RTW :: Volume #14

#1327: Scroll new clothing

Under glare of the public eye, Scroll spent the quarter of an hour to sink compared with before the heart, caught in the mind that vague magic power fluctuation. 在众目睽睽之下,书卷比之前多花了一刻钟才沉下心来,捕捉到了脑海中那一丝若有若无的魔力波动。 When opens eyes once more, she has placed in narrow and small archive library. 再次睁开眼时,她已身处于狭小的“档案馆”中。 Felice also appears in her side-- afterward by the young witch appearance. Several hundred years of time has not left any trace on the opposite party, the years that although Felice passed through must be longer than her, but at this moment her reversed image has become the elder of opposite party. 菲丽丝随后也出现在她身边——以年轻女巫的模样。数百年的时光并没有在对方身上留下任何痕迹,虽说菲丽丝度过的岁月远比她要长,但此刻她倒像成了对方的长辈。 What to do then should we?” Scroll asked. “接下来我们该怎么办?”书卷问。 Gives me to be good.” Felice shows the confident smiling face, afterward opens the iron gate, goes out of the room. “交给我就好。”菲丽丝露出信心满满的笑容,随后打开铁门,走出房间。 She followed hastily. 她连忙跟了上去。 Busily the noise magnificent city once again presents in the eye. 繁忙而喧嚣的宏伟城市又一次呈现于眼中。 Saw only Felice to look around in all directions, locked the youth male who a front surface walked quickly. She holds up the hand of Scroll, blocked directly in the front of opposite party. 只见菲丽丝四处张望了下,很快锁定了一名迎面走来的青年男性。她拉起书卷的手,径直拦在了对方的面前。 Hello.” “你好。” The man who hears the greeting sound stops footsteps, puts aside from a small box in hand the vision, slightly doubts some raised head. However when that moment of line of sight intersection, in the male eyes has revealed the obvious surprised sentiment, „...... That does, what matter have?” 听到招呼声的男子停下脚步,把目光从手中的一个小盒子上移开,略有些疑惑的抬起头来。不过当视线相交的那一刻,男子眼中露出了明显的惊讶之情,“呃……那个,有什么事吗?” Excuse me, my cell phone lost, cannot contact the friend, can you-- “不好意思,我的手机丢了,跟朋友联系不上,你能不能—— I understood, 100 do suffice?” The opposite party pulls out wallet from the pocket rapidly, hands in front of a red paper money her, simultaneously in the tone took one to regret, was deceived is deceived...... However your this appearance, leader also suffices the qualification.” “我懂了,100块够吗?”对方迅速从衣兜里掏出钱夹,将一张红色的纸币递到她面前,同时语气中带上了一丝惋惜,“被骗就被骗吧……不过你们这身打扮,牵头人也够下本钱的啊。” The Felice smiling face was stiff immediately, „, I only do not want under to borrow your cell phone to telephone.” 菲丽丝的笑容顿时僵硬了许多,“不,我只想借用下你的手机打个电话而已。” The men have gawked staring, this realized oneself spoke incorrectly the words, hands over awkwardly the small box in hand, while apologized to two people repeatedly. 男子愣了愣,这才意识到自己说错了话,一边尴尬地将手中的小盒子递上,一边连声向两人道歉。 Felice shrugged, has pressed down a series of numbers. 菲丽丝耸耸肩,按下了一连串号码。 Scroll has not found out the clue at this moment, does not know that should say any good, only the very powerful attire calmly stands in same place, especially is at heart anxious. The world that here and she is familiar with really differs too greatly, the intense strange feeling is everywhere, as if a wall presses her not to gasp for breath. The surroundings had many people to note them, the vision that does not conceal sweeps to here, brought evil intention-- this to make her unable to bear the association many have Cooperation Association time these expose in people front sisters. 书卷此刻还没摸清楚头绪,不知道该说些什么好,只好强装镇定站在原地,心里却格外紧张。这里和她熟悉的世界实在相差得太大,强烈的陌生感无处不在,仿佛一堵墙般压得她喘不过气来。周围已经有不少人注意到了她们俩,毫无掩饰的目光直直向这边扫来,其中不乏带着恶意者——这让她忍不住联想起了共助会时期那些暴露于众人面前的姐妹。 Do not be worried, they can do also has a look.” Felice as if realized that her restlessness, a comfort said that you, so long as stares, they flinch are quicker than anyone.” “别担心,他们能做的也只是看看而已。”菲丽丝似乎察觉到了她的不安,偏头安慰道,“您只要瞪回去,他们退缩得比谁都快。” At this moment, the small box has heard honk one. 此刻,小盒子传来了嘟的一声。 Hey, is Felice?” “喂,是菲丽丝吗?” That Your Majesty Roland sound. 那正是罗兰陛下的声音。 In a flash, Scroll felt that feels relieved suddenly. 一瞬间,书卷感到陡然放心下来。 Here is really the dreamland world, Your Majesty leaves her not to be remote. 这里果然就是梦境世界,陛下离她并不遥远。 The strange feeling exists as before, before not having, like that has constrained, vision that these nakedly are casting, no longer initial embarrassment and illness. 陌生感依旧存在,却没有之前那般压抑了,连带着那些赤裸裸投过来的目光,亦不复最初的难堪与不适。 Scroll took a deep breath, looked the past following the vision, just like Felice said that the people avoided looking at each other, has put aside the head afraid. 书卷深吸口气,循着目光回望过去,正如菲丽丝所说的一样,人们纷纷避开对视,心虚地撇开了头。 The tide of people on street as if flows. 街道上的人潮仿佛重新流动起来。 Is I, Ms. Scroll in my side. Here address is...... Right, on the map such demonstrates. Only has two kilometers to the apartment building community? That was good. Yes, I here and other, flight of steps leading to a palace hall Brother--.” After Felice ended the telephone conversation, threw the small box trades to the young man, thanked.” “是我,书卷女士就在我的身边。这里的地址是……对,地图上就是这么显示的。离筒子楼小区只有两公里么?那太好了。是,我会在这儿等您的,陛——哥哥。”菲丽丝结束通话后,将小盒子丢换给了青年男子,“谢啦。” And Is impolite,” the opposite party hesitated some little time, hesitant has opened the mouth saying that „that we can add a good friend?” “不、不客气,”对方踌躇了好一会儿,才犹豫地开口道,“那个,我们能加个好友吗?” Felice spoke thoughtlessly to send out one string of digit. 菲丽丝随口报出了一串数字。 The men record as if one had found a treasure it, the whole face said goodbye to go to two people joyfully. 男子如获至宝地将其纪录下来,满脸欣喜地向两人告别而去。 Small box that you borrowed a moment ago, is Is it possible Your Majesty is often keeping thinking can surmount the thousand li (500 km) exchange the radiotelephone?” Scroll asked. “刚才你借用的小盒子,难不成就是陛下常惦记着的能跨越千里交流的无线电话机?”书卷问道。 Right, the technical level of this world has been able to make the radio telephone popularize to each individual hand, talked over the telephone incessantly, but can also the localization direction and search material, if were almost if no difficult.” Felice answered, also because of this, so long as wrote down the number, can momentarily contact the opposite party. Person who in case does not want to respond, direct rejection or casual report number then it will be alright.” “没错,这个世界的技术水平已经能令无线电话普及到每个人手中,不止是通话,还能定位方向和查找资料,如果没有的话几乎寸步难行。”菲丽丝解释道,“也正因为如此,只要记下号码,就能随时联络对方。如果遇上不想搭理的人,直接拒绝或随便报一个号码就行。” So that's it.” Scroll said suddenly, no wonder Your Majesty said that if two people in the same world, quick can have a reunion. 原来如此。”书卷恍然道,难怪陛下说如果两人真在同一个世界的话,很快就能重逢。 You, the adaptation speed compared with want also actually quickly many, worthily is the Witch Union teacher who I expect.” Felice said with a smile. “倒是您,适应速度比我预想的还要快不少,不愧是女巫联盟的导师。”菲丽丝笑道。 Scroll shook the head gently, does not have again answer. 书卷轻轻摇了摇头,没有再回答 Where she knows oneself courage from. 她知道自己的勇气来自何方。 Obviously was King, what also does not have to progress-- to say the person who as before protected subordinate words by King, perhaps also only had Your Majesty Roland one person? Really, how long does he want to become a qualified monarchy? 明明都是国王了,还和以前一样没什么进步啊——会说出由国王保护属下这种话的人,恐怕也只有罗兰陛下一人了吧?真是的,他到底要多久才能成为一名合格的君主? Oneself are also, was sheltered to start from Cooperation Association, should stand before the King body, may until now, she still accept the asylum of opposite party, this really cannot say that is the qualified performance. 自己也是,从共助会受到庇护开始,就应该站在国王身前,可直到现在,她还在接受着对方的庇护,这实在称不上是合格的表现。 However...... Everybody such words, felt that does not go bad. 不过……大家都这样的话,感觉也不坏。 Such being the case, made the present situation maintain a while to be good again. 既然如此,就让现状再多维持一会儿好了。 Hello, looks at that side quickly two people.” 喂喂,快看那边两人。” That was the medieval long gown, were they playing cosplay?” “那是中世纪长袍吧,她们在玩cosplay吗?” On the other hand, two people also are really attractive!” “话说回来,两人还真是漂亮啊!” Feeling is not worse than the star many......” “感觉不比明星差多少……” The surroundings transmit 1-2 to talk in whispers once for a while, but Scroll no longer feels restless. 周围时不时传来一两句窃窃私语,但书卷已不再感到不安。 About after ten minutes, modeling perfectly round vehicles stopped before two people. 大约十分钟后,一辆造型浑圆的车辆停在了两人面前。 Waited for a long time.” Your Majesty pokes head from the cab. “久等了。”陛下从驾驶室探出头来。 Boards.” Felice opens the vehicle door, draws Scroll to drill into the car(riage). “上车吧。”菲丽丝打开车门,拉着书卷钻入车内。 Afterward the group swaggers away in the vision that crowds do not dare to believe that disappears in the stream of vehicles of main road. 随后一行人在围观群众不敢置信的目光中扬长而去,消失在主干道的车流里。 Our luck are really good,” sits in the spirit of copilot turned head, Scroll your excellency domain refuted the contact and apartment building is only separated by the words of two blocks, the Falti winged insect can 24 hours monitor this region.” “我们的运气还真不错呢,”坐在副驾驶的灵回过头来,“书卷阁下的领域驳接点和筒子楼只相隔两条街区的话,法尔媞的飞虫就能24小时监视这片区域了。” Falti nods, „before here, had been cleaned up, now does not have the sign of new Demonic Fallen activity, the security to be able to be guaranteed.” 法尔媞点点头,“此处之前就已经被清理过,如今也没有新的堕魔者活动的迹象,安全应该能得到保证。” So good.” Roland said with a smile, took first to enter the dreamland independently witch, how Scroll at this moment your feeling?” “如此就好。”罗兰笑道,“那么作为第一名自主进入梦境的女巫,书卷此刻你的感受如何?” „Is this vehicles of dreamland world?” Scroll traces behind chair, has knocked the glass, chair peso returns is soft, opens quietly silent, speed such rapidness, on good too to be simply more than steam truck...... If we can also make so upscale carrier this good.” “这就是梦境世界的车辆么?”书卷摸了摸身后的椅子,又敲了敲车窗,“座椅比沙发还要柔软,开起来静谧无声,速度又如此之快,简直比蒸汽卡车好上太多了……如果我们也能造出如此高档的运载工具该多好。” Why does not know, she thought suddenly some smiling face coagulations of Roland, another three God Punishment Witches sips were also quiet, seems enduring patiently anything. 不知为何,她忽然觉得罗兰的笑容有些凝固,另外三名神罚女巫也都抿住了嘴,似乎在忍耐着什么。 That...... What did I speak incorrectly?” “那个……我说错什么了吗?” No, cough cough...... On this day will sooner or later arrive.” Roland settles the throat to say clear. “不,咳咳……这一天迟早会到来。”罗兰清了清喉咙道。 Was right, Your Majesty, is our goes?” Scroll is sizing up the scenery color of out of the window transformation, do not conduct the test to Consciousness Domain?” “对了,陛下,我们这是去哪?”书卷打量着窗外变换的景色道,“您不是要对意识领域进行测试么?” That can be late said again, you had not discovered that you two present appearance were too noticeable.” Roland does not return saying that „the Felice clothes on the vehicle, later replace then it will be alright, but suits your currently does not have. Therefore now priority, naturally first trades one set of luggage to you!” “那个可以晚点再说,你还没有发现么,你们两个现在的打扮实在太引人注目了。”罗兰头也不回道,“菲丽丝的衣服就在车上,待会换掉就行,但适合你的目前没有。所以当今的首要任务,自然是先给你换一套行装!”
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