that two issues that you ask will be easily solved.” At this point it sighs, was a pity that effect of magic power on consciousness two-way, magic power that controlled Sky Sea Territory can utilize until now is quite limited, what it is more is the dependent high-quality gene and biological technology, in actually eliminated these species, perhaps has to evolve finally civilization of breakthrough barrier also perhaps.” “我也曾抱有过期望,若天海界能进化到承受高魔力环境的程度,你提的那两个问题都将迎刃而解。”说到这里它叹了一口气,“可惜魔力对意识的影响是双向的,受到控制的天海界至今能运用的魔力都极为有限,它更多的是依赖优质基因与生物技术,倒是被消灭的那些物种里,或许有最终能进化成突破屏障的文明也说不定。” Roland noticed its sound like that to be no longer calm to before, but were many some subtle changes. 罗兰注意到它的声音不再向之前那般波澜不惊,而是多了一些细微变化。 Perhaps such just as you said that takes protecting the cradle presents the perfect life in tentative plan as first War of Divine Will impossible,” the tone of guardian, although is somewhat low, but actually as if brings an extrication, this plan is doomed not to have the result from the beginning.” “也许正如你所说的那样,以保护摇篮为优先的神意之战不可能出现设想中的完美生命,”监护者的语气虽有些低落,但却又似乎带着一份解脱,“这个计划从一开始就注定没有结果。”
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