RTW :: Volume #14

#1332: The enterprise of entire human race

Sir, my subordinate report, Whistling Wind Fort before soon had been attacked and captured by us, these insects are running away toward the south side!” first level Ascendant kneeling on one knee place, said loudly. “大人,我的部下汇报,风啸堡就在不久之前已被我们攻克,那些虫子正在往南边逃窜!”一名初升者单膝跪地,大声说道。 You do very well! I will report this merit to Vault of Heaven Lord your excellency.” The Totolock applause nods, temporarily does not use the control routed troop , to continue cuts the battleline of insects to east, till they are utterly routed!” “你干得很好!我会将这笔功劳上报给天穹之主阁下。”托托洛克赞许地点点头,“暂时不用管溃兵,继续向东切割虫子们的阵线,直到他们溃不成军为止!” Yes!” “是!” This war will trade the promotion opportunity more than once for you, seizes the opportunity well, uses their blood to exchange the honor!” “这场战争将会为你换来不止一次的晋升机会,好好把握住机会,去用他们的鲜血来交换荣誉!” Subordinate receives an order!” “属下领命!” After first level Ascendant asks to be excused, Totolock sneers, looks to the map that human noble provides, insects are also mediocre, Sir Hykezord extremely considered thoroughly. Their traps could become effective time two, but does not have the possible time to become effective. The war must decide the victory and defeat by positive force eventually, their resistance skills 400 years ago many, is unable to make up for the overall disparity between ethnic groups.” 等到初升者告退后,托托洛克冷笑一声,望向人类贵族提供的地图,“虫子们也不过如此,海克佐德大人太过多虑了。他们的陷阱或许能生效一次两次,但没可能次次都生效。战争终究是要靠正面力量来定胜负的,他们的抵抗本事就算比400年前强了不少,也无法弥补族群间的整体差距。” But our losses are not small,” tentacles of Ciyasith chin exudes the fizz, eight days lost about 40,000 brave warriors, the frontline units already the buckle over 30%, if hit again like this, the following strength will possibly appeared out of stock.” “可我们的损失也不小,”西亚西斯下巴的触须发出嘶嘶声,“八天失去了近40000勇士,前线部队已经折损过三成,如果再这样打下去,后续力量可能会出现断档。” That how? The earlier period resists stubbornly, later bursts to shrink, isn't this consistent performance of insect?” Totolock thinks little saying that in War of Divine Will, only has can withstand the tenacious race of casualties, can win the final victory. Now west Wolf Heart fell into my hand, how long can the remaining two cities also insist? When we from carry on all directions the package clamps, they will lose will quickly-- of combat, just like the present is the same!” “那又如何?前期顽抗,后期溃缩,这不是虫子的一贯表现么?”托托洛克不以为意道,“在神意之战中,唯有更能承受伤亡的强韧种族,才能赢得最后的胜利。如今狼心西部已落入我手,剩下的两座城市还能坚持多久?等到我们从四面八方进行包夹时,他们很快就会失去作战的意志——正如现在一样!” Ciyasith has not refuted. 西亚西斯没有反驳。 Although the resistance intensity of human somewhat stems from its anticipation, but it still agreed with the view of opposite party at heart. 虽然人类的抵抗强度有些出乎它的意料,不过它心里仍认同对方的看法。 After all it saw the situation of too repeatedly having refused to compromise to collapse suddenly, probably seems like the firm frozen river surface instantaneously shatter disintegrates general. 毕竟它已经见过太多次僵持的局势突然崩溃,就好像看似坚固的冰封河面瞬间破碎瓦解一般。 But the cause usually only needs a crack. 而起因往往只需要一道裂缝。 Human from the beginning is always resisting intensely, may along with the unceasing growth and failure of casualties time and time again, they will lose the confidence gradually, the interior will have the fission, finally loses the will of resistance thoroughly. The casualties of preliminary ethnic group will be bigger than match, so long as continuous exerts pressure, this situation will have the reversal. 人类总是在一开始抵抗最为强烈,可随着伤亡的不断增长和一次又一次的失败,他们会渐渐失去信心,内部也会产生分裂,最后彻底失去对抗的意志。前期族群的伤亡会大于对手,但只要持续不断的施压下去,这一局势就会发生逆转。 Arrived the later period, with fleeing at the mere distant sight to describe that human is not overrated. 到了后期,用望风而逃来形容人类也不为过。 This is not the pure courage issue, but said like Totolock, stems from essential disparities between two ethnic groups. 这并非单纯的勇气问题,而是像托托洛克所说的那样,是源于两个族群间的本质差距。 They need to rest massively, needs to eat food, needs the warm bedding and windproof residence, when this is the war impracticable condition. 他们需要大量休息,需要进食,需要温暖的被窝和防风的居所,可这都是战争时难以实现的条件。 It once carefully had studied human, at this moment even without looked with own eyes, can imagine leaves the opposite party current situation to be awful. 它曾仔细研究过人类,此刻哪怕不用亲眼去看,都能想象出对方目前的处境有多么糟糕。 The consecutively several days of uninterrupted attacks, treat as the consumables to use original body, in addition the superiority in quantity, human has no way to obtain enough relaxation time under such condition basically, the spirit has been on the verge of the collapse inevitably \; Wants not to think as for abundant food and residence. 连续数天的不间断攻击,把原生体当作消耗品来使用,加上数量上的优势,人类基本没法在这样的条件下获得足够的休息时间,精神必然已经濒临崩溃\;至于充裕的食物和居所更是想都别想。 These adverse conditions will wear down their morale unceasingly, Golden Stone Ridge and news of Whistling Wind Fort downcast sooner or later will also disseminate when the army, both fold puts together, Finesand City and can Deep Pond Bay insist how long? 这些不利条件会不断消磨他们的士气,金石岭风啸堡陷落的消息也早晚会在军中传播开来,两者叠加在一起时,细沙城沉池湾又能坚持多久? But the ethnic group actually does not need these things, the feed rests, can solve through the life ephemeral fly, the war is brutal, this superiority is then more distinct. 而族群却不需要这些东西,无论是进食还是休息,都能通过生命蜉蝣来解决,战争越是残酷,这点优势便越明显。 Ciyasith agrees with the view of Hykezord, but it believes that the victory will be the ethnic group finally, human--, but the non- insect, has done enough well. 西亚西斯同意海克佐德的看法,不过它坚信胜利最终将属于族群,人类——而非虫子,已经做得足够好了。 News that I achievement brings back to the vault of heaven city, the following attack all gave you temporarily.” It said, do not despise the opposite party, strove to seize Wolf Heart-- we with the existing strength should not give at this time rear increases too bears.” “我会将获胜的消息带回天穹城,接下来的进攻暂时就全交给你了。”它说道,“不要小看对方,争取用现有的力量占领狼心——这种时候我们不应该给后方添加太多负担。” Totolock spouts steam, felt relieved, if understrength, I will fill in that point personally.” 托托洛克喷出一口热气,“放心,如果兵力不足的话,我会亲自填上那一环。” ...... …… After withdrawing the safety zone, Jodah rests is more than ten hours. 撤回到安全地带后,裘达一睡便是十多个小时。 When he wakes up, only thinks the whole body to be incapable, in the belly is hungry somewhat uncomfortably. He wants to touch the dry rations in belt-bag subconsciously, actually discovery clothes changed into newly, near the head did not have the familiar rifle. 当他醒来时,只觉得浑身无力,肚子里饿得有些难受。他下意识地想要去摸腰包中的干粮,却发现身上的衣服都已经换成了新的,床头边也没有了熟悉的步枪。 In the tent is also placing ten wooden beds, but above is spatial. 营帐里还摆放着十来张木床,不过上面都是空的。 Here is...... Battlefield Medical Institute? 这里是……战地医疗院 When is faint supports the side effect that the retardant expiration is bringing probably appears the expression is fearful, had been delivered to here by the teammate. 大概是自己晕倒时强撑着延缓剂失效带来的副作用而显得表情过于可怕,才被队友送到了这里。 How did not know Fala now. 不知道法菈现在怎么样了。 For the expose status, she is not enduring the severe pain obstinately, results in the appearance the wound destruction all not, even if not endanger the life, it is estimated that also wants to restore to come a long time. 为了不暴露身份,她愣是忍着剧痛,将伤口破坏得面貌全非,就算不会危及到性命,估计也要很长一段时间才能恢复过来。 Thinks that was constantly together the ally of more than half a year with oneself is actually the famous goddess, Jodah then thought the cheeks somewhat felt hot-- obviously when withdrawing Whistling Wind Fort, he did not have the idea in this aspect to come. 一想到跟自己朝夕相处了大半年的战友竟然是名神女,裘达便觉得脸颊有些发烫——明明在撤出风啸堡时,他还没有这方面的想法来着。 However this moved restlessly with disturbedly quick then washes out by the intense sense of hunger. 不过这点躁动和忐忑很快便被强烈的饥饿感冲散了。 If not hurry to eat a thing, he suspected that oneself may drop down anytime once more. 如果不赶紧吃点东西,他怀疑自己随时有可能再次倒下。 Since Jodah crawls from the bed slowly, dragging along the weak body to walk toward the tent outside. 裘达缓缓从床上爬起,拖着虚弱的身躯朝营帐外走去。 Has not expected just lifted the cotton thread, a rich meat then sneaked in his nostril fragrant, this fragrance is so attractive, looks like the delicacy that the heaven comes is simply ordinary. 没料到刚掀开布帘,一阵浓郁的肉香便钻进了他的鼻孔,这香味是如此诱人,简直就像是天国来的美味一般。 „Did you awake?” A nurse noted him quickly, above hasn't confessed? The retardant cannot link eating, you must eat one grain again, perhaps did not wake. Now was awfully hungry, I led you to go to the cafeteria.” “你醒了?”一名护士很快注意到了他,“上面不是交代过吗?延缓剂不可以连着吃,你要再多吃一粒,恐怕就醒不过来了。现在饿坏了吧,我带你去食堂。” After the opposite party enters a big account, Jodah almost cannot believe own eye. 跟着对方走进一间大帐后,裘达差点不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Sees only a 7-8 iron bucket to set up in an array on long table, inside has been filled with steaming hot food, one should be complete to the soup from the steak. Everybody arranges becomes a line, is carrying the lunch box in turn after the long table, when food consumption in pail more than half, some people will pour into new-- toward inside without a doubt, these meals are the rear services headquarters do on the spot. 只见七八个铁桶在长桌上一字排开,里面盛满了热气腾腾的食物,从肉排到汤水一应具全。大家排成一条横队,端着饭盒依次经过长桌,而当桶子里的食物消耗过半时,就会有人往里面倒入新的——毫无疑问,这些饭菜都是后勤部现做出来的。 However...... Was this too also luxurious? 不过……这也太奢侈了吧? As one with the Mojin hunters of other small Clan cooperation hunting, he naturally knows in the past frequently is one team of troops provides fresh food to be difficult, not to mention in time of war! The First Army frontline obviously seizes the lapel to see clumsily including the personnel and ammunition, how possibly to use the precious ample capacity at this matter? 作为一名过去经常和其他小氏族合作狩猎的莫金猎手,他自然知道为一队人马提供新鲜食物有多么困难,更别提战争时期了!第一军前线明明连人员和弹药都捉襟见拙,怎么可能把宝贵的运力用在这种事情上? When Jodah cannot bear the doubts in heart asked that that nurse chuckle gets up, these ate did not ship from Greycastle, they various cities from Dawn. But ships their is not First Army and caravan, but is the person who these you save.” 裘达忍不住将心中的疑惑问出来时,那名护士轻笑起来,“这些吃的并不是从灰堡运来的,它们来自晨曦的各座城市。而运送它们的也不是第一军和商队,而是那些你们救回来的人。” We rescue...... People?” “我们救回来的……人?” Yes,” in the tone of opposite party has been full of the temperate meaning, in already has the Kingdom of Eternal Winter fugitive, there is a Wolf Heart refugee, part went to Neverwinter, but another part actually hopes that can remain, to resist Devil makes anything. These eat, is they use the handcart, even is the hand strip selects the shoulder to shoulder, transports to here little comes.” “是啊,”对方的语气里充满了温和之意,“里面既有永冬王国的逃亡者,也有狼心的难民,其中一部分去了无冬,而另一部分却希望能留下来,为抗击魔鬼做点什么。这些吃的,就是他们用手推车、甚至是手条挑肩扛,一点点运到这里来的。” Jodah does not know suddenly should say any good. 裘达忽然不知道该说什么好。 He has also carried out the dispersal task, to be honest, these refugees do not coordinate from the beginning specially, the two sides also will occasionally erupt the conflict, he once in secret had complained this point, and regards them is the incurable idiot. But now, is these ignorant person, brought the steaming hot meals for them. 他也执行过疏散任务,老实说,那些难民一开始并不是特别配合,两边偶尔还会爆发冲突,他曾私底下抱怨过此点,并将他们当成是无可救药的蠢货。但现在,正是这些“愚昧之人”,为他们来带了热腾腾的伙食。 Incessantly by rescuing,” the tone of nurse appears very happy, Dawn that group of merchants also stood us, they have not only provided many horses, but also cut food price on own initiative, therefore everybody can enjoy the fresh hot food hot dish here.” “不止是被救者哦,”护士的语气显得很开心,“晨曦的那群商人也站到了我们这边,他们不仅提供了许多马匹,还主动降低了食物的价格,所以大家才能在这里享用到新鲜的热饭热菜啊。” She raises the head, looks at Jodah to say with a smile, „is this explanation, we fight this matter for the entire human race, was being accepted by everybody gradually? Thinks of this, I thought that the whole body has been full of the working zeal!” 她扬起头,望着裘达微笑道,“这是不是说明,我们为全人类而战这件事情,正在渐渐被大家所接受?一想到这个,我就觉得浑身充满了干劲呢!”
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