RTW :: Volume #12

#1156: War of (Middle Part) Taqila

After passing over gently and swiftly position, Lightning climbed once more upper air, then...... Stopped. 掠过阵地后,闪电再次爬升到高空,然后……停了下来。 How gu?” Macy raises the head to ask. “怎么了咕?”麦茜扬起脑袋问道。 She does not have answer, but has turned around to overlook Taqila direction-- to place in the jet black nighttime sky, 200 meters are almost the limits of her vision distance, wanted to find Magic Chopper under this condition, was no different looks for a needle in a haystack. 她没有回答,而是转过身俯视塔其拉方向——身处漆黑的夜空之中,200米几乎就是她视觉距离的极限,想要在这种条件下找到斩魔者,无异于大海捞针。 But she cannot see not to relate. 但她看不见没有关系。 Lightning knows that the opposite party can see her. 闪电知道对方能看到她。 From the Taqila direction, she should happen to carry at this moment to moon, so long as Magic Chopper raised head, neglects pale blue on impossible a shadow. 塔其拉方向来看,她此刻应该正好背对着月亮,只要斩魔者抬起头,就不可能忽略月白中的一点黑影。 But it has not pursued. 但它没有追过来。 Only reason possibly is the opposite party had only realized, her speed is not it can. 唯一的理由只可能是对方已经意识到,她的速度已远不是它所能及。 It gave up the senseless attempt. 它放弃了无谓的尝试。 This game was she wins! 这一局是她赢了! Lightning took a deep breath, extends the right hand to the curtain of night, although the fingertip slightly was still shivering, but she aroused the courage to raise up the middle finger. 闪电深吸口气,向夜幕中伸出右手,尽管指尖仍在微微颤抖,但她还是鼓足勇气竖起了中指。 That is Your Majesty teaches her, to symbolize the hand signal of victory! 那是陛下教给她的、象征着胜利的手势! Then she turns around the direction, does not return to fly in her camp direction, simultaneously tells all that oneself saw to Silvie. 接着她掉转方向,头也不回地朝着自家营地方向飞去,同时将自己所看到的一切告诉给了希尔维 Neat God Punishment Stone circular cylinder...... I knew.” The latter records the approximate size, transmits to the Agatha hand. Estimates shadow shape as well as the stone pillar position according to the God stone volume, to the Pioneer Society high rank member is the basic skills, quick, the data after revision has then fed in the observation room. “规整的神罚之石圆柱体么……我知道了。”后者将大致尺寸记录下来,转交到爱葛莎手中。根据神石体积来估算黑影形状以及石柱所处位置,对探秘会高阶成员而言算是基本功,很快,修正后的数据便传回了观测室。 Although has the visual error, but always compares opens fire to be better carelessly. Silvie after Magic Eye determination position, has picked up the Artillery Battalion phone. 虽然这其中存在目视误差,但总比胡乱开火要好。希尔维利用魔力之眼判定方位后,拿起了火炮营的电话。 Passed the moment, on the stronghold artillery position erupted first thundering! 过了片刻,要塞炮阵地上爆发出了第一声轰鸣! Although escapes the chest cavity, but the flame glow flashes likely generally passes, may regarding by the plain that covers dark, is still very striking. 尽管脱膛而出的火焰像萤火一般一闪即逝,可对于被黑暗笼罩的平原来说,依然无比醒目。 Especially after many cannon joining attack, the ray that the muzzle blooms faintly has even screened the outline of position. The flame tail that sometimes the warhead carries over will also delimit together short Orbit, as if the meteor that jumps from the earth is ordinary. 特别是当更多的火炮加入攻击后,炮口绽放的光芒甚至隐隐映出了阵地的轮廓。有时候弹头带出的焰尾还会划出一道短暂的轨迹,仿佛是从大地上跃起的流星一般。 But in another head, the explosion echo sound is continuous, is in Fertile Plain in deep sleep, finally was awakened. 而在另一头,爆炸的回响声连绵不绝,处于沉睡中的沃土平原,终于被唤醒过来。 Good beautiful gu......” Macy not to wink is looking at the cannon position appear and disappear from time to time, lost muttering. “好美咕……”麦茜一眼不眨地望着时隐时现的火炮阵地,出神的喃喃道。 Lightning against the wind stood, has gotten hold of own fist. 闪电则迎风而立,握紧了自己的拳头。 -- now, only remaining last checkpoints. ——现在,只剩下最后一道关卡了。 ...... …… The Ersluk float in the midair, looks indifferently the bunch of mud columns leap-- this around its army are human until now the most threatening attack method, so long as projection falls in the army, then can claim more than ten original body lives instantaneously. And its might does not need to show through contact, even if separated by dozens meters, projection jumps the iron sheet that shoots also sufficiently to pierce the mail-armor and helmet and tearing flesh. 厄斯鲁克漂浮在半空中,冷漠地看着一团团泥柱在它的部队前后腾起——这是人类至今最具威胁的攻击手段,只要投射物落在大军之中,便能在瞬间夺走十多个原生体的性命。并且其威力不需要通过接触来展现,哪怕相隔数十米,投射物迸射出来的铁片也足以洞穿甲胄、撕裂血肉。 Even if it, has not grasped blocks a long jab. 即使是它,也没有把握挡住一次直击。 Gives in the report of Firmament Lord Monarch on, it names as " hot rain " this weapon. 在上交给苍穹之主大君的报告里,它将这种武器命名为「火雨」。 In addition, can continuously launch the crossbow bolt " hot crossbow " , may the deposition person carry " torch " ...... Human all evolutions, come from fire element at present without doubt. Compared with inheritance promotion that” Monarch thinks, it favors therefore accidental-- in the diversification of ability, witch even better, if in these several hundred years presented appropriate awakened, study that in addition human gets a light from another light for a long time, has possibly realizes the promotion of large span. 除此之外,还有能连续不断发射出弩箭的「火弩」、可供单人携带的「火枝」……人类目前所有的进化,无疑都来自于火这一元素。比起大君认为的“传承晋升”,它更倾向于是一种偶然——在能力的多样化上,女巫更胜一筹,如果这几百年里出现了一个合适的觉醒者,加上人类长期对火的钻研,也不是没可能实现大跨度的提升。 But human has stepped onto one with the path that they depart from completely, does not represent it to be at a loss. For example using rolling stone that the infliction from god original lineage/vein make, showed to resist the hot rain sufficiently the degree of hardness. Ersluk sees clearly, in several times the positive/direct long jab and fierce explosion, God stone as before maintained complete, when the throwing thrower hit stone pillar edge of match, even the direct ball will also open, a pit will not stay behind. 但就算人类走上了一条与它们完全背离的道路,也不代表它就束手无策。比如利用神罚原脉制造出来的滚石,就展现出了足以抵御火雨的硬度。厄斯鲁克清晰地看到,在数次正面直击和剧烈爆炸中,神石依旧保持完好,当对手的投掷物命中石柱边缘时,甚至还会直接弹开,连个坑都不会留下。 What true danger is these crosses stone pillar by chance, pounds " tombstone " the hot rain in group. The armor that they invulnerability collapses at the first blow in front of hot rain radically, so long as is intimate, basically is the fate of being split up. 真正危险的是那些恰巧越过石柱,砸进「墓碑」群里的火雨。它们刀枪不入的护甲在火雨面前根本不堪一击,只要挨上一下,基本就是四分五裂的下场。 Ironically, king once to this type firm incomparable, does not have the sensation of pain, not to feel that frightened Symbiote Body places the great expectations, thinks that it most valuable breakthrough that obtains from " inheritance fragment " , not only greatly strengthened the frontline replenishment ability, but also has enriched the combat method of ethnic group. Only needs 100 tombstones, can human-- also be low status insects in most clansman eyes, exterminates thoroughly. 讽刺的是,王曾对这种坚固无比,既没有痛觉、也不会感到恐惧的共生体寄予厚望,认为它是从「传承碎片」中得到的最有价值的突破,不仅大大增强了前线的补给能力,还丰富了族群的作战手段。只需要100只墓碑,就能将人类——也就是大多数族人眼中的低等虫子,彻底剿灭。 Therefore Monarch hands over the tombstone in its hand not to be many also many, just right 100. 于是大君交到它手中的墓碑不多也不少,正好100只。 Finally the fight of more than half a year hits, not only human had not been exterminated, Taqila but is actually crumbling. But the tombstone that Ersluk can also urge now, remaining cannot only arrive at 40%. 结果大半年的战斗打下来,不光人类没有被剿灭,塔其拉倒已经是摇摇欲坠。而厄斯鲁克如今还能驱使的墓碑,只剩下来不到四成。 If Vault of Heaven Lord did not trust the king in this point at that time, it also so will have too many problems to tackle now? 如果当时天穹之主不在这一点上过于信任王,它现在又怎会如此捉襟见肘? If these Symbiote Body consume on road, it can only make original body go anti-. 若是这些共生体都消耗在路上的话,它就只能让原生体去抗了。 That and bringing death do not have much difference the-- hot rain to pound in the impulse that on God Punishment Stone Pillar has is far from original body can resist, tombstone black shining stone claw have the possibility of being shaken, let alone is the mortal body? 那和送死没有多大区别——火雨砸在神罚石柱上产生的冲击力绝非原生体所能对抗,就连墓碑的黑耀石爪都有被震断的可能,更何况是肉身? But Ersluk does not care. 厄斯鲁克并不在乎。 Because these sacrifices were worth. 因为这些牺牲都是值得的。 But human...... Will pay price for their sacrifices. 而人类……会为它们的牺牲付出代价。 ...... …… 10 : 00 pm, underground headquarters. 晚十时,地下指挥部。 The fight continues to approach for three hours to the present, five minutes, Iron Axe will then hear every other depressed bombing sound that the top of the head hears, simultaneously falls, sparse dust. 战斗持续到现在已经接近三个小时,每隔五分钟,铁斧便会听到头顶传来的沉闷炮击声,同时落下的,还有稀稀疏疏的尘土。 In addition, in the position does not have any sound again, resembles Devil not to start the general attack, from beginning to end is First Army is opening fire toward the air general. 除此之外,阵地上再无任何动静,就好像魔鬼并没有发动总攻,从头到尾都是第一军在朝空气开火一般。 This and past war experience was widely divergent. 这和以往的大战经历可谓大相径庭。 In order to save the ammunition and protection gun tube, he has made Artillery Battalion lengthen the firing interval, and has aimed at behind the majority of firepower the shadow. The issue is, even if such attack has created practical killing to Devil, is unable to observe the victory through Magic Eye. 为了节省弹药、保护炮管,他已经让火炮营延长了射击间隔,并且将大部分火力对准了黑影后方。问题就在于,这样的打击哪怕对魔鬼造成了切实的杀伤,也无法通过魔眼观察到战果。 A point that at present can confirm is only the-- 152 millimeters stronghold artillery is not then able to destroy God Punishment Stone Pillar. Although intensive bombing can make shadow the traveling speed drop to lowly, but it will restore throughout, does not know that actually the spider demon how makes that big fellow roll the crater. 目前唯一能确认的一点便是——152毫米要塞炮无法摧毁神罚石柱。尽管密集的炮击能让黑影的移动速度降至最低,但它始终会恢复过来,也不知道蜘蛛魔究竟是如何让那么大一个家伙滚过弹坑的。 Damn,” Iron Axe has hammered a table fist annoyedly, „, if the daytime, these monsters radically exactly less than now!” “该死的,”铁斧恼火地锤了桌子一拳,“如果是白天的话,这些怪物根本活不到现在!” At present First Army meets is most greatly troublesome, is everyone does not know where-- cannon the shell fell on wanted the hit target, must revise the point of descent through the multiple test fire, but faced two 150 meters in width, the long approximate infinite blind spot, each fire was equal to not having the test fire of feedback. 第一军目前遇到的最大麻烦,就是谁也不知道炮弹到底落在了哪里——火炮想要命中目标,就得通过多次试射来修正落点,但面对两个宽达150余米,长近似无限的盲区,每一次射击都相当于没有回馈的试射。 According to the observation of Silvie, Magic Chopper has not penetrated camp, but has patrolled above the shadow, obviously is alerting Lightning. Although latter's speed above enemy, but the consumption of high-speed flight to magic power is enormous, alternates two suddenly also good, must pace back and forth while above the shadow, gets rid of Magic Chopper throughout provides the point of descent position, the risk was too high. 根据希尔维的观察,斩魔者并没有突入营地,而是一直游弋在黑影上方,显然是在戒备闪电。后者的速度虽在敌人之上,不过高速飞行对魔力的消耗极大,冷不防穿插两下还行,要始终徘徊在黑影之上、摆脱斩魔者的同时提供落点方位,危险性实在太高了点。 Cannot obtain the feedback, means that is unable to supplement attack. 得不到回馈,意味着无法追加打击。 Then, eliminated the effective strength of enemy through the crowded firepower fast, became is hard to realize. 如此一来,通过密集的火力快速消灭敌人的有生力量,也变得难以实现了。 situation at this moment is just like to gambling, he may fall in torrents all shells to the shadow in greatly, making it completely stop going forward, but enemy, so long as withdrew the spider demon, First Army was equal to that was wasting the ammunition. 此刻的情况就好比对赌,他大可将所有炮弹倾泻至黑影内,令其完全停止前进,但敌人只要将蜘蛛魔后撤,第一军就等于在浪费弹药。 Moreover two wing many wild demon outside shadow are also ready to make trouble, as to form about the potentials of package of clamping. If aims at them cannon, pours to know the victory immediately, but these Devil distributed very sparse, copes with them to make people think that specially somewhat was a pity. 另外黑影之外的两翼也有不少狂魔在蠢蠢欲动,似乎是想形成左右包夹之势。如果把火炮对准它们,倒能立刻知晓战果,可这些魔鬼分布的十分稀疏,专门对付它们又让人觉得有些可惜。 Therefore the enemy will select in the evening launches the attack.” The Edith calm say/way, this is the gratifying result...... Without the Silvie words, perhaps let alone the shadow blind spot, which our enemy in did not know. Also, Devil was in a side that came under attack throughout, it not anxious, you why cared.” “所以敌人才会挑在晚上发起进攻啊。”伊蒂丝心平气和道,“这已经是令人欣慰的结果了……没有希尔维的话,别说黑影盲区了,我们连敌人在哪恐怕都不知道呢。再说,魔鬼始终处于挨打的一方,它都没急,您又何必在意。” I do not want to waste the ammunition that saves with great difficulty.” Iron Axe knits the brows to say. “我只是不想浪费好不容易积攒出来的弹药而已。”铁斧皱眉道。 Relax, their impossible has pushed that thing, this point I think that the opposite party is also clear, approaches to the firing distance of mortar in probably, they will launch the general attack.” Pearl of the Northern Lands raises the corners of the mouth slightly, was a pity that Devil does not know, the dark night is only temporary, waits for them to enter the range of flare, is divides the victory and defeat the time.” “放心,它们不可能将那玩意一直推下去,这一点我想对方也清楚,大概逼近到迫击炮的射程内,它们就会发起总攻。”北地珍珠微微扬起嘴角,“可惜魔鬼并不知道,黑夜只是暂时的,等它们进入照明弹的范围,便是分胜负的时候。”
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