RTW :: Volume #14

#1330: The contest of will

Repels anti-exhaustion pill like Fala actually extremely, instead looks like different type. 倒是像法菈这样极度排斥不倒丸的,反而像异类 However saw that the opposite party spirit truly also calculates the good appearance, Jodah had not pondered again in the-- battlefield makes a joint guaranty entire is very difficult, not to mention worried other people. 不过看到对方精神确实还算不错的样子,裘达也没有再细想下去——战场上连保全自己都很难,更别提顾虑其他人了。 The fight starts until now is eighth day. 战斗打响至今已是第八天。 Eight days ago, their defense lines also beside Whistling Wind Fort, the overlapping attack of machine gun and cannon made Devil difficult. But with the lapse of time, position each direction presented the trail of enemy. The giant skeleton starts in -line to enter between Whistling Wind Fort and Golden Stone Ridge, will defend the weak region to turn into the red mist area. Aerial Knight tries to stop them, but effect is not big. 八天之前,他们的防线还在风啸堡之外,机枪和火炮的交叉打击令魔鬼寸步难行。但随着时间的推移,阵地各个方向都出现了敌人的踪迹。巨大的骨架开始直插入风啸堡金石岭之间,将防守薄弱的区域变成红雾区。空骑士试图阻拦它们,但效果不大。 When Devil depends on these fortress-type mutated beast to launch from two wings the package clamps, the attack of cannon is dispersed, to avoid the army was surrounded, they counterattack while retreat to the successive position. 魔鬼依托这些“堡垒型畸兽”从两翼展开包夹时,火炮的攻击被分散了,为了避免军队被包围,他们一边还击一边向后续阵地撤退。 Then duplicates this process. 接下来便是重复这一过程。 Enemy's attack extends like surging tides unceasingly, everyone felt the huge pressure, the relaxation time also from normally took turns to reduce for 45 hours, although the rear area had several reinforcement, but the disparity in population already big to clear degree. Soldier of frontline combat are not most over 2000 people, but charge that Devil initiates basically over 20,000. Dread Beast bypasses the defense line directly, dashes to the Cage Mountain direction, although is unable to understand that side condition, but obviously rear area also by no means calm and steady place. 敌人的进攻如潮水般延绵不绝,每个人都感受到了巨大的压力,休息时间也从正常轮换缩减到了45个小时,后方尽管有过几次增援,但人数上的差距已经大到了一目了然的程度。前线作战的士兵最多不会超过2000人,而魔鬼发起的冲锋基本都在20000以上。恐兽更是直接绕过防线,直扑笼山方向,虽然无法了解到那边的状况,不过显然后方也并非安稳之地。 But three days ago, the frontline units received to remove into the order in city. 而就在三天前,前线部队接到了全部撤入城内的命令。 Meanwhile, Devil strengthened in the west offensive suddenly, this without doubt is a signal: Has downcast perhaps situated in First Army west Golden Stone Ridge, now was one's turn them. 与此同时,魔鬼在西侧的攻势陡然增强了许多,这无疑是一个信号:位于第一军西面的金石岭恐怕已经陷落,现在轮到他们了。 One day later, the enemy first breakthrough firing line, had the short distance battle with the soldier. 紧接着在一天之后,敌人第一次突破火线,与士兵发生了近距离交战。 Hence, this fight completely has become the contest of both sides will. 至此,这场战斗完全成了双方意志的较量。 Jodah went to beyond the vision several hundred meters the badly-damaged low wall, now this Whistling Wind Fort barbican wall is tattered and torn, above has hung all over the Devil corpse, the blood that drips made the wall surface catch strange gloomily blue. 裘达将目光投向了数百米外残破不堪的矮墙,如今这道风啸堡的外城墙已是千疮百孔,上面挂满了魔鬼的尸体,淌出的血液令墙面染上了一层诡异的幽蓝。 But before the distance of low wall to defense line, is likely the purgatory is ordinary. The soldier and wild demon lying this way and that combination in the same place, half was buried by the snow, half stiff in cold wind, just like sculpture that naturally forms. Because enemy's attack is continuous, they without enough time dying in battle will even accept. 而从矮墙到防线前的这段距离,更是像炼狱一般。士兵和狂魔横七竖八的混杂在一起,一半被雪掩埋,一半僵在寒风中,宛如自然形成的雕塑。由于敌人的进攻连绵不绝,他们甚至来不及将战死者进行收容。 By the long street inserted completely the bone lance and stone needle, likely was hangnail-- that the earth grew, because was not everyone can hide when the firm fortification, therefore each day had the needle rain, to hiding the soldier in private residence and trench was a round lucky ballot. And penetrated the room wall, falls is leaving him less than one meter position. If, he has served Three Gods again. 长街两边则插满了骨矛与石针,像是大地长出的倒刺——由于不是每个人都能躲在坚固的工事中,因此每一次天降针雨时,对隐藏于民房和壕沟中的士兵来说便是一轮幸运抽签。其中一根就穿透了房间墙壁,落在离他不足一米的位置。如果再偏一点,他就已经去侍奉三神了。 Bah,” Jodah shakes the head, ejects the mind when these inauspicious idea, Clan falls into the crisis, regardless of he many time to the Three Gods prayer cannot be responded, these naturally does not come from blessing of Three Gods. “呸,”裘达摇摇头,将这些不吉利的想法抛出脑海,氏族陷入危机时,他无论多少次向三神祷告都没能得到回应,这一回自然也不是来自三神的庇佑。 Perhaps he finally will die in this foreign land city, but before that he must make the enemy pay the extremely painful price absolutely. 也许他最终会死在这座异乡城市,但在那之前,他绝对要让敌人付出沉痛的代价。 Great Chief has pledged, will not treat unjustly each for the human destiny has fought Clan. 大酋长承诺过,绝不会亏待每一个为人类命运战斗过的氏族 This is also he comes this's goal! 这也是他来此的目的! They came!” The Fala reminder said. “它们来了!”法菈提醒道。 Without the cannon sound...... The artillery position thoroughly has failed to explode last night, some people said that has encountered the sneak attack of Dread Beast, some people said that is the artilleries shifted ahead of time, but no matter how, they now can only resist the enemy by themselves. 没有火炮声……炮兵阵地在昨天夜里就已经彻底哑火,有人说是遭到了恐兽的偷袭,也有人说是炮兵们已经提前转移,但不管如何,他们现在只能靠自己去抵挡敌人了。 The Devil form appears in top finally! 魔鬼的身影终于出现在墙头! Opens fire was still machine gun teams and groups-- except the stronghold artillery outside, machine gun resounding and continual resounding is in the soldier heart the most interesting to listen to sound. The bullet that flies horizontally made by the wall snow scatter in all directions the splash, first turned the wall, but Devil got down by knock down instantaneously, but followed close on behind in its similar had also thrown off the skull by the hail of bullets. 率先开火的仍是机枪班组——除开要塞炮以外,机枪高亢而连续的鸣响已是士兵心中最动听的声音。横飞的子弹令墙垣旁的积雪四散飞溅,第一个翻墙而过的魔鬼瞬间就被打落下去,而紧跟在它身后的同类也被弹雨掀翻了头盖骨。 The east and west of city have also resounded with sound of gunfire, this obviously is violent besieging. Jodah has not gone to Devil of control upfront impact firing line, but focused on 100 meters nearby streets and alleys. Guards war after three days of cities, he already understood a truth, the most dangerous place often is not the fire focus place, but is these seems like the peaceful corner. 城市的东西两侧也响起了枪声,这显然又是一次猛烈的围攻。裘达没有去管正面冲击火线的魔鬼,而是把注意力放在了100米附近的街巷上。经过三天的城市守卫战,他已然明白了一个道理,最危险的地方往往不是火力焦点处,而是那些看似安静的街角。 This moment First Army already did not have the fixed defense line, the army has taken the group as the unit, scattered distribution around blockhouse. 此刻第一军早已没了固定的防线,部队以组为单位,零零散散的分布在碉堡周围。 Their most important duty, is prevents Devil covertly to approach forever the solid fortification, but in the enemy several hundred meters away , he even to start to be also hard to be accurate the hit target. 他们最重要的任务,便是阻止魔鬼偷偷摸摸靠近永固工事,而远在数百米之外的敌人,他即使想下手也难以准确命中目标。 Suddenly, five and six wild demon appear above a roof of two Tulou, they as if planned that bypasses the firepower most crowded region using the room, but this behavior made it completely expose under the Jodah muzzle. 忽然间,五、六只狂魔出现在一座两层土楼的屋顶上方,它们似乎打算利用屋子绕过火力最密集的区域,而这一行为令其完全暴露裘达的枪口下。 He turns very quiet, aims to deduct the trigger in end Devil. 他屏住呼吸,对准走在末尾的魔鬼扣下扳机。 Goal accordingly but actually. 目标应声而倒。 Fala and another two teammates also open fire, the frail wood/blockhead roof cannot support the wild demon large movement, their slow crawling make themselves the most striking targets. 法菈和另外两名队友也跟着开火,脆弱的木头屋顶根本撑不住狂魔的大幅动作,它们缓慢的爬行使自己成为了最醒目的靶子。 „When four directions, four direction discovery massive Devil!” Has not waited to solve this wavelet fish slip through, Sandpeople calls out in alarm, they came toward here!” “四时方向,四时方向发现大量魔鬼!”还没等解决这小波漏网之鱼,身后一个沙民惊呼起来,“它们朝着这边过来了!” Here gives me!” Fala shouts, you cope with another side!” “这里交给我!”法菈喊道,“你们去对付另一边的!” Jodah transfers the spear head immediately, before running up to another window,-- must say that in the teammate fires at the most accurate person, without doubt was Fala, he said that can solve remaining Devil, that certainly did not have the issue. 裘达立刻调转枪头,跑到了另一扇窗前——要说队友里射击最准的人,无疑就是法菈了,他说能解决剩下的魔鬼,那就一定没有问题。 However saw when over a hundred Devil noisy crowds to their hiding places clash, Jodah at heart slightly sinks. 不过看到上百只魔鬼一窝蜂向他们的藏身之处冲来时,裘达心里微微一沉。 „Were damn, is it possible that these fellows are probing?” Some people faint from fear to say. “该死,刚才的那些家伙莫非是在试探?”有人惊觉道。 Perhaps and that's the end.” He has made the judgment immediately, all people do not save the ammunition, when kills this wave of enemy backward six directions to shift!” “恐怕就是了。”他立刻做出了判断,“所有人不要节省弹药了,干掉这波敌人后向六时方向转移!” The window has resounded with stormy sound of gunfire instantaneously, has salvo weapon-- that the army provides newly compared with shouting of Mark I Model, is called the new weapon sound of general purpose machine-gun is clearer, but is not weak in the rate of fire in these colossi. The only shortcoming is, its magazine only then 30 rounds of loads, are inferior to the former in the suppressed ability. 窗口瞬间响起了密集的枪声,其中就有部队新发放下来的连发武器——比起马克一型的嘶吼,被称为通用机枪的新武器声音更为清脆,但在射速上一点都不弱于那些庞然大物。唯一的缺点是,它的弹匣只有30发装弹,在压制能力上不如前者。 However the enemy has not expected obviously, a small bell tower peak can erupt the so astonishing firepower, under dealing a head-on blow of general purpose machine-gun and rocket projectile, hundred Devil immediately buckle more than half, but the remaining enemy has held up the bone lance. 不过敌人显然未预想到,一座小小的钟楼顶端能爆发出如此惊人的火力,在通用机枪和火箭弹的迎头痛击下,百来只魔鬼顿时折损过半,而尚存的敌人则纷纷举起了骨矛。 Pays attention to throw the lance!” Jodah loud warning at the same time, bends down to lower fiercely. “注意投矛!”裘达大声警告的同时,猛地伏低下来。 Dozens fulcra lances such as to the arrow of string, then sneaked into the bell tower peak suddenly! 数十支骨矛如离弦之箭般,眨眼间便窜入了钟楼顶端! Clang------!” “铛——————!” Was hit the loud copper clock to express buzz the cry intermittently. 被撞响的铜钟发出了阵阵嗡鸣。 If on the flat land, this strikes the big disaster to run away, but the topography elevation difference has formed a natural defiladed area, the bone lance that projects from bottom to top even if inserts fully the window, is very difficult the soldier who hits to drop to the ground. The sound of gunfire only ceased the moment then once again to restore, but remaining wild demon were bogged down in difficulties in a dilemma. 如果是在平地上,这一击可谓大劫难逃,但地势高差形成了一片天然的遮蔽区域,从下往上投射的骨矛哪怕把窗口插满,也很难命中卧倒的士兵。枪声只停息了片刻便再度恢复,而剩下的狂魔则陷入了进退两难的困境。 They eat this enemy squad are ninety percent sure. 他们吃掉这支敌军小队已是十拿九稳。 Jodah cannot help but relaxed, slightly somewhat is at heart regrettable, hears the general purpose machine-gun construction cost not poor, moreover must supply Aerial Knight to use first. If the frontline units can every, even if not rely on bunker , Devil will not be their matches. 裘达不由得松了口气,心里也略有些遗憾,听说通用机枪造价不菲,而且还得先供空骑士使用。如果前线部队能人手一支的话,就算不依赖掩体,魔鬼也不会是他们的对手。 However at this moment, the Fala sudden squawk shouts, is not good, leaves here quickly!” 然而就在这时,法菈突然尖声喊道,“不好,快离开这里!” He gawked staring, the subconsciousness turned head to look at-- 他愣了愣,下意识扭头望去—— Saw only the city wall in distant place to present a crack, after a giant spider demon crossed the wall, lay to bend down, has opened the back carapace, swarthy stone pillar bloomed indistinctly the ray. 只见远处的城墙出现了一个破口,一只巨大的蜘蛛魔越过墙体后趴伏下来,张开了背后的甲壳,黝黑的石柱隐约绽放出光芒。 Wait/Etc., what the opposite party aims is they? 等等,对方难道瞄准的是他们? Jodah raised head, hung the copper clock on roof crossbeam slightly was still shivering. 裘达抬起头,挂在屋顶横梁上的铜钟仍在微微颤动。 Damn, was bell sound! 见鬼,是刚才的钟鸣 He raised the spear/gun to run toward downstairs. 他提起枪就往楼下跑去。 But the distant place at the right moment has also transmitted a light cry. 而远处也适时传来了一声轻鸣。 -- “蓬—— Has not run down a building with enough time, wants sturdy black stone pillar after drawing a high parabola compared with the person, pounded straightly in the bell tower waist. 还没来得及跑下一楼,比人还要粗壮的黑色石柱在划过一条高高的抛物线后,笔直地砸在了钟楼腰部。 Along with bang a loud sound, turret entire collapses! 随着轰隆一声巨响,塔楼整个坍塌下来!
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