RTW :: Volume #12

#1137: The enemy of sent into exile high rank

Fertile Plain, tower No. 9 station front. 沃土平原,塔九号站点前沿。 Goal northeast six degrees four points, the distance 6500, a region side, the application bombs to cover.” “目标东北六度四分,距离6500,区域一方,申请炮击覆盖。” Silvie lies in Macy carries on the back, overlooks in the earth-- ground of front not far away many sod are having have thrown off the trace, the soil that scatters is very fresh, probably also on the matter that within the recent 2-3 days have. 希尔维趴在麦茜背上,俯视着前方不远处的大地——地面上不少草皮有被掀翻过的痕迹,散落的泥土还十分新鲜,大概也就最近两三天之内发生的事情。 Rephrased in own words.” That side Listening Sigil has transmitted Shavi brief answer quickly, „after five minutes, starts to bomb.” End she had supplemented, please note the security.” “已转述。”聆听符印那边很快传来了纱薇简短的回答,“五分钟后开始炮击。”末了她又补充了一句,“请注意安全。” Silvie cannot help but looks to the Taquila direction, now in this altitude, has been able to catch the Holy City ruins with the naked eye the position. Although more than 50 kilometers, seem the nail are smaller, but actually gives her a near at hand feeling. The outline and woods that the city collapses mix in together, just like a forgotten miniature sculpture. 希尔维不由自主地望向塔奇拉方向,如今在这个高度上,已能用肉眼捕捉到圣城废墟的位置。尽管还有50多公里,看上去比指甲还小,但却给她一种近在咫尺的感觉。城市坍塌的轮廓与树林混合在一起,宛如一座被遗忘的微型雕塑。 Although that has gone beyond the Magic Eye observation range, but she can still feel one to sparkle the shining red star to glitter. So long as it does not move, means that they still temporarily were in the safe region. 虽说那已经超出了魔力之眼的观察范围,不过她依然能感受到一颗闪闪发亮的红星正在闪烁。只要它不移动,就意味着她们仍暂时处于安全的境地。 Yeah, I know.” ,我知道。” She receives good Sigil, has patted the Macy broad back, we fly again high.” 她收好符印,拍了拍麦茜广阔的背脊,“我们再飞高一点。” Ah! “嗷! Macy of Dread Beast cried loud and long, opened a about ten meters great wing to ride the wind, but-- her build had almost two ordinary Dread Beast sizes now, might be called the jumbo in Dread Beast, had the Kabladabi control on the continued proportion that only changes strange species has no time to let. However turns into the pigeon the association to her is still the jumbo in pigeon, Silvie then thought that felt relaxed. 恐兽化的麦茜长啸一声,张开近十米的巨翼乘风而起——如今她的体型差不多已有两只普通恐兽大小,堪称恐兽中的巨无霸,就连比起卡布拉达比驾驭的那只变异种来说都不遑多让。不过联想到她变成鸽子依然是鸽子中的巨无霸,希尔维便觉得释然了。 After climbing approximately hundred meters, has heard the depressed thunderous sound faintly. 爬升约百米后,身后隐隐传来了沉闷的雷鸣声。 Then her front earth suddenly leapt the number sense organs and senses column, the pillar surroundings has been able to see the ripple that swung obviously, its everywhere one visit bits of grass flew horizontally, just like turned into the clear water surface the solid land. Regardless of appreciates many, such scene is pleasant. 接着她前方的大地突然腾起了数根尘柱,柱子周围能明显看到荡开的波纹,其所到之处草屑横飞,宛若把坚实的土地化成了粼粼的水面。无论欣赏多少遍,这样的场景都赏心悦目。 Then is second round and third round thunderous...... 接着是第二轮、第三轮雷鸣…… Has been able to shoot in the region that she labels after artillery adjustment Artillery Battalion the shell accurate--, because from the sky is hard to determine the area of attack region specifically, therefore usually replaces with the sketchy estimate value, but a side is equal to the size of Neverwinter City fort area, approximately 16400 square meters, is one of the she most familiar places. 经过校射的火炮营已能将炮弹精准地射进她所标注的区域中——因为在空中难以具体测定打击区域的面积,所以通常用粗略估值来代替,而一方相当于无冬城堡区的大小,约16400平方米,也是她最为熟悉的地方之一。 Under coverage of fire, Silvie then saw in a while along with stump residual limb that the dust column departs. 在炮火的覆盖下,希尔维没过多久便看到了伴随着尘柱飞出的残肢。 A 152 millimeters high explosive shell makes one a depth about one meter crater sufficiently, but the Devil ambush depth over 50 centimeters, this will not be on land that was corroded by red mist. If the ordinary ground, most also just covered excessively, if were fallen by the shell on by chance to the end, then a complete corpse will not stay behind. 一枚152毫米榴弹足以制造一个深达一米左右的弹坑,而魔鬼的潜伏深度不会超过50公分,这还是在被红雾腐蚀的土地上。如果是普通地面,最多也就刚刚盖过头,若恰巧被炮弹落到头上,那么连一具完整的尸体都不会留下。 Naturally, does not want the high explosive shell precise hit to kill Devil, the seismic wave that bloom is the genuine killer, especially regarding burying underground goal. With the body of soil close fitting means the impact that any cushion, the explosion center in 20 meters has not been under will be fatal. 当然,并不是非要榴弹精确命中才能杀死魔鬼,那一圈圈绽放开的震波才是真正的杀手,特别是对于埋在地下的目标而言。与泥土紧密贴合的躯体意味着没有任何缓冲,爆心20米内受到的冲击都将是致命的。 This not tasteful enemy concrete position of, but at a fighting method the entire region bang, Your Majesty calls to wash right in the face. 这种不讲究敌人具体的位置在哪,而是劈头盖脸将整个区域都轰上一遍的打法,陛下称之为洗地。 After five rounds bombing, Devil that hundred ambush crawls from the soil, starts to run away backward. 五轮炮击过后,百来只埋伏的魔鬼从泥土中爬出,开始向后逃窜。 Enemy came, the determination is wild demon, please fire along the original angle progressive.” The Silvie report said. “敌人已现身,确定为狂魔,请沿原角度递进射击。”希尔维汇报道。 Receives.” “收到。” Suddenly, she feels anything likely, looked up to Taquila, that red asterism suddenly bright eye, and fast flew toward the position. 忽然间,她像是感受到了什么,抬头向塔奇拉望去,那颗红色的星芒陡然亮眼了许多,并快速朝着阵地飞来。 She pulls out another Listening Sigil immediately, Lightning, comes back quickly! Magic Chopper moved!” 她立刻掏出另一枚聆听符印,“闪电,快回来!斩魔者行动了!” Macy also transfers the direction, evacuates this air zone rapidly. 麦茜也同时调转方向,迅速撤离此片空域。 After half quarter, three people returned to the First Army anti-aircraft guard ring, Magic Chopper also entered the Magic Eye orthoptic range. Silvie saw that resembled the human blue skin Devil to circle two in the bombing zone, afterward coldly was staring at the airborne three people, in the facial expression full kills intent. 半刻钟后,三人都回到了第一军的防空保护圈内,斩魔者也进入了魔眼的直视范围。希尔维看到那名酷似人类的蓝皮魔鬼在炮击区域上空盘旋了两圈,随后冷冷盯着空中的三人,神情里满是杀意。 But in this process, Artillery Battalion does not have the end of mission throughout. 而在这一过程中,火炮营始终没有停止射击。 Although it is angry, is helpless, Silvie realized. Even if formidable Magic Chopper, the shell that is unable to prevent to come hunts and kills its similar. 它虽然愤怒,却无能为力,希尔维意识到。即使是强大的斩魔者,也无法阻止呼啸而至的炮弹猎杀它的同类。 Finally it can only throw down wild demon that flees in all directions, turns around to return. 最终它只能丢下四处奔逃的狂魔,转身归去。 Silvie felt pressure relief immediately. 希尔维顿时感到压力减轻了许多。 It walked, did we investigate again in the past?” Macy shouts. “它走了嗷,我们再过去侦查一圈吧?”麦茜嚷道。 She looked one side has gotten hold of Lightning one of the fist, finally shook the head, today arrived here, I also need to retain some magic power for the evening. Moreover the surrounding 56 kilometers scopes have swept, enough assured the engineer brigade recent several days security.” 她看了一旁握紧拳头的闪电一眼,最后还是摇了摇头,“今天就到这里吧,我还需要为晚上保留些魔力。而且周围56公里的范围都扫过了一遍,足够保证工程队近几天的安全了。” ...... …… Returns to No. 9 station buried control center, Silvie to spread the region that green-- that today has swept clear land on map. 回到九号站点的地下指挥所,希尔维将地图上的一块土地涂成了绿色——那正是今天清扫出来的区域。 But like the green, almost encircled completely rail line. 而像这样的绿色,几乎围满了铁路沿线。 Was laborious,” Morning Light holds one cup of black tea to walk up, looked like the exile plan of Lady Edith is effective.” “辛苦了,”拂晓晨光捧着一杯红茶走上前来,“看来伊蒂丝大人的放逐计划奏效了呢。” Silvie received the tea to say with a smile, Yeah, currently speaking truly so.” 希尔维接过茶水笑道,“,目前来看确实如此。” It is not first time experiences like the bitter experience. 像这样的遭遇已不是第一次经历了。 In fact since approaches to Taquila 100 kilometers, before her , when reconnoiters danger level then to increase dramatically-- uses the Magic Eye penetration soil layer observation causing to be hard to pay attention to the airborne enemy intelligence, but in this distance, Devil has been able to achieve is carrying the situation next for a long time stay of gas storage holder airborne. 实际上自从逼近到塔奇拉100公里后,她的前出侦察危险程度便大幅增加——使用魔眼穿透土层观察时会导致难以注意空中的敌情,而在该距离内,魔鬼已能做到在多携带气罐的情况下长期逗留空中。 Therefore the Adviser Department pointed formulation " exile plan " , will reconnoiter the region division is several, 0-2 kilometers are the absolute safe areas, in this range each corner had taken a fast look around by Magic Eye, later also frequently is under the security of station, is unlikely to present sneak attacked situation. In this distance, the anti-aircraft teams and groups can leave the trench, provides a broader guard ring. 因此参谋部针对性的制定出了「放逐计划」,将侦察区域分划为数层,0-2公里为绝对安全区,这个范围内每一个角落都被魔眼扫视过,之后也时刻处于站点的警戒下,不大可能出现被偷袭的情况。在这个距离内,防空班组可以离开战壕,提供更广阔的保护圈。 2-10 kilometers are the distinctive areas, this region all in stronghold artillery attack distance, is Silvie and Macy major activity air zone. Carries on the cleaning then to think relative security from now on, and labels on the map with the green. 2-10公里为甄别区,该区域皆在要塞炮打击距离内,也是希尔维麦茜的主要活动空域。进行清扫过后即可认为相对安全,并用绿色在地图上标注出来。 10-50 kilometers are the warning areas, only then a Lightning person reconnoiters in this, the goal is to discover these hides the enemy in cloud layer and forewarns ahead of time, is equal to is Macy struggles with the time that Silvie takes to retreat. Also only then Lightning is capable of achieving in this distance gets rid of the pursuit of enemy instantaneously, even if the opposite party is Magic Chopper, possibly has not caught up enters the speed of sound witch. 10-50公里则是危险区,只有闪电一人在此侦察,目的是找出那些藏匿于云层中的敌人并提前预警,相当于为麦茜争和希尔维取撤退的时间。也只有闪电有能力做到在这个距离内瞬间摆脱敌人的追击,哪怕对方是斩魔者,亦没可能赶上进入音速的女巫 Facts showed, the exile plan is quite effective, when the reconnaissance party can definitely decide to attack, but the enemy can only obstruct passively. Does not have the ground army words that coordinates to attack, depends on Dread Beast is very difficult to the frame to cause the destruction in the armored train of forefront only. 事实证明,放逐计划颇为有效,侦察组完全可以决定何时出击,而敌人只能被动阻截。没有地面军队配合进攻的话,单靠恐兽又很难对架在最前线的装甲列车造成破坏。 Turns into the safe area the distinctive area step by step, draws out Nail that Devil supposes, simultaneously most threatening Magic Chopper will send into exile outside the battlefield, making it have a strength spatially, cannot hold tail of patrol, this is the core conception of plan. If can make the opposite party lose the reason, to/clashes the positive/direct defense line hardly, that is the good result. 把甄别区一步步变成安全区,拔出魔鬼设下的钉子,同时将最具威胁的斩魔者放逐于战场之外,让其空有一身力量,却抓不住侦察队的尾巴,这便是计划的核心构想。如果能令对方失去理智,硬冲正面防线,那更是再好不过的结果。 The only regret is, Magic Chopper has not revealed the sign of out-of-control. 唯一的遗憾是,斩魔者至今都没有显露出失控的迹象。 Was right,” Silvie observes the situation, Miss Pearl of the Northern Lands...... Her person?” “对了,”希尔维环视一圈,“北地珍珠小姐……她人呢?” Received the Your Majesty's order, travelled by The Seagull to return to Neverwinter City with Iron Axe,” Ferlin returned to say with a smile, I thought should also to that time.” “收到了陛下的命令,和铁斧一起搭乘海鸥号返回无冬城了,”菲林笑着回道,“我想应该也到了那个时候。” For final pre-war conference that discussion decisive battle plan holds! 为讨论决战方案而召开的最终战前会议!
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