RTW :: Volume #12

#1136: Day sea

Likely was for a long time, short flickered likely. 像是过了许久,又像是短短一瞬。 Hainan saw that own body lengthens toward the jet black seabed infinitely, appears until a white luminous spot in the field of vision end, then the luminous spot changes to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray, her covers-- moments later, that as if not own body touch returned to the consciousness, the underwater/splashing sound of thundering comes, has almost shocked her ear, the deep sea tranquil was hit in an instant crushes. 琼看到自己的身体向着漆黑海底无限延长,直到一个白色光点出现在视野尽头,接着光点化作万丈光芒,将她笼罩其中——下一刻,那仿佛不属于自己的身体触感又回到了意识中,轰鸣的水声汹涌而来,几乎震破了她的耳朵,深海的宁静刹那间被打得粉碎。 She felt that she looked like was involved in an vortex...... However overruled this idea quickly, the vortex will only revolve the center to revolve, but here, was flooding the sudden water current in all directions, was their mutual hits, will erupt the so intense sound. 她感到自己像被卷入了一个漩涡之中……不过很快又否决了这个想法,漩涡只会围绕中心旋转,但在这里,四面八方都充斥着急剧的水流,正是它们的相互撞击,才会爆发出如此强烈的声响。 Even if the fine jade, is unable under this such situation to stand firm the figure, all lost the control. She is similar to feather of a piece of float in storm ocean waves, can only , whatever these fluent packages clamp left rush right to hit. 即使是琼,也无法这这样的情况下稳住身形,一切都失去了控制。她就如同一片漂浮在暴风海浪中的羽毛,只能任由这些水流包夹着左冲右撞。 Here? 这里是哪儿? Although cannot feel the brains completely, she also knows that here is not the sea deep place, the scale cannot feel too many pressures, the water depth are not most over hundred meters, this means that she can surface quickly. Moreover, no matter how the fine jade in shouts at heart, is unable to get the response of Camila again. 虽然完全摸不着头脑,她也知道此处已不是大海深处,鳞片感受不到太多压力,水深最多不超过百米,这意味着她很快就能浮出水面。另外,不管琼在心里如何呼喊,都无法再得到卡密拉的回应。 This enables her to break out of the current difficult position urgently, even if involuntary, at least must float to look. 这使得她迫切地想要摆脱目前的困境,就算身不由己,至少也得浮上去看一看。 Is good is easier than the change direction because of the change ups and downs. 好在改变沉浮远比改变方向要容易。 She begins strongly supinely, in the turbulent current of little in rushing welling up rises, is leaping the water leakage that moment, the fine jade opened the eye at a loss. 她竭力仰起头,一点点在奔涌的激流中上升,就在跃出水的那一刻,琼茫然的睁大了眼睛。 The Hidden Shadow archipelago vanish without a trace. 幽影群岛消失得无影无踪。 All around and top of the head are the rocks. 四周和头顶都是岩石。 Should be broad boundless sea turned into one several hundred meters canal, sea water in the fast-flow, bang makes noise. But above the water surface is blowing the strong winds, almost blows makes the person unable to open the eye, the seabed wind sound/rumor that its sound of howling and hears before this overlaps in the same place. 本应该是宽阔无际的大海变成了一条数百米长的“水道”,海水在其中快速流动,轰隆作响。而水面之上刮着狂风,吹得几乎让人睁不开眼睛,其呼啸的声音则和此前听到的海底风声重叠在一起。 She has will turned the head, actually saw that behind suddenly welcomed luminous. The water current rushes to be first flushes away toward the illumination place, just like found outlet to be ordinary. 她堪堪转过头去,却看到身后忽然迎来了一片光亮。水流争先恐后的朝发光处冲去,犹如找到了宣泄口一般。 ...... Can the experience come one time again? 难道……刚才的经历又要重来一次吗? Thinks without enough time, the fine jade was advanced that piece of luminous-- by the irresistible sea water 来不及多想,琼已经被势不可挡的海水推进了那片光亮—— The bellow is suddenly peaceful, as if one left her more remote. That instantaneous, she thought that she flew, the body becomes light, does not have true feelings. However is quick she then to realize, oneself truly is in the space! 轰鸣声陡然安静下来,仿佛一下离她遥远了许多。有那么瞬间,她觉得自己飞了起来,身体变得轻飘飘的,毫无一丝实感。然而很快她便意识到,自己确实正在天上! The under foot is deep blue sea that she is familiar with, but the great distance distance has about the kilometer fully! All around rock substituted for by the sky, the ray that she sees, came from hanging Sun in cloud layer, but carries under the arm her to run out of the grotto sea water, turned into a broad waterfall. 脚下是她熟悉的蔚蓝大海,只不过相隔距离足有千米开外!四周的岩石则被天空所取代,她看到的光芒,来自于高悬于云层上的太阳,而挟带她冲出岩洞的海水,已变成了一道宽广的瀑布。 But...... She is not only not Macy, is not Lightning, will not fly! 可是……她既不是麦茜,又不是闪电,根本不会飞啊! In the mind just emerged this thought that the body then suddenly crashes. 脑海中刚浮出这个念头,身子便骤然坠落下去。 a-------- a-------- a-------- “吖———————————————————————— Plop!” “扑通!” The upper air that after experiencing a soul has frightened quickly crashes, fine jade has fallen into. 在经历了一段魂快都吓掉的高空坠落后,琼一头掉进了海里。 If there is not looked at similar scene in magic movie, only feared oneself must scare to death here a! She swims the water surface, released a long breath. 如果不是在魔影里看过类似的场景,只怕自己就要吓死在这里了吖!她重新游出水面,长出了一口气 Right, in the deep sea, why will be rushed to the space by the water obviously suddenly? 对了,之前明明是在深海中,为什么会突然被水冲到天上? Thinks of here, fine jade raised head looks upwardly, is afterward in-situ. 想到这里,琼抬起头向上望去,随后愣在原地。 Oh, what is that? 天哪,那是什么? She almost cannot believe oneself eye. 她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Sees only huge incomparable Rock float in the midair, down to big of its volume is unable to see the complete picture. Blanketing that it throws down most sea level, just like covering the dark clouds of sky. Even some cloud layers still under it, this make people easy to produce an misconception-- that are not an isolated huge monster, but is some mountain peak peak. 只见一块巨大无比的磐石悬浮在半空中,其体积之大以至根本无法看到全貌。它投下的阴影遮蔽了大半个海面,宛如覆盖天空的阴云。甚至有些云层还在它之下,这使得人容易产生一种错觉——那并不是一个孤立的庞然巨物,而是某座山峰的顶端。 However even if Impassable Mountain Range, puts in front of it also no longer grand...... Hainan has estimated under its dike thickness, little said that also has over a hundred meters, is simply ordinary with the large-scale islands. 不过即使是绝境山脉,放到它面前也不再雄伟……琼估算了下其岩壁厚度,少说也有上百米,简直跟大型岛屿一般。 On that vigorous dike, is splitting many slits, the short several hundred meters, are long several kilometers, they are falling in torrents outward the sea water, has formed the connection day sea two waterfalls. The so massive water current poured into, making in the sea level surge monstrous waves. 就在那浑厚的岩壁上,裂开着许多缝隙,短的数百米,长得则有好几公里,它们向外倾泄着海水,形成了连接天海两界的瀑布。如此大量的水流注入,使得海面上激荡起了一波波巨浪。 Even if Sir Thunder, hasn't seen the marvelous sight that so has shocked? 就算是雷霆大人,也没有见过如此震撼的奇景吧? Although does not know oneself place where, but a little fine jade can affirm that is this place inevitably is extremely far from the fjord and Greycastle, otherwise such big thing floats in the space, early should be discovered is. 尽管不知道自己身处何处,但有一点琼可以肯定,那就是此地必然离峡湾和灰堡极远,不然这么大一个东西浮在天上,老早就应该被发现了才是。 I...... Also can go back? 我……还能回去吗? In the great waves of jolting, Hainan shrinks in half head the backwater, rumble has put out one string of air bubbles. 在颠簸的浪涛中,琼将半个脑袋缩回水中,咕噜噜吐出了一串气泡。 Plop!” “扑通!” At this moment, she heard not far away to hear falling underwater/splashing sound, had any thing to fall from above likely. 就在这时,她听到不远处传来了一个坠水声,像是又有什么东西从上面掉下来了。 Also has other to be involved in meeting misfortune unfortunately? 难道还有其他不幸被卷入其中的落难者? Hainan had supposed under is away from, jumps to submerge in the water, swims away in that direction. 琼估摸了下距离,纵身潜入水中,朝着那个方向游去。 After swimming approximately half quarter, she saw clearly thing of falling in the water complete-- that finally unexpectedly is shape strange ships, the sizes and three mast sea boats quite, the lower half seemed the mixture of fish and cuttlefish, the upper half was the curving rib constitutions frames, was wrapping the flesh of taking the form of internal organs, at first sight had quite seems like eaten 50% animal bodies, making her feel disgusting. 游了约半刻钟后,她总算看清了落水之物的全貌——那竟是一只形状古怪的船只,大小和三桅海船相当,下半部分似乎是鱼身和乌贼的混合体,上半部分则是一根根弯曲肋骨构成的框架,其中包裹着形似内脏的血肉,乍看起来有颇像被吃掉一半的动物身躯,令她不禁感到一阵恶心。 But that is not any dying thing, shortly after falls in the water, it then opens four ventral fins, paddles in the direction of ocean waves proliferation. Hainan looks following its back, cannot help but is surprised! 但那绝不是什么死物,落水后不久,它便撑开四只腹鳍,朝着海浪扩散的方向划动起来。琼循着它的背影望去,不由得大吃一惊! In a farther place, unexpectedly also hundred and thousand of such monsters, their entire simultaneously row of round number line, half hidden half in ocean waves presently, its stance just like is similar to a huge fleet. 在更远一些的地方,居然还有成百上千个这样的怪物,它们整整齐齐排成数行,在海浪中半隐半现,其架势俨然如同一支庞大的舰队。 After that when falls in the water newly only converges lines up in formation, the fleet slowly turns toward the east side to drive, completely vanishes until them in the horizon end, the fine jade relaxed. 等到新落水的那只汇入列队后,舰队缓缓向着东边驶去,直到它们完全消失在天际线尽头,琼才松了口气。 What to do then should? Since monster sea boat from top of the head floats air ground to fall, this nearby also will perhaps have other strange enemies to exist. 接下来该怎么办?既然怪物海船是从头顶上的浮空陆地落下来的,这附近说不定还会有其他诡异的敌人存在。 Although has never seen such monster, but the intuition told her, absolutely do not approach the opposite party easily! Since awakens is witch, similar intuition never has made a mistake. 虽然从未见过这样的怪物,但直觉告诉她,绝对不要轻易靠近对方!而自打觉醒为女巫后,类似的直觉就从未出错过。 " Do not show off power, your friend is still waiting for you to go back. " 「不要逞强,你的朋友还在等着你回去呢。」 In the mind of Hainan has flashed through Ms. Camila words. 琼的脑海中闪过了卡密拉女士的话。 Then Lightning, Macy and Logia elder sister's voice and face smiling face one by one appears at present. 接着闪电麦茜洛嘉姐的音容笑貌一一浮现于眼前。 She wants to go back. 她想回去。 In the life never has so intense idea-- she to return to Neverwinter, returning to that to treat a winter merely, has actually known the places of many partners. 一生中从未有过如此强烈的想法——她想回到无冬,回到那个仅仅待了一个冬天,却结识了许多伙伴的地方。 She wants to return to side everybody! 她想回到大家身边! a!” Hainan encouraged to oneself likely called one generally, after distinguishing clearly the direction, swam away toward the west side. “吖!”琼像是给自己鼓劲一般的叫了一声,辨明方向后朝着西边游去。 No matter sea broad, has the boundary after all. 不管大海有多宽广,总归存在边界。 Moreover Lightning has added that the world that they occupy is the sphere, so long as non-stop the roaming getting down in a direction, she certainly can see the Exploration Club friends again! 而且闪电还说过,她们居住的世界是球形的,只要向着一个方向不停游下去,她就一定能再见到探险团的朋友们! Certain! 一定! ...... …… Fleet must result in started,” Thunder looks to bending down Camila Daryl near railing, „the Hidden Shadow archipelago are not this line of end points, each stops over here for day, we will consume many fresh water, now is third day, this way, team out-of-control.” “船队必须得启程了,”雷霆望向俯在围栏边的卡密拉.戴瑞,“幽影群岛并不是此行的终点,每在这里逗留一天,我们都会消耗不少淡水,如今已是第三天,再这样下去,队伍会失去控制的。” But......” latter's facial color somewhat is obviously thin and pale, fine jade has not come back.” “可是……”后者的面色明显有些憔悴,“琼还没回来。” This is not your mistake.” Thunder has patted her shoulder, „, let alone continues to get down not to have any improves-- still to remember you have spoken words? The mind connects is interrupted to have two possibilities \; first, the connecting object died \; second, the distance great distance is too far. If you are not willing to believe the first result, then should not stay in this.” “这并不是你的错。”雷霆拍了拍她的肩膀,“何况继续等下去也不会有任何改善——还记得你自己说过的话吗?心灵连接被中断只有两种可能,一是连接对象死亡,二是距离相隔太远。如果你不愿相信第一种结果,那么更不应该在此停留。” You said...... Goes to " Sea Line " east to look for her?” “你是说……去「海线」以东找她吗?” To be honest, the possibility is minimal, but always compares here is waiting being better.” The Thunder patient say/way, do not forget the fine jade is not an average person, after a common sailor falls in the water, nobody will aid will indeed die, but the fine jade cannot-- she once live in the sea for more than ten years, can go on living without our her.” “老实说,可能性微乎其微,但总比在这儿干等着要好。”雷霆耐心道,“别忘了琼并不是普通人,一名寻常水手落水后无人接应的确会死,但琼不会——她曾在大海里生活了十多年,没有我们她也能活下去。” I...... Understood,” Camila bites the lip, that my you go to " Sea Line " together-- “我……明白了,”卡密拉咬咬嘴唇,“那我你们一起去「海线—— „It is not good,” Thunder has interrupted her words, „in your state of mind was unable to deal to receive the exploration. Moreover I have complied with Your Majesty Roland, no matter how the result, inquired about that the Hidden Shadow archipelago immediately make you return to Neverwinter, resisted the Devil war still to need your ability. Moreover, only then Your Majesty might know Dow Jones to meet anything under the seabed, your information to closing important.” His paused, is looking at the opposite party serious say/way, we have our responsibility, completes the job is the mature procedure.” “不行,”雷霆打断了她的话,“你的精神状态已无法应对接下里的探险。而且我答应过罗兰陛下,不管结果如何,探寻完幽影群岛就立刻让你返回无冬,对抗魔鬼战争仍需要你的能力。另外,也只有陛下才有可能知道琼到底在海底下遇到了什么,你的情报至关重要。”他顿了顿,望着对方郑重道,“我们都有自己的责任,完成份内之事才是成熟的做法。” Camila has closed the eye sadly. 卡密拉难过的闭上了眼。 After two hours, H.M.S. Snow Wind has sounded whistle, already prepared the good fleet to hoist the sails to set sail, sails to a farther Eastern sea area. But a ship has been separated from the brigade, turns around toward turning back the direction goes. 两个小时后,雪风号拉响了汽笛,早已准备好的船队扬帆起航,驶向更远的东方海域。而其中一艘船则脱离了大队,掉头朝着折返方向而去。 Both are increasingly estranged, vanishes in each other field of vision quickly. 两者渐行渐远,很快消失在彼此的视野中。
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