RTW :: Volume #14

#1390: Proper approach

Without a doubt, what in the letter writes is the writing of ethnic group, but looks very irritable, probably deliberately imitates general that writes. 毫无疑问,信上所写的是族群的文字,只不过看上去十分别扭,像是刻意仿写出来的一般。 But examines carefully slightly, will then discover that its unique merit constructs the word to use the sentence, it brings the fresh archaism style, is not language that in the present ethnic group uses in common. 但稍微细看下去,便会发现它的独特之处无论是构词还是用句,它都带着鲜明的古语风格,绝非现在族群中所通用的语言。 Hykezord had a deja vu familiarity unexpectedly. 海克佐德竟产生了一种似曾相识的熟悉感。 Sinks the heart recollection after long time, surprised well ups with the trembling feeling suddenly! 沉下心回忆半晌后,一股惊讶与颤栗感忽然涌上心头! Where can this letter come?” Vault of Heaven Lord holds Marvin, drinks to ask loudly. The mood made it forget excitedly for a while in the attitude in front of human maintaining keeps aloof. “这封信是从哪里得来的?”天穹之主一把抓住马维恩,大声喝问道。情绪之激动让它一时忘了在人类面前保持高高在上的态度。 Marvin was frightened stares, after a while the stutter said, big, Sir, person who I also not too deliver a letter clearly now at miracle, how I and I called him to see you 马维恩被吓得一愣,过了一会儿才结结巴巴道,“大、大人,我也是不太清楚送信的人现在就在神迹上,我、我去叫他过来见您如何” Goes quickly!” Hykezord pastes his face to exclaim. “快去!”海克佐德贴着他的脸吼道。 Does not dare to lift the hand cleaning saliva, Marvin was almost the hands and feet and land runs to the human agglomeration. 不敢抬手擦拭口水,马维恩几乎是手脚并用地跑向了人类聚集地。 Damn! 该死! Hykezord knows oneself do that somewhat rude, but it really cannot control oneself state of mind. 海克佐德知道自己这么做有些失态,但它实在控制不住自己的心绪。 That handwriting clearly belongs to nightmare Monarch Vakiris! 那字迹分明属于梦魇大君瓦基里丝 Although imitates writing the level is quite shoddy, it cannot the earliest possible time detect the master who letter who is, may want to look several, it will not recognize Cona absolutely more than 1000 years ago, sentence that ethnic group mentor habitually use, meanwhile brings a human the writing style. 尽管仿写者的水平颇为拙劣,以至于它没能第一时间察觉信的主人是谁,可只要多看几遍,它就绝对不会认错那是来自一千多年前,族群启蒙者们所惯用的句式,同时还带着一点人类的记叙风格。 Can live present high rank Ascendant to be few from first War of Divine Will, but will integrate the human intonation, except for once in Cloudy Heaven school of thought long had anticipated outside nightmare, will not have the second possibility. 能从第一次神意之战活到现在的高阶晋升者本就屈指可数,而会融入人类语调的,除了曾在云霄学派长期待过的梦魇外,不会有第二种可能了。 Was Vakiris still retaining own consciousness? 瓦基里丝仍保留着自己的意识? But is this possible? 但这怎么可能? It fell into Consciousness World has several months to today! 它身陷于意识界到今天已经有好几个月了! If this is the unthinkable matter, then more inconceivable is the content on letter 如果说这已算是匪夷所思之事,那么更不可思议的则是信上的内容 Is War of Divine Will a fraud of relapse samsara? 神意之战是一场反复轮回的骗局? Consciousness World in Endless Territory of mainland spinal column end place? 意识界就在大陆脊柱尽头处的无底之境 Is God of Divine Construct unsafe? 神造之神并不安全? In the short several words, contains the extremely huge information, Hykezord fell into for a while at a loss. Has too many questions to swamp into the mind, but no can be explained. 短短的几句话里,却包含着极为庞大的信息,以至于海克佐德一时陷入了茫然。有太多疑问涌入脑海,但没有一个能得到解答。 How does Vakiris maintain the consciousness in the turbulent magic power sea? 瓦基里丝是如何在汹涌的魔力海中保持意识的? How is it the information transmit? 它又是怎样将消息传递出来的? This does take seriously stems from the Vakiris will? 这封信真是出自瓦基里丝的意志么? Should oneself report to the king? 自己该向王汇报吗? Person who Sir Vault of Heaven Lord you want, I brought in Hykezord stares blankly, the side broadcast the Marvin cautious sound. 天穹之主大人您要的人,我带来了”就在海克佐德发怔之际,身旁传来了马维恩小心翼翼的声音。 It turned around coldly to sweep two people one eyes, „the origin about letter, I must know completely, understood you said.” 它转身冷冷扫了两人一眼,“关于信件的来历,我要知道全部,把你们了解的都说出来吧。” After the quarter of an hour. 一刻钟之后。 Listens to the blow-by-blow account Hykezord to understand, wants to trace the letter source from human is impossible matter letter that contains the astonishing secret handed over in the noble hand by a transmigrant unexpectedly directly, but that transmigrant also for several gold royal, then since acting messenger the responsibility, completely has not pondered letter's significance. Even if closely examines again, will not have any result. 听完详细经过的海克佐德已明白,想要从人类身上追溯信件来源已经是件不可能的事情这封蕴含着惊人秘密的来信居然是被一名迁移者直接交到贵族手中的,而那名迁移者也不过是为了几枚金龙,便担当起了“信使”的职责,全然没有思考过信件本身的意义。就算再追问下去,亦不会有任何结果。 First regardless of the genuine and fake, delivers an extremely important letter with the so coarse method, it should say that the opposite party guts are astonishing, does Vakiris trust the wrong person? 先不论真假,用如此粗陋的手段递送一封极其重要的信件,它该说对方胆量惊人,还是瓦基里丝所托非人? Here not your matters.” Hykezord waves, „the matter of letter do not disclose to anybody on own initiative, if later also has such letter, must the earliest possible time hand over in my hand, got it?” “这里没你们的事了。”海克佐德挥挥手,“信的事情不要主动向任何人透露,以后若还有这样的信件,必须第一时间交到我手中,明白了吗?” „Is, we act certainly accordingly!” Two noble salute hastily, expressed that shoulders the great trust surely. “是是,我们一定照办!”两名贵族连忙行礼,表示必定不负重托。 After human sends, Vault of Heaven Lord is looking out north, is lost in thought. 将人类打发走后,天穹之主遥望着北方,陷入了沉思。 Why does not know, it discovered that oneself relaxes unexpectedly accidentally/surprisingly. 不知为何,它发现自己竟意外地松了口气。 Since the day of nightmare Monarch losing, has pressed in the pressure of its shoulder reduced several points quietly. 自从梦魇大君迷失之日起,一直压在它肩头的压力悄然减少了几分。 Probably, no one is able to neglect opposite party's influence in ethnic group 大概,谁也无法忽略对方在族群中的影响力吧 From actual situation, is from the psychology, Hykezord favors this letter is Vakiris writes. The individual style is extremely hard to imitate, even if human grasped the writing of ethnic group, still impossible fabricates such a letter. Why as for is not nightmare own handwriting, the only explanation was it was still stranded in Consciousness World, can only give the information through human. 无论是从实际情况,还是从心理上来说,海克佐德都更倾向于这封信是瓦基里丝所写。个人风格极难模仿,即使人类掌握了族群的文字,也不可能伪造出这样一封信件来。至于为什么不是梦魇亲笔,唯一的解释是它仍被困在意识界中,只能通过人类来传递信息。 As for the reason of choice human , is not so unreadable. 至于选择人类的原因,也并非那么难以理解。 It will be gone forever, because all wants to solve the secret of human inheritance, the following is also the inheritance fragment of human. Considering that in witch might also appear can touch the Consciousness World elitist, then this clue appears is then logical. 它之所以会一去不返,全因为想要破解人类传承的秘密,追踪目标亦是人类的传承碎片。考虑到女巫中很可能也会出现能够触摸意识界的杰出者,那么这条线索便显得顺理成章起来。 Hykezord more wants more to feel own guess right. 海克佐德越想越觉得自己的猜测没错。 However at present the biggest problem was Vakiris convinces that witch, to make her part of plan, was forced in the enemy side, the letter that in not under situation that was willing to write? 不过目前最大的问题是瓦基里丝到底是说服了那名女巫、使她成为了计划的一部分,还是受迫于敌方,在不甘愿的情况下写下的这封信? To be honest, it does not believe that nightmare Monarch will submit to human. 老实说,它不相信梦魇大君会向人类屈服。 But Consciousness World is different. 意识界不同。 In the sea of float magic power continuous, and always receives other attacks of consciousness, wants to maintain sober difficult incomparable, if at this time were taken advantage of the weakness to get, how finally not to say. 魔力之海上漂浮不休,并时刻受到其他意识的侵袭,想保持清醒都困难无比,这种时候若被趁虚而入,结果会怎样并不好说。 Both's difference different. 两者的差别可谓天差地远。 If latter situation, that most is also a trap. 如果是后一种情况,那最多也不过是个陷阱罢了。 If the former, to mean the ethnic group did walk on a wrong path? 倘若是前者,岂不是意味着族群走在了一条错误的道路上? But leadership all these is not others, is the king of ethnic group 而主导这一切的不是他人,正是族群的王 Therefore the nightmare will choose the letter gives itself, rather than God of Divine Construct founder? 所以梦魇才会选择将信交给自己,而非神造之神的缔造者? Hykezord hit to tremble, it cut off the train of thought forcefully, forbidding oneself to ponder in this issue. 海克佐德不禁打了个寒颤,它强行掐断思绪,禁止自己在这个问题上细想下去。 Opens warp gate, Vault of Heaven Lord one step climbs up the upper air. 打开扭曲之门,天穹之主一步攀上高空。 The natural screen of human kingdom Impassable Mountain Range, such as a winding grey line has appeared in the continental margin. 人类王国的天然屏障“绝境山脉”,已如一条蜿蜒灰线出现在大陆边缘。 Most in a week, the war will then start. 最多再过一周,战争便会重新打响。 God of Divine Construct of under foot just like huge incomparable stronghold, steadfast moves to the battlefield direction under the hot rain and torch helpless situation, how it is very hard to imagine human to resist, can block the footsteps that the ethnic group conquers. 脚下的神造之神则宛如巨大无匹的要塞,正坚定不移的向战场方向移动在火雨和火枝都无能为力的情况下,它很难想象人类要怎样抵抗,才能挡住族群征服的脚步。 This is the war of exerting its utmost. 这本是势在必得的战争。 But Vakiris actually thinks that God of Divine Construct is unsafe 瓦基里丝却认为神造之神并不安全 If the divine will is the field fraud opinion, in addition is extremely remote, then the warning of this is close at hand. 如果说神意是场骗局的言论尚且太过遥远,那么这一点的警告已近在眼前。 It is not willing to believe, the enemy can threat so grand magic power's creation, but seriously recalls, past all failure, establishes in impossible above. 它并不愿意相信,敌人能对如此宏伟的魔力造物构成威胁,但认真回想起来,过去的所有失败,也都是建立在“不可能”之上的。 Let alone warned from nightmare Monarch 何况警告来自梦魇大君 Even if this letter is a trap, how will also not make it. Now the frontline has God of Divine Construct and Silent Disaster, it only need guarantee the rear supply stably then. 哪怕这封信是陷阱,也不会令它怎么样。如今前线有神造之神沉默之灾,它只需保证后方的供应稳定即可。 Risk-free, while the crisis is hidden, how to choose is the obvious matter. 一边毫无风险,一边危机暗藏,如何选择是显而易见的事。 However Hykezord thinks many. 不过海克佐德想得更多。 It then looks to north. 它回头望向北方 In view according to letter, in legend magic power the place of end and start of sources and myriad things " Consciousness World " , then in vision the place of end. 按照信上的说法,传说中魔力的源头、万物的终结与开始之地「意识界」,便在目光的尽头之处。 So long as found Endless Territory, then in verification letter the truth of content. 只要找到无底之境,即可印证信中内容的真伪。 The mainland spinal column attacks the human at present the essential logistic route, which position it appears is not strange. 大陆脊柱是目前进攻人类的关键后勤线,它出现在哪个位置都不奇怪。 But when seeks for Endless Territory, how impossible was affected by God of Divine Construct. 而寻找无底之境时,怎么都不可能受到神造之神波及。 Even afterward king inquired, it was still insufficient to distinguish not to be possible to debate. 就算事后王询问起,它也不至于辨无可辩。 Perhaps, this is the most proper approach. 或许,这才是最正确的做法。
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